跨学科历史杂志, xliv:2 (秋天, 2013), 157–179. VENETIAN TRADING NETWORKS Francisco Apellániz Venetian Trading Networks in the Medieval Mediterranean To understand the system of business rela- tions within the commercial network of the Republic…
跨学科历史杂志, xliii:4 (春天, 2013), 511–537.
跨学科历史杂志, xliii:4 (春天, 2013), 511–537. PUBLIC DEBT IN THE PAPAL STATES Donatella Strangio Public Debt in the Papal States, Sixteenth to Eighteenth Century Analysis of the Roman ªnancial sys- tem highlights how…
跨学科历史杂志, xliii:3 (冬天, 2013), 353–376.
跨学科历史杂志, xliii:3 (冬天, 2013), 353–376. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT IN OTTOMAN TIMES Metin M. Coqgel, Boíaç Ergene, Haggay Etkes, 托马斯·J. Miceli Crime and Punishment in Ottoman Times: Corruption and Fines Monetary ªnes…
跨学科历史杂志, xliii:2 (秋天, 2012), 169–220.
跨学科历史杂志, xliii:2 (秋天, 2012), 169–220. CLIMATE CHANGE DURING & AFTER THE ROMAN EMPIRE Michael McCormick, Ulf Büntgen, 马克A. Cane, Edward R. 厨师, Kyle Harper, Peter Huybers, Thomas Litt, Sturt W. 曼宁,…
跨学科历史杂志, xliii:1 (夏天, 2012), 43–61.
跨学科历史杂志, xliii:1 (夏天, 2012), 43–61. INTERRACIAL HOMICIDE IN NEW ORLEANS Jeffrey S. Adler Cognitive Bias: Interracial Homicide in New Orleans, 1921–1945 At 10:40 下午. on January 25, 1945, shot Robert New Orleans…
跨学科历史杂志, xliii:1 (夏天, 2012), 27–42.
跨学科历史杂志, xliii:1 (夏天, 2012), 27–42. DISASTER STATISTICS Benigno E. Aguirre Better Disaster Statistics: The Lisbon Earthquake Major disasters are characterized by signiªcant loss of life and property, injuries, mental distress, 和…
跨学科历史杂志, xlii:4 (春天, 2012), 503–517.
跨学科历史杂志, xlii:4 (春天, 2012), 503–517. INTRODUCTION George C. Alter, Myron P. Gutmann, Susan Hautaniemi Leonard, and Emily R. Merchant Introduction: Longitudinal Analysis of Historical- Demographic Data The ªeld of historical demography embraces…
跨学科历史杂志, xlii:2 (秋天, 2011), 235–249.
跨学科历史杂志, xlii:2 (秋天, 2011), 235–249. LOCAL ELITES IN THE ROMAN WORLD Daniëlle Slootjes Local Elites and Power in the Roman World: Modern Theories and Models Roman Imperial Identities in the Early Christian…
跨学科历史杂志, xlii:1 (夏天, 2011), 1–13.
跨学科历史杂志, xlii:1 (夏天, 2011), 1–13. GIS AND THE STUDY OF HISTORY Jordi Martí-Henneberg Geographical Information Systems and the Study of History The articles in this special issue demonstrate the importance of employing…
跨学科历史杂志, xli:4 (春天, 2011), 565–590.
跨学科历史杂志, xli:4 (春天, 2011), 565–590. MILITARY MORALITY TRANSFORMED Gervase Phillips Military Morality Transformed: Weapons and Soldiers on the Nineteenth-Century Battleªeld In the dying days of America’s Civil War, Theodore Upson, a vet-…