“District Six Is Really My Gay Vicinity” The Kewpie Photographic Collection Malcolm Corrigall and Jenny Marsden all photos from the Kewpie Collection, courtesy the GALA Queer Archives, Johannesburg, SA In recent years, the representation of…
Creative Mediations
Creative Mediations The Figurative Ceramics of Voania (从) Muba Carlee S. Forbes Boldly emblazoning his signature VOANIA MUBA across the sides of his works, the potter Voania,1 from the small town of Muba in the…
first word
first word Beyond Single Stories: Addressing Dynamism, Specificity, and Agency in Arts of Africa Susan Elizabeth Gagliardi and Yaëlle Biro In Amalgam, the spring 2019 exhibition Theaster Gates created for Paris’s Palais de Tokyo, 这…
The Ẹpa Masquerades
The Ẹpa Masquerades of Èkìtì A Structural Approach Will Rea all photos by the author except where otherwise noted Forms appear out of other forms, that is they are contained by them: the container is…
“[乙]thno-symbolists consider the cultural elements
“[乙]thno-symbolists consider the cultural elements 3 of symbol, myth, 记忆, 价值, ritual and tradition to be crucial to an analysis of ethnicity, nations and nationalisms” (史密斯 (2009: 25). https://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/monde/ 4 afrique/felwine-sarr-le-poids-de-l-impense-colo- nial_2058754.html 2 Bénédicte Savoy…
first word
first word Musée, colonisation, et restitution El Hadji Malick Ndiaye Quand les bases modernes du musée sont jetées au XVIIIe siècle, le souci de classification méthodique des savoirs par le biais des objets est venu…
Condition Report 3:
Condition Report 3: Art History in Africa Debating Localization, Legitimization and New Solidarities Ruth Simbao, Koyo Kouoh, Ugochukwu-Smooth Nzewi, Suzana Sousa, and Emi Koide all photos by Ruth Simbao except where otherwise noted Ruth Simbao:…
first word
first word Is Repatriation Inevitable? by Allen F. Roberts Debates about repatriation of human remains and significant cultural materials to their com- munities of origin, including objects deemed “art” following culturally determined assess- 评论, 有…
Assemblage, Occlusion,
Assemblage, Occlusion, and the Art of Survival in the Black Atlantic Matthew Francis Rarey An archival abscess subtly warps the pages of a manuscript held at the Torre do Tombo National Archive in Lisbon, Portugal…
The Vigango Affair
The Vigango Affair The Enterprise of Repatriating Mijikenda Memorial Figures to Kenya Joseph Nevadomsky On January 15, 2014 the California State University, Fullerton (CSUF), repatriated twenty-seven Mijikenda vigango memo- rial wood posts. Ten days later…