Daniel Sarewitz and Richard R. 纳尔逊
Progress in Know-How
Its Origins and Limits
Over the last several centuries, the advance of know-how to meet a wide range of
human needs has been phenomenal. In the area of medicine, 例如, we now
are able to prevent or cure many infectious diseases that used to be scourges. 在
other fields of human need and activity, 然而, progress has been quite limited.
例如, despite significant resources put into education, many children fail to
learn much in the educational environments provided them by modern societies.
In contrast to the history of how we have fought infectious diseases, the ways chil-
dren are taught to read and write today are not much different than educational
practices a century ago. This is true even though the percentage of the population
that society expects to have strong reading and writing skills has increased greatly.
We are using the term “know-how” to denote the knowledge, some articulated
and some tacit, that guides the actions of skilled agents who aim to achieve a par-
ticular practical objective. 那是, the state of know-how defines best practice in
an arena of human activity. 在本文中, we develop a theory that we believe helps
to explain why know-how has improved markedly in some areas of human
endeavor but not in others. Because this uneven evolution of know-how is such a
prominent aspect of human affairs, gaining a better understanding of some of the
factors that make progress in certain areas particularly difficult is important in its
own right. 而且, improved understanding here may help us distinguish
between problems that are likely to be resolved through improved know-how, 和
thus be responsive to strategies that emphasize more research and creation of
知识, and problems that are likely to resist this approach.
To introduce and illustrate the problem of the uneven advance of know-how,
we describe an apparent paradox directly relevant to the provision of two basic
human needs, literacy and health. Consider two distinct policy goals: to progres-
sively improve the literacy levels of the citizens of the United States, and to eradi-
cate smallpox from the world. The paradox we want to highlight is this: 尽管
improving literacy in one of the world’s most affluent nations might seem a
直截了当, if not simple, 任务, 实际上, persistent effort has yielded little if any
appreciable improvement in average reading levels among the nation’s K-12 stu-
dents—this despite the strong national consensus on the importance of making
progress in this area and the considerable effort directed at improving the practice
of teaching reading. In marked contrast, as everyone knows, smallpox has indeed
been eradicated from the globe, despite what might reasonably have been seen as
© 2008 Daniel Sarewitz and Richard R. 纳尔逊
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Daniel Sarewitz and Richard R. 纳尔逊
insuperable challenges, ranging from the difficulties of developing the necessary
international cooperation among regimes during the Cold War to the complexities
of administering vaccines in regions with little medical infrastructure and, 在
次, strong cultural aversion to Western medicine.
在美国, the goal of improved literacy has been articulated by pol-
icy-makers since the nation’s founding.1 Over the past several decades, consider-
able research has
been aimed at the
with many policy
interventions and a
rigorous national
assessment process.
The goal of pre-
tion has also been
articulated for sev-
eral centuries, 和
increased under-
standing of both
the disease and the
vaccination process
1950s, to the con-
some public health
officials that global
become both plau-
sible and practica-
因为 … uneven evolution of know-
how is such a prominent aspect of
human affairs, gaining a better
understanding of some of the factors
that make progress in certain areas
particularly difficult is important in
its own right. 而且, 改进的
understanding here may help us
distinguish between problems that are
likely to be resolved through
improved know-how, and thus be
responsive to strategies that emphasize
more research and creation of
知识, and problems that are
likely to resist this approach.
Why has one
effort been success-
ful and the other not? In hindsight, one might offer many ad hoc explanations but,
as we will show, these explanations actually raise more questions than they answer.
We will argue here that the paradox is explained not by the specific details of each
case but by a fundamental difference between the practice of vaccinating people
against smallpox and the goal of teaching children to read. The former can build
upon a foundational core of effective know-how, whereas the latter activity lacks
such a core. 而且, we will argue that the specific details of each case are in part
a reflection of this difference in associated know-how, rather than a cause.
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Progress in Know-How
Readers may initially feel that the differences between vaccinating for smallpox and
teaching children to read are so fundamental that comparison is not meaningful,
so we want to begin by emphasizing that these activities actually do have impor-
tant similarities. Both are administered by a professional who has been trained to
do the job as effectively as possible. Both typically proceed in a controlled and rel-
atively closed environment—the doctor’s office, the schoolroom. The vaccine and
the equipment used to give the injection are standardized artifacts, as are the text-
books used in teaching children to read. Each of these bodies of practice has been
and continues to be the subject of considerable research that aims to illuminate
and improve practice. 而且, society strongly expects and demands that per-
formance in both of these realms improve over time. Vaccines are expected to pro-
vide protection against an ever-expanding array of diseases and to do so with ever
fewer adverse effects. Aspirations for schooling have similarly increased: we now
expect not only that the children of professionally ambitious middle-class parents
possess basic reading skills but that all children gain those skills. 的确, 保护
against disease by vaccination and preparation for participation in the activities of
modern society via effective teaching are both seen as crucial products that socie-
ty must deliver to all of its citizens.
