Carl J. Schramm

Carl J. Schramm

Toward an Entrepreneurial Society
Why Measurement Matters

This historic and irreversible change in the way of doing things we call
“innovation” and we define: innovations are changes in production func-
tions which cannot be decomposed into infinitesimal steps. Add as many
mail-coaches as you please; you will never get a railroad by so doing.

— Joseph Schumpeter

Entrepreneurship and innovation are everywhere. Even in the world’s most remote
and impoverished places, the fabric of daily life is today continually being rewoven
by gradual improvements in existing goods and services and by radically new
inventions, unimaginable but a few years or even months before their sudden
appearance. From “Moore’s Law” to gene therapies, technological advance com-
bined with entrepreneurial initiative continues to deliver on the promise of “bet-
特尔, faster, cheaper.” Such changes enhance the human experience directly, and also
drive sustained economic growth that improves lives further.

Given the importance of innovation to individuals and societies everywhere,
the global inadequacy of tools—even a rigorous vocabulary—to measure innova-
tion and trace its effects is striking. 然而, considered in a historical context, 这
shortcomings of current systems of measurement are also not surprising.

The puzzle of sustained growth, and its relationship to entrepreneurship and
创新, is a fairly new one. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, growth was an
unknown dimension of human experience. For millennia, mankind experienced
little substantive change in the flow of goods and services; 因此, 世纪
came and went with lives changing little. Even more importantly, global wealth
remained stagnant—few people became richer and few poorer. If there appeared
to be an expansion of wealth in one locale, it usually entailed armed conflict in
which static goods or precious metals were wrested away from another family, 城市,
or nation.

The dominant tools for understanding economic life—those associated direct-
ly with the “marginalist revolution” of the late 19th and early 20th centuries—are

Carl J. Schramm is president and chief executive officer of the Ewing Marion
Kauffman Foundation.

© 2008 Carl Schramm
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Carl J. Schramm

well suited for the study of individual consumption decisions or the behavior of
existing firms in stable markets; 他们是, 然而, very poorly suited to studying
the relationship between economic growth and economic knowledge.

The framework of data infrastructures employed today to track economic per-
formance in developed countries as well as developing ones is similarly ill-suited
to tracking change in today’s dynamic economy. The core systems on which we
depend were conceived largely in response to the Great Depression. Somewhat
之后, in the mid-1950s, 罗伯特
Solow pioneered a field of study
and inspired a generation of his
peers with the finding that 87% 的
我们. economic growth in the first
half of the 20th century could not
be explained by the accumulation
of capital and labor, the conven-
tional “factors of production.”1
Solow attributed this unexplained
“residual” in economic growth
accounting to technical change.

Given the importance of
innovation to individuals
and societies everywhere, 这
global inadequacy of tools—
even a rigorous vocabulary—
to measure innovation and
trace its effects is striking.

Subsequent generations of
including Arnold
Harberger, Paul Romber, 和
Elhanan Helpman, have looked closely at innovation and how it drives growth in
different sectors of the economy.2 At the same time, our statistical agencies have
been remarkably competent at maintaining and refining public data series.

Yet neither models nor methods of data collection have kept pace with the
rapid pace of change in today’s world. Whatever innovation is (and the concept
does present significant definitional problems), its force in the economy continues
to be captured mostly indirectly. 作为结果, though macroeconomists and
statistical agencies have made progress in establishing a link between innovation
and growth at the scale of entire national economies, the lack of systems to meas-
ure and track innovation at a more fine-grained level has developed into a funda-
mental challenge to the formation of public policy.


There is today no single approach to measuring innovation that dominates the
休息. Perhaps this will always be the case. The very nature of innovation suggests
that it will never yield to a tidy and static metric. An enormously complex econo-
my produces millions of ways in which “better, faster, cheaper” comes into play
every single day.

An obvious alternative to a single measure would be an aggregate measure of
an entire economy’s innovation capabilities—a universally adopted “innovation
index.” This approach was one of a number recently considered by the Advisory


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Toward an Entrepreneurial Society

Committee on Measuring Innovation in the 21st Century Economy, of which I
served as the Chair, and from whose report the material in the first part of this
paper derives.3 The conclusion of the Committee was that, given the current state
of research on innovation and economic growth, the creation and implementation
of such a single index would be unwise. A single index would be hard to construct
and harder still to defend. Innovation being innovation, it would hardly be estab-
lished before it would have to be changed. 而且, the economy does not inno-
vate evenly: there will always be some firms and sectors that innovate at a greater
pace than others. Creating a single index that treats innovation as a single phenom-
enon might lend itself to policy distortions. It would be used immediately in dis-
cussions of what policy steps might be appropriate to stimulate innovation, 和
error in the construction of such a unitary index could play through to disastrous

然而, while definitive answers are not attainable, it is possible to establish initial
signposts to direct what will necessarily be a very long, maybe never-ending jour-
ney of inquiry and measurement.

