

Auditory dyadic interactions through the “eye” of the social brain:

Auditory dyadic interactions through the “eye” of the social brain: How visual is the posterior STS interaction region? Julia Landsiedel, Kami Koldewyn Department of Psychology, School of Human and Behavioural Sciences, Bangor University, Bangor, United Kingdom Corresponding Author: Kami Koldewyn (k.koldewyn@bangor.ac.uk) ABSTRACT Human interactions contain potent social cues that meet not only the eye but also the ear. Although research has identified a region in

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The interaction between random and systematic visual stimulation and

The interaction between random and systematic visual stimulation and infraslow quasi-periodic spatiotemporal patterns of whole-brain activity Nan Xua, Derek M. Smithb,C, George Jenod, Dolly T. Seeburgerb, Eric H. Schumacherb, Shella D. Keilholza aWallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University, 亚特兰大, 遗传算法, United States bSchool of Psychology, Georgia Institute of Technology, 亚特兰大, 遗传算法, United States cDepartment of Neurology, Division

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https://doi.org/10.1162/grey_a_00346 Editors’ Introduction: Pious Technologies and Secular Designs MARÍA GONZÁLEZ PENDÁS AND WHITNEY LAEMMLI The “science of spirits” that structured the taxonomy of the Encyclopédie. Pierre Curie and Marie Curie’s regular séance attendance. Spaceships engineered to “touch the face of God.” Modernist office furniture designed to sacralize the corpora- tion.1 In recent years, scholarship across disciplines has worked to undermine the myths of Western disenchantment

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Cover of Die graphischen

Cover of Die graphischen Künste 22 (1899), which includes Alois Riegl, “Die Stimmung als Inhalt der modernen Kunst” (Mood as the Content of Modern Art). Digital Library Heidelberg. © Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg. l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / 直接的 . m i t . / e

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Discussion among members

Discussion among members of Taring Padi and students of the MA in Transcultural Studies and Art History, Heidelberg University, at Documenta 15, Hallenbad Ost, Kassel, 六月 28, 2022. Photograph by Georgy Radchenko. 94 https://doi.org/10.1162/grey_a_00380 Learning with Documenta 15: Principles, Practices, Problems MONICA JUNEJA AND JO ZIEBRITZKI In 1982, visitors to Documenta 7 encountered a pile of seven thou- sand basalt stones on the grounds in

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Gudskul. Installation view,

Gudskul. Installation view, Documenta 15, Kassel, 2022. 64 https://doi.org/10.1162/grey_a_00379 Missed Encounters: Introduction to Documenta 15 Dossier ERIC C.H. DE BRUYN Last summer, Documenta 15 (the latest installment of the quin- tennial exhibition of contemporary art in Kassel, 德国) was roiled by a particularly vehement reception in the German press, with various accusations of antisemitism being fielded against participants in the exhibition. What happened was more

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On Documenta 15

On Documenta 15 T.J. DEMOS In an early statement on their approach to Documenta 15, the artistic collective ruangrupa announced the exhibition’s frame- 工作: The concept ruangrupa has prepared for documenta fifteen is “Lumbung.” A lumbung—or rice barn—is a place to store communally-produced rice as a common resource for future use. If Documenta was launched with the noble intention to heal European war wounds, 这

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A Provocation to

A Provocation to Contemporary Art as Place-Making: Some Observations after Documenta 15 RAQS MEDIA COLLECTIVE 1. Since the beginning of this century a search for new ways of gathering has been underway. Documenta 11 signified that the poetics of equality and multiple wills to globality are impor- tant grounds on which to gather and listen to the world. This was also evident in the processes

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Wang Mingqi. Projection

Wang Mingqi. Projection Team on the Lake. Cut-paper illustration by a projectionist of an open-air screening. From Dianying fangying (Film projection), 不. 3 (1965). l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / 直接的 . m i t . / e d u g r e y /

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“Reproduction of a drawing

“Reproduction of a drawing by M. Suppantschitsch.” Max Suppantschitsch. Cypressen (Cypresses). From Alois Riegl, “Die Stimmung als Inhalt der modernen Kunst” (Mood as the Content of Modern Art). 26 https://doi.org/10.1162/grey_a_00301 Mood as the Content of Modern Art ALOIS RIEGL TRANSLATED BY LUCIA ALLAIS AND ANDREI POP l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p :

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Jack Burnham.