然而, vaccination against smallpox (not to mention a variety of other
infectious diseases) has been an extraordinarily successful public health measure,
whereas the teaching of reading skills yields highly uneven results that have not
improved much over the years. The reading performance of U.S. students has
failed on the whole to improve over the past 35 年 (the period for which reliable
national data are available),2 despite the significant resources and attention devot-
ed to research, 实践, and assessment. 此外, there is little reason to
believe that much improvement was occurring before this period.3 While almost
every person vaccinated against smallpox is safe from the disease, an alarming
number of children who are taught to read in school never really learn to do so at
a level necessary to perform well in today’s society. If by strong know-how we
mean the ability to do something effectively, our know-how bearing on vaccina-
tion has advanced much farther in the past century or so than our know-how bear-
ing on the teaching of reading.
In considering the reasons for this unevenly advancing state of know-how, 我们
want to highlight one striking difference between practice in these two arenas that
we believe is closely related to differences in effective know-how. Vaccination is a
procedure whose effectiveness is largely due to a physical thing, the vaccine. 这
vaccine must meet certain standards and be delivered appropriately: the standards
require strong quality control on production, 分配, and storage, and effec-
tive delivery requires certain training of the people doing the vaccinating. If these
conditions are met, the procedure of vaccination has a very high probability of
success that is largely independent of the person being vaccinated or the profes-
sional doing the vaccination. 另一方面, while the teaching of reading
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Daniel Sarewitz and Richard R. 纳尔逊
involves skillfully produced artifacts, like the textbooks used and perhaps even a
电脑, these items do not provide the basic “go” of the teaching and learning,
which depends critically on the skills of the teacher and the attributes of both the
classroom environment and the individual students themselves.4
The vaccine gives the procedure of vaccination a standardized core that is
effective in most contexts. Because the vaccine embodies most of the relevant
cause-and-effect relations that connect the action (administering the vaccine) 到
the goal (preventing smallpox), a practitioner does not face the problem of figur-
ing out what will work on a case-by-case basis. This standardization also enables
the effective part of the procedure to remain the same with different practitioners
and different patients,
and in different cultural
and social contexts.
Creating a widely effective
standardized core for an activity is
almost always the result of a
learning experience—a process of
改进, of finding out and
homing in on what works—that
generally involves a long period of
time and many participants.
There are two points
we want to highlight
这里. 第一的, creating a
widely effective stan-
dardized core for an
activity is almost always
the result of a learning
experience—a process
finding out and homing
in on what works—that
generally involves a long
period of time and many
while there is something of a chicken-and-egg problem here, cumulative learning
is almost impossible unless there is something like a standardized core. If there is
such a core, it is possible to learn what procedures work better than others. 这也是
then possible to improve the core—through experiments, natural or deliberate,
that involve that core or a contemplated alternative—with some confidence that
what is learned can be applied to standard operating practice and be employed by
a wide range of practitioners. Absent such a core, there is no fulcrum upon which
to leverage cumulative learning and improved practice.
We believe that the aspects of modern vaccination that we have described are
necessary aspects of powerful bodies of know-how. We do not deny the need in
many cases to fine-tune a practice to the particular contexts of its use, nor do we
deny the variety of effective practices we have in some fields. 然而, we argue
that in order to be powerful and to improve over time, the core of a broad practice
must be standardized to a certain and usually considerable extent. Practice based
on that core must be effective in most contexts, with the key elements under the
control of the agents involved. The process must be replicable and usable by most
agents trained in the art; 那是, by those who have the relevant know-how. 这
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Progress in Know-How
process also must be amenable to experimentation, deliberate or natural, 以及什么
is learned from such experimentation must be able to be built into the standard
This latter aspect—the ability to learn how to improve practice or to create a
significantly better mode of practice in a way that lends itself to widespread use—
is obviously critical. Today’s powerful bodies of know-how and practice almost
always are the fruit of a cumulative learning experience that often has occurred
over a long period of time. The experience generally involves both learning by
doing and deliberate experimentation—in this modern era, organized research
and development. We are arguing here that this kind of cumulative learning is not
possible unless there is a standardized or standardizable core to a practice upon
which efforts to improve it can
建造, and which can be replaced
with something better if such
efforts prove successful.