To begin to zero in on the contribution of innovation, better measures of the
growth in “total factor productivity”—the change in productivity left over after
taking account of the growth of capital and labor—are required. 但, total factor
productivity is a surrogate approach. Such a measure only accounts for a portion,
albeit a large portion, of the change in the economy’s performance that might be
said to be innovation. There are other measures that add more texture to the task
but make any approach to an inclusive measure that much more difficult.

The improvement, 一体化, and expansion of current data collection
efforts is certainly an attainable goal. Statistical systems in OECD countries, 和
increasingly in newly developed and developing countries, capture two of the
major inputs that are linked to the innovation process: research and development
spending, and the number of engineers, 科学家, and technicians employed. 在
添加, data are collected on some other categories of investments, 例如
expenditures on information technology equipment, which is certainly a factor in
expanding innovation. National systems of innovation also measure the number
of innovations that are protected by newly-issued patents each year. 但, in many
firms and industries, significant amounts of investments in innovation are made
outside of these categories and are consistently unaccounted for by current statis-
tical system. 的确, even for the variables we measure, such as research and devel-
选项, a need exists to update the way in which these measurements are quanti-
田野, the frequency of our measurement, and the coverage of younger firms and
emerging industries. Also of value would be a more finely calibrated measure of
how firms invest in the inputs that become innovation, especially human capital.
In the absence of common public measures of the scope of innovation, 许多
surrogates have sprung up in the private sector. Numerous interest groups, indus-
try associations, and think tanks produce indices of innovation that should be con-
sidered as part of the expanding mosaic of data sources. 实际上, one of the inno-
vations resulting from this report might be that the government absorbs several of

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Carl J. Schramm

the most statistically valid private sector data series into its own overall measures
of innovation.


How can improvements in measurement assist in the design and implementation
of public policies conducive to continuous and sustained growth in advanced
经济体, including those of OECD countries? Improvements in innovation
measurements will only result in better policies if such improvements are paired
with a better understanding of
the pathways that connect inno-
vation to growth. 的确, 生长
should be the touchstone of poli-
赛, and in the case of innovation,
it is important to understand its
角色. Without improved under-
standing of innovation processes,
policy interventions, either to
quicken innovation or to shift its
课程, may well be ineffective or
even counter-productive.

If countries—rich and poor
alike—are to grow and
benefit from inexorable
processes of globalization,
they need more and more
citizens ready to take
entrepreneurial risk.


enhanced data
improved understanding

in the absence of the
systems and
which I have advocated, it is difficult to say what policy should be; some things are
understood and should inform policy considerations. Most notable among these is
the role of entrepreneurs in motivating innovations and magnifying their impact.
Innovation propels growth by pushing existing companies to real cost reduc-
tions and new firms toward growth. 在美国, every year, roughly thir-
ty-one firms achieve “top line” revenue in excess of $1 billion.4 Each one of the
firms that experiences this kind of growth takes as its basis some innovation in the
nature of
its approach to marketing.
Entrepreneurial activity, both in start-ups and in existing large-scale companies, 是
critical to success at this level. Every entrepreneur is a party to innovation; 实际上,
it could be said that entrepreneurs are to our economy as the marines are to our
armed forces. Calculated risk taking, with a goal that is often only defined as “let’s
赢,” is the mindset of entrepreneurs, both those working on their own and those
who shoulder the path-breaking and often risky task of changing the culture and
identity of mature firms. To make the economy more congenial to innovation is to
construct an economic culture that appreciates what entrepreneurs do.

its products or in the nature of

Our economic “ecosystem” can be helpful to innovation and its ability to flour-
什. Policy thus should first focus on putting in place improvements to our meas-
urement of innovation and then focus on factors already understood to be key fac-
tors for innovation. Without doubt, it is critical for economies everywhere to have


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Toward an Entrepreneurial Society

people who are skilled and trained to see opportunities where “better, faster,
cheaper” can be realized. This means in real terms that schools, community col-
leges, and university-level institutions must prepare more of our young citizens to
be better able to advance technical insights such that innovative products and serv-
ices continue to flow into our economy.

