

The Belligerent Bear

The Belligerent Bear The Belligerent Bear Pål Røren Russia, Status Orders, and War Do states get higher social status from ªghting? The relationship between war and social status in world politics has been widely explored in recent years by scholars of inter- national relations.1 This topic is of crucial interest given the ªnding in cog- nate literatures that actors are willing to bicker, quarrel, 或者

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The Cult of the Persuasive

The Cult of the Persuasive The Cult of the Persuasive Rachel Tecott Metz Why U.S. Security Assistance Fails the Second Division of the Iraqi Army melted away and a few hundred Islamic State ªghters in pickup trucks took Mosul.1 The fall of Mosul was less a testa- ment to the strength of the Islamic State than to the failure of the United States’ multibillion-dollar effort

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The Psychology of Nuclear Brinkmanship

The Psychology of Nuclear Brinkmanship The Psychology of Nuclear Brinkmanship Reid B. C. Pauly and Rose McDermott Although the role of psychology and human emotions has increasingly made inroads into our under- standing of the micro-foundations of decision-making in many areas of conºict studies, much less work has examined how they inºuence nuclear strategy. This article highlights the critical role of these factors in nuclear

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中国的党国资本主义和全球反弹 中国的党国资本主义和国际反弹(从相互依存到不安全) 玛格丽特·M. 皮尔逊, 梅格·里斯米尔, 和凯利小号. Tsai Efforts to guarantee national security in both China and countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (经合组织) increasingly concern the activities of ªrms. Legal frameworks in several states, including China, have been recon- ªgured to include ªrms in

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危险的变化 危险的变化 肯德里克·郭 当军事创新损害战斗力时 传统观点认为,创新不断提高军事实力. 反对它的军队会失败, 但创新者必将获胜. Innovation is considered a sign of organizational health because the ever-changing character of war constantly threatens to render existing capabilities obsolete. 反过来, misfortune comes to those who allow the march of historical

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我们. 南海的政策选择

我们. 南海政策选择 美国在南海该冒多大风险? 中号. 泰勒·弗拉维尔和查尔斯·L. Glaser China’s assertiveness in the South China Sea poses an especially vexing set of policy choices for the United States. For decades, the South China Sea disputes appeared to be lim- ited to small islets, 岩石, and reefs

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叙事与战争 叙事与 C 战争. 小威廉·沃尔多夫. 解释美国的长度和结束. 五月阿富汗军事行动 2017, 关于在阿富汗增兵的又一场激烈的全国性辩论, President Donald Trump asked Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), “How does this end?” Graham answered, “It never ends.” Soon after, Vice President Mike Pence implored Graham to give Trump an off-ramp,

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士兵的困境 士兵的困境 雷纳纳·迈尔斯·乔伊斯 外国军事训练和自由规范将于四月举行 14, 1979, 蒙罗维亚爆发“大米骚乱”, 利比里亚. Several thousand protestors took to the streets in frustration and desperation over a government proposal to in- crease the price of rice, a food staple that most Liberians relied on for subsis- 张力. As demonstrators marched toward the president’s

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为什么无人机没有彻底改变战争 为什么无人机没有彻底改变战争 空战中持久的隐藏者寻找者竞赛 Antonio Calcara, 安德里亚·吉利, 毛罗·吉利, 拉斐尔·马尔凯蒂, and Ivan Zaccagnini Over the past two de- 你跌倒了, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have progressively become a constant feature of modern conºicts and, if current trends continue, they will likely be- come even more important in the future.1

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保卫美国 保卫美国 贾加纳特·桑卡兰和史蒂夫·费特重新审视针对朝鲜的国家导弹防御系统 美国. 政策制定者长期以来一直担心朝鲜洲际球的出现- 抽动导弹 (ICBM) threat. 在 1998, the congressionally mandated bipartisan Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States, known as the Rumsfeld Commission, argued that North Korea was devoting

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预测与判断 预测与判断 Avi Goldfarb 和 Jon R. Lindsay 为什么人工智能会增加人类在战争中的重要性 有一个新兴的问题- 人工智能的政策共识 (人工智能) will transform interna- tional politics. As stated in the 2021 report of the U.S. National Security Commission on AI, “The ability of a machine to perceive, evaluate, and act more quickly and

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机会主义镇压 机会主义镇压 国家针对 COVID-19 的针对平民的镇压 Donald Grasse, 梅丽莎帕夫利克, 希拉里·马特费斯, 和特拉维斯B. Curtice This article considers whether governments have used the COVID-19 pandemic to cement their au- thority through repression. A core feature of emergency responses is the sus- pension of the rule of law, which permits states greater latitude to take actions in order

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战时商业政策 战时商业政策与敌人之间的贸易 玛丽亚·格林伯格 传统观点认为,贸易是战争的“第一个受害者”1。因为贸易收益可以转化为军事能力, trading with the enemy is akin to selling the opponent the gun they will use to shoot you. The empirical record of wartime trade, 然而, suggests otherwise. 例如, World War

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Terrorism and the Failure of Reconstruction

Terrorism and the Failure of Reconstruction White Supremacy, 恐怖主义, and the Failure of Reconstruction in the United States Daniel Byman Wade Hampton’s im- posing statue, 15 feet tall and 17 feet long, greets visitors to the South Carolina state house. Hampton, a Confederate general in the Civil War, “the Savior of South Carolina,” was one of the largest slaveholders in South Carolina and a member

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Illusions of Autonomy Illusions of Autonomy Hugo Meijer and Stephen G. Brooks Why Europe Cannot Provide for Its Security If the United States Pulls Back In the past decade, 欧洲安全格局发生巨大变化. Russia is far stronger militarily than it was ten years ago, 及其对克里米亚的吞并 2014 and subsequent aggressive actions in Eastern Ukraine demonstrated that territorial revisionism remains

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PRC Assertiveness in the South China Sea

PRC Assertiveness in the South China Sea PRC Assertiveness in the South China Sea Andrew Chubb Measuring Continuity and Change, 1970–2015 Why has the People’s Republic of China (PRC) courted international opprobrium, alarmed its neigh- bors, and risked military conºict in pursuit of its claims covering vast areas of the South China Sea? Despite its central importance to understanding the se- curity of the world’s

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Conventional Counterforce Dilemmas

Conventional Counterforce Dilemmas Conventional Counterforce Dilemmas Ian Bowers and Henrik Stålhane Hiim South Korea’s Deterrence Strategy and Stability on the Korean Peninsula As a South Korean F-35 ºies over North Korea undetected, it drops a guided bomb on a ballis- tic missile about to deliver its deadly payload. This scenario, which graphi- cally demonstrates South Korean thinking about how to nullify North Korea’s nuclear threat,

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Bound to Fail

Bound to Fail Bound to Fail John J. Mearsheimer The Rise and Fall of the Liberal International Order By 2019, it was clear that the liberal international order was in deep trouble. The tectonic plates that underpin it are shifting, and little can be done to repair and rescue it. 的确, that order was destined to fail from the start, as it contained the seeds

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