Measuring Online Debaters’ Persuasive Skill from Text over Time

Measuring Online Debaters’ Persuasive Skill from Text over Time

Kelvin Luu1 Chenhao Tan2 Noah A. Smith1,3
1Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington
2Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado Boulder
3Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence


Online debates allow people to express their
persuasive abilities and provide exciting oppor-
tunities for understanding persuasion. Prior
studies have focused on studying persuasion
in debate content, but without accounting
for each debater’s history or exploring the
progression of a debater’s persuasive ability.
We study debater skill by modeling how
participants progress over time in a collection
of debates from We build on
a widely used model of skill in two-player
games and augment it with linguistic features
of a debater’s content. We show that online
debaters’ skill
levels do tend to improve
over time. Incorporating linguistic profiles
leads to more robust skill estimation than
winning records alone. Notably, we find that
an interaction feature combining uncertainty
cues (hedging) with terms strongly associated
with either side of a particular debate (fightin’
words) is more predictive than either feature
on its own, indicating the importance of fine-
grained linguistic features.



Persuasion is an important skill with prevalent
use. Nearly every kind of social encounter, from
formal political debates to casual conversations,
can include attempts to convince others. What
linguistic phenomena are associated with higher
levels of persuasive skill? How do people develop
this skill over time? Online debate communities
offer an opportunity to investigate these questions.
These communities feature users who participate
in multiple debates over their period of engage-
ment. Such debates involve two parties who
willingly and formally present divergent opinions
before an audience. Unlike other media of
persuasion, such as letters to politicians, there is a


clear signal, a win or loss, indicating whether or
not a debater was successful against the adversary.
This work aims to quantify the skill level of
each debater in an online community and also
investigates what factors contribute to expertise.

Although persuasion has generated interest
in the natural language processing community,
most researchers have not tried to quantify the
persuasiveness of a particular speaker. Instead,
they estimate how persuasive a text
is, using
linguistic features such as the author’s choice
of wording or how they interact with the audience
(Tan et al., 2014, 2016; Althoff et al., 2014;
Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil et al., 2012). Previous
research has also established that debaters’ content
and interactions both contribute to the success of
the persuader (Tan et al., 2016; Zhang et al.,
2016; Wang et al., 2017). These works have
found textual factors that contribute to a debater’s
success, but they do not emphasize the role of the
individual debater.

There has been some recent work on studying
individual debaters. Durmus and Cardie (2019)
analyze users and find that a user’s success
and improvement depend on their social network
features. We take another approach by estimating
each user’s skill level in each debate they par-
ticipate in by considering their debate history.
These estimates reveal features correlated with
skill and the importance of particular debates over
time. Our study is based on debates from an
online debate forum,, introduced
by Durmus and Cardie (2018) and discussed in §2.
This Web site is composed of primarily text-
based debates and attracts a large number of users
to debate regularly.

Our model of skill builds on the Elo (1978)
rating system, designed for rating players in
two-player games (§3). Our preliminary analysis
using Elo scores suggests that user skill is not
static; debaters in the forum tend

Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, vol. 7, pp. 537–550, 2019. a 00281
Action Editor: Jordan Boyd-Graber. Submission batch: 11/2018; Revision batch: 4/2019; Published 9/2019.
c(cid:2) 2019 Association for Computational Linguistics. Distributed under a CC-BY 4.0 license.

































to improve with practice. We extend Elo for
the debate setting using linguistic features. We
decompose our family of models into two design
choices that align with the questions we hope to
answer: 1) the features we use and 2) how we
might choose to aggregate those features from
past debates.

To validate our skill estimates, we introduce a
forecasting task (§4). Previous work predicted
the winner of a debate using the text of the
current debate. In contrast, we aim to predict
winners using our skill estimates before the
debate (ignoring the current debate’s content).
This design ensures that we are modeling skill of
the debater, as inferred from past performance,
not the idiosyncrasies of a particular debate.

We also investigate the predictive power of
our estimates through an analysis of the results
(§6). We show that our full model outperforms
the baseline Elo model, approaching the accuracy
of an oracle that does use the text of the current
debate. Our ablation studies reveal that the co-
occurrence of phrases that indicate uncertainty
or doubt (hedges) with words that are strongly
associated with one debater or the other (fightin’
words), is an effective predictor. Moreover, we
find that not all past debates are equally useful
for prediction: more recent debates are more
indicative of the user’s current level of expertise.
This adds support to our conjecture that individual
debaters tend to improve through the course of
their time debating.

Finally, we track the linguistic tendencies of
each debater over the course of their debating
history. We show that several features such as
the length of their turns and the co-occurrence of
hedges and fightin’ words increase over time for
the best debaters, but stay static for those with less
skill. These findings give further evidence that
debaters improve over time.

