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Government Intervention, Institutional Quality,
Government Intervention, Institutional Quality, and Income Inequality: Evidence from Asia and the Pacific, 1988–2014 Bertrand Blancheton and Dina Chhorn∗ We examine the linear and nonlinear long-run relationship between public expenditure and institutional quality, and income inequality in Asia and the Pacific. By applying panel cointegration methods using a dataset from 1988 à 2014, our main findings suggest that public expenditure and institutional quality have negative
International Comparisons of Poverty
International Comparisons of Poverty in South Asia TM Tonmoy Islam, David Newhouse, and Monica Yanez-Pagans∗ This paper explores the methodological differences underlying the construction of the national consumption aggregates that are used to estimate international poverty rates for South Asian countries. The analysis draws on a regional dataset of standardized consumption aggregates to assess the sensitivity of international poverty rates to the items included in
Education–Occupation Mismatch and Its Wage
Education–Occupation Mismatch and Its Wage Penalties in Informal Employment in Thailand Tanthaka Vivatsurakit and Jessica Vechbanyongratana∗ This study examines the incidence of vertical mismatch among formal and informal workers in Thailand. Using the 2011, 2013, et 2015 Thailand the study analyzes the relationship Household Socio-economic Surveys, between vertical mismatch and wage penalties and premiums across four types of workers: formal government, formal private firm, informal
Does Computer-Aided Instruction Improve
Does Computer-Aided Instruction Improve Children’s Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills? Hirotake Ito, Keiko Kasai, Hiromu Nishiuchi, and Makiko Nakamuro∗ This paper examines the causal effects of computer-aided instruction (CAI) on children’s cognitive and noncognitive skills. We ran a clustered randomized controlled trial at five elementary schools with more than 1,600 students near Phnom Penh, Cambodia. After 3 months of intervention, we find that the average treatment
Population Aging and the Three Demographic
Population Aging and the Three Demographic Dividends in Asia Naohiro Ogawa, Norma Mansor, Sang-Hyop Lee, Michael R.M. Abrigo, and Tahir Aris∗ The present study first examines the trends in age structural shifts in selected Asian economies over the period 1950–2050 and analyzes their impact on economic growth in terms of the first and second demographic dividends computed from the system of National Transfer Accounts. Alors,
Could Weather Fluctuations Affect Local
Could Weather Fluctuations Affect Local Economic Growth? Evidence from Counties in the People’s Republic of China Chengzheng Li, Jiajia Cong, and Haiying Gu∗ This paper uses historical fluctuations of weather variables within counties in the People’s Republic of China to identify their effects on economic growth from 1996 à 2012. We find three primary results. D'abord, higher temperatures significantly reduce the growth rate of county-level
Trade Volatility in the Association of Southeast
Trade Volatility in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Plus Three: Impacts and Determinants Thi Nguyet Anh Nguyen, Thi Hong Hanh Pham, and Thomas Vallée∗ This paper investigates trade volatility in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Plus Three (ASEAN+3) and its links with output volatility, export diversification, and free trade agreements. To achieve this research objective, we apply several econometric estimators to data from
Analyzing the Sources of Misallocation in
Analyzing the Sources of Misallocation in Indian Manufacturing: A Gross-Output Approach Sujana Kabiraj∗ It is well established that misallocation of factor resources lowers productivity. In this paper, I use data from both formal and informal firms to study distortions in input and output markets as sources of misallocation in the Indian manufacturing sector. My work extends the seminal work of Hsieh and Klenow (2009). je
Impacts of an Information and Communication
Impacts of an Information and Communication Technology-Assisted Program on Attitudes and English Communication Abilities: An Experiment in a Japanese High School Yuki Higuchi, Miyuki Sasaki, and Makiko Nakamuro∗ We conducted a randomized experiment targeting 322 Japanese high school students to examine the impacts of a newly developed English-language learning program. The treated students were offered an opportunity to communicate for 25 minutes with English-speaking Filipino
Le casse-tête de l’emprunt: Pourquoi les Philippins
