Sound Synthesis Based on Ordinary Differential Equations Nikolaos Stefanakis,∗ Markus Abel,† and Andr´e Bergner∗∗ ∗UP Transfer GmbH University of Potsdam Am Neuen Palais 10 14469 波茨坦, Germany †Ambrosys GmbH Albert-Einstein-Str. 1–5 14467 波茨坦, 德国…
Andrew McPherson
Andrew McPherson Centre for Digital Music Queen Mary University of London Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK Buttons, Handles, and Keys: Advances in Continuous-Control Keyboard Instruments Abstract: The keyboard is one of the…
Andrew R. 棕色的,∗ Toby Gifford,∗
Andrew R. 棕色的,∗ Toby Gifford,∗ and Robert Davidson† ∗Griffith University 140 Grey Street, South Brisbane, 4054, 澳大利亚 {andrew.r.brown, t.gifford} †The University of Queensland St Lucia, Brisbane, 4072, Australia Techniques for Generative Melodies Inspired by…
声音和视频选集: 节目说明
声音和视频选集: Program Notes Media Compositions and Performances: Doug Van Nort, Curator Curator’s Note It is with great pleasure that I have curated Computer Music Journal’s 2014 声音和视频选集. I decided…
Israel Neuman
Israel Neuman University of Iowa Department of Computer Science 14 MacLean Hall Iowa City, 爱荷华州 52242-1419, USA Generative Tools for Interactive Composition: Real-Time Musical Structures Based on Schaeffer’s TARTYP and on Klumpenhouwer Networks Abstract:…
Thor Magnusson
Thor Magnusson Department of Music University of Sussex Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QJ, UK Herding Cats: Observing Live Coding in the Wild Abstract: After an eventful decade of live-coding activities, this article seeks to explore…
Lonce Wyse and Srikumar Subramanian
Lonce Wyse and Srikumar Subramanian Communications and New Media Department National University of Singapore Blk AS6, #03-41 11 Computing Drive Singapore 117416 The Viability of the Web Browser as a Computer Music Platform…