2 Data

We use both debate and user skill data from the data set introduced by Durmus and
Cardie (2018). Any registered user on the Web site
can initiate debates with others or vote on debates
conducted by others.

2.1 Mechanism of

Registered users can create a debate under a topic
of their choosing. The person initiating the debate,

Figure 1: An example of the voting

called the instigator, fixes the debate’s number
of rounds (2–10) and chooses the category (e.g.,
politics, economics, or music) at the start of the
debate. The instigator then presents an opening
statement in the first round and waits for another
user, the contender, to accept the debate and
write another opening statement to complete the
first round.1 We define a debater’s role as being
either the instigator or contender.

To determine

the debate winner, other users vote after the debate ends.
In this phase, voters mark who they thought
performed better in each of seven categories (see
Figure 1).2 This phase can last between 3 days and
6 months, depending on the instigator’s choice at
the debate’s creation. After this period, the debater
who received the most points wins the debate. We
record in our data set the textual information,
participants, and voting records for each debate.

2.2 Definition of Winning

The voting system lets us define
a ‘‘win’’ in various ways (see Figure 1). In this
study, we would like to model how convincing
each debater is. One approach might be based on
Oxford-style debates like the IQ2 data set from
Zhang et al. (2016), in which scores are based on
the number of audience members who changed
their minds as a result of the debate. We found
here that the majority of voters do not deviate
from their stances before the debate, and most
voters tend to vote for who they already agree

1Although many debaters use their first round to make an
opening statement, some use it only to propose and accept
debates. If the first turn in an n-round debate is under 250
words, we merge each debater’s first two turns and treat the
debate as an (n − 1)-round debate.

2Another system of voting lets voters choose who they
thought performed better over the entire debate. Although
this appears in the data set, we do not use it in this paper.


































Completed Debates
Completed & Convincing
Full Filtered



Table 1: Description of the data
set from Durmus and Cardie (2018) and the
filtered data sets. Full Filtered is a subset of
Completed & Convincing that requires that
participants of each debate have engaged in
five or more debates. We use Full Filtered for
the remainder of our analysis.

system, which serves as both a baseline and the
basis for our final model. In our initial data
analysis, we use Elo scores to define an upset
as a debate where a weaker debater wins over
a stronger one. By measuring the rate at which
upsets occur over a debater’s lifetime, we make an
initial observation that debaters seem to improve
with experience.

3.1 Elo Model

Elo originated as a ranking system for chess
players; it has been adapted to other domains, such
as video games. It is one of the standard methods
to rate players of a two-player, zero-sum game
(Elo, 1978).3 Elo assigns positive integer-valued
scores, typically below 3,000, with higher values
interpreted as ‘‘more skill.’’ The difference in
the scores between two debaters under a logistic
model is used as an estimate of the probability
each debater will win. For example, consider a
debate between A and B. A has an Elo rating
of RA = 1900, and B has an Elo rating of
RB = 2000. Using the Elo rating system, pA,
the probability that A wins is4

pA =

1 + 100.0025(RB −RA)


1 + 100.25

≈ 0.36


Ratings are updated after every debate, with
the winner (equal to A or B) gaining (and the
loser losing) Δ = 32(1 − pW ) points. (32 is an
arbitrary scalar; we follow non-master chess in
selecting this value.)

Note that the magnitude of the change cor-
responds to how unlikely the outcome was.

Figure 2: Complementary cumulative distribution func-
tions (1 − CDF) for the total number of debates a
user finished. The blue line tracks only debaters who
engaged in and successfully concluded at least one
debate, and the red line tracks users who have finished
at least five debates in the filtered data set. The right
plot similarly shows the complementary cumulative
distribution for the number of votes given per debate
for all debates and the filtered data set.

with. Therefore, we count the number of times
each debater was rated as more convincing to a
voter despite presenting a viewpoint that the voter
disagreed with before the debate. The debater with
the higher count of such votes is considered the
‘‘winner’’ in the remainder of this paper.

2.3 Data Set Statistics

From an unfiltered set of 77,595 debates, we
remove all debates where a user forfeits, that lack
a winner (§2.2), or that do not have a typical
voting style with seven categories, leaving 29,209
completed debates.

We record the number of debates that each user
completes (see Figure 2, left). We find that the
quantity of debates per user follows a heavy-tailed
distribution where most users do not participate
in more than one debate. For the remainder of the
work, we focus on the 1,284 (out of 42,424 total
users) who have completed five or more of the
debates described above. This leaves us with 4,486
debates where the participants have completed at
least five debates (see Table 1).

