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Partes y totalidades en el procesamiento de escenas

Parts and Wholes in Scene Processing Daniel Kaiser1,2,3 and Radoslaw M. Cichy4,5,6 Abstract ■ During natural vision, our brains are constantly exposed to complex, but regularly structured, entornos. Real-world scenes are defined by typical part–whole relationships, where the meaning of the whole scene emerges from configurations of localized information present in individual parts of the scene. Such typical part–whole relationships suggest that information from individual

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Competencia sesgada por el valor en el

Value-Biased Competition in the Auditory System of the Brain Andy J. kim , Laurent Grégoire, and Brian A. Anderson Abstract ■ Attentional capture by previously reward-associated stimuli has predominantly been measured in the visual domain. Recientemente, behavioral studies of value-driven attention have demonstrated involuntary attentional capture by previously reward-associated sounds, emulating behavioral findings within the visual domain and suggesting a common mechanism of attentional capture

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Estimulación transcutánea del nervio vago auricular

Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation Strengthens Semantic Representations of Foreign Language Tone Words during Initial Stages of Learning Ian Phillips1,2,3 , Regina C. Calloway1, Valerie P. Karuzis1, Nick B. Pandža1,4, Polly O’Rourke1, and Stefanie E. Kuchinsky1,2 Abstract ■ Difficulty perceiving phonological contrasts in a second language (L2) can impede initial L2 lexical learning. Such is the case for English speakers learning tonal languages, like Mandarin

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Using Primary Reinforcement to Enhance Translatability

Using Primary Reinforcement to Enhance Translatability of a Human Affect and Decision-Making Judgment Bias Task Vikki Neville1 , Peter Dayan2,3*, Iain D. Gilchrist1*, Elizabeth S. Paul1*, and Michael Mendl1* Abstract ■ Good translatability of behavioral measures of affect (emo- ción) between human and nonhuman animals is core to compar- ative studies. The judgment bias ( JB) tarea, which measures “optimistic” and “pessimistic” decision-making under ambiguity

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Hippocampal–Cortical Encoding Activity Predicts

Hippocampal–Cortical Encoding Activity Predicts the Precision of Episodic Memory Saana M. Korkki1, Franziska R. Richter2, and Jon S. Simons1 Abstract ■ Our recollections of past experiences can vary in both the number of specific event details accessible from memory and the precision with which such details are reconstructed. Prior neuroimaging evidence suggests the success and precision of episodic recollection to rely on distinct neural substrates

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Common and Distinct Roles of Frontal Midline Theta and

Common and Distinct Roles of Frontal Midline Theta and Occipital Alpha Oscillations in Coding Temporal Intervals and Spatial Distances Mingli Liang1 , Jingyi Zheng2, Eve Isham1, and Arne Ekstrom1 Abstract ■ Judging how far away something is and how long it takes to get there is critical to memory and navigation. Todavía, the neural codes for spatial and temporal information remain unclear, par- ticularly the

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Harmonic Amplitude Summation for

Harmonic Amplitude Summation for Frequency-tagging Analysis Talia L. Retter1 , Bruno Rossion2,3 , and Christine Schiltz1 Abstract ■ In the approach of frequency tagging, stimuli that are pre- sented periodically generate periodic responses of the brain. Following a transformation into the frequency domain, the brain’s response is often evident at the frequency of stimula- ción, F, and its higher harmonics (2F, 3F, etc.). This approach

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Neural Correlates of Subsequent Memory-Related

Neural Correlates of Subsequent Memory-Related Gaze Reinstatement Jordana S. Wynn1*, Zhong-Xu Liu2*, and Jennifer D. Ryan3,4 Abstract ■ Mounting evidence linking gaze reinstatement—the recapit- ulation of encoding-related gaze patterns during retrieval—to behavioral measures of memory suggests that eye movements play an important role in mnemonic processing. Todavía, the nature of the gaze scanpath, including its informational content and neural correlates, has remained in question. En

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Neural Dynamics of Conflict Control in Working Memory

