Vijay Sathe
The World’s Most Ambitious ID Project
Innovations Case Narrative:
India’s Project Aadhaar
In July 2010, Nandan Nilekani, chairman of the Unique Identification Authority of
India (UIDAI), reflected on the progress made in the year since he accepted this
cabinet-level position at the invitation of the prime minister of India, Dr.
Manmohan Singh, whose Congress Party and its allies had won the national gen-
eral elections held earlier that year.
The Congress Party’s campaign had insisted that the fruits of India’s remark-
able economic growth had to be shared more widely and more equitably than had
been accomplished through “trickle-down” economics, and the Singh government
now had the clear mandate to strive for greater financial inclusion for India’s huge
population of poor and marginalized people at the bottom of the pyramid. A
unique, fraud-proof identification for each of India’s 1.2 billion residents was an
audacious goal but an essential enabling step in this quest.
Nilekani had co-founded and built Infosys into one of India’s biggest firms—
and one of the world’s best-known software companies. For him, this was a wor-
thy challenge. After relinquishing the position of CEO to become co-chairman of
Infosys a few years earlier, he had immersed himself in a research and book-writ-
ing project. This was not the typical executive memoir; instead, it was a study of
India—its past, present, and future—based on extensive reading and personal
interviews with over 120 experts on India from all over the world. Published in
Vijay Sathe is the C.S. & D.J. Davidson Professor of Management at the Peter F.
Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management at Claremont Graduate
University in California. His research, teaching, and consulting work are in strategy,
entrepreneurship, and the revitalization of organizations in all sectors of society.
Professor Sathe became interested in Project Aadhaar after interviewing Nandan
Nilekani about his book, Imagining India, for an audience at the Los Angeles Public
Library in April 2009. (This conversation can be viewed at Fora.TV by searching for
“Sathe”—click on Chapter 03 after the video begins to skip the introductions.)
He subsequently obtained Mr. Nilekani’s permission to develop a series of case
studies—instead of a single case written after the project is completed, with its risk of
retrospective bias—to learn from the project as it unfolds over the next few years. This
is the first case in the series.
© 2011 Vijay Sathe
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Vijay Sathe
2008, Imagining India had received worldwide acclaim for the clarity and original-
ity with which the book’s 18 chapters explained why India was the bundle of con-
tradictions that it was and, more important, how it could best capitalize on the
opportunities it now had to catapult itself out of the quagmire of challenges it
One opportunity that Nilekani described in his book was the creation of a
unique ID (UID) that could empower and benefit the people of India, including
through direct benefit transfers to bank accounts that the poor could open with
the ID. With a GDP in excess of US $1 trillion, India spent roughly US $20 billion
per year (two percent of its GDP) on subsidies for food, fuel, fertilizers, and other
essentials, but a large proportion of that was siphoned off by vested interests,
including corrupt officials and other intermediaries.
In 2006, Nilekani had been awarded the Padma Bhushan, one of India’s high-
est civilian honors.1 Thomas Friedman, author of the best-selling book, The World
Is Flat, had credited Nilekani’s view that the world was becoming a level playing
field as the inspiration for his book’s title and had called him the “Bill Gates of
India.” Now Nilekani had the opportunity to use his international reputation, his
national credibility, his knowledge of the technology and software industries, his
extensive network of connections, and his government position as a cabinet min-
ister to meet the unprecedented technological, political, bureaucratic, and behav-
ioral challenges involved in making the concept of a UID for every resident of
India a reality.
As Nilekani reflected on his first year in office, he felt good about the founda-
tion that had been laid for the project. Ram Sewak Sharma, a high-ranking official
in the Indian Administrative Service who had successfully implemented a number
of e-government projects, had been recruited as the director general for the proj-
ect. Other equally talented and entrepreneurially minded officers from various
services—such as the Indian Administrative Service, Indian Audit and Accounts
Service, Indian Postal Service, Indian Revenue Service, and Indian Railway
Service—had been appointed as deputy director generals to focus on particular
areas of importance to the project, such as finance, technology, logistics and finan-
cial inclusion, and personnel and training.
The project design was based on a partnership model that leveraged the exist-
ing government infrastructure at the center and at the state level, and its imple-
mentation plan had been carefully developed and vetted. Expert committees had
been appointed to create the necessary technical, legal, and regulatory standards.
The project had been presented to NGOs and other interested parties in a variety
of settings, and their feedback was solicited. To ensure maximum transparency to
the general public, a website ( was created and updated
regularly so that anyone could see the status of the project at any time and exam-
ine all its reports, documents, tenders, communications, and archives.
In April 2010, the name of the project was changed to Aadhaar, which means
“foundation” or “support” in most Indian languages. The name and the logo,
selected from entries received in a national competition, conveyed the notion of an
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The World’s Most Ambitious ID Project
ID infrastructure for any direction that a resident of India wanted to take in life.
One of India’s largest-ever marketing and communication campaigns was being
carefully orchestrated by some of the country’s top advertising talent to position
the brand as a “reliable and helpful family friend” in the minds of 1.2 billion peo-
ple, 70 percent of whom lived in rural and sometimes hard-to-reach areas.
In addition to heading UIDAI, in April Nilekani was appointed chair of the
Technology Advisory Group on Unique Projects, with a mandate to fix the frame-
work for the government’s large and transformational IT projects. This added
responsibility was widely seen as a strong vote of confidence in Nilekani’s chair-
manship of the UIDAI and the considerable progress it had made in just a few
months under his leadership.
By May, field trials using various biometric devices (fingerprints, photographs,
iris scans) had been completed to demonstrate proof of concept for UID enroll-
ment. Ernst & Young had been chosen to work as a technical consultant for the
project and to prepare the requests for proposals. Some of the world’s best-known
technology companies were bidding for the opportunity to supply and operate the
massive technology infrastructure to be built for UID authentication.
Nilekani knew he had the strong backing of both the president and the prime
minister of India, as well as a budget of US $422 million for the project in 2010–2011. He wondered what his biggest risks and challenges in the coming year would be, and how he could deal with them most effectively. CABINET-LEVEL APPOINTMENT On July 27, 2009, Business Week reported on Nilekani’s project: Nilekani is venturing into a sector he has criticized for years: India’s sprawling government bureaucracy. “It is the mother of all IT projects,” he says. The goal is to help bring masses of India’s poor into the formal economy, where they can gain access to financial and social services… Corruption siphons as much as 80% of the funds meant for India’s poor, according to studies from Harvard Business School and the World Bank. In Nilekani’s plan, card scans could verify that goods and money made their way from local administrators to the people. Naturally, such a change runs against powerful entrenched interests, from corrupt contractors to government employees who leech from the system. So the political challenges Nilekani faces are every bit as daunt- ing as counting India’s people—one-sixth of humanity—and providing each with a high tech tool. To boost the effort, India’s Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, has invited Nilekani into his government, granting him nearly the power of a Cabinet minister. The initial budget is US $ 20
million—a mere down payment on a total that should run into the bil-
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Vijay Sathe
What Led the Government to Invite Nilekani?
While he was CEO of Infosys, Nilekani had served as a member of the National
Knowledge Commission, a high-level advisory body to the prime minister of India
that aimed to transform the country into a knowledge society. According to one
blogger,3 Manmohan Singh was so impressed with Nilekani and his book
Imagining India that, after his party’s decisive victory at the polls in early 2009, he
wanted to recruit Nilekani as minister of human resource development. Singh was
himself a technocrat and others, like Montek Singh Ahluwalia, deputy chairman of
the Planning Commission, were also technocrats. A correspondent from the Times
of India, one of the country’s best-known newspapers, reported on it in June 2009:
Early June: Nandan Nilekani gets a call from Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh to join the planning commission. . .Nandan, according to sources,
while thanking the PM for considering him for the job declined, citing
corporate responsibilities. . .But the conversation with the PM lit the idea
of holding public office, of being an effective change agent, and he
mulled it over.