We also record the number of votes that each
debate attracted (see Figure 2, right). This number
also follows a heavy-tailed distribution.

3 Expertise Estimation

In order to explore debater expertise and discover
what contributes to a user’s expertise over their
time on, we begin with a conven-
tional approach to skill estimation, the Elo rating

3The Elo model is a special case of the Bradley-Terry

model (Bradley and Terry, 1952).

4The base of the exponent, 10, and the multiplicative
factor on the difference RA − RB, 0.0025, are typically used
in chess.


































Although the Elo ratings traditionally take only a
win or loss as input, there have been adjustments
to account for the magnitude of victory. One
such method would be to use the score difference
between the two players to adjust the Elo gain
(Silver, 2015). If we let SA and SB be scores for
A and B, respectively, the modified gain Δ(cid:4) is

Δ(cid:4) = log(|SA − SB| + 1) × Δ


Under this model, we represent a user’s history
and skill level as a single scalar, that is, their Elo
rating. The Elo system ignores all other features,
which include the style a debater uses in the
debates and the content of their argument. We
therefore view this model as a baseline and extend

3.2 Do Debaters Get Better Over Time?

Our initial data analysis uses the Elo model to
investigate whether users improve over time at all
in the first place. An increase in Elo score can be
seen as the rating system merely becoming more
accurate with another sample or an actual increase
in the player’s skill. We wish to show that there
is no fixed rating for a user, but rather that the
rating is a moving target. A counterhypothesis
is then that the users’ skill levels do not change
despite their activity on If true,
then we would expect their final Elo rating to be
also indicative of their skill level at the beginning
of their activity.