Le casse-tête de l’emprunt: Pourquoi les travailleurs domestiques philippins à Hong Kong, La Chine emprunte plutôt que désépargner? Wooyoung Lim et Sujata Visaria∗ Malgré leurs revenus prévisibles et réguliers, Travailleuses domestiques philippines à Hong Kong, China commonly finance large expenses through interest-bearing loans rather than savings. Our analysis of survey data and records of a credit cooperative for migrant workers suggests that this cannot be explained by
La Fédération panchinoise de l'industrie et
La Fédération panchinoise de l’industrie et du commerce aligne-t-elle les entreprises privées sur les objectifs de l’initiative « la Ceinture et la Route » de la République populaire de Chine ?? Jeffrey B.. Nugent and Jiaxuan Lu∗ This paper demonstrates that the largest business association of private firms in the People’s Republic of China (RPC), the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC), has induced its members to help achieve the goals
Évaluation des stratégies pour réduire l'arsenic
Évaluation des stratégies visant à réduire l'empoisonnement à l'arsenic en Asie du Sud: Un point de vue des sciences sociales Matthew Krupoff, Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak, and Alexander van Geen∗ The World Health Organization has labeled the problem of arsenic contamination of groundwater in South Asia as “the largest mass poisoning in human history.” Various technical solutions to the problem fall into one of two broad categories: (je) cleaning contaminated water
Base de données des politiques de la BAD sur le COVID-19: Un guide
Base de données des politiques de la BAD sur le COVID-19: Un guide Jesus Felipe et Scott Fullwiler∗ La base de données des politiques COVID-19 de la BAD affiche les mesures prises et les montants monétaires annoncés ou estimés par le 68 membres de la Banque asiatique de développement, two institutions, and nine other economies (c'est à dire., a total of 79 entries) until May 2020, to fight the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Measures are classified according to (je) the path
Comprendre le choix de cuisine des ménages
Comprendre le choix des ménages en matière de combustibles de cuisson: Données probantes provenant de ménages urbains au Pakistan Dil Bahadur Rahut, Akht Ali, Khondoker Abdul Mottaleb, et Jeetendra Prakash Aryal∗ Les ménages des pays en développement dépendent principalement de combustibles solides pour cuisiner, which is injurious to both the environment and human health. The provision of clean energy for cooking, donc, is essential for safeguarding the environment and human health, primarily of women
Les effets de la formalisation sur les petites et
Les effets de la formalisation sur le paiement des impôts des petites et moyennes entreprises: Témoignages d'un panel du Viet Nam Amadou Boly∗ Les entreprises paient-elles plus d'impôts après la formalisation? La réponse à cette question n'est pas triviale. Tax noncompliance can be a persistent behavior among formerly informal firms. Analyzing the relationship between formalization and tax payments can also be challenging if nonswitching and switching firms have different characteristics. j'utilise
Modèles de commerce vert et transfrontalier
Modèles de commerce vert et transmission transfrontalière des émissions de gaz à effet de serre Sung Jin Kang∗ En classifiant le commerce international vert et non vert pour la période 1980-2015, cette étude examine les tendances du commerce vert, exportations, and imports as shares of total trade, exportations, et importations, respectivement. The general findings are that these green shares increased during the review period, albeit with the green shares for member countries
Les retombées financières dans les pays émergents d’Asie
Spillovers financiers dans les économies émergentes d'Asie Shin-ichi Fukuda et Mariko Tanaka∗ Cet article explore les retombées financières entre les économies émergentes d'Asie et les économies avancées en utilisant l'analyse en composantes principales pour extraire les chocs courants en Asie.. We first investigate stock market spillovers across the regions and find that spillovers from emerging Asia became significant after the global financial crisis. Cependant, our industry-level analysis shows that the increased spillovers can
Dette des ménages et délinquance
Dette des ménages et délinquance au cours du cycle de vie Sommarat Chantarat, Atchana Lamsam, Krislert Samphantharak, and Bhumjai Tangsawasdirat∗ This paper uses loan-level data from Thailand’s National Credit Bureau to study household debt over the life cycle of borrowers. We decompose two aggregate and commonly used measures of debt—debt per capita and delinquency rate—into components that unveil the extensive and intensive margins of household indebtedness. We find