Mid-June: When the idea of public office was mooted again, Nilekani was
Why Did Nilekani Accept the Invitation?
Before he accepted the new position, Nilekani was aware of the liberating power of
a concept like UID. He knew of the work already done to create the country’s
largest network of rural business centers to provide access to essential government,
education, and financial services for the poor. He knew of the project involving
biometric identification of food ration cards in the State of Karnataka, which
aimed to enroll 45 million people and eliminate fake and duplicate ration cards,
and he knew of many similar projects that could benefit from the UID.
Nilekani explained his motivation for taking on these challenges in a
September 2009 interview with the same Times of India correspondent:
Q: What drives you, what motivates you to do this?
A: (Laughs) You are asking why I am not goofing off? First of all, I believe
I should spend the rest of my working life doing something useful. I can’t
think of anything more useful than this. I believe we should lead a pur-
poseful existence. Otherwise, you can dissipate very quickly. I am a lucky
guy. A large part of all this has been luck, not a great plan that I have had.
I have been endowed with everything anybody could wish for. I feel I
should not waste that. I should use that unique position I have to make a
big difference. And this is the best way as it, in some sense, plays to my
skills and background.
Q: How do you see this panning out?
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The World’s Most Ambitious ID Project
A: This is a five-year commitment. My job is to make this work and deliv-
er something that is irreversible in five years. A lot of challenges today in
India are challenges of execution. Translating policy and strategy into
results on the ground. A big part of why that doesn’t work is because
some of the micro infrastructure is not in place. And this is one of them.
This is a very important piece of the implementation improvements that
we need. This is value for money, value for my time.5
Challenges of the New Job
In that interview with the Times of India, Nilekani talked about the challenges of
his new job two months after he was appointed chairman of UIDAI:
Q: How do you find Delhi after Bangalore?
A: Obviously it is a very different world. It is a move from the private to
the public sector. To the government. . .
Q: Have you figured out how the system works from the inside?
A: It is a steep learning curve. For example, getting people. How you get
officers allotted to you? There is a process to be followed. How do you get
office space? How are meetings organized? How do you document these
meetings? All of these are new [to me].
Q: You are supposed to get people from the private sector in addition to
government officers?
A: That again is a process. You have put in place a recruitment process to
select the right people. In principle, the idea is accepted that it will be a
combination of very talented people both from government and outside.
The challenge is mixing these people from different backgrounds into
one team.
Q: Does the job require a lot of networking?
A: I have been meeting ministers, secretaries, chief ministers [CMs]. The
plan is to meet all CMs. Central side, I have met most of the people. This
is a massively cooperative project. This isn’t a project where you work in
a corner, in an isolated environment and build something. Because it
touches every Indian resident and every government department, it can
work only in close cooperation with them. A lot of networking, diploma-
cy and meeting people.
Q: Tell us in brief about the project: investment, partners, vendors, peo-
ple, technology?
A: Investment, I don’t know yet. People, a few hundred from our side.
The main thing is it’s a partnership model. UIDAI itself will be in the
business of giving numbers. The card, or whatever is the device, will be
issued by the respective partners who will deal with the Indian residents.
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Q: So UID won’t be a card like a PAN card?
A: We might send you a letter with a number and say please keep this let-
ter safely. That is just information. Usage happens when, say, the passport
has the UID number. Eventually what will happen is that the UID num-
ber you get will start permeating the system. It will become ubiquitous.
What’s important is that you get the UID only once, then you can use it
anywhere. That’s the big change. You enroll once and get an identity for
life. That’s the big USP [Unique Selling Proposition]. That’s how it
reduces transaction costs, improves service for the people.
Q: Timeline for this?
A: In 12 to 18 months we want to roll out the first set of numbers. We will
work with the registrars. . .Which registrar comes on board first and
starts issuing will decide who gets it first.6
Nilekani’s Philosophy and Perspective on the Project
On December 26, 2009, Nilekani described his philosophy in an article published
in the Times of India:
Our team has presented the concept of the unique identification (UID)
number to a variety of people—politicians, public administrators, busi-
nessmen, civil society groups, students and at public forums. An interest-
ing trend we noticed across audiences was that the technological aspects
of the UID model captured their imagination. . .
This pro-technology mindset that cuts across income groups and com-
munities may seem curious in a developing country such as ours. . . For
us, technology has been a source of reform and empowerment, a way out
of entrenched, difficult-to-navigate institutions. This has held true since
1984, when a reformist Indian government, led by the youngest prime
minister in Indian history, turned to technology to implement its pro-
poor agenda. Rajiv Gandhi railed against “the brokers of power and influ-
ence” that dominated India’s economic institutions, and saw technology
as a way to loosen their hold.
What followed, among other initiatives, was the public call office model,
implemented by Sam Pitroda, which transformed access to telecom in
the mid-1980s, and established technology in a now familiar role—as a
means of enabling greater access to resources and services at lower costs.
. . .
The transition that technology has helped enable in India fits into econ-
omist Douglass North’s description of the shift of a limited access econ-
omy—where access to resources is controlled by a small group of elites—
to an open access model, where resources and skills are widely attainable.
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The World’s Most Ambitious ID Project
The economic structure until the 1980s in India was a restrictive one,
where government and an oligopolistic market controlled much of the
resources through a licensing system, state-dominated production and
centralized institutions. Entry costs into the economy were high—access
to resources such as finance, subsidies and business licenses were restrict-
ed to those who had patronage networks. Access depended on “who one
was, and who one knew.”
Technology has played a crucial role alongside reforms since then, in
expanding circles of access. It has enabled India to move from markets
where access to resources and institutions was limited—such as stock
markets where trading was controlled by brokers, and agricultural supply
chains where crop prices were determined by middlemen—to democra-
tized, open access systems that have empowered individuals. Electronic
stock markets have allowed individuals to execute their trading orders
from anywhere in the country, and widespread access to mobile phones
has meant farmers can call up mandis to negotiate prices…
The Challenge of Identity
Using the mobile phone for transaction and delivery of services such as
banking has remained largely untapped.
A challenge we face in such service delivery is tackling risks that have
emerged with open access systems. In economies with limited access,
transactions depend on organized relationships, face-to-face interaction,
identity verification and patronage networks. Anonymity is low, and sys-
temic trust—a prerequisite for transactions—is easier to enforce.
Open access systems, however, come with greater anonymity. Service
providers can’t automatically trust individuals, since they have no histo-
ry of business with them, and poor customers also often lack identity
documentation. Remote transactions complicate these challenges fur-
ther. Consequently, service providers now spend large amounts of money
on KYC—know your customer—processes to ensure that the transaction
with the customer is a safe one.
The Possibilities of UID
The UID number, with its “anytime, anywhere” biometric authentica-
tion, addresses the problem of trust within a transaction for both face-to-
face and remote service delivery. Making identity easy to verify brings
down the risks associated with enabling open access systems. The UID’s
online verification can also make geographical distances irrelevant to
delivery of services. The ability of individuals to prove their identity any-
where in the country becomes valuable as migration and urbanization
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The UID opens up a vast array of new possibilities for our technological
future, and offers a foundation on which a host of applications can be
built. For example, the UID number of each resident can be linked to a
bank account through which the government can provide direct servic-
es, such as health and education, through digital vouchers and cash ben-
efits. Such service delivery also enables governments to establish relation-
ships directly with individuals, rather than interest groups. The increased
negotiating power this enables for individuals will mean fairer, more
transparent public delivery systems and stronger, more enforceable
Until the 1980s, the infrastructure focus of Indian governments used to
be on providing basic necessities—roti, kapda aur makan (food, clothes
and house). Since reforms in the 1990s, the emphasis moved to broader,
community infrastructure—bijli, sadak, pani (electricity, roads, water).