Jack Burnham. Beyond Modern Sculpture: The Effect of Science and Technology on the Sculpture of This Century(1968). Cover. 88 土井:10.1162/GREY_a_00205 Jack Burnham Redux: The Obsolete in Reverse? LUKE SKREBOWSKI The emergence of a “post-formalist esthetic” may seem to some to embody a kind of absolute philosophy, something which, through the nature of concerns cannot be tran- scended. Yet it is more likely that a “systems

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Book Reviews

Book Reviews Park, 苏珊, and Teresa Kramarz, 编辑. 2019. Global Environmental Governance and the Accountability Trap. 剑桥, 嘛: 麻省理工学院出版社. Reviewed by Nino David Jordan University College London In global environmental governance, accountability tends to be narrowly perceived in terms of correct behavior within the confines of already-given institutional choices. What if that’s a trap? What if the environment keeps deteriorating and we waste

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Book Reviews

Book Reviews Park, 苏珊, and Teresa Kramarz, 编辑. 2019. Global Environmental Governance and the Accountability Trap. 剑桥, 嘛: 麻省理工学院出版社. Reviewed by Nino David Jordan University College London In global environmental governance, accountability tends to be narrowly perceived in terms of correct behavior within the confines of already-given institutional choices. What if that’s a trap? What if the environment keeps deteriorating and we waste

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Book Reviews

Book Reviews Park, 苏珊, and Teresa Kramarz, 编辑. 2019. Global Environmental Governance and the Accountability Trap. 剑桥, 嘛: 麻省理工学院出版社. Reviewed by Nino David Jordan University College London In global environmental governance, accountability tends to be narrowly perceived in terms of correct behavior within the confines of already-given institutional choices. What if that’s a trap? What if the environment keeps deteriorating and we waste

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Book Reviews

Book Reviews Huda, Mirza Sadaqat. 2020. Energy Cooperation in South Asia: Utilising Natural Resources for Peace and Sustainable Development. 纽约, 纽约: 劳特利奇. Reviewed by Juliann Emmons Allison University of California, Riverside Mirza Sadaqat Huda addresses the “energy, 环境, and growth nexus” that is among the central concerns of contemporary global environmental politics (GEP). Huda recognizes that energy shortages are due to the widening gap

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Book Reviews

Book Reviews Huda, Mirza Sadaqat. 2020. Energy Cooperation in South Asia: Utilising Natural Resources for Peace and Sustainable Development. 纽约, 纽约: 劳特利奇. Reviewed by Juliann Emmons Allison University of California, Riverside Mirza Sadaqat Huda addresses the “energy, 环境, and growth nexus” that is among the central concerns of contemporary global environmental politics (GEP). Huda recognizes that energy shortages are due to the widening gap

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Book Reviews

Book Reviews Huda, Mirza Sadaqat. 2020. Energy Cooperation in South Asia: Utilising Natural Resources for Peace and Sustainable Development. 纽约, 纽约: 劳特利奇. Reviewed by Juliann Emmons Allison University of California, Riverside Mirza Sadaqat Huda addresses the “energy, 环境, and growth nexus” that is among the central concerns of contemporary global environmental politics (GEP). Huda recognizes that energy shortages are due to the widening gap

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Book Reviews

Book Reviews Dryzek, John S., and Jonathan Pickering. 2019. The Politics of the Anthropocene. 牛津, 英国: 牛津大学出版社. Reviewed by Conrad George Pompeu Fabra University Scientific evidence indicates that we have entered a new geological epoch, termed the Anthropocene, in which human activities have become a significant geological force. How do we confront this new reality where our relationship with our biophysical environment has

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