To test this hypothesis, we first define an upset
as a debate where pW < τ , that is, where the winner of the debate was estimated (under Elo) to win with low probability (set using threshold τ ). If users tend to have static skill levels, then participating in many debates does not affect debaters’ skill, but simply provides more samples for measuring their skill. It follows that we would expect upsets to occur at the same rate early and late in each one’s career given debaters’ static skill. In this analysis, we calculate pA and pB for each debate using A’s and B’s final Elo ratings, which we take to be the most accurate estimate of their (presumed static) skill levels.5 To operationalize ‘‘early’’ and ‘‘late,’’ we divide a user’s debates into quintiles by time, 5In a forecasting analysis like the one in §4, this would be inappropriate, as it uses ‘‘future’’ information to define upsets. This notion of upset is not used in the forecasting task. Figure 3: Upset rates (aggregated across users) across history quintiles, τ = 0.45. The error bars represent the 95% confidence intervals. comparing the upset rate in different quintiles. In this analysis, we only consider users with at least ten debates (N = 4, 420).6 We see a downward trend in the upset rate (Figure 3). In particular, the first and last quintiles show a statistically significant difference under a paired t-test (p < .001), meaning that a user’s final Elo score is not a good measure of skill at earlier times. We take this finding as suggestive that users of adapt as they participate in more debates. 4 Predicting Expertise using Earlier Debates 1 , . . . , dA Our aim is to estimate a debater A’s persuasive ability after observing a series of debates they participated in (denoted dA t−1 if we are estimating ability just before the tth debate). We wish to take into account the content of those debates (not merely their outcomes, as in Elo), so as to understand what factor reveals a debater’s skill levels. Drawing inspiration from Elo’s interpretation as a score that can be used to predict each debater’s probability of winning (Eq. 1), we formulate a prediction task: estimate pA for A’s tth debate, given dA t−1 and also the opponent’s debate history (which might be of a different length). 1 , . . . , dA 6In addition to requiring 10 debates instead of 5 per user, as in the rest of our analysis, we also do not subject the opponents to the same requirements. 540 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / t a c l / l a r t i c e - p d f / d o i / . 1 0 1 1 6 2 / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 2 8 1 1 9 2 3 1 9 9 / / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 2 8 1 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 7 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 By observing debate outcomes alongside the two participants’ histories, we can estimate the parameters of such a probability model. Elo provides a baseline; rather than opaque scores associated with individual users at different times, we seek to explain the probability of winning through linguistic features of past debate content. Unlike previous work (Zhang et al., 2016; Potash and Rumshisky, 2017; Tan et al., 2018), we do not use the content of the current debate (dA t ) to predict its outcome; rather, we forecast the outcome of the debate as if the debate has not yet occurred. To our knowledge, this is the first work to derive scores for current skill levels based on observing participants’ behavior over time. In the remainder of this section, we discuss features of past debates and ways of aggregating them. 4.1 Incorporating a Linguistic Profile into Elo Elo scores are based entirely on wins and losses; they ignore debate content. We seek to incorporate content into expertise estimation by using linguistic features. If we modify the exponential base in Equation 1 from 10 to e, we can view Elo probabilities (e.g., pA) as the output of a logistic regression model with one feature (the score difference, RA − RB) whose weight is 0.0025; that is, pA = σ(0.0025 · (RA − RB)). It is straightforward to incorporate more features, letting the contender rounds of that debate were written by his opponent). Table 2 shows the full list of features. Hedging with fightin’ words. We introduce one novel feature for our work: the hedging with fightin’ words. ‘‘Fightin’ words’’ refer to words found using a method, introduced by Monroe et al. (2008), which seeks to identify words (or phrases) most strongly associated with one side or another in a debate or other partisan discourse.7 We are interested in situations where debaters evoke fightin’ words (their own, or their opponents’) with an element of uncertainty or doubt. We use each debater’s top 20 fightin’ words (unigrams or bigrams) as features, following Zhang et al., 2016, who found this feature useful in predicting winners of Oxford-style televised debates. We also count cooccurences of fightin’ words with hedge phrases like ‘‘it could be possible that’’ or ‘‘it seems that.’’ An example of this conjoined feature is found in the utterance ‘‘Could you give evidence that supports the idea that married couples are more likely to be committed to [other tasks]?’’, where hedge phrases are emboldened and brackets denote fightin’ words (which are selected separately within each debate). We use a list of hedging cues curated by Tan et al. (2016) and derived from Hyland (1996) and Hanauer et al. (2012). The conjoined feature is the count of the user’s sentences in a debate where a fightin’ word cooccurs with a hedge phrase in a sentence. pA = σ (w · (RA − RB)) (3) 4.3 Aggregating Earlier Debates where w is a vector of weights and RU is user U ’s ‘‘profile,’’ a vector of features derived from past debates. In this work, the linguistic profiles are designed based on extant theory about the linguistic markers of persuasion, and the vectors are weighted averages of features derived from earlier debates. 4.2 Features We select features discussed in prior work as the basis for our linguistic profiles (Tan et al., 2016, 2018; Zhang et al., 2016). We extract these measurements from each of the user’s debates. For a given debate and user, we calculate these values over the rounds written by the user. For example, if we were interested in a debate by Alex as the instigator, we would only calculate features from the instigator rounds of that debate (since Because we consider the full history of a debater when estimating their skill level, we opt to ag- gregate the textual features over each debate. We do so by taking a weighted sum of the feature vectors of the previous debates. We consider four weighting schemes, none of which have free parameters, to preserve interpretability. Let f be any one of the features in the linguistic profile, a function from a single debate to a scalar. debates (cid:2) t−1 i=1 1. Exponential growth: The most indicative of recent are most skill, f (dA i ) 2t−i . We take this to be the most intuitive choice, experimentally comparing against the alternatives below to confirm this intuition. 