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g e n eR Al AR T Ic l e

g e n eR Al AR T Ic l e a neural network looks at leonardo’s(?) Salvator Mundi stEvEn J . F r a n k An d anDrEa m. F r a n k t C a r t s b a The authors use convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to analyze authorship questions surrounding the works of Leonardo da Vinci—in particular, Salvator Mundi, el

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G e n e r a l a r t i c l e

G e n e r a l a r t i c l e Harold Cohen and AARon Collaborations in the Last Six Years (2010–2016) of a Creative Life l o u i S e S u n d A R A R A j A n T C A R T S B A This article documents Harold Cohen’s last phase of creativity from

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Arte, Censorship and Nuclear Warfare

Arte, Censorship and Nuclear Warfare G A B R i e l l e D e C A m o u S T C A R T S B A The traumas of nuclear warfare, de 1945 to the end of the Cold War, are not merely calamities of the past. They still have contemporary consequences, contaminating the health, lives and memories of the many

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The Main Course Was Mealworms

The Main Course Was Mealworms The Epistemics of Art and Science in Public Engagement B R o n W y n B e v A n , S A M M e j i A S , M A R k R o S i n a n d j e n W o n g T C A R T S B A The

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artículo general

g e n e r a l a r t i c l e Senster Reactivation of a Cybernetic Sculpture A n n A O l S z e w S k A a n d M A R e k D ł u g O S z T C A R T S B A The turbulent history of Senster, a large cybernetic sculpture

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g e n e r a l n o t e

g e n e r a l n o t e Artistic Portraits of Strange-Face Illusions Produced through Eye-to-Eye Gazing in Dyads or Mirror-Gazing G I o v A n n I B . C A P u T o a n d G I A n C A R l o l E P o R E T C A R T S B

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artículo general

g e n e r a l a r t i c l e Linking Science and Technology with Arts and the Next Generation The STEAM Imaging Experimental Artist Residency, A Case Study B i A N k A H o f m A N N T C A R T S B A The author describes designing an artist-in-residence project within a research institute

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Emergent Knowledge in the

Emergent Knowledge in the Third Space of Art-Science L i z z i E M u L L E r , L y n n F r o g g E T T a n d J i L L B E n n E T T T c A r T S B A The locus of encounter between art, science and the public

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A Review of ACD-STEMM Integration

A Review of ACD-STEMM Integration part 3: controlled studies of additional transdisciplinary bridges for arts-science pedagogy and general conclusions Robert Root-Bernstein, Ania Pathak and Michele Root-Bernstein This is Part 3 of a three-part analysis of studies concerning useful ways in which visual, plastic, musical and perform- ing arts; crafts; and design (referred to for simplicity as arts-crafts-design, or ACD) may improve learning of sci- ence,

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A Review of ACD-STEMM Integration

A Review of ACD-STEMM Integration part 2: controlled studies of transdisciplinary tools-for-thinking bridges for arts-science pedagogy Robert Root-Bernstein, Ania Pathak and Michele Root-Bernstein This is Part 2 of a three-part analysis of studies concerning useful ways in which visual, plastic, musical and perform- ing arts; crafts; and design (referred to for simplicity as arts- crafts-design, or ACD) may be used to improve learning of science,

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A Review of ACD-STEMM Integration

A Review of ACD-STEMM Integration part 1: a taxonomy of integrated bridges Robert Root-Bernstein, Ania Pathak and Michele Root-Bernstein This is Part 1 of a three-part analysis of studies concerning useful ways in which visual, plastic, musical and perform- ing arts; crafts; and design (referred to for simplicity as arts- crafts-design, or ACD) may be used to improve learning of science, tecnología, engineering, mathematics and

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to vision, which captures only a fraction of our surroundings,

to vision, which captures only a fraction of our surroundings, hearing covers the entire sphere around us [5]. Note that un- til the advent of digital communication, precise timing sig- nal (p.ej. church bells, reference frequencies) were all acoustic [6]. We now describe the technological implementation: White noise is digitally fed into the control system. The signals are randomly distributed over the field of nitinol

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G e n e r a l n o t e

G e n e r a l n o t e Toward an Ontology of the Interface Identifying the Interface as a Mediation Entity C R I S T I n A S á T C A R T S B A The interface is more than an assemblage of processes and effects; it is more than a pure relational instance. The interface can be

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ET IN ARCADIA EGO: ADDRESSING CANCER, DEATH AND IMMORTALITY USING SCIENCE Charlotte Jarvis (artist), Information Experience Design, Royal College of Art, Londres, REINO UNIDO. Correo electrónico: . Hans Clevers (molecular geneticist), Hubrecht Institute, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Utrecht, Los países bajos. Correo electrónico: . See for supplemental files associated with this issue. Submitted: 30 Agosto 2016 Abstract Charlotte Jarvis has collaborated with Hans Clevers to grow

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A CONCISE TAXONOMY FOR DESCRIBING DATA AS AN ART MATERIAL Julie Freeman, Media & Arts Technologies, School of Electronic Engineering & Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London, REINO UNIDO. Correo electrónico: . Geraint Wiggins. Correo electrónico: . Gavin Starks, Open Data Institute. Mark Sandler. Correo electrónico: . See for supplemental files associated with this issue. Submitted: 27 Julio 2016 Abstract How can we describe data when used as

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G E N E R A L A R T I C L E Facilitating Creative Equality in Art-Science A Methodological Experiment M A T T H I A S W IE N R O T H A N D P IP P A G O L DS CH M I D T T C A R T S B A In this article the

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