REPORT Active Iterative Social Inference in Multi-Trial Signaling Games Asya Achimova1,2 , Gregory Scontras3, Ella Eisemann4, and Martin V. Butz1,5 1Research Training Group 1808 “Ambiguity: Production and Perception”, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany 2Department of…
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REPORT Zipfian Distributions in Child-Directed Speech Ori Lavi-Rotbain1 and Inbal Arnon2 1The Edmond and Lilly Safra Center for Brain Sciences, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel 2Department of Psychology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Keywords: Child-Directed Speech, Zipfian…
REPORT Emerging Self-Representation Presents a Challenge When Perspectives Conflict Emanuela Yeung , Dimitrios Askitis, Velisar Manea, and Victoria Southgate Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen Keywords: infancy, pupillometry, perspective tracking, self, inhibition a n o…