If countries—rich and poor alike—are to grow and benefit from inexorable
processes of globalization, they need more and more citizens ready to take entre-
preneurial risk. Such individuals must flow from institutions attuned to produc-
ing particularly creative people for the new economy. If such institutions do not
abound “at home,” then processes must be in place to incentivize those who leave
for training abroad to return for innovation at home.

Individuals able to work across, as well as within, existing bodies of knowledge
will continue to be particularly prized. Recent economic and psychological
research has confirmed what scientists and entrepreneurs have known for decades:
innovative breakthroughs frequently come at the estuary region where different
fields, not necessarily related, intersect. This means that much more cross-discipli-
nary training is needed, where the edge between fields can be developed for the
innovations that lie within.


Distinct challenges face developing countries—both rapidly industrializing large
nations (巴西, 中国, and India in particular) and the more slowly developing
nations burdened by persistent poverty. In places where the institutions that enable
an entrepreneurial society are weak or absent, the priorities for innovation meas-
urement are not on science-based innovation but rather on such fundamentals as
the time and cost required to start a business.

In many developing countries, starting a business is fraught with expensive
and time-consuming red tape. While all the paperwork for starting a corporation
in the United States can be complete in a day, according to the World Bank it takes
153 days in Mozambique to incorporate and register a firm, 151 days in Indonesia,
和 40 days in El Salvador. That must change. Understanding and, 重要的是,
measuring the challenges that face entrepreneurs in different parts of the world is
a start.

经常, governments only know of such problems when they are not just iden-
tified, but measured. So the real questions for developing economies are: 什么
aren’t you measuring? How efficient is my nation’s adjudication of property and
contract disputes? Is human capital—literacy and numeracy—improving? Fast
足够的? How responsive is the financial system to new businesses?

Many of us have by now heard of the World Bank’s Doing Business report, 和
its impact on development is impressive. But even more impressive is that these
measures were first published in 2004. In less than half a decade, these simple but
powerful numbers have created transparency into national growth barriers, 在哪里
before there was only general agreement that such barriers existed. 同样地, 模拟-

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Carl J. Schramm

ilar measures of national economic institutions such as the Index of Economic
Freedom published annually by the Heritage Foundation and the Wall Street
Journal have been in existence for just over a decade. These indices are widely cited
and provide powerful support for reform, and the lesson to be drawn from their
relatively recent introduction and quick impact is that the winds of reform have
just begun to blow. Which nations catch those winds, or better, are inspired to cre-

winds of reform, will deter-
mine which nations grow
fastest in the 21st century.

their own

Valuable public resources that are
taken for granted soon become
scarce or disappear. 这
institutions that underlie the
prosperous economic system we
all share—what I have referred to
as “entrepreneurial capitalism”—
are no different. Accountability
for the future means accounting
for the present.



accelerate their economic
growth will not wait for the
World Bank to update its
annual metrics.
they will challenge them-
create new
accounts and metrics of
economic efficiency, entre-
preneurship, and innova-
的. Those that measure
first will have a head start
on improving their eco-sys-
tem and be most likely to
yield greater growth in the
decades ahead.

More also must be done overseas to promote a real symbiosis between estab-
lished firms and entrepreneurs. 首先, developing countries must ensure that
there is a level playing field between old and new firms. The OECD countries gen-
erally try to achieve this in a variety of ways, such as by protecting intellectual
property and discouraging monopolies and unfair trade practices. Developed and
developing nations alike must resist pressures from existing businesses to preserve
markets and prevent innovation.

The most promising entrepreneurs should be helpful in finding big corpora-
tions as partners, which in today’s global economy can include corporations based
in the United States or elsewhere. Developing countries’ own large firms and gov-
ernment agencies also could be given incentives to support employees who have
good ideas for spin-off companies. To understand success along these vital dimen-
西翁, developing nations need to go beyond aggregate export statistics to gather
data on the extent to which local entrepreneurs are integrating into global supply
chains and knowledge networks.

In the government sector, nations should do as much as possible to invest in
infrastructure that supports entrepreneurship. South Korea offers a good example,
with its efforts to promote end-user connectivity to the Internet. An estimated 60


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Toward an Entrepreneurial Society

到 70 percent of the country already has high-speed broadband access. One ration-
ale for this investment has been to make government more efficient and respon-
sive by moving citizens’ interactions online. But the policy is also helping to build
a countrywide platform for entrepreneurship: every South Korean will soon be
linked to massive online flows of knowledge and to online markets. Local and
regional measures of the extent of the “digital divide” need to reflect new realities
by taking into account rapidly expanding cell phone usage. Public policies should
support—or at a minimum, not obstruct—new and existing information and
communications services that offer customers new tools for doing business.

