Erik Simanis, Stuart Hart, and Duncan Duke The Base of the Pyramid Protocol Beyond “Basic Needs” Business Strategies In short, the poorest populations raise a prodigious new managerial chal- lenge for the world’s wealthiest companies:…
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Daniel J. Isenberg
Daniel J. Isenberg An Indian FOPSE Innovations Case Discussion: Keggfarms I first met Vinod Kapur in the summer of 2006 when I was conducting research in India on a case for my Harvard Business School…
Vinod Kapur
Vinod Kapur Pioneering Micro-Entrepreneurship Through Poultry Breeding And Distribution in Rural India Innovations Case Narrative: Keggfarms Forty-one years ago I left a comfortable career in management to establish Keggfarms. From the outset the idea was…
Carl J. Schramm
Carl J. Schramm Toward an Entrepreneurial Society Why Measurement Matters This historic and irreversible change in the way of doing things we call “innovation” and we define: innovations are changes in production func- tions which…
Robert D. Austin and Javier Busquets
Robert D. Austin and Javier Busquets Managing Differences Innovations Case Discussion: Specialisterne Autism is both a disability and a difference. We need to find ways of alle- viating the disability while respecting and valuing the…
Alvin E. Roth
Alvin E. Roth What Have We Learned from Market Design? In the centennial issue of the Economic Journal, I wrote (about game theory) that the real test of our success will be not merely how…
Daniel Sarewitz and Richard R. Nelson
Daniel Sarewitz and Richard R. Nelson Progress in Know-How Its Origins and Limits Over the last several centuries, the advance of know-how to meet a wide range of human needs has been phenomenal. Nel…
Piera Morlacchi
Piera Morlacchi A New Solution Suggesting the Need for a New Equation Innovations Case Discussion: The Institute for OneWorld Health When Victoria Hale first came up with the notion of starting the Institute for OneWorld…
Wesley Yin
Wesley Yin Solutions and Challenges to Curing Global Health Inequality Innovations Case Discussion: The Institute for OneWorld Health The pharmaceutical and biological industries have experienced remarkable growth over the past half century. Today, U.S.-based private…
Victoria Hale
Victoria Hale Seeking a Cure for Inequity in Access to Medicines Innovations Case Narrative: The Institute for OneWorld Health The top five infectious disease killers in the world are HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, respiratory infections, E…