7The method estimates log-odds of words given a side, with Dirichlet smoothing, and returns the words with the highest log-odds for each side. 541 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / t a c l / l a r t i c e - p d f / d o i / . 1 0 1 1 6 2 / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 2 8 1 1 9 2 3 1 9 9 / / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 2 8 1 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 7 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 Feature Description Elo Score Length Part of speech Flesch reading ease Emotional words Links Traditional Elo score calculated and updated. Updated tradition- ally, not averaged as in §4.3. Number of words uttered in the debate. each noun, verb, Count of adjective, preposition, adverb, or pronoun from the participant in the entire debate. this user Measure of readability given the number of sentences in a document and the number of words in each sentence (Kincaid et al., 1975). Cues that indicate a positive or negative emotion (Tausczik and Pennebaker, 2010). Links to external websites out- side of This fea- ture operationalizes the number of sources a debater used. Questions The number of questions the user asked in the debate. Quotations The number of quotations the user included in the debate. (Hyland, Hedging The number of phrases that soften a statement by adding 1996; uncertainty Hanauer et al., 2012). The number of instances of words most strongly associated with either debater (Monroe et al., 2008). Fightin’ words H∧FW The number of cooccurences of hedging and fightin’ words, described in §4.2. n/a ↑↑↑ Nouns (↑↑↑) Adjec- tives (↑↑↑) ↑↑ Pos (↑↑↑) Neg (↑↑↑) ↓↓↓ ↑↑↑ ↑↑ levels. Aside from Elo, Table 2: Debate-level features used in estimating skill the features are a part of the user’s linguistic profile. The third column represents statistical significance levels in compar- ing winners and losers’ features (independently) with Bonferroni correction: ↑ is p < 0.05, ↑↑ is p < 0.01, ↑↑↑ is p < 0.001. 2. Simple average: Each earlier debate’s equally, is weighted feature (cid:2) vector t−1 i=1 f (dA i ). 1 t−1 3. Exponential decay: The first debates are (cid:2) most indicative of skill, t−1 i=1 f (dA i ) 2i . 542 4. Last only: Only the single most recent t−1) (an extreme version debate matters, f (dA of ‘‘exponential growth’’). In each variation of our method, some or all of the linguistic profile features are aggregated (using one of the four weighted averages), then applied to predict debate outcomes through logistic re- gression. We note that if our sole aim were to maximize predictive accuracy, we might explore much richer linguistic profiles, perhaps learning word embeddings for the task and combining them using neural networks and enabling interactions between a debate’s two participants’ profiles.8 In this study, we seek to estimate skill but also to understand it, so our focus remains on linear models. 5 Experimental Setup We validate our skill models with a binary classification task, specifically forecasting which of two debaters will win a debate (without looking at the content of the debate). Here we remove any debates where someone forfeits or there is no winner. We then considered debates where each debater has completed at least five of the re- maining debates. As discussed in §2.2, the winner is taken to be the debater receiving the most ‘‘more convincing argument’’ votes from observers who did not initially agree with them. We create four training/evaluation splits of the data, using debates from 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 as evaluation sets (i.e., development and test) and debates prior to the evaluation year for training. Figure 4 shows the number of debates in each split. We note that our training sets are cumulative. For example, if we were to test on 2015 data, we would use the 2012, 2013, and 2014 training as training data. Because we do not test on 2012 data or train on 2016 data due to the low number of debates before 2012 and after 2016, we treat the whole of 2012 as training data and 2016 as development and test. We report the accuracy for each run. We compare several predictors:9 • Full model: Our model with all features, as described in §4, and (except where otherwise 8Indeed, in preliminary experiments we did explore using a recurrent neural network instead of a fixed weighted average, but it did not show any benefit, perhaps owing to the relatively small size of our data set. 9We use (cid:2)2 regularization in our models with the linguistic profile features. l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / t a c l / l a r t i c e - p d f / d o i / . 1 0 1 1 6 2 / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 2 8 1 1 9 2 3 1 9 9 / / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 2 8 1 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 7 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 Figure 4: We split data into training/development/test based on year. This chart shows the number of debates in each subset of the data. We note that, for training, we use all the training debates from previous years (e.g., if we were to test on 2015, we would train using the training splits from 2012, 2013, and 2014) Each instance in this figure corresponds to a debater. stated) the exponential growth weighting. This model combines linguistic profiles from earlier debates with a conventional Elo score. • Full model with point difference: Our full model as described above, but we scale the Elo gain by the point difference as described in Equation 2. • Linguistic profile only: Our model with exponential growth weighting (except where otherwise stated), but ablating the Elo feature. This model is most similar to those found in prior literature (Zhang et al., 2016; Tan et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2017). • Elo: The prediction is based solely on the Elo score calculated just before the debate. This is equivalent to ablating the linguistic profiles from our model. • Final Elo oracle: The prediction is based solely on the two debaters’ final Elo scores (i.e., using all debates from the past, present, and future). • Current debate text oracle: A model that uses the linguistic profile derived just from the current debate. Although this model is most similar to previous work, is not a fair estimate of skill (because it ignores past performance). We therefore view it as another oracle. it • Majority choice: A baseline that always predicts that the contender will win.10 10In this data set, contenders win nearly 59% of the time, a fact frequently discussed in the Figure 5: Our results for the prediction task. Our full model outperforms the Elo baseline and approaches the current debate text oracle. 