The Supply Side of Climate Policies: Keeping Unburnable Fossil Fuels in the Ground (cid:129) Lorenzo Pellegrini and Murat Arsel* Abstract As the urgency of responding to climate change and the insufficiency of current demand- side…
Browsing Categoryclap
Unburnable Fossil Fuels and
Unburnable Fossil Fuels and Climate Finance: Compensation for Rights Holders (cid:129) Martí Orta-Martínez, Lorenzo Pellegrini, Murat Arsel, Carlos Mena, and Gorka Muñoa* Abstract To limit the increase in global mean temperature to 1.5°C, CO2 emissions…
Research Note
Research Note Differentiation in Environmental Treaty Making: Measuring Provisions and How They Reshape the Depth–Participation Dilemma (cid:129) Deborah Barros Leal Farias and Charles Roger* Abstract In this article we measure, describe, and demonstrate the importance…
Backlash to Climate Policy
Backlash to Climate Policy (cid:129) James J. Patterson* Abstract Hard climate policy (e.g., regulation, taxes/pricing, phaseouts) is needed to meet ambi- tious climate targets, but when such policy is introduced, it can sometimes trigger back-…
Pathways to an International Agreement
Pathways to an International Agreement to Leave Fossil Fuels in the Ground (cid:129) Harro van Asselt and Peter Newell* Abstract To achieve the Paris Agreement’s temperature goal, fossil fuel production needs to undergo a managed…
Accountability as Constructive Dialogue:
Accountability as Constructive Dialogue: Can NGOs Persuade States to Conserve Biodiversity? (cid:129) Ana Maria Ulloa* Abstract State-to-state accountability has greatly failed to improve compliance with multilateral environmental agreements. As this is also the case in…
The Security–Sustainability Nexus:
The Security–Sustainability Nexus: Lithium Onshoring in the Global North (cid:129) Thea Riofrancos* Abstract The political economy of lithium, a “critical mineral” for the renewable energy transition, is marked by two striking developments. First, Global North…
Orchestrating Global Climate
Orchestrating Global Climate Governance Through Data: The UNFCCC Secretariat and the Global Climate Action Platform (cid:129) Laura Mai and Joshua Philipp Elsässer* Abstract Since the adoption of the Paris Agreement, the focus of the United…
Accelerating Climate Action: The Politics
Accelerating Climate Action: The Politics of Nonstate Actor Engagement in the Paris Regime (cid:129) Maria Jernnäs and Eva Lövbrand* Abstract The 2015 Paris Agreement is often depicted as a turning point for global climate gover-…
How Do Right-Wing Populist Parties
How Do Right-Wing Populist Parties Influence Climate and Renewable Energy Policies? Evidence from OECD Countries (cid:129) Ben Lockwood and Matthew Lockwood* Abstract There is increasing evidence that right-wing populist parties (RWPPs) and their supporters are…