Today, people’s aspirations have shifted to “mobile, bank account, UID.”
The demand is for infrastructure that empowers the individual, and pro-
vides economic opportunity.
The UID is soft infrastructure, much like mobile telephony, internet con-
nectivity and financial access, important to connect individuals to the
broader economy, and critical for people to leverage opportunity and
access. 7
People who knew Nilekani described his management style as highly consultative.
He had a vast network of connections across all sectors of society, and he traveled
extensively to meet people on their turf to solicit their input, to secure their buy-
in, and to build personal relationships. The result was a series of critical early deci-
A Number, not a Card, and Authenticated Online
The initial press reports referred to the UID as a card with the example of
Singapore in mind. However, others who knew how things worked in India feared
that a card could be copied and tampered with easily, and lead to much more cor-
ruption. This concern ultimately led to the decision to design the UID not as a
card, but as a number that would be authenticated.
Off-line authentication would be simpler but would not offer the anytime-
anyplace convenience of an online system. And because a demand-driven UID
would take off only if it was useful and convenient, the argument for online
authentication won out.
It was also decided not to use the existing government databases to collect res-
ident information because they had been assembled without the de-duplication
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The World’s Most Ambitious ID Project
tools and biometric technology that the UID planned to use to ensure that there
would be no duplicates or fake IDs.
A Demand-Driven Partnership Model, with Multiple Registrars
The project would leverage the existing government infrastructure at the center
and at the state levels and would rely on partnerships with a number of “registrars”
who would serve as agents to issue the UID numbers. Other entities would be part
of the “UID ecosystem.” This is similar to the familiar system in which banks serve
as partners for the issuer of a credit card such as VISA, but the merchants who
accept the credit card are also part of its ecosystem.
The belief that the UID should be implemented by a demand-driven approach
was based on the huge success of the mobile phone in India: the total number of
mobile phones in use was estimated to be 500 million at the end of 2009.8
The success of the mobile phone also influenced the decision to give the con-
sumer a choice when enrolling for the UID. In addition to the central and state
governments, the banks, life insurance companies, and other private-sector organ-
izations could also be registrars for the UID and could compete with the govern-
ment agencies to offer enrollment services. If one registrar did not serve the con-
sumer well or charged too much for UID enrollment, that consumer could go to
another registrar.
A Focus on Benefits for Everyone
The initial press reports had referred to the UID as identification for all citizens,
but its mandate was to include all residents of India. Anyone could use a citizens-
only UID as proof of citizenship; that fact presented a burden that the UIDAI was
neither intended nor equipped to bear. Further, if the UID was restricted to citi-
zens, it would exclude residents seeking to engage in legitimate activities that the
UID could enable, like opening a bank account or obtaining a mobile phone or
driver’s license.
Some villages in India had converted completely to computerized systems for
particular applications, such as land records. Corrupt local officials, who could no
longer collect money to issue these records, were known to break the machines and
then claim: “Your machines do not work!”
Street-level knowledge about such grassroots implementation problems was
another reason to design a UID system with features that took away the power of
any one individual or agency. For all these reasons, the system had multiple options
for enrollment (multiple registrars). It was a simple, open system, using mobile
phones and fingerprint/iris readers, rather than a closed proprietary system for
enrollment. It used online authentication (“anytime, anywhere”) and useful UID-
enabled applications (such as micro-payments) to motivate many people to get the
UID (mass adoption). Once adoption of the UID reached a tipping point, it would
be impossible for those opposed to the UID to defeat it.
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Vijay Sathe
Summary: The Underlying Theory of Design and Change
The design theory was that if enough people saw the benefits of the UID and want-
ed it, they would push the system to make it work in a way that was non-corrupt
and efficient. This is what had happened in the case of the mobile phone, and it
was planned for the UID.
The theory of change was that the critical early decisions would create a mas-
sive demand for a new-to-the-world category of products and services based on
the UID. For this to happen, it was clear that the general public would have to see
the UID as a tool that could improve their lives, just as the mobile phone had done.
Given how many applications the mobile phone now had in India—money trans-
fers, reservations, access to prices and information, logistics, etc.—it was felt that
no government, however enlightened, could have thought of all the applications
that the consumers discovered for its use. A demand-driven UID would facilitate a
similar outpouring of useful and user-friendly applications for the common per-
One thing the UIDAI team felt it had done “better than average” was the num-
ber of people, both experts and stakeholders, it had consulted in developing the
project concept and implementation plan. Many of the pivotal ideas and assump-
tions guiding the project came from this intensive and extended process of consul-
tation from the very beginning of the project.
Gaining Political Support
In February 2010, a cabinet-level committee on UIDAI, chaired by the prime min-
ister, approved the UIDAI strategy and the concept of UID-enabled micro-pay-
ments to facilitate adoption of the UID.
In her address to the spring session of the Indian Parliament on February 22,
2010, the president of India, Pratibha Patil, mentioned the UIDAI’s establishment:
The Unique Identification Authority of India has been established with a
mandate to issue unique identity numbers based on biometrics to all res-
idents of India. This mammoth and unprecedented exercise will serve as
a great enabler to improve targeting and delivery of major government
welfare programmes and public services, especially to those who are poor
and marginalized. The first set of unique identity numbers is expected to
be issued in the early part of 2011.9
The Ministry of Rural Development, which oversees the implementation of the
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA), provided strong backing
for the project because the UID would facilitate the direct delivery of benefits to
the rural poor, without the current leakage to corrupt intermediaries. The ministry
entered into a memo of understanding with UIDAI in this regard.
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The World’s Most Ambitious ID Project
Although the UID project was unprecedented in terms of its scale and scope,
UIDAI had one clear advantage: analogous concepts and pieces of the technology
had been implemented successfully in parts of various states, and the resulting
benefits had received wide publicity.