While there is something of a
chicken-and-egg problem
这里, cumulative learning is
almost impossible unless there
is something like a
standardized core.
The vaccine, which provides
these attributes to the process of
vaccination, is a physical arti-
事实. Most of the powerful bod-
ies of know-how that have been
developed over the years have
physical artifacts at their core.
But there are some exceptions to
this rule; 例如, our cur-
rent know-how about assessing
the health of newborn babies.5 Moreover, the fact that artifacts are involved cer-
tainly is not sufficient for a body of know-how to continue to advance. 相当, 这
key characteristics are standardization and controllability, replicability, and ability
to learn from experimentation in a way that is widely relevant to practice.
The term “technology” is broadly used to connote effective practices that have
these qualities. It generally is assumed, explicitly or implicitly, that the core of a
technology is defined by physical artifacts or a physical process. When we employ
the term in this paper, we generally will be assuming this, although our usage can
encompass any practice with a standardized, 可控的, replicable core that suc-
cessfully achieves what it aims to do.
These characteristics, which we propose are almost always present in effective
技术, are present in education only to a limited degree. There is no single
factor or small set of factors that determines the effectiveness of a reading lesson:
students with different attributes seem to learn in different ways, individual teach-
ers are good at different things. A teacher can improve the effectiveness of the read-
ing lesson he or she gives by learning from experience what works and what does-
n’t and experimenting a bit. 然而, these improvements in educational per-
formance tend to be sensitive to the particular teachers employing them, 到
particular student body, and to the general context within which a class or a school
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Daniel Sarewitz and Richard R. 纳尔逊
is operating. 因此, what works for one teacher or school or class or student may
not work for another. These features also mean that what works in a particular
experimental context may provide little guidance as to what will work in a differ-
ent context.6 All of this makes progress in reading education as a whole much more
difficult to achieve than progress in vaccination. We have not developed a general-
ly effective technology for teaching reading—at least not yet.
This problem scarcely has gone unnoticed in the educational research commu-
本质. There is a long tradition of trying to find or develop tightly structured teach-
ing routines that are effective, and in recent years a number of attempts have been
made to build more of teaching into computers. Invariably, 然而, routines that
work well for some students in some settings do not seem to work well with other
kinds of students or in other settings. 迄今为止, the effective use of computers in
teaching subjects like reading has been limited and disappointing to its propo-
尼特. Neurological insights also have failed to lead to the development of a stan-
dard, 可控的, replicable core of practice that can be reliably applied in the
classroom. For a long time educationists have been frustrated by the fact that prac-
tices that yield good results in a laboratory setting seem difficult to transfer to
widespread use with comparable effectiveness. There just seems to be something
different about teaching and learning that makes it impossible, or at least very dif-
ficult, to discover or create an artifact or a standardized, easily replicable routine
that is highly effective in most contexts.
Conversations with our colleagues suggest that nearly everybody is ready to call on
their home discipline to explain why know-how has become strong in some areas,
such as vaccination, and why it remains weak in others, such as teaching children
to read. Economists tend to say that the answer obviously resides in the structure
of incentives, while political scientists maintain that the problem stems from the
fact that different groups have different interests, and that some have political
power and others don’t. Scholars in the social studies of technology argue that
technologies are above all socially constructed and that the social or cultural con-
text determines whether know-how will improve and be effective (and even how
“improve” and “effective” are defined), not the other way around. Our colleagues
in the natural sciences propose that that the principal reason certain problems are
more difficult than others to deal with effectively is that the underlying scientific
understanding is weaker. We agree that there is something to all these arguments.
的确, we observe that in areas such as smallpox vaccination, where know-how is
强的, the problem is overdetermined: more than one of these disciplinary expla-
nations typically is satisfied. Yet in other cases, none of these explanations seems to
hold—for example, in cancer prevention or treatment, where persistent attention
from the marketplace and the political arena and a long-term societal commit-
ment to advancing knowledge through research have not translated into signifi-
cant progress. This suggests to us that standard disciplinary explanations are insuf-
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Progress in Know-How
ficient and ad hoc, and that a more general explanation must lie beyond the range
of view of any traditional disciplinary lens.
Certainly one reason why know-how is weak in some areas of human need is
that only limited resources have been dedicated to advancing know-how there.
Some reasons for this are that market incentives may be weak and that those with
the greatest need do not have the political power to induce governmental action.