6 Results In this section, we first show that the expertise of a debater can be better estimated with the linguistic profile, and then analyze the contribution of dif- ferent components. We further examine the robust- ness of our results by controlling for additional variables. 6.1 Prediction Performance We first present our results with what we consider our best model, that is, our full model (with point differences), which consists of all features and uses the exponentially growing weight. Importance of linguistic features. We see from Figure 5 that the full model outperforms the standard Elo baseline. The gap between the two models suggests that the addition of the linguis- tic profile contributes to the performance of the model and therefore plays a useful role in skill esti- mation. Moreover, the linguistic profile only model shows that the linguistic profile features are not only useful, but have at least as strong predictive power as Elo alone. By only using the linguistic features aggregated over the course of a debater’s history, without knowing winning records, we can forecast at least as well as the Elo baseline. see community; Contender Advantage. The contender advantage is sometimes attribted to having the ‘‘final say,’’ or to the fact that contenders choose the instigators they wish to debate. 543 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / t a c l / l a r t i c e - p d f / d o i / . 1 0 1 1 6 2 / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 2 8 1 1 9 2 3 1 9 9 / / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 2 8 1 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 7 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / t a c l / l a r t i c e - p d f / d o i / . 1 0 1 1 6 2 / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 2 8 1 1 9 2 3 1 9 9 / / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 2 8 1 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 7 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 Figure 6: Our bootstrap on the feature ablations. We record the average drop in performance across 100 iterations and tested on the 2016 test set. Higher means a larger drop in performance. Importance of multiple debates. We also note that our full model only performs slightly worse than the current debate text oracle despite the current debate text model directly observing the content of the debate. This result implies that using information from only previous debates has at least similar predictive strength to information from the debate at hand. Moreover, the large gap between the final Elo and current debate text oracles implies that a user’s skill is evidenced by more than the content of a single debate. These results further demonstrate the importance of accounting for debaters’ prior history. Magnitude of victory might matter. Our full model with the point difference scaled Elo gain does roughly as well or slightly better than our normal full model. As the focus of this paper is on incorporating linguistic profiles, we use the full model without the point difference scaling for analyses in the rest of the paper. 6.2 Feature Ablations We inspect the contribution of each feature by removing each one from the model. Then, for each feature, we perform a bootstrap test over the last year of data (trained on 2012–2015 data; tested on 2016). At each iteration, we sample 1,000 training examples to train on, but fix the test set across iterations. We then train our full model alongside several other models, each with a feature ablated, on the sample. We track the drop in performance between our full model and Figure 7: Comparison in performance for the four ways we aggregate features over time. each of our other models. We record the average performance over 100 iterations for comparison. From Figure 6, we find that removing Elo re- sults in the most severe drop in performance (5.8%). Ablating part-of-speech, negative emotion, and length from our model had a moderate ef- fect on performance. Surprisingly, we find that, although the H∧FW feature is the overlap between hedge cues and fightin’ words, the latter two features contribute very little to the performance of our model compared with H∧FW. 6.3 Combining Prior Debate Features As described in §4.3, we explore several ways of combining features over the past debates. By inspecting how these different aggregation functions might differ in performance, we hope to find out whether or not some debates are more important than others, if recency matters at all, and if some history is important at all. We do so by 1) giving the last debates more weight (exponential growth), 2) giving all weights equal weight (simple average), 3) giving the first debates more weight (exponential decay), and 4) giving all the weight to the last debate (last debate only). The rest of this section discusses these results, shown in Figure 7. More debates help. When using only the last debate’s features and ignoring all previous debates, our performance is initially very good in the years 2013 and 2014 (when our training sets are 544 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / t a c l / l a r t i c e - p d f / d o i / . 1 0 1 1 6 2 / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 2 8 1 1 9 2 3 1 9 9 / / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 2 8 1 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 7 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 Figure 9: Errors of the full model broken down by the history sizes of the users. The overall distribution is to the left and the error distribution is to the right. new, 2) there is only one new user, and 3) both debaters have been seen before. We expect that we will have better performance as our debates have more complete debate histories. We complete the analysis by looking at the 2016 test. Figure 8 shows that both models vastly improve when removing debates where users have no history and only improve as we require users to have longer histories. These results are consistent with our intuition that longer debate histories allow our models to better infer a debater’s skill. Moreover, our model generally outperforms the Elo baseline across the different history lengths, implying that our model’s performance the is consistent. We do note, however, gap (between the full model and Elo baseline) is consistent when there is only one new user and no new users. This could imply that our model, in addition to using longer histories more effectively, is more capable of estimating a de- bater’s skill against an unknown user compared with the normal Elo baseline. The slightly higher