For example, the Municipal Corporation of Delhi had introduced a biometric
system for checking attendance in August 2008; it led to the discovery of 22,853
“ghost employees” who were being paid Rs. 17 crore (US $3.77 million) per month but who were nowhere to be found!10 This money was obviously being siphoned off by corrupt officials. Such dramatic disclosures made the public receptive to the benefits of biometric identification systems such as the UID, despite the concerns about privacy. Securing Funding The budget of the Indian government for fiscal 2010–2011 included Rs. 1900 crore for the UIDAI project, of which Rs. 1300 crore was earmarked for the states and their registrars to pay for setting up the UID enrollment process, including com- munication and training for the enrollment agents. (One crore equals 10 million, so Rs. 1900 crore equals US $422 million at the exchange rate of Rs. 45 per U.S. dol-
lar, or 0.17 percent of the total Indian budget for 2010–2011 of U.S. $246 billion). In addition, this scheme would offer Rs. 100 per person, effectively Rs. 400–500 per family (US $25 to $30 at the PPP—purchasing power parity—rate of Rs. 16 per U.S. dollar) to people below the poverty line as an incentive to register and obtain the UID number.11 Rs. 2989 crore (US $664 million) would be given to the states
of India for this purpose over the next five years.12 Assuming no leakage, this
amount would provide incentives for 60 million to 75 million of these extremely
poor families in India. Internationally, an income of less than US $1 per day per head of household in terms of PPP was defined as extreme poverty, and 24 percent of the Indian population of 1.1 billion, or around 264 million people, were esti- mated to be extremely poor.13 Building the UIDAI Organization The first step: hiring the right people. As mentioned earlier, Nilekani had recruited a director general and deputy director generals (DDGs) for the project, all of whom had successfully run similar projects. Technical, marketing, and legal experts from outside the government had teamed up with their government coun- terparts as external consultants. The UIDAI was headquartered in Delhi, with its Technology Centre in Bangalore. There were to be eight regional offices in the country, each headed by a DDG. UIDAI faced a number of challenges in recruiting the 380 budgeted staff it needed because of the fact that this was a government project. Normally it would take a long time to hire people because of the number of required approvals, but Nilekani’s position as a cabinet-level minister helped to expedite the process and by May of 2010, 95 permanent staff had been hired. innovations / volume 6, number 2 49 Downloaded from by guest on 08 September 2023 Vijay Sathe Moreover, the complexity of the project required specialists in law, communi- cations, information technology, and several other disciplines. However, since UIDAI was a newly constituted body, it did not have the inter-departmental coor- dination that other government ministries used to acquire the necessary expertise. As a result—and given the tight deadlines—UIDAI had to consider non-govern- ment sources for some of the talent it required. It could hire these professionals, despite the higher salaries and benefits in the private sector, because they saw UID as a challenging project of national importance and they wanted to be a part of it. Other outside talent could be hired as consultants—for example, by organiza- tions such as India’s National Institute for Smart Government, which had expert- ise in e-government projects—because the government already had a mechanism, its project management unit, in place to enable consultants to support government projects. It was important to get people from these different cultures—government and non-government—to learn to work well together as quickly as possible. Learning to work together across the cultural divide. One person with first-hand knowledge of the situation described this experience: The last few months have been an interesting voyage of discovery in how the government-sector people and those from the private sector can work together. As senior government officers were hired into the UIDAI organization, they paired up with appropriate counterparts from the pri- vate sector who were hired by due government processes. An ideal mix of the public and private worlds was created to execute this national proj- ect. As with any merger between two different cultures, there was some anxiety and confusion on both sides about how to work with each other. With the benefit of hindsight, people could see it was two different worlds clashing. The private-sector world focused less on hierarchy, while those from the government world focused more on protocol. Both sides could have been more attuned to these and other fundamental differences, but perhaps those from the private sector bore more of the responsibility for not being more sensitive to the world they were entering. As one insider said, After the initial “sonic boom” around March 2010, things have settled down and the government people and their private-sector counterparts are meeting for monthly reviews. The government side is getting bigger and taking on more of the work now. Quality of the people and their development. Another observer, who was no longer associated with the project, expressed some concern about the government servants being hired: Nandan [Nilekani] hired Ram Sewak Sharma as the DG [CEO], and he is very good, very smart, very energetic and has the necessary time hori- zon because he is more than five years from retirement. The people Sharma hired are also very good. But a lot of the other people were not 50 innovations / Meaningful Markets Downloaded from by guest on 08 September 2023 The World’s Most Ambitious ID Project hired personally by Sharma, or by the people he had hired, but by the government machinery. So I don’t know about the quality of these peo- ple or about their dedication to the task. What I fear is that there may be insufficient attention to detail and lack of compliance. A lot of the work will only happen if these people are on top of their jobs and ensure that work gets done quickly and effectively. They are the official channels of communication with the government agencies in the states. But the hope is that they will shape up as time goes on. Besides, the way the project is set up, a lot of the key work will be done by the registrars and by the technology folks who do not report to these people. Avoiding Bureaucratic Wars UIDAI had to gain the support of a number of agencies of the Indian government, including the Election Commission, the Census, the National Population Register, and the Department of Information Technology, to avoid nascent bureaucratic objections and infighting. The election database was the largest list of individuals in the country, so ini- tially some within UIDAI thought of working with the Election Commission. But UIDAI decided not to, based on the argument that, since the UID would be given to all residents, not just citizens, it might be used to claim citizenship if UID was viewed as closely associated with the election department. Census 2011 and the National Population Register. Two important initiatives led by the registrar general of India, under the Home Ministry, overlapped with the UID. First, preparations were under way to conduct the decennial census in 2011, with a budget of Rs. 3600 crore (US $800 million). After some discussion, the argu-
ment that prevailed was that the UID would provide real-time data on identifica-
tion only, whereas the decennial census was needed for a more comprehensive
enumeration of socioeconomic data not captured by the UID. Knowledgeable
observers explained that unlike a corporation that killed parallel projects for the
sake of efficiency, government agencies accepted redundancy as long as their own
projects and budgets were not adversely affected.
Of greater concern was the UID’s overlap with a new initiative also led by the
registrar general, called the National Population Register (NPR), which would list
the identities of the entire population. After the census of 2001, it was decided that
during the next census in 2011, a parallel initiative, the NPR, would also be under-
taken. On March 18, 2010, reported on the progress:
India is launching what could be its most ambitious national project next
month when it will attempt to identify every member of its 1.2 billion
population in a national survey. . .starting April 1, an army of 2 million
data collectors will start the National Population Register (NPR) which
will build a colossal digital database of fingerprints and other personal
data. . .
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Officials insist the ID program was driven by concerns over national
security and over rampant corruption undermining the government’s
anti-poverty efforts. . .Last year, Transparency International ranked India
84th on its corruption perception index of 180 nations. . .
The project. . .was originally envisaged about a decade ago. But the terror
attack on the Indian financial capital of Mumbai in 2008 led authorities
to expedite it. . .In India, illegal immigration from Bangladesh has been
an issue of serious concern for over decades. . .according to India’s exter-
nal affairs ministry. . .
More than 70 percent of Indians live in villages. The country’s homeless
number nearly two million and more than one-third of the Indian pop-
ulation cannot read and write, according to census figures. . .Of India’s 80
million tribal population, more than three million are primitive groups.
. . .
Planners foresee a rapid rural-to-urban transition ahead in India. .
.India’s massive informal economy currently employs 94 percent of the
nation’s workforce. . .Some analysts say a concrete database of residents
can be used to ease the burden on cities.14
There was some confusion about whether or not the Census of 2011 and the NPR
were one and the same thing. The registrar general and the census commissioner
held a press conference in April 2010 to explain how the two were related but dif-
[With the census] we are trying to measure the quality of life that people
are leading. After assessing the households, in February [2011], we will
focus on individual data. Then the National Population Register will
come into the picture. Please remember, Census 2011 and NPR are sepa-
rate. We are collecting data on these two together just to save time. 15
But it was still unclear whether NPR would be a database of citizens only or one
for all residents, and how it would be coordinated with the UID. NPR planned to
use teachers, homemakers, and volunteers to collect survey data by having them
ask questions and fill out a form. The UID required more due diligence in collect-
ing biometric information (fingerprints, photographs, iris scans) and checking
names and addresses to ensure data integrity at enrollment.
Between April and June of 2010, the heads of these government agencies made
statements to the press indicating that they had reached agreement that NPR and
UID would both be databases of residents, not citizens. But these statements also
revealed different purposes and priorities in the different agencies. UID, under the
Planning Commission, was focused on financial inclusion, corruption reduction,
and protection of individual privacy; NPR, under the registrar general of India and
the Home Ministry, was focused on national security.
By May, the press was quoting Nilekani on the agreed relationship:
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“We are going to be the back end where the NPR would collect the data
and we will de-duplicate the data (demographic and biometric) for gen-
erating unique identity number. There is complete synergy of efforts,”
Nilekani said while briefing reporters about the decision taken by the
Cabinet Committee on UIDAI. . .