This is without question a good part of the reason why our ability to prevent or
treat diseases found largely in poor countries generally is much weaker than know-
how bearing on diseases that afflict the affluent. 反过来, it is obvious that a
medical treatment that costs a lot of money or requires a sophisticated medical
infrastructure for effective delivery will be more beneficial in an affluent country
than a poor one. 换句话说, know-how may seem strong if you are rich, 但
not if you are poor. 然而, there are many areas of human need, such as improv-
ing children’s reading abilities, where plentiful resources have been directed to the
problem but progress nevertheless has been very limited. Thus we have made some
progress in the war on cancer, but overall the scourge remains unabated, in rich
countries and poor alike. Lack of market demand, political will, or economic
wherewithal is only part of the explanation.
Our uneven progress in dealing with different kinds of cancer might be used
by our colleagues in the natural sciences to support their argument that we make
progress on solving practical problems where the underlying scientific under-
standing is strong and tend to be stymied where the underlying science is not
强的. 清楚地, the state of scientific understanding bearing on cancer is still very
uneven. 然而, a close look at the way effective cancer treatments have been
achieved shows that in many cases, probably most, deep scientific understanding
had little to do with the development of effective treatments. 任何状况之下, uneven
development of scientific knowledge is in itself a phenomena that needs to be bet-
ter explained.7 More generally, we note that the development of effective technolo-
gies has often preceded explanatory scientific understanding, not just in medicine8
but in many fields of endeavor.9
全面的, 然后, disciplinary explanations, even where they do have some grip,
only push the questions deeper. 例如, while in the case of smallpox vac-
cines one did indeed see a supporting package of political will, public support, pol-
icy incentives, and scientific understanding, we will argue below that this was part-
ly the result, rather than the cause, of the development of an effective vaccine. 在
对比, our theory suggests that the absence of such a strong supporting package
regarding the best method of teaching reading might quickly be resolved if a
method or a technology that works well for most students could be found or devel-
因此, whereas particular disciplinary perspectives view the achievement of
strong know-how as a product of the conditions within which the know-how is
applied (IE。, are the incentives appropriate? is the scientific understanding avail-
有能力的?) and privilege their own particular insights about the world in identifying
those conditions where know-how is effective, our theory suggests that the capac-
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Daniel Sarewitz and Richard R. 纳尔逊
ity to develop strong and improving know-how helps to create the conditions
amenable to successful application. We further note that this point, which seems to
us rather self-evident, also means that the development of effective know-how
helps to create the conditions that allow various disciplinary explanations to hold.
Our colleagues in the natural sciences will hasten to point out that, at least in this
modern era, the development of powerful, relatively standardized technologies
often has been associated with the development of a strong body of scientific
understanding bearing on those technologies. In recent years, the biological
processes involved in vaccination have been illuminated by an impressive body of
scientific understanding of immunology. It is fair to say, 然而, that scientific
understanding provides far less illumination of how to advance educational prac-
泰斯, or even why particular practices seem to be moderately effective and others
But the connections here are not simple or straightforward. In the first place,
vaccination for smallpox was discovered as an effective treatment by Jenner over
200 years ago. At that time there was no body of scientific understanding that
would point to a vaccine made of puss from cowpox as an effective preventative for
small pox, much less illuminate how such vaccination worked. The discovery was
strictly empirical, guided primarily by folk wisdom. But since the cowpox vaccine
provided the basic “go” of the treatment, once it was found to be effective on a
small number of patients, the practice was subject to routinization so as to be con-
trollable by the physician and replicable for widespread use. Relevant scientific
understanding was not much stronger when, many years later, Pasteur created his
effective vaccines. It was known that the diseases in question were caused by
microorganisms and that for some reason vaccination with a weakened strain
made patients immune to the disease; but the science of immunology came into
being later. Even more recently, polio vaccines were created in the absence of fun-
damental knowledge about how the virus worked—knowledge that emerged only
after the disease was largely eradicated.10
The rise of immunology as a field of science was strongly motivated by the
desire to obtain a practical and deep understanding of how and why procedures
like vaccination worked, as well as by a more general interest in the ways bodies
fought diseases. The fact that the workings involved physical and chemical sub-
stances and mechanisms meant that the conceptions and techniques of the natu-
ral sciences would effectively illuminate paths to practical progress. The result has
been a great advance in relevant understanding, which in turn has significantly
improved the processes involved in vaccine development.
