Horacio Melo
Prosperity through Connectedness
Innovations Case Narrative:
Start-Up Chile
Chile’s geographical isolation has resulted in a culture that values external connec-
zioni. Chileans have had to develop innovative ways to reach out to the world. Questo
mindset provides the backdrop to the creation of Start-Up Chile.
By bringing entrepreneurs to Chile from all over the world, Start-Up Chile not
only makes Chile better connected to the rest of the world, it also contributes to a
cultural change that creates more openness toward entrepreneurship.
Start-Up Chile is a program created by the Chilean government. It depends on
the Ministry of Economy and is executed by the Chilean Economic Development
Agency (CORFO), the leading organization for promoting innovation and entre-
preneurship in the country.
The premise of Start-Up Chile is simple: Chileans should invest in talented
people no matter where they come from. The program should look at their proj-
ects and capabilities first, passports second.
So far, Start-Up Chile’s results have exceeded expectations. In less than two
years the program has received over 2,000 applications; of these, Sopra 300 projects
have been selected; of the selected projects, approximately 100 have already grad-
uated to be part of the program’s Alumni Network.
While Start-Up Chile’s objectives are long term, the impact that it currently is
generating in the local ecosystem is evident. As of April 2012 there were 220 for-
eign start-ups operating in Chile, 60 percent of which are developing their proto-
types and 34 percent of which already have some market traction (users or sales).
These 220 startups have raised almost $10 million in equity investments, primari- ly from the United States. Tech meetups that once attracted only 20 O 30 people per week now attract more than 100—foreign and local entrepreneurs who gather to share knowledge and ideas in their areas of expertise. Ex-participants of Start- Up Chile have also created the Association of Entrepreneurs of Chile (ASECH), of which many Chilean entrepreneurs are members. Horacio Melo is the Executive Director of Start-Up Chile. © 2012 Horacio Melo innovations / volume 7, number 2 19 Scaricato da http://direct.mit.edu/itgg/article-pdf/7/2/19/704898/inov_a_00124.pdf by guest on 08 settembre 2023 Horacio Melo ORIGINS Start-Up Chile was born in 2010 from the ideas of two people: a Chilean, Nicolas Shea, who was living in the United States and finishing his master’s at Stanford University, and Vivek Wadhwa, an Indian academic and technology entrepreneur who lives in Silicon Valley. They believed that the best way to go to the next level in innovation and entrepreneurship in Chile was through immigration. Their idea: to bring foreign entrepreneurs to launch their start-ups in Chile, and in so doing to increase the countries access to worldwide business networks. Shortly after the massive earthquake that shook the country in February 2010, Nicolas Shea began knocking on the doors of the Chilean Government and the Ministry of Economy, trying to sell his idea. Finding the possibilities very attrac- tive, the government authorized him to start a pilot program that would fund twenty-three projects. One hundred applications came in. The chosen applicants went to live in Chile for a six month period; each entrepreneur received $40,000
and a work visa valid for one year.
The pilot was very successful. It created links between the local ecosystem and
the global business community. It nuturned successful start-ups that today are
being further developed in Silicon Valley, and in Santiago.
Upon seeing the success of the program, the Chilean government decided to
expand it. The governmnt set a goal with the hope of having 1,000 entrepreneurs
involved by 2014.
In 2011, the first round the competition drew 320 projects applications from
more than 30 countries. Of these, 100 were selected and 84 accepted the challenge.
In the second round, which occurred in July 2011, more 650 applications came
in—this time from more than 70 countries—of which 154 projects were selected.
Finalmente, in the third round at the end of 2011, 570 applications came in, of which
100 were selected.
My own participation in the program began in June 2011, when Jean
Boudeguer, then the executive director of the program, invited me to participate as
assistant director. From the beginning, I was impressed with the dynamism of the
program. My primary responsibility was help to organize the structure and
processes required to move the program to the next level. As a start-up itself, Start-
Up Chile needed three types of leaders. Primo, a leader to take the organization from
idea to reality (Nicholas Shea); second, a manager to consolidate and extend
processes in order to scale (Jean Boudeguer); E, third, a strategic thinker and
communicator to provide the larger vision of what was needed and how the organ-
ization could maximize its impact (my role as the current executive director).
When entrepreneurs are accepted into the program, the first thing we do is facili-
tate the issuance of a one-year work visa so they can start working legally upon
their arrival. We also provide participants with a visa checklist to explain in detail
innovazioni / Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
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Prosperity through Connectedness
the various requirements of their application, a step-by-step process by which the
application should be completed. We have this “soft landing” system in order to
quickly acclimate them to their circumstances and enable them to begin develop-
ing their business plans without delay. The soft landing relies on our “padrino sys-
tem,” through which we pair the program participant with a local member of the
Santiago business community, based on compatibility in both background inter-
ests and language. The local buddy meets the new program participant at the air-
port, escorts them to their residence, and customarily invites them for a night out
on their first evening in Chile. Padrinos will continue to check in with the entre-
preneurs once or twice a month throughout their stay in the country.
Start-Up Chile also ensures a soft landing by helping entrepreneurs take care
of basic details, like opening a Chilean bank account, obtaining a local ID and
police registration, and securing housing and a mobile phone.
We also provide all entrepreneurs with free office space in downtown Santiago,
equipped with WiFi. Inoltre, today the program is more focused on giving the
entrepreneurs all the necessary tools they need. We conduct weekly workshops on
lean start-ups, think tanking, and pitch training that is principally based on peer-
to-peer teaching. These activites contribute to a collaborative environment.