In generating the UIDs, the NPR is going to be our biggest partner. We
have a joint administrative committee with the Registrar General of India
(RGI) for this purpose. Along with NPR, the NREG, state governments
and banks are going to be our partners,” he added.16
Another press report quoted Director General R. S. Sharma of UIDAI as say-
ing, “We have an agreement with the Registrar General of India that the NPR exer-
cise under the 2011 census would collect biometric data as well.” It also said that
“UIDAI had recently signed up with the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC)
as one of its registrars (for the UID)” and quoted Sharma as saying that “having
multiple registrars is a must for the project.”17
Additional details came from a correspondent for The Hindu:
The data collection will be standardized so that all registrars—who will
actually do the data collection—can use the same methods. The regis-
trars include the Public Distribution System (PDS), the rural develop-
ment departments which run the NREGA programme, the banks, the
LIC, oil marketing companies, the Registrar General of India which con-
ducts the census, and the National Population Register. The registrars are
free to collect whatever other information they want, so long as they col-
lect the stipulated demographic and biometric data for UIDAI.18
As one astute observer of government politics in India put it in June 2010:
It is now clear that NPR under the registrar general and the powerful
Home Ministry will be a registrar for [the] UID, but not the sole regis-
trar as they apparently wanted. What is not clear is whether this has cre-
ated some tension that will manifest itself as a threat to the UID in some
form that we cannot yet see.
Department of Information Technology. High-level visibility and support for the
project also helped to quell what could have become internecine bureaucratic
infighting. For example, the National Informatics Centre of the Department of
Information Technology provided network backbone and e-governance support
to central and state governments. The fact that the project required a special focus
and would be reviewed and approved by a cabinet committee chaired by the prime
minister ensured support across the board.
Building Coalitions to Overcome Anticipated Resistance
By the last quarter of 2009, Nilekani and his team were spending a massive amount
of time selling the project approach to the various constituencies. A first draft of
what was to become the UIDAI Strategy Overview was prepared and presented,
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often using PowerPoint and question-and-answer sessions, to a variety of stake-
holders in all sectors of society. The aim was to get all the stakeholders excited
about the potential benefits of the project, to solicit input, which was summarized
on the UIDAI website, and to build public support for change.
Nilekani viewed this effort as analogous to a “road show” undertaken by start-
ups for their initial public offering or to the “evangelizing” of third-party develop-
ers by software companies like Apple. By the end of 2009, he had met personally
with the leaders of key companies and NGOs, and the heads of all the relevant cen-
tral ministries, as well as 20 of the 36 chief ministers of the states of India. He and
others on the UIDAI team also met with all the registrars; these entities were gen-
erally aligned with the UID enrollment strategy.
The first killer app: UID-enabled micro-payments. With the UID positioned as
“soft infrastructure,” comparable to a bank account or a mobile phone, and as a
“utility” comparable to electricity, the first application being developed to kick-
start the adoption of the UID was UID-enabled micro-payments. For the fewer
than 20 percent of Indian residents who had bank accounts, ATM machines and
ATM withdrawals were commonplace; now the aim was to enable everyone,
including those living in the half million villages of India, to have a UID-enabled
“no frills” bank account for authentication-enabled transactions.
For example, people could make micro-withdrawals or micro-deposits (for as
little as Rs. 10, or US 20 cents) using a mobile micro-ATM machine with a finger-
print scanner for ID authentication. A villager eligible for payment of, say, Rs. 500
from the government’s NREGA could go to a local merchant, called a “kirana”
shop or to some other “business correspondent” that the Reserve Bank of India
(RBI) had authorized to serve as an agent for a bank, and withdraw money from
his or her account.
UID-enabled transactions could also help to pull in part of the informal econ-
omy. For example, in the state of Bihar alone, it was estimated that Biharis work-
ing outside the state transferred home Rs. 20,000 to 30,000 crore (US $4 billion to $6 billion) via informal channels. The UID would remove the problems involved
in these transactions, and eliminate commissions to middlemen, while securing
them against loss or fraud.
In short, the UID-enabled micro-payments scheme was conceived as what the
software industry called a “killer app,” one that would become a part of people’s
daily lives, and take India one giant step forward from a “closed-access economy”
to one that was “open-access.”
The “coalition for financial inclusion.” The UID-enabled micro-payments con-
cept was developed in collaboration with the RBI, and the ministries of finance,
rural development, and other government ministries, as well as players from the
banking and telecom industries, referred to collectively as “the coalition for finan-
cial inclusion.” The aim was to achieve universal banking. The UID would enable
the government to deliver services to the poor via direct benefit transfers into their
bank accounts; it would also allow the banks to make money at the bottom of the
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pyramid because a UID-enabled bank account was likely to become the sole deliv-
ery channel for all government benefits.
Despite the potential for new business, it took some effort to get the banks on
board because this was a mammoth undertaking that required them to learn to do
business with millions of “business correspondents” who would interface with the
end users. The telecom players, on the other hand, had already learned to work
with the 1.6 million retailers in India—the places where people went to set up and
recharge their mobile phones. The UIDAI arranged a meeting of the Indian
Banking Association with players from the telecom industry and asked both par-
ties to explore if they could work with each other on UID-enabled micro-pay-
ments, or if there were any regulatory barriers impeding collaboration that had to
be removed first.
The banks had to be persuaded to engage in this process because they had a
different core competence (secure transactions) than the telecom players (secure
communications), but both were needed to make UID-enabled micro-payments a
reality. The RBI also signaled that it would consider allowing other entities to
deliver banking services to the poor in order to facilitate financial inclusion, if the
banks were unwilling to do so. The banks were asked to submit plans for how, by
March of 2012, they would offer banking services to every village in India with a
population of more than 2,000 people.
The “coalition for financial inclusion” was created by attending to the interests
of the various stakeholders and by using a domino or cascade strategy. Once the
RBI approved the strategy, it was easier to get the banks on board. Once the RBI
and the banks agreed, it was easier to get other financial intermediaries on board.
Consequently, the telecom players were happy to be involved and, once they were
on board, the needed suppliers were ready to bid for the opportunities for new
UIDAI personnel supported this cascade strategy through appropriate facilita-
tion of meetings of working-level coalition managers. For example, career bankers
said they would have implemented payment schemes for the masses long ago if it
were that simple! They asked what banking experience the UIDAI team had to
make them think their plan would work.
To avoid turf wars, the answer given was that the UIDAI personnel were indeed
not bankers, but that this was a promising idea of national importance with huge
potential that could work—if the bankers were up for the challenge—because it
had strong support at the highest levels of government and because India had the
technological capability to pull off such a massive project successfully.
The UIDAI team worked hard to facilitate such face-to-face dialog (“let’s get
the right people together in one room”) and create working bonds across the cul-
tural chasms that separated the institutions that needed to work together. By May
of 2010, in collaboration with the Indian Banking Association and the RBI, tech-
nical standards for a micro-ATM machine (combining a mobile phone with a fin-
gerprint reader) had been established.
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Also by then, a dedicated team under Deputy Director General Ashok Pal
Singh had begun to work with the RBI to find ways to promote financial inclusion
using the UID. They came up with a revolutionary idea: Instead of going to the
banks and begging them to enroll the poor, why not give enrollees a default,
“white-labeled” no-frills bank account during enrollment? The enrollee could
choose whether or not to open that account. Once the people in a district were
enrolled, the roughly two million “white-labeled” accounts given to these people
would be put up for auction to the highest bank bidder. The winner would poten-
tially acquire two million new bank accounts in one fell swoop! Boston Consulting
Group was providing pro bono services to UIDAI to analyze the business model
and to bring this idea to market.