相比之下, scientific understanding bearing on human teaching and learning
has advanced much less significantly. Some people concerned with education may
propose that the difference in understanding reflects the much higher levels of
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Progress in Know-How
expenditure devoted to biomedical research than to research in educational psy-
chology and other fields that might illuminate the processes of human learning
and teaching. We argue, 然而, that scientific understanding of the sort that
allows advances related to vaccines is much easier to attain and apply than science
that can improve teaching. This is true in large part because of the existence of a stan-
dardized core upon which continued improvement can be leveraged.
Note that we are proposing that the difficulty of developing a strong scientific
understanding that bears on educational practice is as much a result, as it is a
原因, of the fact that the stuff of educational practice is, to a far lesser degree than
immunization, standardized and controllable, replicable, and amenable to experi-
mentation in a controlled setting with legitimate expectation that what works in
that setting can be transferred effectively to actual practice in diverse settings.
Absent these attributes, the methods that have been so powerful in fields like
immunology, plant nutrition, and the engineering disciplines have little on which
to grip. The characteristics of a practice that make it effective also would seem to
be necessary if scientific research is to be effective in advancing the know-how
behind that practice.
We would like to propose that a similar pattern of two-way causation often obtains
regarding the market or political support for a particular activity, and to the devel-
opment of the effectiveness of that activity.
It is clear that one cannot judge whether a practice is effective or not without
specifying the goals of that practice. If there is general agreement on goals and if
performance in terms of these goals can be assessed relatively clearly, it is often not
difficult to evaluate whether one way of doing something is better than another.
When a new development that is proposed and tried has a significant effect, posi-
tive or negative, on goal achievement, there will tend to be agreement on this. 在
对比, if goals are not sharp or if there is lack of agreement regarding which
goals count more than others, it may be difficult to get general agreement about
whether this particular practice or another is better, or whether or not a new way
of doing something is an improvement.
But the relationships here are also complex. Thus there may be strong general
agreement on high-level goals but significant differences in beliefs about the char-
acteristics of practices that do and don’t further the achievement of those goals.
This dispute may show up in strong controversy regarding the relevance and
importance of various subgoals, and such a dispute is especially likely where no
practice is particularly effective. 另一方面, the fact that a practice is very
effective in achieving certain objectives may result in an emphasis on what that
practice does well and marginalization of its weaknesses or drawbacks.11 The con-
trast here between reading education and vaccination is revealing.
There clearly is broad agreement in the United States that it is extremely
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Daniel Sarewitz and Richard R. 纳尔逊
important that all children learn to read effectively. 然而, because teaching
methods are often not effective or reliable, people can bring conflicting interests
and values about methods and indicators to their discussions about what teaching
practices should be implemented and how they should be implemented. We see
this in the protracted debate over phonics versus “whole language” approaches to
teaching reading. Thus the high-level agreement is mainly conducive to a wide-
spread feeling that we are not doing a good enough job on this front, and that sup-
port for more research and other programs has the promise to resolve disputes and
enable us to do better. But since the results of research have not been particularly
impressive, there is room for continued dispute about which teaching method is
最好的, often with the failure to recognize that, given current know-how, there may
be no general answer to that question.
另一方面, because vaccination does deliver immunity to a disease
with high probability of success and this objective is widely shared, disputes about
other consequences of vaccination tend to be overcome. The fact that vaccination
is a frightening and painful experience for many children, that a few may suffer
serious side effects, and that broad effectiveness requires aggressive policies to
ensure widespread delivery can be brushed aside as not consequential, given that
the vaccine does its central job so well and that the job is deemed by society to be
Shared operative values are thus in a sense drawn to highly effective bodies of
know-how and practice, and they are fragile in areas where know-how is weak. 在
也就是说, bodies of know-how and practice that do certain valued things well
develop a constituency of supporters who agree on both the means and the ends.
Less effective, more variable routines and methods are less able to attract such a
strong constituency.
This is not to say that vaccine development and deployment have not been
accompanied by controversy or dispute; 的确, since Jenner’s earliest efforts,
opposition to vaccines has been a continual, if irregular, theme reflecting a variety
of religious, philosophical, and practical concerns. At the beginning of the 20th
世纪, proposals for mandatory smallpox vaccination provoked riots in some
我们. 城市. In recent years, vaccine-related controversies have centered around
alleged (but now disproved) connections between certain childhood vaccines and
自闭症, and around the moral consequences of vaccinating teenage girls against
the human papillomavirus.12 But our key point is that the efficacy of vaccines has
continued to improve over time despite such controversies and opposition, 并在
the face of this improvement and the resulting benefits, opposition to particular
vaccines has tended to atrophy. This is a very different situation from the one we
see with teaching reading in the United States, where disputes about the best
approaches persist while overall efficacy does not seem to improve.
