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Ángel Cabrera, Frank Neville, and Samantha Novick
Ángel Cabrera, Frank Neville, and Samantha Novick Harnessing Human Potential in Haiti Building back a better Haiti will require a radically different approach to educa- tion. A review of secondary sources and statistics from international organizations reveals a dysfunctional educational system that is vastly insufficient to cover the country’s development needs. The reconstruction of a competitive Haiti can only succeed by harnessing the country’s most
Bracken Hendricks, Aimée Christensen, and
Bracken Hendricks, Aimée Christensen, and Ronald Toussaint Green Reconstruction Laying a Firm Foundation for Haiti’s Recovery In building back a better, stronger, more resilient Haitian society from the rubble of this tragic earthquake, the question to put before Haiti and the community of nations is not whether to build back green but, rather, what possible justification could there be to shortchange the Haitian people by
Isobel Coleman and Mary Ellen Iskenderian
Isobel Coleman and Mary Ellen Iskenderian Putting Women at the Center of Building Back Better in Haiti The challenges of rebuilding Haiti are enormous: millions are without housing, access to clean water, sanitation, transportation, or energy; the infrastructure is nonexistent; tons of rubble still lie in the streets. The challenges are compounded by the dire situation in Haiti before the earthquake, with more than half
Elizabeth Hausler
Elizabeth Hausler Building Earthquake-Resistant Houses in Haiti The Homeowner-Driven Model Earthquakes are deadly. Every year, thousands of people in developing coun- tries die when buildings collapse on them, and hundreds of thousands more are left homeless. It’s not the earthquake that kills people, it’s the collapse of build- ings that were poorly designed and built. The potential for tragedy only increases as more people move
Ida Norheim-Hagtun and Patrick Meier
Ida Norheim-Hagtun and Patrick Meier Crowdsourcing for Crisis Mapping in Haiti It was 7 p.m. on January 12, 2010, when Ushahidi’s Patrick Meier saw the news on CNN that a devastating earthquake had struck Haiti. He immediately called David Kobia, Ushahidi’s tech lead, to set up an Ushahidi platform for Haiti.1 Patrick then emailed the International Network of Crisis Mappers to launch the group’s response.2
Monique Rocourt
Monique Rocourt Building a Sustainable Future on the Grounds of a Rediscovered Identity A man stripped of his culture is a slave. —Swahili proverb For several weeks in January 2010, the world witnessed one of the most extraordi- nary demonstrations of courage, dignity, and unity by a people ranked as the poor- est and most politically unstable in the Western Hemisphere. The Haitian people showed
Josh Nesbit and Leila Chirayath Janah
Josh Nesbit and Leila Chirayath Janah Directing Relief Efforts and Creating Jobs through Text Messaging Innovations Case Commentary: Inveneo Immediately after a disaster such as the earthquake that struck Haiti, it is natural to think of the necessities: food, water, sanitation, housing. But Inveneo’s experi- ence demonstrates how a new factor has entered the equation: access to the Internet and other communications technologies. These services
Mark Summer
Mark Summer The Value of Information and Communication Technologies in Humanitarian Relief Efforts Innovations Case Narrative: Inveneo I was in a meeting on January 12, 2010, when I heard about the earthquake in Haiti. The moment is still vivid in my mind because we had been working for months with our partner, the EKTA Foundation, on a plan to make information and communication technologies (ICTs)
Catherine F. Lainé
Catherine F. Lainé Building a Better Haiti by Investing in Haitians Innovations Case Narrative: Appropriate Infrastructure Development Group I was having a Skype conversation with my husband when I felt the first rolling waves of the quake. The earth under my feet was gyrating like a drunken dancer, back and forth, back and forth. “We’re having an earthquake,” I typed. Not waiting for his reply,
Reeta Roy
Reeta Roy The Transformative Power of “Why Not?” Innovations Case Commentary: Fonkoze In the summer of 2009, I spent a few days climbing the green mountains of Haiti’s Central Plateau with Anne Hastings, CEO of Fonkoze, which is the leading micro- finance institution in Haiti. We were visiting women who are climbing “a staircase out of poverty,” all of them participants in Fonkoze’s innovative program
Anne Hastings, with James Kurz and Katleen Felix
Anne Hastings, with James Kurz and Katleen Felix A Bank the Poor Can Call Their Own Innovations Case Narrative: Fonkoze Most large institutions in Haiti locate their offices in the hills overlooking Port-au- Prince, far away from civil strife and potential risk. Fonkoze has always chosen to locate its central offices in the heart of the capital, most recently on Avenue Christophe, just a few
Denis O’Brien
Denis O’Brien Haiti’s Potential Waiting to Be Fulfilled Haiti’s problems are well understood and, if anything, over-analyzed. Its people are poorly educated and lack opportunities for income generation. Political leadership over many decades has been weak. Haitians don’t always have enough to eat and when they are sick, health care is hard to come by. Haiti’s environment is degrad- ed, its infrastructure is lamentable, control
The Subversive Trilemma
The Subversive Trilemma The Subversive Trilemma Why Cyber Operations Fall Short of Expectations Lennart Maschmeyer For three decades, states have engaged in cyber conºict, yet the strategic utility of cyber opera- tions remains unclear. Strategic utility refers to measurable contributions to- ward a state’s political goals or shifts in the balance of power.1 Similar to the 1920s–1940s air power debates, scholars have expected new technology
Andrew Wolk and Colleen Gross Ebinger
Andrew Wolk and Colleen Gross Ebinger Government and Social Innovation Current State and Local Models In 2006, then Lieutenant Governor Mitch Landrieu launched the Louisiana Office of Social Entrepreneurship, putting his state at the forefront of a growing national trend of government-led efforts to spur social innovation and better match resources with results. In establishing this office, Landrieu aimed to make Louisiana “the most hospitable
Kathryn Hall-Trujillo
Kathryn Hall-Trujillo The Underground Railroad for New Life Improving Outcomes for Mothers and Babies of African Descent Innovations Case Narrative: The Birthing Project The Birthing Project, an organization that emerged out of a strategy for improv- ing birth outcomes among African American women, is most often described as the “Underground Railroad for New Life.” Much like the original Underground Railroad, through which Harriet Tubman helped
Christopher Gergen and David Gergen,
Christopher Gergen and David Gergen, with Amanda Antico-Majkowski Sparks of Hope in a Dark Night How Social Entrepreneurs Can Help Renew the Republic Innovations Case Commentary: The Idea Village At a time of darkening troubles for the United States, it has become increasingly clear in recent months that one of the brightest hopes for the country is to build upon a historic strength: its spirit
Scott S. Cowen and Amanda P. Cowen
Scott S. Cowen and Amanda P. Cowen Innovation Amidst Crisis Tulane University’s Strategic Transformation The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. —The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. When Hurricane Katrina swept ashore in New Orleans on August 29, 2005, the destruction left in its wake
Elliot Maxwell
Elliot Maxwell Harnessing Openness to Improve Research, Teaching and Learning in Higher Education The rise of the Internet and the digitization of information are affecting every cor- ner of our lives. In a series of reports, we have examined how these two changes are increasing the “openness” of information, processes, and institutions. The degree of openness of information, for example, can differ dramatically. To the