ContributorS Emily Apter is Julius Silver Professor of French and Comparative Literature and Chair of Comparative Literature at New York University. Her books include Unexceptional Politics: On Obstruction, Impasse and the Impolitic (Verso, 2018); Against…
CONTRIBUTORS Bani Abidi is a Pakistani visual artist living between Berlin and Karachi. Encompassing video, photography, and performance, Abidi’s practice draws on everyday as well as historical events to explore issues of nationalism and state…
erraTuM: The PersIsTence Of PrIMITIVIsM
erraTuM: The PersIsTence Of PrIMITIVIsM and The deBT cOLLecTOrs Elizabeth Harney’s “The Persistence of Primitivism and the Debt Collectors“ (ARTM 11:3), p. 105–125 ( _r_00327) contains an error. Joshua I. Cohen’s The “Black Art” Renaissance:…
sean smuda lives and works in Berlin. He oper-
sean smuda lives and works in Berlin. He oper- ates community-based galleries in Minneapolis and Berlin; served as Cultural Liaison to Tours, 法国; and initiated Blown Derivatives, a four- year collaboration of international artists. 最近,…
cONtriBUtOrs lara ayad is an independent researcher and art historian. She is the author of “The ‘Negress’ of Alexandria: African Womanhood in Modern Egyptian Art” (African Arts, 冬天 2020). She currently hosts the television show…
COnTRIBUTORS Greg Burris teaches at the American University of Beirut and is the author of The Palestinian Idea: Film, 媒体, and the Radical Imagination (2019). His other writings on film, 文化, and politics have appeared…
ContRIButoRS Luis Camnitzer is a Uruguayan artist and the author of New Art of Cuba (1994) 和, 最近, One Number Is Worth One Word (2020). He co-organized the exhibition Global Conceptualism: Points of Origin…
COnTribuTOrs Julia Alekseyeva teaches in the Department of English and the Cinema and Media Studies Program at the University of Pennsylvania. Her research focuses on the interactions between global media and radical leftist poli- 抽动症,…
ConTRIbuToRS Iftikhar Dadi and Elizabeth Dadi collaborate on an art practice that investigates memory, 边界, and identity in contemporary global- 化, the productive capacities of urban informalities in the Global South, and the mass culture…
CoNTRiBuToRS Brynn Hatton teaches global contemporary art at Colgate University. Her research exam- ines transnational visual cultures of protest, Conceptual art, and the formation of leftist political discourse in the 1960s and 1970s around the…