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RESEARCH ARTICLE Understanding knowledge role transitions: A perspective of knowledge codification Jinqing Yang1 , Wei Lu2,3 , Yong Huang2,3 , Qikai Cheng2,3 , Li Zhang2,3 , and Shengzhi Huang2,3 1School of Information Management, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China 2School of Information Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China 3Information Retrieval and Knowledge Mining Laboratory, Wuhan University, Wuhan, ChinJinqing Yang Keywords: bibliometrics, formal knowledge, knowledge codification, knowledge
RESEARCH ARTICLE Researchers and their data: A study based on the use of the word data in scholarly articles a n o p e n a c c e s s j o u r n a l Frédérique Bordignon1,2 and Marion Maisonobe3 1Ecole des Ponts, Marne-la-Vallée, France 2LISIS, INRAE, Univ Gustave Eiffel, CNRS, Marne-la-Vallée, France 3Laboratoire Géographie-cités, CNRS, Université Paris 1, Université Paris Cité,
RESEARCH ARTICLE Can the presence of an author photograph and biography have an impact on article citations? The case of chemistry and chemical engineering a n o p e n a c c e s s j o u r n a l Department of Communication and Learning in Science, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden Tahereh Dehdarirad Keywords: author characteristics, citation practices, multilevel regression
RESEARCH ARTICLE Gender gap among highly cited researchers, 2014–2021 Lokman I. Meho1,2 1Georgetown University in Qatar, Ar-Rayyan, Qatar 2American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon a n o p e n a c c e s s j o u r n a l Keywords: bibliometrics, gender disparities, gender gap, highly cited researchers Citation: Meho, l. IO. (2022). Gender gap among highly cited researchers, 2014–2021. Quantitative
RESEARCH ARTICLE Know thy tools! Limits of popular algorithms used for topic reconstruction Matthias Held Social Studies of Science and Technology, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany a n o p e n a c c e s s j o u r n a l Keywords: algorithms, concept definitions, qualitative and quantitative approaches, science mapping Citation: Held, M. (2022). Know thy tools! Limits of popular algorithms
RESEARCH ARTICLE Improving overlay maps of science: Combining overview and detail Peter Sjögårde1,2 1Health Informatics Centre, Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden 2University Library, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden Keywords: algorithmic subject classification, citation networks, publication-level classification, PubMed, science mapping ABSTRACT Overlay maps of science are global base maps over which subsets of publications can be projected. Such maps can be
RESEARCH ARTICLE A comparison of different methods of identifying publications related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Case study of SDG 13—Climate Action a n o p e n a c c e s s j o u r n a l Philip J. Purnell1,2 1Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands 2United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, UAE Citation:
RESEARCH ARTICLE Predatory publishing in Scopus: Evidence on cross-country differences Vít Macháček1,2 and Martin Srholec1 1CERGE-EI, a joint workplace of Charles University and the Economics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic 2Institute of Economic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Keywords: academic misconduct, Beall’s list, open access, predatory journal, research system, research policy ABSTRACT Predatory publishing represents
RESEARCH ARTICLE Funding COVID-19 research: Insights from an exploratory analysis using open data infrastructures a n o p e n a c c e s s j o u r n a l Alexis-Michel Mugabushaka1 , Nees Jan van Eck2 , and Ludo Waltman2 1European Research Council, Brussels, Belgium 2Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands Citation: Mugabushaka, A.-M., van Eck,
RESEARCH ARTICLE Assessing the quality of bibliographic data sources for measuring international research collaboration Ba Xuan Nguyen1,2 Jesse David Dinneen4 , Markus Luczak-Roesch1,3 , and Vincent Larivière5 , 1School of Information Management, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand 2Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 3Te Pūnaha Matatini, Aotearoa New Zealand’s Centre of Research Excellence for Complex Systems, Auckland, Nuovo
RESEARCH ARTICLE The availability and completeness of open funder metadata: Case study for publications funded by the Dutch Research Council Bianca Kramer1 and Hans de Jonge2 1Utrecht University Library, Utrecht, Netherlands 2Dutch Research Council, L'Aia, Netherlands Keywords: Crossref, Dimensions, funding data, Lens, open metadata, Scopus, Web of Science ABSTRACT Research funders spend considerable efforts collecting information on the outcomes of the research they fund.
RESEARCH ARTICLE Subdivisions and crossroads: Identifying hidden community structures in a data archive’s citation network a n o p e n a c c e s s j o u r n a l Sara Lafia1 , Lizhou Fan2 , Andrea Thomer2 , and Libby Hemphill1,2 1ICPSR, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 2School of Information, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI Citation: Lafia, S.,
RESEARCH ARTICLE A converging global research system Jonathan Adams1,2 and Martin Szomszor3 1Institute for Scientific Information, Clarivate Analytics, London, UK 2Policy Institute, King’s College London, London, UK 3Electric Data Solutions Ltd., London, UK a n o p e n a c c e s s j o u r n a l Keywords: citation impact, collaboration, convergence, global network, research policy Citation: Adams, J., &
RESEARCH ARTICLE Peer reviewer topic choice and its impact on interrater reliability: A mixed-method study Thomas Feliciani1 , Junwen Luo2 , and Kalpana Shankar2 1School of Sociology and Geary Institute for Public Policy, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland 2School of Information and Communication Studies and Geary Institute for Public Policy, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Keywords: interrater reliability, peer review, science evaluation, social simulation ABSTRACT
RESEARCH ARTICLE Measuring and interpreting the differences of the nations’ scientific specialization indexes by output and by input a n o p e n a c c e s s j o u r n a l Giovanni Abramo1 , Ciriaco Andrea D’Angelo1,2 , and Flavia Di Costa2 1Laboratory for Studies in Research Evaluation, Institute for System Analysis and Computer Science (IASI-CNR), National Research Council
RESEARCH ARTICLE Visualizing academic descendants using modified Pavlo diagrams: Results based on five researchers in biomechanics and biomedicine a n o p e n a c c e s s j o u r n a l Bharti School of Engineering & Computer Science, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada W. Brent Lievers Keywords: academic genealogy, doctoral descendants, mentorship indices, visualization ABSTRACT Visualizing the academic descendants
RESEARCH ARTICLE Overton: A bibliometric database of policy document citations Martin Szomszor1 and Euan Adie2 1Electric Data Solutions LTD, London, UK 2Overton, London, UK Keywords: bibliometrics, citation metrics, impact assessment, Overton, policy influence, research evaluation ABSTRACT This paper presents an analysis of the Overton policy document database, describing the makeup of materials indexed and the nature in which they cite academic literature. We report on
RESEARCH ARTICLE Open bibliographic data and the Italian National Scientific Qualification: Measuring coverage of academic fields Federica Bologna1 , Angelo Di Iorio2 , Silvio Peroni3,4 , and Francesco Poggi5,6 1Bowers College of Computing and Information Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 2Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy 3Research Centre for Open Scholarly Metadata, Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies, Università