Geoffrey Tabin

Geoffrey Tabin

The Cataract Blindness Challenge
Innovations Case Discussion: Aravind Eye Care System

The first Champilimaud Award for the “contribution to vision in the developing
世界,” accompanied by a prize of Euro 1 百万, was given in 2007 to the Aravind
Eye Hospitals in Tamil Nadu, 印度. They could not have made a better choice.
Aravind Eye Hospitals are the highest volume cataract surgery facility in the world.
Their five hospitals examined over 2.3 million people and performed over 270,000
surgeries in 2006. Aravind is not only the highest volume cataract surgery system
in the world but also a trendsetter that has lifted the quality of cataract surgery in
India and set a new paradigm for delivering high volume, high-quality surgery to
the poor in a self sustaining manner. The founding genius was a spiritual guru for
all who now work in international eye care.

博士. Govindappa Venkataswamy, affectionately known by family and friends as
“Dr. V,” passed away at age 87 in July 2006. He was born in 1918 in a poor farming
village. There was no school in his village. After tending the water buffalo in the
mornings, he would walk more than three miles to school every day. When a
school finally came to his community, there were no writing materials and the stu-
dents learned to write with sticks in the sand on the floor of their thatched roofed
schoolroom. Despite these obstacles, the brilliant young Venkataswamy earned a
scholarship to Stanley Medical College in Madras. Because of three cousins who
died during childbirth, he chose to specialize in obstetrics.

In his final year of training Dr. V was stricken with a severe form of rheuma-
toid arthritis. The young Venkataswamy was hospitalized for nearly two years.
Agonized by constant, severe, physical pain he watched helplessly as his fingers
twisted and deformed to the point where he knew he would be unable to work as
an obstetrician, delivering babies. He sought spiritual solace through the philoso-

Geoff Tabin is Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the University of
Utah and the John A. Moran Eye Center in Salt Lake City, 犹他州. 博士. Tabin is Co-
Founder and Co-Director of the Himalayan Cataract Project, which strives to eradi-
cate preventable and curable blindness in the Himalaya through high quality oph-
thalmic care, 教育, and establishment of a world-class eye care infrastructure. 他
was the fourth person to climb the “7 Summits,” the highest point of all seven conti-
尼特; and has pioneered difficult technical rock, 冰, and mountaineering routes on all
seven continents including the East Face of Mt. Everest. 博士. Tabin is a graduate of Yale
大学, 牛津大学 (on a Marshall Scholarship) and Harvard Medical School.

© 2007 Geoffrey C. 塔宾
创新 / fall 2007


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Geoffrey Tabin

pher Sri Aurobindo at his ashram in Pondicherry. His meditation led him to a new
方向, a quest to “not aspire to some heaven, but to make every day life divine.”
He found his new purpose in ophthalmology. He taught himself new techniques
to perform delicate eye surgery and designed special instruments to fit and work
with his crippled hands. After completing his ophthalmology residency, 他进入了
government service.

在 1976, at age 57, 博士. V was forced to retire from his job as a government serv-
ice ophthalmologist. Two years earlier, he had visited America and dined at a
McDonalds. He became obsessed with how McDonalds was able to deliver millions
of hamburgers with the same excellent quality, quickly and efficiently, to every cus-
tomer. He decided that he should be able to deliver a consistent product of excel-
lent cataract surgery, quickly and efficiently, to all the poor blind people in need in
印度. Thin and wiry, barely five feet six inches tall, with graying hair and his frail
body obviously twisted by arthritis, 博士. V still radiated a quiet, gentle confidence
that rallied the talents of family members and colleagues. Less than a year out of
retirement he opened the first Aravind hospital, named for Auribindo, a twelve-
bed eye hospital in his brother’s home in Madurai. He set about to bring
McDonalds efficiency and consistency to cataract surgery delivery. The history of
the Aravind System is well chronicled in the accompanying article. One of the keys
to their success was delivering a reliable product. 博士. V developed an assembly line
method of serving up sight restoring cataract surgery.

Eye care is one of the greatest public health challenges for the twenty-first cen-
图里. Fifty million people in our world suffer in needless darkness. The vast major-
ity will remain blind until they die. Ninety percent of this blindness could have
been easily prevented or treated. Half are from treatable cataracts where inexpen-
sive surgery can restore perfect sight. Several studies have shown that sight restora-
tion with cataract surgery is among the most cost-effective interventions in health
关心. Preventing visual loss from other major blinding diseases—trachoma,
onchocerciasis, and vitamin A deficiency—ranks with childhood vaccinations as
among the most efficacious prophylactic treatments. Although the numbers are
令人畏惧的, eliminating blindness from our world is a realistic goal. The World
Health Association and International Association to Prevent Blindness have set a
goal for overcoming needless sight loss by the year 2020.