The final crucial element of support Start-Up Chile provides is the $40,000 in seed money. This money is not delivered up front but is reimbursed as spent. This ensures accountability to the program for entrepreneurs’ expenditures, as well as providing Start-Up Chile with important feedback about the spending needs of its participants. Questo $40,000 constitutes a grant from which Start-Up Chile does not
take any equity.
In continuing to expand this program, we seek two categories of impact. Primo, we
seek to make Chile a country that promotes an entrepreneurship, not only by
bringing in more entrepreneurs but also by creating a much better-developed
ecosystem of supporting institutions—including venture capital firms and angel
investors. Secondo, we aim to select at least one project that, in the medium term,
grows into a billion-dollar company.
To ensure a long-term impact on the local ecosystem, Start-Up Chile staff is
working on merging and expanding global and local networks, working more
closely with universities and student entrepreneurs; stimulating internal innova-
tion in big companies; and helping local angels and the venture capital industry to
move forward. Toward these ends, we organized our first Demo Day, which was
held on May 23th, 2012 and attended by over 600 participants. We have confirmed
representatives from Google, Mercado Libre, 500 Startups, and other organiza-
In terms of social return, Start-Up Chile has a system that helps assess the per-
centage return from the projects to the program and the community. This is
known as the return value agenda, and it is organized as a sort of game or compe-
innovazioni / volume 7, number 2
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Horacio Melo
tition among program participants. The return value agenda awards points based
on three metrics: attendance, organization, and innovation. Attendance refers to
participation in local events, such as meetings and conferences at which entrepre-
neurs make themselves available to share knowledge and to network with locals.
Organization can include giving a talk at a school, presenting a pitch to a local
investor, or mentoring a local entrepreneur or student. Innovation refers to initia-
tives that actively engage the Chilean business community, such as starting a new
business with a Chilean partner or patenting a product in Chile.
Finding an effective way to assess this shorter-term social impact is important.
Tuttavia, the greatest interest is in encouraging entrepreneurs to start their proj-
ects in Chile because they see this as an opportunity to create value in the country
in the long term.
In terms of fostering a culture of innovation, Start-Up Chile depends on
CORFO, the entity that promotes innovation and entrepreneurship in Chile.
Through CORFO, Start-Up Chile has created tools that contribute to the ecosys-
tem, such as corporate meet-ups, where companies and entrepreneurs come
together to solve specific problems the corporation faces, a process that creates
connections and opens up the possibility of future business collaborations. There
are also university meet-ups, where entrepreneurs meet with teachers or students
to find business opportunities within the universities that they may wish to pursue
together. Thanks to these sorts of initiatives, Start-Up Chile is becoming a point of
reference for generating new ideas and trends, Quale, when successful, are usually
integrated into other departments within CORFO, resulting in specific topics that
may have a useful impact on the local ecosystem.
Start-Up Chile depends 100 percent on the government of Chile. The program
costs $15 million a year, which comes from taxes paid by the Chilean people. Questo
is a public policy that goes against the normal arrangement in which public spend-
ing is supposed to return direct benefits to taxpayers. Invece, this policy seeks to
create a long-term impact on the national economy and the Chilean business
ecosystem, precisely by not investing directly only in Chileans but in a group of tal-
ented people regardless of their country of origin. The government’s commitment
to Start-Up Chile derives from its convinction that the program will generate a
benefit the people of Chile in the longterm that will more than justify the invest-
ment made today.
Start-Up Chile understands that the individual entrepreneur is best equipped
to recognize opportunities and will go where those opportunities are. For that rea-
figlio, Start-Up Chile does not oblige entrepreneurs to stay for any longer than they
consider necessary, once the six-month program comes to an end. Tuttavia, if an
entrepreneur decides that is worthwhile to stay in Chile for more than the initial
six months, the program will give him or her whatever assistance is required to
make that possible. In exchange for this flexibility and support, the program seeks
to ensure that the projects continue to have an impact in the local community. IL
entrepreneurs and their projects are expected to carry out activities consistent with
the return value agenda on an ongoing basis—again, such as holding guest lectures
innovazioni / Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
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Prosperity Through Connectedness
at universities, serving as mentors to local start-ups, and organizing meet-ups,
among other things.
To date, Start-Up Chile has received applications from citizens of 70 countries,
with American applicants accounting for the largest single group. Start-Up Chile
also has entrepreneurs from almost all Latin American countries. In the case of
Latinos, once they become part of Start-Up Chile, the impact they can generate
when they return home to their countries to work with the community is much
larger than if they had never left. Ranked as one of the two major start-up hubs in
Latin America by a recent analysis by TechCrunch, Santiago provides ideal oppor-
tunities for Latinos to participate in a growing culture of innovation and to help
spread that cultural change across the region.
Start-Up Chile is not only a garden of innovation and entrepreneurship in
Latin America. It is also helping to promote the creation of similar programs in
other parts of the world. During the Global Entrepreneurship Congress held in
Liverpool, England, in March 2012, we met with representatives of Start-up
Britain, Start-up America, Start-up Canada, and Start-up Spain, among others. For
Start-Up Chile this is great news, because, as more organizations like these devel-
op, it becomes increasingly likely that more entrepreneurs will be willing to go to
Chile. Of equal or greater importance, it becomes increasingly likely that Chileans
will become interested in going to Spain, Malaysia, or any other country that
believes in entrepreneurship. This is a win-win relationship on a global scale, one
that attracts talent to Chile and ensures that Chileans have the opportunity to leave
the country to pursue opportunities elsewhere.
The endpont is an increase in the connections among entrepreneurial commu-
nities that are vital to long-term increased prosperity in Chile and worldwide.
innovazioni / volume 7, number 2
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