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Maja Andjelkovic and Saori Imaizumi
Maja Andjelkovic and Saori Imaizumi Mobile Entrepreneurship and Employment to sales support staff. The to managers Given its strong recent growth, the global mobile industry is now a major source of employment opportunities. Mobile industry jobs can be categorized into direct and indirect ones, with a diverse labor force supplying each category. Direct jobs are created by mobile operators and manufacturers in professions that range
Chris Williamson and Corina Gardner
Chris Williamson and Corina Gardner Thinking Horizontally and Vertically A Better Way to Approach Mobile Innovation in the Developing World The GSMA Mobile for Development team1 was delighted when Omidyar Network, a leading social investor, told us it wanted to increase its investment in developing world mobile technologies and asked for assistance in understanding the land- scape of innovative products, services, and platforms. Organizations working
Erik Hersman
Erik Hersman Mobilizing Tech Entrepreneurs in Africa Innovations Case Narrative: iHub Seth Kigen stepped onto the brightly lit stage in Nairobi, Kenya, for an event that was the culmination of the many weeks Seth and his partner had spent doing late- night coding, hardware hacking, and thinking through business strategies. Each year, entrepreneurs pitch their ideas on the Pivot East stage, the showcase for East
Hans Wijayasuriya and Michael de Soyza
Hans Wijayasuriya and Michael de Soyza Bridging Divides with Inclusive mCommerce Creating Shared Value Innovations Case Narrative: Dialog Tradenet Sri Lanka is often referred to as the Pearl of the Indian Ocean. Resplendent in nat- ural beauty and diversity, the island nation is richly resourced in terms of its high- ly literate and connected population of 21 million and an economy that is grow- ing
Chris Locke
Chris Locke The Challenge of Sustaining App Entrepreneurs While on one of the earliest trips I made in my role as the managing director of the Mobile for Development Department within GSMA, I found myself in a busy mar- ket on the outskirts of Nairobi, weaving my way through a maze of stalls to the buildings beyond. I was honing in on those painted “Safaricom
Finbarr Livesey
Finbarr Livesey The Need for a New Understanding of Manufacturing and Industrial Policy in Leading Economies Ongoing debates about economic growth in the United States and the United Kingdom following the 2008 financial crisis have given a new primacy to manu- facturing within the two countries’ respective economies. President Obama’s 2012 State of the Union address focused on manufacturing as the bedrock of future growth.
Gregory Tassey
Gregory Tassey The Future of National Manufacturing Policy For several decades, those deciding on U.S. economic growth policy have struggled over the issue of the correct growth strategy. A critical dimension of this debate has been the role the government should play in achieving desired growth rates. Nowhere has this struggle been more pronounced than in the debate over ratio- nales for government support of
William B. Bonvillian
William B. Bonvillian Reinventing American Manufacturing The Role of Innovation The American public has become alarmed about the decline of U.S. manufactur- ing,1 although most are reluctant to send their sons and daughters to work in fac- tories. Manufacturing work still brings to the public mind such words as “dumb,” “dirty,” and “dangerous.” Some visualize newsreel clips of Ford’s famous River Rouge plants in the
Adam Friedman and Joan Byron
Adam Friedman and Joan Byron High-Tech, High-Touch, and Manufacturing’s Triple Bottom Line After decades of neglect, the manufacturing sector is now getting welcome atten- tion as a critical element in the revival of our national economy. But research and policy development on U.S. manufacturing have tended to focus on technology- intensive subsectors and processes, including, most recently, “advanced manufac- turing.” As defined in a recent
Bo Cutter
Bo Cutter An American Renaissance How It Is Happening, How to Nudge It Along, Why We Should Care The context for this essay is my modest assertion that the beginning of an American manufacturing renaissance is hiding in plain sight. This renaissance will dominate the next few decades, starting in about 2014. It will be built on a founda- tion that no one could predict
Dane Stangler and Kate Maxwell
Dane Stangler and Kate Maxwell DIY Producer Society When most people in the United States hear the word “manufacturing,” two images come to mind. The first recalls traditional assembly lines, men sweating over machines, and long trains of mass-produced goods coming out the other end, smoke billowing from their stacks. Automobile plants circa 1950 embody this image. The second image—epitomized by automobile plants circa 2012—is
Philip Auerswald, Elmira Bayrasli, and Sara Shroff
Philip Auerswald, Elmira Bayrasli, and Sara Shroff Creating a Place for the Future Strategies for Entrepreneurship-Led Development in Pakistan For six decades, Pakistan has faced, and overcome, conflict and calamity. Despite many obstacles, the country’s economy has grown steadily. At critical junctures, successive governments have adopted strategies suited to the circumstances of the day, and the nation has developed steadily due to these particular well-conceived
Dylan Higgins, Jake Kendall, and Ben Lyon
Dylan Higgins, Jake Kendall, and Ben Lyon Mobile Money Usage Patterns of Kenyan Small and Medium Enterprises Some people expect to see small and medium enterprises (SMEs) benefit substan- tially from using mobile money (MM). SMEs are often seen to process large num- bers of payments and can have a surprising amount of money flowing through them. Allo stesso tempo, their need for payment
William Scott Green and Susan Wills Amat
William Scott Green and Susan Wills Amat Entrepreneurship as a Career Innovations Case Narrative: The Launch Pad Entrepreneurship is fundamental to rebuilding the American economy, and young people are of necessity critical players in that effort. It follows, Poi, that to partic- ipate fully in the mission of national renewal, higher education should make stud- ies in entrepreneurship broadly available to its students. The Launch
Francis J. Skrobiszewski
Francis J. Skrobiszewski Market Making How Enterprise Funds Can Jump-Start Stagnant Economies Innovations Case Narrative: Enterprise Funds With a population of nearly 40 million and a GDP of approximately US$765 bil- lion in 2011, Poland ranks as one of the largest and most dynamic economies in Europe and among the top 21 economies globally.1 The country boasted nearly a 4 percent annual GDP growth in
Ted Gonder
Ted Gonder An Early Assessment of Start-Up Chile Innovations Case Commentary: Start-Up Chile In just two years and with no marketing budget, Start-Up Chile has generated remarkable buzz. Young entrepreneurs in Santiago—a city that until recently was not considered a major entrepreneurship hub,1 often recognize the program’s name. Start-Up Chile has become the central convening force for a national entre- preneurial movement: although its collaborative
Vivek Wadhwa
Vivek Wadhwa The Magic Happens When You Focus on People Innovations Case Commentary: Start-Up Chile Governments the world over have tried to re-create the magic of Silicon Valley by focusing on infrastructure and industry. They follow the prescriptions of manage- ment consultants who tout Michael Porter’s cluster theory. They act on the belief that if you build a magnificent technology park next to a research
Horacio Melo
Horacio Melo Prosperity through Connectedness Innovations Case Narrative: Start-Up Chile Chile’s geographical isolation has resulted in a culture that values external connec- zioni. Chileans have had to develop innovative ways to reach out to the world. This mindset provides the backdrop to the creation of Start-Up Chile. By bringing entrepreneurs to Chile from all over the world, Start-Up Chile not only makes Chile better connected