METHODS Empirical evaluation of human fetal fMRI preprocessing steps Lanxin Ji1 , Cassandra L. Hendrix1, and Moriah E. Thomason1,2,3 1Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA…
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RESEARCH Morphometric features of drug-resistant essential tremor and recovery after stereotactic radiosurgical thalamotomy Thomas A. W. Bolton1,2 , Dimitri Van De Ville3,4, Jean Régis5, Tatiana Witjas6, Nadine Girard7, Marc Levivier1,8, and Constantin Tuleasca1,8,9 1Department of…
FOCUS FEATURE: Connectivity, Cognition, and Consciousness Effects of classic psychedelic drugs on turbulent signatures in brain dynamics Josephine Cruzat1,2,3 , Yonatan Sanz Perl2, Anira Escrichs2, Jakub Vohryzek2,3, Christopher Timmermann4, Leor Roseman4, Andrea I. Luppi5,6,7,8, Agustin…
FOCUS FEATURE: Biomarkers in Network Neuroscience Minimum spanning tree analysis of brain networks: A systematic review of network size effects, sensitivity for neuropsychiatric pathology, and disorder specificity N. Blomsma1*, B. de Rooy1*, F. Gerritse1, R….
FOCUS FEATURE: Connectivity, Cognition, and Consciousness Functional network antagonism and consciousness Athena Demertzi1,2,3,4 , Aaron Kucyi5 , Adrián Ponce-Alvarez6 , Georgios A. Keliris7 , Susan Whitfield-Gabrieli5,8*, and Gustavo Deco6,9,10,11* 1Physiology of Cognition, GIGA Consciousness Research…