Neural Dynamics of Conflict Control in Working Memory Khoi D. Vo1, Audrey Siqi-Liu1, Alondra Chaire2, Sophia Li1, Elise Demeter3, Tobias Egner1, and Marty G. Woldorff1 Abstract ■ Attention and working memory ( W.M.) have classically been considered as two separate cognitive functions, but more recent theories have conceptualized them as operating on shared repre- sentations and being distinguished primarily by whether attention is directed internally

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Los efectos de la frecuencia, Variabilidad, y co-ocurrencia

Los efectos de la frecuencia, Variabilidad, and Co-occurrence on Category Formation in Neural Systems Daniel J. Plebanek and Karin H. James Abstract ■ Objects are grouped into categories through a complex combination of statistical and structural regularities. We sought to better understand the neural responses to the structural features of object categories that result from implicit learning. Adult participants were exposed to 32 object categories that

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Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Modulates

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Modulates Connectivity of Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex with Distributed Cortical Networks Kamin Kim1, Matthew S. Sherwood2, Lindsey K. McIntire3, R. Andy McKinley4, and Charan Ranganath1 Abstract ■ Studies have shown that transcranial direct current stimula- tion increases neuronal excitability of the targeted region and general connectivity of relevant functional networks. Sin embargo, relatively little is understood of how the stimulation affects the

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¿Realmente se daña la corteza prefrontal ventromedial?

Does Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Damage Really Increase Impulsiveness? Delay and Probability Discounting in Patients with Focal Lesions Jenkin N. Y. Mok1, Leonard Green2, Joel Myerson2, Donna Kwan1, Jake Kurczek3, Elisa Ciaramelli4, Carl F. Craver2, y r. Shayna Rosenbaum1,5 Abstract ■ If the tendency to discount rewards reflects individuals’ gen- eral level of impulsiveness, then the discounting of delayed and probabilistic rewards should be negatively correlated:

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Sondeando los sistemas neuronales subyacentes a la flexibilidad

Probing the Neural Systems Underlying Flexible Dimensional Attention Aaron T. Buss1, Vincent Magnotta2, Eliot Hazeltine2, Kaleb Kinder1, and John P. Spencer3 Abstract ■ Flexibly shifting attention between stimulus dimensions (p.ej., shape and color) is a central component of regulating cog- nition for goal-based behavior. In the present report, we ex- amine the functional roles of different cortical regions by manipulating two demands on task switching

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La agrupación perceptual revela roles distintos para lo sostenido

Perceptual Grouping Reveals Distinct Roles for Sustained Slow Wave Activity and Alpha Oscillations in Working Memory Gisella K. Diaz , Edward K. Vogel, and Edward Awh Abstract ■ Multiple neural signals have been found to track the num- ber of items stored in working memory ( W.M.). These signals include oscillatory activity in the alpha band and slow-wave components in human EEG, both of which

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El futuro cerebro dormido: Diferencias relacionadas con la edad en

El futuro cerebro dormido: Age-Related Differences in Episodic Future Thinking and Frontal Sleep Spindles Paul Fillmore, Chenlu Gao, Jose Diaz, and Michael K. Scullin Abstract ■ Sleep spindles are a physiological marker of off-line memory consolidation. In young adults, sleep spindles are preferentially responsive to encoded information that is tagged as having fu- ture relevance. Older adults, por otro lado, show reduced capacity for

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Tracking the Contents of Spatial Working Memory

Tracking the Contents of Spatial Working Memory during an Acute Bout of Aerobic Exercise Jordan Garrett , Tom Bullock , and Barry Giesbrecht Abstract ■ Recent studies have reported enhanced visual responses during acute bouts of physical exercise, suggesting that sensory systems may become more sensitive during active exploration of the environment. This raises the possibility that exercise may also modulate brain activity associated with

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Psychophysiological Markers of Performance and

Psychophysiological Markers of Performance and Learning during Simulated Marksmanship in Immersive Virtual Reality Sicong Liu1, Jillian M. Clements1, Elayna P. Kirsch1, Hrishikesh M. Rao2, David J. Zielinski1, Yvonne Lu1, Boyla O. Mainsah1, Nicholas D. Potter1,3, Marc A. Sommer1, Regis Kopper4, and Lawrence G. Appelbaum1 Abstract ■ The fusion of immersive virtual reality, kinematic movement tracking, and EEG offers a powerful test bed for naturalistic neuro-

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