Sources of expected resistance. The project anticipated that it would encounter
resistance from entities such as the machinery implementing the public distribu-
tion system (PDS) in the states, and the vested interests that benefit from the leak-
ages. Operated under the joint responsibility of the central and state governments,
PDS purchased essential commodities such as wheat, rice, sugar, and kerosene;
then, through its network of half a million “fair price shops,” it sold them at sub-
sidized prices to those living below the poverty line who were issued ID cards to
claim their rations.19 The total annual subsidy was about Rs. 32,000 crore (US $7 billion). As a Times of India reporter wrote on March 17, 2010, The sale of foodgrains through the public distribution system to poor families throughout the country at highly subsidized prices is stinking of corruption, hoarding and black marketeering, the Supreme Court appointed central vigilance committee said in its damning reports. . .The fair price shop owner is aware of bogus/fake ration cards and uses these for black marketing of PDS foodgrains. . .There is a thriving nexus between fair price shop owners, transporters and corrupt officials.20 The UID and its online authentication would put a damper on this leakage, and the “nexus” would surely find ways to fight back. In general, opposition to the project would come from those who currently benefited from the closed-access economy, including corrupt contractors and government officials, and politicians who depended on contributions to slush funds. Once implemented, the UID would ensure that government money reached the intended beneficiaries; thus it would change the way the political parties were funded from the grassroots level on up. Parts of India were not only highly corrupt but also extremely dangerous, and here the implementation of the UID was expected to take much longer and face far greater challenges. In June of 2009, a Times of India reporter described a movement in one such region: the dreaded “red corridor” that stretches along seven eastern states of India: Naxalism, which started off as a people’s movement, has now become a nearly Rs. 1500 crore [US $333 million] organized extortion business. .
.the “levy” is not only paid by contractors working in areas dominated by
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the Naxals but also by the industrial houses including some of the
nationally reputed ones. . .in most cases, the amount generated in the
form of a levy usually goes into a “luxurious lifestyle” of Naxal chiefs. 21
Responding to questions from the press about this issue, the registrar general
of India, under whose authority data would be collected for the census and for the
NPR, stated:
So far, no one has opposed the census. The Naxalities have never raised
their voice against the census, which tries to ascertain the ground reality.
. .But we have sensitized the workers who will be working in the Naxal-
affected areas. As far as the security of the workers is concerned, State
governments will have to take care [of that]. 22
The UID “tsunami” to overcome resistance. With UID-enabled micro-payments
as the exemplar, efforts were now under way to conceive of other UID-enabled
products and services that could benefit residents—and that were also aligned with
the intent of the policy-makers and the interests of the delivery channels. The
development of these products and services was Stage 1 of the project to give the
UID the “right to win.”
Stage 2 would be field pilot projects and proofs of concept to demonstrate the
“experiential benefits” of the project to the villagers themselves, by showing them
how the UID could impact their lives, positively and significantly. Stage 3, the
scale-up, would involve going “live” with the UID benefits that were already
proven. It would have the backing of the coalition for financial inclusion as well as
other coalitions to be built, and a war chest of hundreds of thousands of crores of
rupees (billions of U.S. dollars) of government funds and for-profit money avail-
able for the project. The plan was to build up a “tsunami” of support for the UID
in order to overcome any opposition to it.
Technology Challenges
The key to the technology challenge is India’s enormous scale and scope. In some of
India’s states, including Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, complete financial inclusion
had been achieved in certain villages. But when these villagers travelled to other
parts of India for work or for pleasure, they could not make deposits or with-
drawals because they could not access their accounts from remote locations. UID-
enabled bank accounts supported by authentication-enabled transactions would
solve this problem: they would provide, in effect, a national interoperable platform
or grid for financial inclusion. The technical challenge was to scale-up, by a factor
of ten or more, systems for financial inclusion that had been successfully imple-
mented in pockets of India.
ID systems based on the concept of de-duplication for authentication had
already been implemented for databases of up to about 100 million records; the
FBI reportedly had such a database and capability in the United States. For a pop-
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ulation of one billion, the de-duplication systems would have to work with a data-
base that was ten times that size. This made the project exponentially more chal-
lenging because every record had to be checked against every other record during
the de-duplication process. With a database of 100 million, that meant that 100
million records had to be checked against 100 million-minus-one records. At one
billion records, that meant that a billion records had to be checked against a bil-
lion-minus-one other records.
Another reason why this project was far more technically challenging than the
systems already in use was that the latter were “closed systems” dedicated to a sin-
gle application, for example, social security numbers in the United States. The UID
had to be an open, interoperable system that could facilitate multiple applications.
The speed of the de-duplication process was also critically important. The sys-
tem was being designed to scale-up to a database of 600 million UIDs within five
years, at which point the enrollment rate was expected to peak at around one mil-
lion to two million new UID applications per day. All these new applications would
have to be de-duplicated against the 600 million records already in the database,
and within 24 hours, before the next batch of one million to two million new
applications arrived.
An additional challenge was that biometric identification using fingerprints,
photographs, and iris scans did not provide 100 percent confidence regarding the
results. The system might indicate a match between two very similar IDs when in
fact there was no match (a false positive), or it might indicate no match when in
fact there was a match (a false negative). These known problems could be managed
with smaller databases. With a billion IDs in the database, no one really knew how
the system would cope with false positives and false negatives and do so quickly
enough to allow for online authentication. No one in the world had tried it on this
scale before!
One response to this challenge was using world-class vendors. In February
2010, UIDAI awarded the global consultancy firm Ernst & Young a contract to pro-
vide advisory services in connection with setting up the CIDR (Central ID Data
Repository) and selecting the managed service provider (MSP). Ernst & Young
would develop the overall program management strategy, a road map for imple-
menting the UID project, and detailed functional and technical requirements for
all the IT and non-IT physical infrastructure components of the CIDR, which
would then be put out for bids.
Because of his former ties to Infosys, Nilekani had said he would recuse him-
self from any decision in which the firm was involved. Indeed, Infosys had bid for
the Rs. 30 crore (US $6.6 million) contract that MindTree won in competition with 19 other companies, including Indian IT titans Wipro and Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and global giants IBM and Accenture. MindTree would develop the technical and financial standards that UID registrars could use to evaluate and select the enrollment service providers, which would be large firms like TCS, as well as NGOs. 58 innovations / Meaningful Markets Downloaded from by guest on 08 September 2023 The World’s Most Ambitious ID Project Although IBM and Accenture were strong contenders, they could not guaran- tee the permanent staffing that MindTree could.23 For such contracts, it was cus- tomary to guarantee staff members who had equivalent skill sets but not the same staff. The resulting “churn” in consulting staff was a risk that clients often didn’t see until after the contract was signed and work had begun. With his deep knowledge of the IT industry, Nilekani understood the importance of having permanent staff assigned to the project for its duration, and UIDAI insisted on this as a condition of the contract. As reported in the press, R. S. Sharma provided details regarding the vendor contracts signed as of June 2010, and the timetable for future agreements: “By July 31 we will have all the respective vendors in place, that includes data centre and the biometrics provider,” Sharma said. UIDAI has appointed MindTree for application development and services, and BPO (business process outsourcing) firm Intelenet for its call center. The man- aged service provider (MSP), who will manage the database, will be signed only after the infrastructure is in place. “We are expecting to sign up with the MSP by October this year. . .Once the MSP is on board, they will take over the entire operations and be the single point of access (to the CIDR). Unlike some of our other contracts, the time period for the MSP will be medium- to long-term,” Sharma said.24 The world’s biggest IT companies, including the U.S. firms IBM, Hewlett- Packard, and Accenture, as well as the Indian giants Wipro, TCS, and Infosys, were expected to bid for the Rs. 1000 crore (US $222 million) MSP contract. For the
biometric devices, Wipro, NEC, and Sagem had submitted bids for the US $10 mil- lion to $15 million contract.
