
Sound Synthesis Based

Sound Synthesis Based on Ordinary Differential Equations Nikolaos Stefanakis,∗ Markus Abel,† and Andr´e Bergner∗∗ ∗UP Transfer GmbH University of Potsdam Am Neuen Palais 10 14469 波茨坦, Germany nstefana@ics.forth.gr †Ambrosys GmbH Albert-Einstein-Str. 1–5 14467 波茨坦, 德国…



Sound Synthesis with Auditory Distortion Products Gary S. 肯德尔,克里斯托弗·霍沃斯,† and Rodrigo F. C ´adiz∗∗ ∗Artillerigatan 40 114 45 斯德哥尔摩, Sweden garyskendall@me.com †Faculty of Music Oxford University St. 阿尔达特的, 牛津, 氧化酶1 1 数据库, 团结的…


Israel Neuman

Israel Neuman University of Iowa Department of Computer Science 14 MacLean Hall Iowa City, 爱荷华州 52242-1419, USA isneuman@gmail.com Generative Tools for Interactive Composition: Real-Time Musical Structures Based on Schaeffer’s TARTYP and on Klumpenhouwer Networks Abstract:…


Ge Wang

Ge Wang Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) Department of Music Stanford University 660 Lomita Drive Stanford, 加利福尼亚州 94305, USA ge@ccrma.stanford.edu Ocarina: Designing the iPhone’s Magic Flute Abstract: Ocarina, created in 2008