Despite advances in other areas, the number of people blinded by cataracts
continues to increase. The number of cataract surgeries performed on people with
mild visual impairment is increasing every year. 然而, the number of people
rendered completely blind continues to grow. If we continue to operate at our cur-
rent rate, with increasing life expectancy, the number of people blinded by
cataracts will double by 2020.
Advances in health care technology over the past century have led to marked
improvements in the treatment of many conditions. Ophthalmology, 尤其,
has seen fantastic advancements that have led to improved outcomes for a wide
variety of maladies. From laser treatment of retinal disease, to ultrasonic microin-
cisional cataract surgery, the quality of modern eye care has increased dramatical-


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The Cataract Blindness Challenge

ly each year. 然而, these new technologies have also led to a steady rise in health
care costs. In the developed world cataract surgery in particular has become ever
more sophisticated and refined and ever more expensive. With increased public
awareness that most people see well, and resume full activity soon after modern,
state-of-the-art cataract surgery, patients in the Western world now come for
cataract surgery as soon as they experience mild blurring. Ultrasonic phacoemul-
sification cataract removal with the placement of a posterior chamber intraocular
lens implant has become the most frequent operative procedure performed in
America with an annual cost to Medicare of 3.5 十亿美元.

The main thrust of research in cataract surgery has been on creating incremen-
tally better outcomes through ever more sophisticated and expensive techniques.
As the technology continues to improve, the costs continue to rise. 许多
best doctors in the developing world want to emulate the methods performed by
their colleagues in the West. The middle and upper classes of even the least devel-
oped nations demand, and are willing to pay for, what they perceive to be the lat-
est and greatest surgical methods. Meanwhile the barriers to cataract care for the
majority of the world’s poor are becoming ever more daunting

Despite the incredible success and improvements in cataract management in
the developed world, most people who are blind from treatable cataracts are being
left behind and will die before they ever see a doctor. 而且, if we apply the
same standards for when a patient is considered ready for surgery that we use in
the United States to the destitute of the world, then the number waiting for
cataract surgery is staggering. If we decide to operate when a person has difficulty
working at a job demanding reasonable vision, the number of poor people requir-
ing surgery is well over 100 百万! The gap between those who are totally blind
and need surgery to survive, but are unable to attain it, and the wealthy of the
world who receive expensive surgery for mild visual problems, continues to widen.
There are several reasons why the poor are unable to obtain care. There are
经济的, 社会的, and environmental barriers that must be overcome and
addressed when designing a public health cataract intervention program. First and
foremost is providing top quality surgery. The greatest requirement in having poor
patients come for surgery is to provide them with superb visual restoration. 甚至
the poorest of the poor recognize quality. When a neighbor or a friend has high-
quality surgery it leads to other people seeking care. If the surgical outcome is bad,
then patients will not come. Next there needs to be excellent management of
human resources to maintain the high quality while delivering care with maxi-
mum efficiency in a cost-effective manner. Use of human resources and the train-
ing of ophthalmic assistants, 技术人员, nurses, and lay helpers can increase pub-
lic awareness and accessibility for all people. 最后, strategies must be implement-
ed for cost recovery to allow the highest quality of care to be delivered to the poor
in a sustaining fashion. With a small charge to those patients who can pay, 和
enormous volume of surgery, free care can be provided for the destitute. 高的-
quality care, 训练, education for the patients, and cost recovery from patients

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Geoffrey Tabin

who can afford care all combine to make the Aravind Hospitals the leader in
cataract care to the poor in India.

The Aravind approach has been called compassionate capitalism. Not only do
they provide excellent free care but they have solved the issue of sustainability. 在
the core of their success was developing “Aurolab,” which manufactures and dis-
tributes needed pharmaceuticals, disposables, and most importantly lens implants
for cataract surgery. With Aurolab-produced products and an efficient system,
Aravind has brought the cost of a single sight restoring cataract surgery to under
10 dollars per surgery. Then with an
enormous volume, 这 30 的百分比
the patients who can pay not only
subsidize the free care for the remain-
英 70 percent of patients but also
allow the hospital to expand and
remain state of the art.

Fifty million people in our
world suffer in needless
darkness. The vast
majority will remain blind
until they die. Ninety
percent of this blindness
could have been easily
prevented or treated.