Demand Generation Challenges
Here the first challenge was building and communicating the brand Aadhaar. The
name Aadhaar (foundation) and the associated logo were chosen in an all-India
competition that received 2,000 entries. The Times of India quoted Nilekani as say-
We wanted a name that could effectively communicate its transforma-
tional potential and its promise to residents. Something that had a
national appeal that could be recognized across the country, could res-
onate in different languages and would be easy to remember and speak.
He said the same standard was also set for the making of the logo. The
new logo, with a sun in yellow and a fingerprint in the centre, was also
made public at a seminar organized by the UIDAI here.25
The marketing and advertising campaign for Aadhaar would support its position-
ing as a reliable family brand:
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Like all campaigns worth their salt, this one too will kick off with posters
at the usual spots: village haats, river ghats, bus stops and pan shops. The
radio and TV ads will take over from there until a committed band of
individual volunteers carry the message personally to the masses. . .a core
committee of marketing experts. . .plan to make the Aadhaar brand uni-
The positioning: Aadhaar as a reliable family friend or someone with
great strength and integrity. . .the Aadhaar campaign will be the largest
ever social campaign. . .as it will include children too. The basic challenge
is demand generation, as it’s a voluntary programme.
The panel comprising top names in Indian advertising have identified
about 1.5 crore [15 million] retail points for communication including
kiranas, music shops, halwais, auto rickshaw stands, mechanics and cycle
repair shops. . .
There needs to be a whole team of influencers who could potentially
make people understand the need for Aadhaar and mobilize them during
time of enrollment. . .the influencers will include about 30 lakh 3 mil-
lion) influential retailers out of 1.5 crore [15 million] total retailers;
150,000 Anganwadi/Asha workers [accredited social workers trained in
health, nutrition and child development]; 130,000 rural post offices; 600
district magistrates. . .UIDAI plans to train 104,000 agents who will
directly help in the enrolling process.
Railway stations may also ring with songs exhorting the benefits of get-
ting Aadhaar in Hindi. Besides, sporting events like wrestling and cricket
tournaments, and cinema will also adorn Aadhaar ads. The programme
may also consider celebrity endorsements. . .The government will use
outdoor media such as handouts, wall paintings, banners, infomercials
and interpersonal media such as songs and drama for communication.
In the first phase, about Rs. 50 crore [US $11 million] is allocated for this
year. More money is likely to be released for market research.
To build the Aadhaar brand, the government plans to use three moments
of truth [MOTs] for. . .the Unique ID brand experience [first MOT when
a person finds out about Aadhaar; second MOT when he or she enrolls
and gets a UID number; third MOT when he or she experiences the ben-
efits of a UID number in daily interactions with mobile operators, banks,
gas stations, ration providers, NREGA payments, pre-natal checkups for
women, access to schools for children of migrant laborers, etc.]26
Enrollment Challenges
By May of 2010, the program had completed field tests with the three different
types of biometric devices. In partnership with the registrars in three states
(Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, and Karnataka), around 20,000 people in eight to ten vil-
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lages in each state submitted their biometrics for these tests. The process went
smoothly and no one complained about being asked for biometric data. The tech-
nical teams analyzed the data to figure out how much of it was clean or needed
cleaning, how long it was taking to collect the data for each biometric, and other
trends and patterns for each of the devices tested.
The next big milestone was proof of concept: actual UIDs would be issued
within the next two months, within the publicly committed deadline for issuing
the first UID numbers. The project was on track to deliver on this target. In addi-
tion, pilot tests using micro-ATM machines for UID-enabled transactions were
scheduled for August 2010. Work was also being done on other applications for the
The project had signed a memo of understanding with the Department of
Posts (DoP), making it a strategic partner that would pick up UID data from the
various enrolling sectors and deliver it to the closest sub-stations where it would
be uploaded to the CIDR servers. DoP would also deliver the letter that communi-
cated the UID number to each resident; DoP had 155,015 post offices, of which 90
percent were in rural areas.
UIDAI still had work to do in specifying the detailed processes that the regis-
trars would need to follow for error-free UID enrollment. Given the diversity of
procedures in government agencies across the states of India, standards had to be
developed to ensure data quality across the system.
UIDAI would provide training materials so that when the resident stood in line
to apply for the UID, both the enrollment agency and the operator would have
been certified by UIDAI, with independent third parties auditing the process and
re-rating the agencies to ensure adherence to standards and data integrity.
By June 2010, UIDAI had signed memos of understanding with the govern-
ments of 15 states of India, and with the Life Insurance Corporation of India, con-
firming them as registrars for UID enrollment. It was in the process of conclud-
ing memos of understanding with many other public and private agencies.
The UIDAI had insisted on allowing multiple registrars, so that if the admin-
istration of a particular state was not implementing the UID project, other entities
would be commissioned or already available as registrars. Rather than predict
which central and state agencies were genuinely enthusiastic about the UID, the
plan was to welcome them all, to begin where there was the interest and the com-
mitment to implement, to build momentum with the innovators and the early
adopters among these agencies, and to allow the others to join later as the band-
wagon rolled on.
Some state governments were not looking forward to competition for their
registrars. It remained to be seen if they would push back or try to slow down the
use of other registrars, including those from the private sector.
Addressing Privacy Concerns
The fact that the NPR was under the Home Ministry and primarily concerned with
national security—but would now collaborate with the UID authority—led to
innovations / volume 6, number 2
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Vijay Sathe
heightened privacy concerns among members of civil society and advocates of civil
liberties. Even though the current government was viewed favorably on these mat-
ters, there was concern that a future government might misuse the database as a
tool of oppression. As one observer, a strong supporter of the UID, put it,
One set of frictions is between the government departments. But anoth-
er set of frictions that need to be understood is with civil society, whose
members are extremely afraid that now the home ministry will get access
to UID information. If there is a new government with different priori-
ties, the UID information could be used to profile people or invade indi-
vidual privacy.
What is a huge threat to the project in my mind is that it doesn’t take long
to have a story that says, to take a hypothetical example, that a breach in
the UID system allowed members of a minority community to be iden-
tified and targeted for violence. If something like that were to happen, the
project would come to a screeching halt and there would be no way to
move forward.
A major Indian newspaper, The Hindu, had offered this opinion in its editori-
al on November 13, 2009:
With proper implementation, the transformative potential of the UID
scheme in enhancing access to government services should not be under-
estimated. In becoming a single source of identity verification, it could
enable the easier rollout of a number of services such as bank accounts,
passports, driving licenses, and LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) connec-
tions. Proof of identity and greater financial inclusion could lay the basis
for checking fraud and corruption, avoiding duplication and targeting
intended beneficiaries in a range of programs. . .The attendant risks of
such a potentially game-changing scheme—which include risks of hack-
ing, privacy invasion, and possible misuse of information by a future
“Orwellian” government—are real.
The UID project should be open to wide public debate and Nandan
Nilekani, the former co-chairman of Infosys who heads the Unique
Identification Authority of India, has made a good start by seeking opin-
ions, allaying apprehensions, and discussing details of the project with a
wide section of people in government and civil society. . .What it needs is
a legal framework that enables the creation of a unique identity system
with adequate safeguards to protect privacy and confidentiality.27
Privacy concerns would be addressed explicitly in the legislation authorizing
UIDs that was being prepared for the monsoon session of the Indian Parliament
starting in August 2010. For example, it would be illegal to acquire UID informa-
tion except under a specific court order. The technical team was also working on
building safeguards into the design of the UID system itself so that even an
“Orwellian” future government seeking to bypass the law and invade the privacy of
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The World’s Most Ambitious ID Project
its citizens would not be able to do so. For example, the UID system would only
provide a “Yes” (this is a unique ID) or “No” (this is a duplicate ID) answer to a
query without revealing any other information.
