跨学科历史杂志, xxxix:1 (夏天, 2008), 37–64. NATIONAL SECURITY AND U.S. IMMIGRATION POLICY Robbie Totten National Security and U.S. Immigration Policy, 1776–1790 Why did the U.S. federal government do so little to restrict immigration…
跨学科历史杂志, xxxviii:3 (冬天, 2008), 377–399.
跨学科历史杂志, xxxviii:3 (冬天, 2008), 377–399. BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT Larry M. Logue and Peter Blanck “Beneªt of the Doubt”: African-American Civil War Veterans and Pensions A reading of Civil War pen- 锡安…
跨学科历史杂志, xxxviii:2 (秋天, 2007), 233–254.
跨学科历史杂志, xxxviii:2 (秋天, 2007), 233–254. SHOOT TO KILL Jeffrey S. Adler Shoot to Kill: The Use of Deadly Force by the Chicago Police, 1875–1920 The American police have a long history of…
跨学科历史杂志, xxxviii:2 (秋天, 2007), 207–232.
跨学科历史杂志, xxxviii:2 (秋天, 2007), 207–232. WIDOWHOOD STRATEGIES Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh, and Paul Nystedt Widowhood Strategies in Preindustrial Society The household was of utmost importance for the daily lives of the rural…
跨学科历史杂志, xxxviii:2 (秋天, 2007), 177–205.
跨学科历史杂志, xxxviii:2 (秋天, 2007), 177–205. HOUSEHOLDS AND PLAGUE Samuel K. Cohn, 小。, and Guido Alfani Households and Plague in Early Modern Italy The past decade has seen the debate about the Black…
跨学科历史杂志, xxxviii:1 (夏天, 2007), 33–64.
跨学科历史杂志, xxxviii:1 (夏天, 2007), 33–64. SINGLE PARENTHOOD AND CHILDHOOD OUTCOMES Howard Bodenhorn Single Parenthood and Childhood Outcomes in the Mid-Nineteenth-Century Urban South An in- creasing volume of research documents the rising incidence…
跨学科历史杂志, xxxvii:4 (春天, 2007), 513–542.
跨学科历史杂志, xxxvii:4 (春天, 2007), 513–542. THE COLONIAL ORIGINS OF AMERICAN SPEECH Paul K. Longmore “Good English without Idiom or Tone”: The Colonial Origins of American Speech Questions about shared language have played…
跨学科历史杂志, xxxvii:1 (夏天, 2006), 35–58.
跨学科历史杂志, xxxvii:1 (夏天, 2006), 35–58. ROCKING THE CRADLE Gloria L. Main Rocking the Cradle: Downsizing the New England Family Sometime around the year 1800, if not be- fore, couples throughout New England…
跨学科历史杂志, xxxv:3 (冬天, 2005), 481–500.
跨学科历史杂志, xxxv:3 (冬天, 2005), 481–500. THE OTTOMAN PUBLIC KITCHEN Amy Singer Serving Up Charity: The Ottoman Public Kitchen Ottoman public kitchens, known as ‘imaret, aqhane, darü’l-it(am, or darü’z-ziyafe, handed out food, 自由的…
跨学科历史杂志, 三十四:1 (夏天, 2003), 1–25.
跨学科历史杂志, 三十四:1 (夏天, 2003), 1–25. RATS, COMMUNICATIONS, AND PLAGUE Michael McCormick Rats, 通讯, and Plague: Toward an Ecological History Until recently, there were no Roman rats. As disease, ecological change, 和他们的…