A related point is that the existence of a standardized core of reliable action
allows successful adaptation within differing political and cultural contexts—that
是, among differing value systems. The story of smallpox eradication in India, 为了
例子, is particularly notable for the diversity of approaches that were used to
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Progress in Know-How
overcome bureaucratic obstacles and cultural opposition within that large and
diverse nation.13 Teams of vaccinators adapted their approaches to local contexts,
even down to the scale of working with village leaders to overcome the religious
objections of specific individuals who were resisting being vaccinated. Two aspects
of this example are important. 第一的, the flexible strategies used to inoculate against
smallpox all gave the same result—immunity to the disease. 第二个, the social
feedback from the vaccination programs was both rapid and positive—smallpox
outbreaks were contained. The result was cumulative progress anchored in the
deployment of the core technology itself, rather than the method of deployment.
Neither of these attributes is present in the case of teaching reading, 在哪里, 在里面
absence of an effective core of practice, differences between classrooms in various
socioeconomic and cultural settings continue to confound efforts to improve per-
formance at both the local level and the cumulative national level. This lack of
progress in turn prevents the convergence of different constituencies around a sin-
gle approach.
Giving a vaccination or teaching a class is what one might call a “shop-floor” prac-
泰斯, or one performed directly to achieve a desired result. Most shop-floor prac-
tices are conducted under the aegis of an organization that has the responsibility
and authority to provide whatever is needed so that those working on the shop
floor can do their jobs, 和, more generally, to manage the operation.
Organizations at this level tend to be part of broader institutional systems. 在里面
cases in question, vaccination and teaching reading, a doctor’s office may be part
of a clinic or a large private practice or an HMO, while a teacher’s classroom is in
a school that is part of a school district. The HMO and the school are in turn com-
ponents of still larger, less definable enterprises—the “health-care system,“ 这
“education system.” Much of public policy is concerned with these higher level sys-
We note that there are practices for making decisions and taking action at all
levels of the hierarchy. The effectiveness of the actions taken is a function of the
strength of know-how at each level. While the lines are not sharp, for our purpos-
es here we find it convenient to distinguish between practice on the shop floor,
management practice, and practice concerned with the design and overview of
broad systems. We propose that as one moves up the hierarchy, it becomes more
and more difficult to routinize practice in a model that achieves results broadly
deemed satisfactory. 作为结果, effective higher order practice is difficult to
replicate or even maintain, or to advance cumulatively. 那是, know-how in gen-
eral is weaker relative to management than to shop-floor practice, and weaker rel-
ative to policy-making at the systems level than to management of particular
There are several reasons for this. 第一的, shop-floor practice is closest to the end
结果, and the feedback regarding whether practice is achieving the intended
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Daniel Sarewitz and Richard R. 纳尔逊
In the absence of effective shop-floor
know-how that can teach children to
read with great reliability, 我们必须
depend on better decision-making at
the level of complex organizations
and policy regimes in order to
conquer the contextual diversity that
makes it so difficult to improve
nationwide reading competency. 然而
at these higher levels of
organizational complexity, 知道-
how is also weak and unlikely to
improve significantly.
objectives is sharper than for practice higher up in the hierarchy. 所以, oppor-
tunities for productive learning from feedback on shop-floor practice are greater.
第二, generally speaking, the farther up one is in the hierarchy, the more the task
involves molding, coordinating, and governing activities that other individuals and
组织 (at the shop-floor level) will actually do. Managing people is far
more difficult to routinize effectively than operating a particular process that one
has under direct control, and policy-making involves management on a very broad
canvas. 第三, partly for this reason but also because most organizations are con-
cerned with a broad
range of
aimed at a variety of
目标, manage-
ment and policy-
making almost always
require the weighing
of alternative values
that can be pursued to
different degrees, A
process that almost
always is at least par-
tially judgmental and
inherently conflictual.
因此, if one con-
siders not a particular
medical practice, 喜欢
vaccination against
smallpox, but rather
the operation of a
hospital or a national
health-care system as
a whole, the sense of
progress that marks medical “technology” fades, and widespread concerns and dis-
agreements about hospital management and the performance of the health-care
system more broadly come into view. The situation at these levels of medical care
is not much different than that of schools, school systems, and educational policy
更广泛地, where there is widespread belief that we are not doing very well. 这
effective know-how that we have gained regarding vaccinations specifically is not
matched by effective know-how regarding management or the making and admin-
istration of high-level policies.