Specific measures were also being taken to ensure that the entire UID system
was secure. Clear registrar agreements would be in place regarding sharing and
storage of information, and any agency that failed to follow the security standards
while issuing the UID would be removed from the system. All data would be trans-
ferred over an encrypted network. Access to the database would be highly restrict-
ed, with clear audit trails on information records accessed. There would be auto-
matic alerts in case patterns of suspicious access to the database were detected.
Additionally, any information collected on individual residents would not be
shared or distributed.
As reported by a writer for The Hindu, Nilekani met with leaders of civil soci-
ety and others concerned about privacy to assure them of the safeguards being put
in place:
UIDAI will support and endorse any action toward formulating umbrel-
la legislation on protecting data, according to its chairman Nandan
Nilekani. He hoped that this would help address privacy and security
concerns, apart from the safeguards being built into the UID Act itself.
The draft legislation for the Act, which will make UIDAI a statutory body,
is in the final stages and will be put in the public domain for feedback.
“We are just a number issuing and data collecting authority. . .UIDAI is
just the back end,” said Mr. Nilekani. He said partner agencies would only
be allowed to confirm identity with a “yes or no” query. They will not be
allowed to access all the detail in the database. However, he admitted that
in cases of national security, such safeguards could be bypassed and spe-
cific information could be given out.28
Could the UID Hurt the Poor?
There was some concern that the UID, a tool designed to benefit the poor, would
become a tool for their oppression. Some of the poorest and most marginalized
residents of India survived because they lived under the radar. For example, the
homeless urban poor on the streets coped with police harassment by becoming
“invisible.” Would the UID make these people more visible and thus more vulner-
able? Ration cards and election ID cards in the hands of the poor made them the
targets of intimidation and thuggery; would the UID make them even bigger tar-
gets? Or, contrary to these concerns, would the UID begin to empower these peo-
ple by giving them an identity, legal rights, and a voice? One social worker who
worked with the poor and the homeless believed it would:
Believe it or not, these people would like some standing in society where
they are recognized. What is happening for these people is that a lot of
their aspirations are coming out because of information spillovers—peo-
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Vijay Sathe
ple see kids going to school, using mobile phones, TV, Internet. And they
recognize that they are not going to be able to fulfill their aspirations by
being out of the system. So they want in. And the UID will enable them
to do that.
Some people believed that the new “national grid policy” raised far bigger pri-
vacy concerns than did the UID. Following the terrorist attack in Mumbai in
November 2008, the Home Ministry announced its policy of improving national
security by getting various agencies (such as the NREGA, the police, the national
security forces, and the income tax department) to more efficiently share the infor-
mation in their databases. In fact, NREGA already posted individual names and
addresses that anyone could access on its website.
As Nilekani reviewed the progress made during his first year as chairman of
UIDAI, he thought about what the biggest challenges and risks to Project Aadhaar
were, and how they should be dealt with. In addition to meeting the unprecedent-
ed technology challenges and overcoming the monumental demand generation
challenges, success hinged on ensuring that at least half of the 1.2 billion residents
of India were motivated and enabled to complete the enrollment process and
obtain a UID within the next five years.
Professor Sathe would like to thank Mr. Nilekani and his colleagues for taking the
time to provide the requested interviews and referrals. Although the case is based
largely on information in the public domain, it would not have been possible to
develop it without the insights gained from interviews with knowledgeable
observers both inside and outside UIDAI, the government agency responsible for
Project Aadhaar. Professor Sathe wishes to thank all these people as well.
1. Multilateral Faces of India website. Available at
bhushan-2000-2009.html Accessed May 5, 2011.
2. Mehul Srivastava and Steve Hamm, “In India, ‘The Mother of All IT Projects’,” Business Week, July
27, 2009, p. 56.
3. Kingshuk Nag, “Should Nandan Nilekani be inducted into govt?” Times of India, June 5, 2009.
Available at
monopoly Accessed May 11, 2011.
4. Asha Rai, “Declined offer to join plan panel in early June,” Times of India, June 26, 2009.
Available at Accessed
May 5, 2011.
5. Asha Rai, “Here to make a difference, not to give Infy contracts: Nilekani,” Times of India,
September 6, 2009. Available at Accessed May 5, 2011.
6. Rai, “Here to make a difference.”
7. Nandan Nilekani, “Giving Indians an Identity,” Times of India, December 26, 2009. Available at Accessed May 5, 2011.
8. Shalini Singh, “India has 500 million mobile phone numbers,” Times of India, December 14, 2009.
Available at
tions-mobile-phone-urban-teledensity. Accessed May 11, 2011.
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The World’s Most Ambitious ID Project
9. President Pratibha Patil’s address to Parliament, The Hindu, February 22, 2010. Available at Accessed May 5, 2011. Item 60
addresses the UIDAI.
10. Rediff Business, “22,800 fake staffers cost Delhi municipality crores!”, November 25,
2009. Available at
delhi-municipality-crores.htm. Accessed May 5, 2011.
11. For an explanation of PPP, see
exchange-rates.html. Accessed May 5, 2011. This reports estimates by Goldman Sachs in
February 2010.
12. All rupee figures are from the UIDAI website: Accessed May 5, 2011.
13. For more on Below the Poverty Line, see Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo, “The Economic
Lives of the Poor,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 21, no. 1 (2007), 141-167.
14. Harmeet Shah Singh, “India to capture 1.2 billion population in new digital census,”,
April 18, 2010. Available at Accessed
May 5, 2011.
15. Saubhadro Chatterji, “We hope Naxals allow census data collection,” Business Standard, April 11,
2010. Available at
sus-data-collection/391470/. Accessed May 11, 2011.
16. Express News Service, “UIDAI to act as back-office of NPR, says Nilekani,” Indian Express, May
19, 2010. Available at
says-nil/620622/. Accessed May 11, 2011.
17. Shivani Shinde, “National Population Register to start biometrics data collection from Dec.,”
Business Standard, July 26, 2010. Available at
ter-to-start-biometric-data-collection-from-dec-news—news-kgxb4oegced.html. Accessed
May 5, 2011.
18. Priscilla Jebaraj, “UIDAI will back law to protect data: Nilekani,” The Hindu, May 20, 2010.
Available at Accessed May 5, 2011.
19. Department of Food & Public Distribution, Government of India, “Targeted Public
Distribution System (TPDS).” Available at
&check=0. Accessed May 11, 2011.
20. Dhananjay Mahapatra, “Entire PDS has collapsed, says SC panel,” Times of India, March 17,
2010. Available at
Accessed May 5, 2011.
21. Press Trust of India, “Naxalism: A Rs 1500 crore red corridor empire,” Times of India, June 7,
2009. Available at
&check=0. Accessed May 11, 2011.
22. Saubhadro Chatterji, “We hope Naxals allow census data collection.”
23. Harsimran Julka, “MindTree outbids TCS, Wipro, Infy to win UIDAI contract,” Economic
Times, April 30, 2010. Available at
cleshow/5874991.cms?prtpage=1. Accessed May 5, 2011.
24. Shinde, “National Population Register to start biometrics data collection from Dec.”
25. “UIDAI gets new name, logo,” Times of India, April 26, 2010. Available at Accessed May 5, 2011.
26. Harsimran Julka, “Aadhar’s brand UID being positioned as a reliable family friend,” Economic
Times, June 17, 2010. Available at Accessed May 5,
27. Editorial, “A game changing scheme,” The Hindu, November 13, 2009. Available at Accessed May 11, 2011.
28. Jebaraj, “UIDAI will back law to protect data: Nilekani.”
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