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Journal of Interdisciplinary History, XLVI:1 (Summer, 2015), 39–59.

Journal of Interdisciplinary History, XLVI:1 (Summer, 2015), 39–59. Hui-wen Koo Weather, Harvests, and Taxes: A Chinese Revolt in Colonial Taiwan Taiwan is now an overwhelmingly Chinese society in which indigenous Austronesian peoples com- prise only 2 percent of the population, but 400 years ago, the island was inhabited by about 100,000 indigenous people and a relatively small number of Chinese sojourners who came to fish

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Journal of Interdisciplinary History, XLVI:1 (Summer, 2015), 1–38.

Journal of Interdisciplinary History, XLVI:1 (Summer, 2015), 1–38. Timothy P. Newfield Human–Bovine Plagues in the Early Middle Ages This article combines written and plausible physical evi- dence for the human–bovine plagues (large outbreaks of acute dis- ease) in 569–570 and 986–988 C.E. with evidence from two recent and independent molecular clock analyses (MCAs) that establish the divergence of measles (MV) from rinderpest (RPV) c. 1000

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Journal of Interdisciplinary History, XLV:4 (Spring, 2015), 485–506.

Journal of Interdisciplinary History, XLV:4 (Spring, 2015), 485–506. Elise Dermineur Trust, Norms of Cooperation, and the Rural Credit Market in Eighteenth-Century France Lending and borrowing money was an ordinary activity in early modern France. In traditional communities, peasants used credit in order to make ends meet, to pay their taxes, and to make new investments. But as money was exchanged, trust between cred- itors and

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Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xlv:2 (Autumn, 2014), 187–200.

Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xlv:2 (Autumn, 2014), 187–200. A COMPARATIVE APPROACH TO THE CITY-STATE Michael Paul Martoccio Ideal Types and Negotiated Identities: A Comparative Approach to the City-State The City-State in Europe, 1000–1600: Hinterland, Territory, Region. By Tom Scott (New York, Oxford University Press, 2012) 382 pp. $65.00 The Italian Renaissance State. Edited by Andrea Gamberini and Isabella Lazzarini (New York, Cambridge University Press, 2012)

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Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xliv:4 (Spring, 2014), 453–473.

Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xliv:4 (Spring, 2014), 453–473. COMMUNICATION AND STATE CONSTRUCTION in general, Zef Segal Communication and State Construction: The Postal Service in German States, 1815–1866 Spatial is related to spatial-diffusion processes integration, without barrier effects—that is, without geographical discontinu- ities between contiguous areas that would indicate regional gaps. Since this article examines the postal structure not as an institution but as a representation

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Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xliv:4 (Spring, 2014), 427–452.

Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xliv:4 (Spring, 2014), 427–452. ANIMAL PROTEIN AND RATIONAL CHOICE Martin Bruegel, Jean-Michel Chevet, and Sébastien Lecocq Animal Protein and Rational Choice: Diet in the Eighteenth Century The historiography of consumer be- havior during the early modern era has two strands of inquiry. The ªrst, based on the expanding world of goods, postulates a “con- sumer revolution,” most notably in England and

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Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xliv:2 (Autumn, 2013), 157–179.

Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xliv:2 (Autumn, 2013), 157–179. VENETIAN TRADING NETWORKS Francisco Apellániz Venetian Trading Networks in the Medieval Mediterranean To understand the system of business rela- tions within the commercial network of the Republic of Venice, this article adopts a network analysis that differs from a standard narrative based on a privileged subset of actors or relations. It al- lows us to examine the

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Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xliii:4 (Spring, 2013), 511–537.

Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xliii:4 (Spring, 2013), 511–537. PUBLIC DEBT IN THE PAPAL STATES Donatella Strangio Public Debt in the Papal States, Sixteenth to Eighteenth Century Analysis of the Roman ªnancial sys- tem highlights how Roman public debt in the pre-industrial pe- riod, unlike that in most other European settings at the time, was used for productive purposes. For example, Smith pointed out how England’s

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Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xliii:3 (Winter, 2013), 353–376.

Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xliii:3 (Winter, 2013), 353–376. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT IN OTTOMAN TIMES Metin M. Coqgel, Boíaç Ergene, Haggay Etkes, Thomas J. Miceli Crime and Punishment in Ottoman Times: Corruption and Fines Monetary ªnes have been common throughout history as an instrument of law enforcement. For certain crimes, governments have often preferred them over im- prisonment or corporal punishment because they are less costly

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Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xliii:2 (Autumn, 2012), 169–220.

Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xliii:2 (Autumn, 2012), 169–220. CLIMATE CHANGE DURING & AFTER THE ROMAN EMPIRE Michael McCormick, Ulf Büntgen, Mark A. Cane, Edward R. Cook, Kyle Harper, Peter Huybers, Thomas Litt, Sturt W. Manning, Paul Andrew Mayewski, Alexander F. M. More, Kurt Nicolussi, Willy Tegel Climate Change during and after the Roman Empire: Reconstructing the Past from Scientiªc and Historical Evidence When this journal

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Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xliii:1 (Summer, 2012), 43–61.

Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xliii:1 (Summer, 2012), 43–61. INTERRACIAL HOMICIDE IN NEW ORLEANS Jeffrey S. Adler Cognitive Bias: Interracial Homicide in New Orleans, 1921–1945 At 10:40 p.m. on January 25, 1945, shot Robert New Orleans police patrolman Jay Sedgebeer Guidry, a twenty-six-year-old African-American burglary suspect. Seconds later, and a block away, Patrolman Peter Fos shot Harold Joseph Martin, a twenty-seven-year-old African-American bur- glary suspect. In

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Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xliii:1 (Summer, 2012), 27–42.

Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xliii:1 (Summer, 2012), 27–42. DISASTER STATISTICS Benigno E. Aguirre Better Disaster Statistics: The Lisbon Earthquake Major disasters are characterized by signiªcant loss of life and property, injuries, mental distress, and the problem of numbers. Collecting information on such events and determining their ef- fects is of critical importance in organizing social responses and in devising programs to ameliorate and mitigate the

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Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xlii:4 (Spring, 2012), 503–517.

Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xlii:4 (Spring, 2012), 503–517. INTRODUCTION George C. Alter, Myron P. Gutmann, Susan Hautaniemi Leonard, and Emily R. Merchant Introduction: Longitudinal Analysis of Historical- Demographic Data The ªeld of historical demography embraces the aspirations and challenges of both demography and history. It analyzes the vital processes that unfold within individ- ual life courses—particularly fertility, nuptiality, migration, and mortality—while tracking aggregate changes in

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Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xlii:2 (Autumn, 2011), 235–249.

Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xlii:2 (Autumn, 2011), 235–249. LOCAL ELITES IN THE ROMAN WORLD Daniëlle Slootjes Local Elites and Power in the Roman World: Modern Theories and Models Roman Imperial Identities in the Early Christian Era. By Judith Perkins (New York, Routledge, 2009) 220 pp. $115.00 cloth $39.95 paper In recent years, scholars from such ªelds as sociology and cultural anthropology have attempted to apply

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Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xlii:1 (Summer, 2011), 1–13.

Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xlii:1 (Summer, 2011), 1–13. GIS AND THE STUDY OF HISTORY Jordi Martí-Henneberg Geographical Information Systems and the Study of History The articles in this special issue demonstrate the importance of employing geographical methodology and the study of spatial relationships for the reconstruction and reinterpre- tation of the human past. To that end, they explore a common theme of transport infrastructure and

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Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xli:4 (Spring, 2011), 565–590.

Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xli:4 (Spring, 2011), 565–590. MILITARY MORALITY TRANSFORMED Gervase Phillips Military Morality Transformed: Weapons and Soldiers on the Nineteenth-Century Battleªeld In the dying days of America’s Civil War, Theodore Upson, a vet- eran Federal soldier, had almost come to the end of his long march under the command of General William Sherman. Spring 1865 found him in North Carolina with the desperate

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Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xli:2 (Autumn, 2010), 227–242.

Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xli:2 (Autumn, 2010), 227–242. THE MAKING OF A REVOLUTION? Hamish Scott The Making of a Revolution? 1688: The First Modern Revolution. By Steve Pincus (New Haven, Yale University Press, 2009) 647 pp. $40.00 Interpretations of England’s Glorious Revolution of 1688–1689 fall into two categories, both of which originated in the attitudes of later seventeenth-century contemporaries. Traditionally, em- phasis was placed on

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Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xli:1 (Summer, 2010), 79–95.

Journal of Interdisciplinary History, xli:1 (Summer, 2010), 79–95. NEGOTIATIONS BEYOND BORDERS Riva Kastoryano Negotiations beyond Borders: States and Immigrants in Postcolonial Europe Since the 1990s, studies of immigration in Europe have focused extensively on comparative state policy with regard to integration and citizen- ship, as initiated by Rogers Brubaker in Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany (Cambridge, Mass., 1992). Lately, debates about the politics

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