performance in the one-new-user case, compared with no-new-users, is likely due to the small size of each subset. that We extend our analysis of the effect of history lengths on skill estimation by inspecting the errors that our model makes. We are particularly interested in characterizing the mistakes that our model makes by the participant with the shorter debate history. For each debate that the full model predicts incorrectly, we keep count of history length of the user with the lower history count (e.g., if a debate has a user with a debate history of length 5 against a user with a debate history Figure 8: Our results separated by the number of times we have seen each participant before in training for the 2016 test set. The parenthetical numbers show how many debates are in the subset. smaller and histories shorter). However, as debate histories become richer in the later years, last- only’s performance drops in comparison to that of the growing weight aggregation. These results match our intuition: with more experienced users, considering more debates give us a better gauge of how a debater performs and a debater’s more recent debates give a better snapshot of the user’s current skill level. Later debates matter more. As hinted in our last-only results, giving the last debates more weight does best in all four years. In light of its performance compared with the simple mean and decaying weight settings, our results imply that not all debates contribute equally to a debater’s skill under our model. Indeed, our results show that the most recent debates are also the most important for estimating a debater’s skill rating. 6.4 Impact of the Length of History We finally examine how often our models have seen a user’s history impacts performance. Com- pared with the final Elo and current debate text oracle models, both the full and the Elo models suffer when both debaters have no prior history—these examples devolve into having to guess the majority class. Therefore, we further analyze these models by inspecting the performance on subsets of the test set pertaining to instances where 1) both users are 545 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / t a c l / l a r t i c e - p d f / d o i / . 1 0 1 1 6 2 / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 2 8 1 1 9 2 3 1 9 9 / / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 2 8 1 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 7 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 Figure 10: Our results for the prediction task on a restricted subset of the test set comprising only debates that are within both participants’ first 10 debates. Although our model does suffer in accuracy under this setting, it still outperforms both baselines and approaches the text-only oracle. of length 1, we would treat the debate having a history size of 1). We find in Figure 9 that a large percentage of the errors (51 % across all debates) come from debates where one user had a history length of 0 at test time. Moreover, the debates with at least one user with no history tend to contribute proportionally more to the error rate relative to the overall distribution. Conversely, the debates with users who have deeper histories of three debates or more tend to contribute less to the error rate. 6.5 Controlling for Other Variables We also inspect how well our model generalizes by measuring our model’s accuracy on subsets of the test set. In particular, we hope to see if high activity users or the topic of a debate affect our model’s performance. Controlling for prolific users. As seen in Figure 2, debater activity follows a heavy-tailed distribution where a minority of debaters perform the majority of debates. In our data set, 18.9% of debaters who have engaged in more than 10 debates participate in 66.9% of the debates. Thus, in order to validate that our model does not simply recognize the most active users, we test on a subset of the 2016 data where we cap the number of debates a user can participate in to 10 (142 debates). Figure 11: Our results for the prediction task broken down by topic of debate. Our full model maintains a consistent performance across all categories. From Figure 10, we see that the order is roughly the same even when we restrict the test set to require that both users have participated in fewer than 10 debates at the time of the debate. This implies that our model generalizes relatively well to most debaters regardless of their experience. We do note, however, that most of the models incur a large decrease in performance whereas the final Elo oracle maintains roughly the same accuracy. Our observations are invariant to debate topic. We also break down our test set by debate topic. We use the three most popular topics (politics, religion, and philosophy) and aggregate the rest of the categories as ‘other’. We see from Figure 11 that our model consis- tently outperforms both baselines and typically below the oracle models with the exception of ‘other’. These results are consistent with those found in Figure 5 and show that our model per- forms consistently across different debate topics. 7 Language Change over Time: The Best Improve and the Worst Stagnate Our findings from §3.2 and §6.3 imply that users tend to experience some change over time and that these changes are helpful for forecasting who in a debate is more likely to win. In this section, we explore whether debaters’ linguistic tendencies 546 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / t a c l / l a r t i c e - p d f / d o i / . 1 0 1 1 6 2 / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 2 8 1 1 9 2 3 1 9 9 / / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 2 8 1 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 7 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 Figure 12: Feature measurements averaged across each history quintile. We see that there is a general trend for those who eventually become the best debaters to improve on these measures while the bottom users stagnate. The error bars represent the 95% confidence intervals. change over time by tracking their use of features over the course of their debate history. We examine how language use changes over time for the best and worst users. To do so, we divide each user’s debate history into quintiles as in §3.2. For each quintile, we average the same features we use in the linguistic profile that we use in our model (Table 2). We take the top 100 and bottom 100 users ranked by our model to see how the trajectories change over time. Figure 12 shows that best and worst users have different linguistic preferences even from the beginning of their debating activities. The best debaters have a higher feature count in every case except for the Flesch reading ease score. However, the best users do seem to improve over