In the absence of effective shop-floor know-how that can teach children to
read with great reliability, we must depend on better decision-making at the level
of complex organizations and policy regimes in order to conquer the contextual
diversity that makes it so difficult to improve nationwide reading competency. 然而
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Progress in Know-How
at these higher levels of organizational complexity, know-how is also weak and
unlikely to improve significantly. 为此原因, the difficulties policy-makers and
administrators have encountered in improving reading performance at the nation-
al level are not likely to soon be overcome.
Certainly there are aspects of management where effective practice has been
发达, often involving highly standardized procedures. 因此, many business-
es and hospitals have made good use of new computation and information tech-
nologies to establish effective systems of purchasing and inventory management.
We note that these are managerial activities with objectives that are relatively clear
and uncontroversial, unlike, 说, hospital policies regarding whether nurses are
allowed to perform procedures that medical doctors traditionally have done, 或者
merger and acquisition policies of businesses, or the pedagogical practices of
teachers in a large and diverse urban school system. And in some arenas of activi-
蒂, a large share of management can be more or less routinized. The operation of a
modern aircraft carrier or nuclear reactor requires the coordinated actions of
many people, and generally appropriate action patterns are achieved.14 We note
that in each of these examples there are clear, agreed-upon goals, strong chains of
command, and clear, relatively instantaneous signals of failure that would adverse-
ly affect all involved (the carrier fails in its mission, the reactor explodes). But such
special cases are far different from the general management problem of multigoal
organizations and systems of the sort we have in health care and education.
We want, 然后, to emphasize that the powerful know-how embodied in the
smallpox vaccine is not strongly dependent for its effectiveness on particular types
of management and policy regimes. We do not mean to imply that eradicating
smallpox was either easy or inevitable, only that the many organizational and pol-
icy approaches brought to bear on the eradication effort15 could be tested, refined,
adapted, 评估的, and improved because of the underlying effectiveness of the vac-
cine. Yet this success did not reflect—or lead to—systemic, replicable improve-
ments in know-how about the implementation of global health programs more
So now we can clear up the apparent paradox that we introduced at the begin-
ning of this essay. Certainly the organizational and policy context for global health
interventions is more complex and heterogeneous than for teaching children to
read in one of the world’s most affluent nations. But the level of management and
policy practice is not where we would expect to find powerful and improving bod-
ies of know-how that can lead rather directly to desired outcomes. Powerful bod-
ies of know-how are largely a “shop-floor” phenomenon, and while such know-
how is clearly present in the practice of vaccinating against many infectious dis-
缓和, it remains only weakly developed in the practice of teaching reading. 我们
emphasize that this does not mean that there are not highly skilled educators and
effective approaches for teaching reading in a variety of contexts. It does mean,
然而, that such skill and effectiveness cannot be standardized, replicated, 和
delivered across the wide variety of contexts where teaching occurs.
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Daniel Sarewitz and Richard R. 纳尔逊
Progress can be made, 虽然它
may not be dramatic, by coming to
better understand the value
conflicts that stymie efforts to do
anything significant, by reaching
some accord on the central things
that should be done, 并由
putting in the perhaps significant
resources that are needed because
our know-how does not point to
any low-cost or highly reliable way
of dealing with the problem.
We want to call attention to three consequences of this inability—except in quite
special circumstances—to develop powerful standardized procedures at the level
of management and policy-making. 第一的, in an area of activity like medical prac-
tice or in a problematic policy area like protecting the environment, where we have
been able to develop
some strong shop-floor
level know-how
practices that apparently
give us strong capabili-
领带, there tends to be a
widespread feeling that
we are not employing
those capabilities nearly
effectively as we
“could.” Another way of
looking at the matter is
that we do not have the
managerial and policy-
making know-how
effectively use the tech-
nological know-how that
我们有. This obviously is
very frustrating. 但, 我们
think that this syndrome
is a fact of life, a conse-
quence of inherent limi-
tations of our know-how
regarding how to advance practice in complex institutional settings characterized
by conflicts over goals and values. Social scientists have of course devoted consid-
erable attention to understanding the complexities of human action in such con-
flictual settings, but we see little evidence that such insights have led to advancing
know-how that can actually be applied to yield general progress. 相比之下, 社会的
science scholarship has compellingly documented the disastrous consequences
that can result when limited know-how is inappropriately generalized through the
imposition of overly technocratic regimes.16
第二, because of the well-recognized limits of purposive action in complex
settings, progress in our know-how regarding how to meet human needs is going
to continue to be largely driven, as it has been over the last two centuries, 由
development and advance of effective technologies that are operative mostly at the
shop-floor level. While there certainly will continue to be advances in the tech-
nologies used to perform routinizable managerial functions like inventory control
and enhancements for policy analysis like more powerful simulation techniques,
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Progress in Know-How
what we can expect aside from these functions regarding management and policy-
making is that they adjust to allow the new shop-floor technologies to be used to
further the objectives for which they are relatively effective. This is what we saw in
the example of smallpox eradication in India. The eradication effort succeeded by
organizing flexibly around vaccine delivery at the shop-floor level, not by creating
newly effective national or global health-system bureaucracies.
