

g e n eR Al AR T Ic l e

g e n eR Al AR T Ic l e a neural network looks at leonardo’s(?) Salvator Mundi stEvEn J . F r a n k An d anDrEa m. F r a n k t C a r t s b a The authors use convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to analyze authorship questions surrounding the works of Leonardo da Vinci—in particular, Salvator Mundi, 这

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G e n e r a l a r t i c l e

G e n e r a l a r t i c l e Harold Cohen and AARon Collaborations in the Last Six Years (2010–2016) of a Creative Life l o u i S e S u n d A R A R A j A n T C A R T S B A This article documents Harold Cohen’s last phase of creativity from

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Art, Censorship and Nuclear Warfare

Art, Censorship and Nuclear Warfare G A B R i e l l e D e C A m o u S T C A R T S B A The traumas of nuclear warfare, 从 1945 to the end of the Cold War, are not merely calamities of the past. They still have contemporary consequences, contaminating the health, lives and memories of the many

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g e n e r a l a r t i c l e

g e n e r a l a r t i c l e Senster Reactivation of a Cybernetic Sculpture A n n A O l S z e w S k A a n d M A R e k D ł u g O S z T C A R T S B A The turbulent history of Senster, a large cybernetic sculpture

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g e n e r a l n o t e

g e n e r a l n o t e Artistic Portraits of Strange-Face Illusions Produced through Eye-to-Eye Gazing in Dyads or Mirror-Gazing G I o v A n n I B . C A P u T o a n d G I A n C A R l o l E P o R E T C A R T S B

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g e n e r a l a r t i c l e

g e n e r a l a r t i c l e Linking Science and Technology with Arts and the Next Generation The STEAM Imaging Experimental Artist Residency, A Case Study B i A N k A H o f m A N N T C A R T S B A The author describes designing an artist-in-residence project within a research institute

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Emergent Knowledge in the

Emergent Knowledge in the Third Space of Art-Science L i z z i E M u L L E r , L y n n F r o g g E T T a n d J i L L B E n n E T T T c A r T S B A The locus of encounter between art, science and the public

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A Review of ACD-STEMM Integration

A Review of ACD-STEMM Integration part 3: controlled studies of additional transdisciplinary bridges for arts-science pedagogy and general conclusions Robert Root-Bernstein, Ania Pathak and Michele Root-Bernstein This is Part 3 of a three-part analysis of studies concerning useful ways in which visual, plastic, musical and perform- ing arts; crafts; 和设计 (referred to for simplicity as arts-crafts-design, or ACD) may improve learning of sci- 恩斯,

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A Review of ACD-STEMM Integration

A Review of ACD-STEMM Integration part 2: controlled studies of transdisciplinary tools-for-thinking bridges for arts-science pedagogy Robert Root-Bernstein, Ania Pathak and Michele Root-Bernstein This is Part 2 of a three-part analysis of studies concerning useful ways in which visual, plastic, musical and perform- ing arts; crafts; 和设计 (referred to for simplicity as arts- crafts-design, or ACD) may be used to improve learning of science,

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A Review of ACD-STEMM Integration

A Review of ACD-STEMM Integration part 1: a taxonomy of integrated bridges Robert Root-Bernstein, Ania Pathak and Michele Root-Bernstein This is Part 1 of a three-part analysis of studies concerning useful ways in which visual, plastic, musical and perform- ing arts; crafts; 和设计 (referred to for simplicity as arts- crafts-design, or ACD) may be used to improve learning of science, 技术, 工程, mathematics and

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to vision, which captures only a fraction of our surroundings,

to vision, which captures only a fraction of our surroundings, hearing covers the entire sphere around us [5]. Note that un- til the advent of digital communication, precise timing sig- nals (例如. church bells, reference frequencies) were all acoustic [6]. We now describe the technological implementation: White noise is digitally fed into the control system. The signals are randomly distributed over the field of nitinol

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G e n e r a l n o t e

G e n e r a l n o t e Toward an Ontology of the Interface Identifying the Interface as a Mediation Entity C R I S T I n A S á T C A R T S B A The interface is more than an assemblage of processes and effects; it is more than a pure relational instance. The interface can be

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ET IN ARCADIA EGO: ADDRESSING CANCER, DEATH AND IMMORTALITY USING SCIENCE Charlotte Jarvis (artist), Information Experience Design, Royal College of Art, 伦敦, U.K. 电子邮件: . Hans Clevers (molecular geneticist), Hubrecht Institute, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, 乌得勒支, 荷兰人. 电子邮件: . See for supplemental files associated with this issue. Submitted: 30 八月 2016 Abstract Charlotte Jarvis has collaborated with Hans Clevers to grow

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A CONCISE TAXONOMY FOR DESCRIBING DATA AS AN ART MATERIAL Julie Freeman, 媒体 & Arts Technologies, School of Electronic Engineering & 计算机科学, Queen Mary University of London, U.K. 电子邮件: . Geraint Wiggins. 电子邮件: . Gavin Starks, Open Data Institute. Mark Sandler. 电子邮件: . See for supplemental files associated with this issue. Submitted: 27 七月 2016 Abstract How can we describe data when used as

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G E N E R A L A R T I C L E Facilitating Creative Equality in Art-Science A Methodological Experiment M A T T H I A S W IE N R O T H A N D P IP P A G O L DS CH M I D T T C A R T S B A In this article the

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