High-impact entrepreneurship will thrive most in countries that pay proper
attention to all four sectors of the entrepreneurial system. China is an example of
a developing nation that does. While adopting policies that actively encourage
创业精神, Beijing is pushing to have 20 percent more of its college-age
population enrolled in higher education, 例如. And it is developing high-
技能, high-tech business in tandem with low-wage contract manufacturing, steel-
制作, and other basic industries. China seems to understand that the commodi-
ties it currently manufactures can be obtained from less developed countries and
that many of the world’s highly sought-after goods will come from laboratories,
skilled people, and entrepreneurs. Investment guided by measurement is an
important element in its strategy. As a result, China may well arrive in the post
industrial age very quickly.


It is better to travel an illuminated path toward future economic progress than to
stumble in an unlit direction. Measuring innovation is central to understanding
economies everywhere as they evolve and adapt in the face of globalization.
Improvements to our measurement of innovation will help to ensure sustained
economic strength and improvements in human well-being.

Decades of disappointing development will not be reversed unless indicators
of societal advancement keep pace with changes in the way society functions. 为了
emerging economies as well as established ones, national income accounts devel-
oped three generations ago to measure macroeconomic performance need to be
complemented by “national opportunity accounts” tracking the leading indicators
of change in the 21st century.

为了确定, updated approaches to measurement will not create an entrepre-
neurial society. 然而, measurement is a first step toward accountability, 哪个
in turn is an essential element of good government. Countries that—whether
through private initiative or government action—create conditions favorable to
entrepreneurship merit the recognition that can come with appropriate measure-
蒙特. Where opportunity is present and widely perceived, investment and future
growth may then follow naturally.

Past experience indicates that movement toward an entrepreneurial society
will have profound and lasting effects that go beyond economics. As individuals

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step into the market, assume risk, and work to turn their aspirations into business-
英语, they will insist on political as well as economic liberalization. In this manner the
expansion of entrepreneurship is linked to the development of
讽刺地, 企业家, who are by nature agents of change, may prove in the
coming century to be among the most important forces of global stability.

For those who worry about questions related to expanding human welfare
through technical change and economic growth, the systematic measurement of
innovation and its impact is, for all of the reasons sketched above, arguably the
most important social science challenge of our times. Without effective measure-
ment and assessment, poor decisions will follow. This is no small matter. 作为
Lawrence Summers has observed in the pages of this journal, “It is a tragedy—it is,
从某种意义上说, killing people—when resources are poorly allocated.”5

If history has any global lessons, one is that valuable public resources that are
taken for granted soon become scarce or disappear. The institutions that underlie
the prosperous economic system we all share—what I have referred to as “entre-
preneurial capitalism”6—are no different. Accountability for the future means
accounting for the present.

1. See in particular Robert Solow, “A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth.” Quarterly
经济学杂志 70:65-94 (1956); see also Edward F. Denison, “Sources of Economic Growth
in the United States and the Alternatives before Us.” (纽约: Committee for Economic
发展, 1962). For a more recent treatment, see William Baumol, 大卫·S。. Landes and Joel.
Mokyr (2008), Entrepreneurship and Economic History. 普林斯顿大学, 新泽西州: 普林斯顿大学出版社.
2. Notable in this context has been the work of Dale Jorgenson, spanning over thirty years. 看, 最多
最近, Dale Jorgenson, Mun Ho, and Kevin Stiroh (2005), Information Technology and the
American Growth Resurgence, 剑桥, 嘛: 与新闻界.

3. Schramm, Carl J., “Why Innovation Matters,” in Innovation Measurement: Tracking the State of
Innovation in the American Economy, A Report to the Secretary of Commerce by The Advisory
Committee on Measuring Innovation in the 21st Century Economy (Carl Schramm Chair); 一月,

4. Thomson, David G. 2006. Blueprint to a Billion: 7 Essentials to Achieve Exponential Growth. 新的

约克: 约翰·威利 & Sons,

5. Lawrence Summers (2007). “Solutions Within Reach.” Innovations 2:4; p. 13.
6. Carl J. Schramm (2006). The Entrepreneurial Imperative. 纽约, 纽约: 哈珀·柯林斯.


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