Yet the lessons of successes like smallpox eradication are commonly misinter-
preted and misapplied. In recognizing that social problems are far easier and less
costly to deal with when we have powerful technologies that bear on them relative-
ly directly than when we do not, society pushes hard to develop more effective
practice in areas of high human need, like education, where progress has been
slow. 然而, in many important areas, efforts to develop a technological fix17 will
not work because they lack a standardized core upon which to leverage improved
知识, or because the problem is one of purposive action at levels of high
organizational complexity, 或两者. 因此, 出于类似的原因, we are not going to
make major headway on these problems by learning to “manage” them more effi-
We do not mean to say that progress cannot be made on such problems.
Progress can be made, although it may not be dramatic, by coming to better under-
stand the value conflicts that stymie efforts to do anything significant, by reaching
some accord on the central things that should be done, and by putting in the per-
haps significant resources that are needed because our know-how does not point
to any low-cost or highly reliable way of dealing with the problem. In our view, 这
is the way to look at the challenges of improving education, or protecting the envi-
罗门特, or reducing poverty. The challenge is to the democratic process, 相当
than to technology or management.
This latter observation may seem uncontroversial, even obvious, but it leads us
to our final point. As we have emphasized, when effective shop-floor technologies
do exist, and when those technologies do advance widely shared values, the previ-
ous two consequences—the disconnect between shop-floor practice and complex
institutional settings, and the difficulty of advancing know-how at the manage-
ment and policy levels—may be overcome. 一方面, the smallpox eradi-
cation program required a significant degree of policy and operational coordina-
tion among diverse actors and institutions ranging from international bodies like
the World Health Organization to individual nations to local governments to local
political leaders and doctors. Such coordination would be unthinkable in the
absence of the effective technological core and the shared values that it serves, as is
starkly illustrated by the relative chaos in education policy regarding the teaching
of reading that persists in the United States. We are suggesting, 换句话说, 那
effective know-how can stimulate a reorganization of the political landscape to
allow for solutions to previously intractable problems not by creating new types of
organizations that can be more effectively “managed,” but by facilitating the appli-
cation of know-how at the shop-floor level.
因此, our theory may have important implications for choosing strategies and
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Daniel Sarewitz and Richard R. 纳尔逊
allocating resources aimed at difficult societal problems. 第一的, as we have sought to
解释, even for rather focused problems such as teaching children to read, 什么时候
lines of research are not leveraged by a standardized core of know-how, 右&D pro-
grams should not be expected to succeed or be advertised as having any real prom-
ise of succeeding, at least in the short and medium run. It is not enough that these
programs are “use inspired.” They should be understood as aiming only at the cre-
ation of fundamental knowledge, and be explicitly designed and described as such.
即使是这样, success is only possible over the long term and the probability of failure is
高的. 第二, as many scholars and practitioners already recognize, the quest for
technological fixes to address problems that are actually rooted in complex orga-
nizational settings is often not only fruitless but counterproductive. 最后, 什么时候
a standardized core can be identified, remarkable progress in know-how may
发生, and the return on society’s investments may be very great indeed.
Our work on this topic has been supported by the Sloan Foundation. Our current
understanding of the issues, as reflected in this essay, has been strongly influenced
by the discussion at a meeting concerned with the uneven evolution of human
知识, held at Columbia University in November 2005. Participating in that
discussion were Henry Chesbrough, William Spencer, Richard Murnane, Sidney
冬天, Richard Rosenbloom, Roger Pielke Jr., Alan Moscowitz, Annetine Gelijns,
Theodore Marmor, and Sherry Glied. Roger Pielke Jr., Helen Ingram, 大卫
Guston, and the Arizona State University “sustainability lunch bunch” provided
useful comments on earlier drafts.
1. Gordon and Gordon (2003).
2. Trend data are available on the website of the U.S. 教育部 (2004).
3. 看, 例如, Donovan, Wigdor, and Snow (2003), Elmore (2004), Foray and Hargreaves (2003),
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4. Murnane and Nelson (2007).
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17. Weinberg (1966).
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