

REVIEW Communicated by Dana Ballard Predictive Coding, Variational Autoencoders, and Biological Connections Joseph Marino* josephmarino@deepmind.com Computation and Neural Systems, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, 美国. We present a review of predictive coding, 从…



ARTICLE Communicated by Jianqiao Zhu A Normative Account of Confirmation Bias During Reinforcement Learning Germain Lefebvre germain.lefebvre@outlook.com MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit, 纳菲尔德临床神经科学系, 牛津大学, Oxford OX3 9DU, U.K. Christopher



ARTICLE Communicated by Hrushikesh Mhaskar On PDE Characterization of Smooth Hierarchical Functions Computed by Neural Networks Khashayar Filom filom@umich.edu Department of Mathematics, 密歇根大学, 安娜堡, MI 48109, 美国. Roozbeh Farhoodi roozbeh@seas.upenn.edu Konrad Paul


LETTER Communicated by Hiroki Mori Completion of the Infeasible Actions of Others: Goal Inference by Dynamical Invariant Takuma Torii tak.torii@jaist.ac.jp Shohei Hidaka shhidaka@jaist.ac.jp Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Nomi, Ishikawa 923-1211, Japan To


LETTER Communicated by Iris Groen Temporal Variabilities Provide Additional Category-Related Information in Object Category Decoding: A Systematic Comparison of Informative EEG Features Hamid Karimi-Rouzbahani hamid.karimi-rouzbahani@mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk Medical Research Council Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, 大学…



ARTICLE Communicated by Terrence Sejnowski Parametric UMAP Embeddings for Representation and Semisupervised Learning Tim Sainburg timsainb@gmail.com University of California San Diego, 拉霍亚, CA 92093, 美国. Leland McInnes leland.mcinnes@gmail.com Tutte Institute for Mathematics and Computing,…


LETTER Communicated by Arindam Banerjee Multilinear Common Component Analysis via Kronecker Product Representation Kohei Yoshikawa yoshikawa.kohei615@gmail.com Shuichi Kawano skawano@ai.lab.uec.ac.jp Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications, Chofu-shi, 东京 182-8585, Japan We consider



ARTICLE Communicated by Nick Hardy Stimulus-Driven and Spontaneous Dynamics in Excitatory-Inhibitory Recurrent Neural Networks for Sequence Representation Alfred Rajakumar aar653@nyu.edu Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 纽约大学, 纽约, 纽约 10012, 美国. John Rinzel



ARTICLE Communicated by Luke Prince A Biologically Plausible Neural Network for Multichannel Canonical Correlation Analysis David Lipshutz dlipshutz@flatironinstitute.org Yanis Bahroun ybahroun@flatironinstitute.org Siavash Golkar sgolkar@flatironinstitute.org Center for Computational Neuroscience, Flatiron Institute, 纽约, 纽约 10010, 美国….


LETTER Communicated by Peer Neubert Simulating and Predicting Dynamical Systems With Spatial Semantic Pointers Aaron R. Voelker arvoelke@uwaterloo.ca Peter Blouw peter.blouw@appliedbrainresearch.com Xuan Choo xuan.choo@appliedbrainresearch.com Applied Brain Research, 滑铁卢, ON N2L 3G1, Canada Nicole Sandra-Yaffa Dumont
