Report The Neural Representational Space of Social Memory Sarah L. Dziura1 and James C. Thompson1 1Department of Psychology, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, 22030 USA Keywords: social networks, social cognition, apprendimento, representational similarity analysis, fMRI…
Browsing Categoryopmi
A Domain-General Sense of Confidence
A Domain-General Sense of Confidence in Children Carolyn Baer 1 , Inderpreet K. Gill 1 1 , and Darko Odic 1Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia Keywords: confidence, certainty, metacognition, approximate number system, development…
Four- and 5-Year-Olds Infer Differences in Relative
Four- and 5-Year-Olds Infer Differences in Relative Ability and Appropriately Allocate Roles to Achieve Cooperative, Competitive, and Prosocial Goals Rachel W. Magid1, Mary DePascale1,2, and Laura E. Schulz1 1Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts…
Third-Party Preferences for Imitators
Third-Party Preferences for Imitators in Preverbal Infants Lindsey J. Powell 1 and Elizabeth S. Spelke 2 1Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2Department of Psychology, Harvard University Keywords: imitation, social cognition,…
Certainty Is Primarily Determined by Past
Certainty Is Primarily Determined by Past Performance During Concept Learning Louis Martí 1,2 1 , Francis Mollica , Steven Piantadosi 1,2 , and Celeste Kidd 1,2 1Brain and Cognitive Sciences, University of Rochester, Rochester 2…
The Use of a Computer Display Exaggerates the
The Use of a Computer Display Exaggerates the Connection Between Education and Approximate Number Ability in Remote Populations Edward Gibson 1 2 , Julian Jara-Ettinger 1 , Roger Levy , and Steven T. Piantadosi 3…
A Causal Role of the Right Superior Temporal
A Causal Role of the Right Superior Temporal Sulcus in Emotion Recognition From Biological Motion Rochelle A. Basil 1 2 , Margaret L. Westwater 1 , Martin Wiener , and James C. Thompson 1 1George…
Detailed Visual Memory Capacity Is Present Early
Detailed Visual Memory Capacity Is Present Early in Childhood 1 Katrina Ferrara 1 , Sarah Furlong , Soojin Park 1,2 , and Barbara Landau 1 1Department of Cognitive Science, Johns Hopkins University 2Department of Psychology,…
Partial Truths: Adults Choose to Mention Agents
Partial Truths: Adults Choose to Mention Agents and Patients in Proportion to Informativity, Even If It Doesn’t Fully Disambiguate the Message Melissa Kline1, Laura Schulz1, and Edward Gibson1 1Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of…
Spontaneous Preference for Slowly Moving
Spontaneous Preference for Slowly Moving Objects in Visually Naïve Animals Justin N. Legna 1 1 Department of Psychology, University of Southern California Keywords: visual preference, newborn, object recognition, controlled rearing, chick ABSTRACT To perceive the…