评论 [Editor’s note: Selected reviews are posted on the Web at mitpress2.mit .edu/e-journals/Computer-Music- Journal/Documents/reviews/index .html. 在某些情况下, they are either unpublished in the Journal itself or published in an abbreviated form in the Journal.]…
Bill Alves
Bill Alves Harvey Mudd College 301 乙. 12th St. Claremont, 加利福尼亚州 91711 alves@hmc.edu Digital Harmony of Sound and Light In the late 1980s and early 1990s I was privileged to work with the computer animation…
Christine Anderson
Christine Anderson Technische Universität Berlin Hackerstraße 11, 12163 柏林, Germany christine_anderson@gmx.de Dynamic Networks of Sonic Interactions: An Interview with Agostino Di Scipio The Italian composer Agostino Di Scipio (见图 1) is one of the…
Christopher Ariza
Christopher Ariza New York University Graduate School of Arts and Science, Music Department 24 Waverly Place, Room 268 纽约, 纽约 10003 USA ariza@flexatone.net The Xenakis Sieve as Object: A New Model and a…