

Remarks and Replies Correspondence between XPs and Phonological Phrases Daniel Bu¨ring Hubert Truckenbrodt Bresnan (1971, 1972) establishes an interaction between stress assign- ment and syntactic movement. We are interested in a restriction on this interaction….


Feature Gluttony

Feature Gluttony Jessica Coon Stefan Keine This article develops a new approach to a family of hierarchy-effect- inducing configurations, with a focus on Person Case Constraint ef- fects, dative-nominative configurations, and copula constructions. 主要的…


Contrasting Contrastive

Contrasting Contrastive Left-Dislocation Explications Marcel den Dikken Bala´zs Sura´nyi Of the three logically possible approaches to contrastive left-disloca- 的 (CLD) (base-generation cum deep anaphora; movement cum sur- face anaphora; elliptical clausal juxtaposition cum resumption), 二…