time in length, H∧FW, use of emotional cues, and link use, which mostly correlates with our feature ablation in Figure 6 (p < 0.05 after Bonferroni correction). In contrast, the worst users do not seem to experience any significant change over time except for the length of their rounds and negative emotional cue use. In those cases, the worst users seem to worsen over time. 8 Related Work In addition to the most relevant studies mentioned so far, our work is related to three broad areas: skill estimation, argumentation mining, and studies of online debates. Skill estimation. Ranking player strength has been studied extensively for sports and for online matchmaking in games such as Halo (Herbrich et al., 2007). The Bradley-Terry models (of which Elo is an example) serve as a basis for much of the research in learning from pairwise comparisons (Bradley and Terry, 1952; Elo, 1978). Another rating system used for online matchmaking is Microsoft’s Trueskill rating system (Herbrich et al., 2007), which assumes performance is nor- mally distributed. Neural networks have recently been explored (Chen and Joachims, 2016; Menke and Martinez, 2008; Delalleau et al., 2012), incor- porating player or other contextual game features from previous games at the cost of interpretability of those features. Argumentation and persuasion. Past studies have noted the persuasiveness of stylistic effects such as phrasing or linguistic accommodation. For example, Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil et al. (2012) showed that, in a pool of people vying to become an administrator of a Web site, those who were promoted tended to coordinate more than those who were not. Similarly, other work defines and discusses power relations over discussion threads such as emails (Prabhakaran and Rambow, 2014, 2013). Additionally, Tan et al. (2018) explored how debate quotes are selected by news media. They found that linguistic and interactive factors of an utterance are predictive of whether or not it would be quoted. Prabhakaran et al. (2014) 547 also studied political debates and found that a debater’s tendency to switch topics correlates with their public perception. Argumentation has also been studied extensively in student persuasive essays and web discourse (Persing and Ng, 2015; Ong et al., 2014; Song et al., 2014; Stab and Gurevych, 2014; Habernal and Gurevych, 2017; Lippi and Torroni, 2016). Most relevant to our work on how users improve over time, Zhang et al. (2017) study how one document may improve over time through annotated revisions. Where our work examines users’ linguistic change across multiple debates, they focus on how a user improves a single document over multiple revisions. Online debates. There has also been recent work in characterizing specific arguments in online settings in contrast to our focus on the debaters themselves. For example, Somasundaran and Wiebe (2009), Walker et al. (2012), Qiu et al. (2015), and Sridhar et al. (2015) built systems for identifying the stances users take in online debate forums. Lukin et al. (2017) studied how persuasiveness of arguments depends on person- ality factors of the audience. Other researchers have focused on annotation tasks. For example, Park and Cardie (2014) anno- tated online user comments to identify and clas- sify different propositions. Hidey et al. (2017) annotated comments from the changemyview sub- reddit, a community where participants ask the community to change a view they hold. Likewise, Anand et al. (2011) annotated online blogs with a classification of persuasive tactics. Inspired by Aristotle’s three modes of persuasion (ethos, pathos, and logos) their work annotates claims and premises within the comments. Habernal and Gurevych (2016) used crowdsourcing to study what makes an argument more convincing. They paired two similar arguments and asked annotators which one was more convincing. This framework allowed them to study the flaws in the less convincing arguments. The annotations they produced offer a rich understanding of arguments which, though costly, can be useful as future work. 9 Conclusion In this work, we introduced a method that uses a linguistic profile derived from a debater’s their skill history of past debates to model level as it changes over time. Using data from, we formulate a forecasting task around predicting which of two debaters will be most convincing to observers predisposed to be unconvinced. We find that linguistic profiles on their own are similarly predictive to the clas- sic Elo method, which does not parameterize skill according to attributes of a participant or their behavior, but only models wins and losses. Moreover, we show that our findings are robust to topic of debate and frequency of user activity. Further, a model combining linguistic profiles with Elo achieves predictive accuracy nearly on par with an oracle based on the content of the debate itself. A particular feature combining hedging with fightin’ words is notably important in our model, and consistent with evidence that debaters improve with practice, more recent de- bates appear to provide better estimates of skill than earlier ones. To verify our hypothesis that users improve, we explicitly track the feature use of debaters over the course of their debating activity to show that the best users improve while the bottom users stagnate. Our approach sets the stage for future explorations of the role of history profile, discourse, more fine-grained sentiment features, or notions of topic in persuasion. Acknowledgments We thank Esin Durmus for her help with the DDO corpus. We also thank the anonymous reviewers and the action editor for their helpful comments and suggestions that helped improve the paper. This research was supported in part by a University of Washington Innovation Award to the third author. References Tim Althoff, Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, and Dan Jurafsky. 2014. How to ask for a favor: A case study on the success of altruistic re- quests. In Proceedings of ICWSM. Pranav Anand, Joseph King, Jordan Boyd-Graber, Earl Wagner, Craig Martell, Doug Oard, and Philip Resnik. 2011. Believe me? 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Measuring Online Debaters’ Persuasive Skill from Text over Time image
Measuring Online Debaters’ Persuasive Skill from Text over Time image
Measuring Online Debaters’ Persuasive Skill from Text over Time image
Measuring Online Debaters’ Persuasive Skill from Text over Time image
Measuring Online Debaters’ Persuasive Skill from Text over Time image
Measuring Online Debaters’ Persuasive Skill from Text over Time image
Measuring Online Debaters’ Persuasive Skill from Text over Time image
Measuring Online Debaters’ Persuasive Skill from Text over Time image

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