The lens of the eye is similar to a
peanut M&M’s candy. It has an outer
shell called a capsule surrounding a
hard peanut, the lens nucleus, 那是
encased in a soft cortex of protein.
With a cataract, the normally clear
crystalline proteins in the nucleus
and cortex become opaque. 早期的
cataract surgery involved slicing the
eye almost in half, removing the
entire lens complex, and then giving thick, “Coke bottle” aphakic glasses to help
focus light. In the best of hands, the results were moderate and visual recovery slow
because of high astigmatism induced by the large wound and distortions of the
image seen through the thick glasses. A major advance occurred when a British
Surgeon, Harold Ridley, noted that a Royal Airforce pilot from World War Two had
a small chip of windshield in his eye for more than twenty years without causing
inflammation or damage. He postulated that he could make a replacement for the
natural lens of the eye from the material of the windshield. This revolutionized
cataract surgery.

Sir Harold Ridley’s idea has led to the great advances in cataract surgery.
Ophthalmologists now make a tiny self-sealing incision in the eye and a circular
opening in the capsule (candy shell). The nucleus and cortex are removed and a
replacement lens with the power calculated to give the patient excellent vision is
placed back in the capsule in its normal anatomic position, restoring natural
想象. 很遗憾, the cost of the replacement lens implants manufactured in
the developed world was prohibitive—well over a hundred dollars for the least
expensive brands. In order to provide cost-effective care, 博士. V. realized that the
cost of the intraocular lens implant used to restore best quality vision after cataract
surgery had to be reduced. In conjunction with Aravind, he began Aurolab which


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The Cataract Blindness Challenge

manufactured high-quality lenses for 5 dollars in Madurai. Aurolab then expand-
ed to produce excellent low cost sutures for eye surgery, pharmaceuticals, and dis-
posables for surgery. They now sell full surgery packs with everything needed for
one cataract surgery for 10 美元. 再次, with an enormous volume and a high-
quality product Aravind’s compassionate capitalism has allowed care to extend
beyond their own bases in Tamil Nadu.

Doctors, nurses, and ophthalmic assistants from all over the world now come
to Aravind for training. Meanwhile they have developed a great local network of
outreach vision centers to screen patients. They perform outreach eye camps in the
poorest areas of Tamil Nadu and bus patients who are blind to Aravind for their
surgery. A combination of trained patient and family counselors, and attention to
details such as feeding the family members who accompany the blind person back
to Aravind for surgery, have led to a marked increase in cataract surgery volume.
Like McDonalds, Aravind has become the brand name even the poorest of India’s
poor can trust.

Aravind has also served as an inspiration and stating point for other systems.
The Tilganga Eye Care Hospital in Kathmandu Nepal, in conjunction with the
Himalayan Cataract Project of the USA and Fred Hollows Foundation of Australia
has achieved similar success. Led by Dr. Sanduk Ruit, who is one of the most bril-
liant innovators in ophthalmology, he is a master at delivering state of the art,
Western standard-care, at a low cost and providing the best possible care to the
贫穷的. 博士. Ruit spent time at Aravind and brought many of their ideas to Nepal,
including starting a factory to produce low-cost lens implants. 相似地, many of
his surgical innovations have found their way back to Aravind and are now stan-
dard procedure.

然而, the topography of Nepal is different from India. It is difficult to bus
poor patients into Kathmandu due to the lack of roads and isolation of many of
Nepal’s poorest villages. 而且, there is not a sufficient population density to
support an ophthalmologist in the hilly regions. The strategy Tilganga adopted is
to train ophthalmic assistants to be based in the mountains providing primary eye
关心, giving spectacles, and screening for eye disease. When a sufficient number of
people in any given region is blind from cataracts a mobile team comes to the
患者. Dr Ruit has perfected the art of setting up a sterile operation theater in
the most remote settings and providing outreach microsurgery with the same
quality as hospital-based surgery. Like Aravind, Tilganga has also emerged as an
international training center for high-quality eye care. The Tilganga model is now
being exported to many parts of Africa where similar geographic challenges pre-
vent patients from reaching care. Meanwhile the Aravind sytem is spreading
throughout India and extending into China.

Not long ago in Nepal and most of India it was an expectation that as people
grew older their hair would turn white, their eyes would turn white, and then they
would die. Although death is still inevitable, thanks to Aravind Eye Care blindness
in old age is no longer a certain outcome of a long life in Southern India. 查尔-
lenge today is to extend that success to other regions of the world.

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