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Consequences, Acción, and Intention as Factors

Consequences, Acción, and Intention as Factors in Moral Judgments: An fMRI Investigation Jana Schaich Borg, Catherine Hynes, John Van Horn, Scott Grafton, and Walter Sinnott-Armstrong Abstract & The traditional philosophical doctrines of Consequentialism, Doing and Allowing, and Double Effect prescribe that moral judgments and decisions should be based on consequences, acción (as opposed to inaction), and intention. This study uses functional magnetic resonance imaging to

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Specialized Face Perception Mechanisms Extract

Specialized Face Perception Mechanisms Extract Both Part and Spacing Information: Evidence from Developmental Prosopagnosia Galit Yovel1 and Brad Duchaine2 Abstract & It is well established that faces are processed by mecha- nisms that are not used with other objects. Two prominent hypotheses have been proposed to characterize how informa- tion is represented by these special mechanisms. The spacing hypothesis suggests that face-specific mechanisms primarily ex-

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E i g e d c e s de reconocimiento

E i g e d c e s for Recognition Matthew Turk and Alex Pentland Vision and Modeling Group The Media Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology Abstract We have developed a near-real-time computer system that can locate and track a subject’s head, and then recognize the person by comparing characteristics of the face to those of known individuals. The computational approach taken in this system

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White Matter Changes Compromise Prefrontal Cortex

White Matter Changes Compromise Prefrontal Cortex Function in Healthy Elderly Individuals Christine Wu Nordahl1, Charan Ranganath1, Andrew P. Yonelinas1, Charles DeCarli1, Evan Fletcher1, and William J. Jagust2 Abstract & Changes in memory function in elderly individuals are often attributed to dysfunction of the prefrontal cortex (PFC). One mechanism for this dysfunction may be disruption of white matter tracts that connect the PFC with its anatomical

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Musician Children Detect Pitch Violations

Musician Children Detect Pitch Violations in Both Music and Language Better than Nonmusician Children: Behavioral and Electrophysiological Approaches Cyrille Magne1,2, Daniele Scho¨n1,2, and Mireille Besson1,2 D o w n l o a d e d f r o m Abstract & The idea that extensive musical training can influence processing in cognitive domains other than music has re- ceived considerable attention from the educational system

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Imaging Informational Conflict: A Functional

Imaging Informational Conflict: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Numerical Stroop J. Espiga, h. D. Critchley, D. mi. Glaser, R. j. Dolan, y B. Butterworth Abstract & We employed a parametric version of the comparison Stroop paradigm to investigate the processing of numerical magnitude and physical size under task-relevant and -irrelevant conditions to investigate two theoretical issues: (1) What is the fate of task-irrelevant

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Why You Think Milan is Larger than Modena:

Why You Think Milan is Larger than Modena: Neural Correlates of the Recognition Heuristic Kirsten G. Volz1, Lael J. Schooler2, Ricarda I. Schubotz1, Markus Raab3, Gerd Gigerenzer2, y D. Yves von Cramon1 Abstract & When ranking two alternatives by some criteria and only one of the alternatives is recognized, participants overwhelmingly adopt the strategy, termed the recognition heuristic (RH), of choosing the recognized alternative. Comprensión

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Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Dissociates Working Memory Manipulation from Retention Functions in the Prefrontal, but not Posterior Parietal, Cortex Bradley R. Postle, Fabio Ferrarelli, Massihullah Hamidi, Eva Feredoes, Marcello Massimini, Michael Peterson, Andrew Alexander, and Giulio Tononi D o w n l o a d e d f r o m l l / / / / / j f / t t i t

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Navigation and Acquisition of Spatial

Navigation and Acquisition of Spatial Knowledge in a Virtual Maze Sabine Gillner and Hanspeter A. Mallot Max-Planck-Institut für biologische Kybernetik Abstract n Spatial behavior in humans and animals includes a wide variety of behavioral competences and makes use of a large number of sensory cues. Here we studied the ability of human subjects to search locations, to ªnd shortcuts and novel paths, to estimate distances

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Morphological Processing in a Second Language:

Morphological Processing in a Second Language: Behavioral and Event-related Brain Potential Evidence for Storage and Decomposition Anja Hahne1, Jutta L. Mueller1, and Harald Clahsen2 D o w n l o a d e d Abstract & This study reports the results of two behavioral and two event-related brain potential experiments examining the processing of inflected words in second-language (L2) learners with Russian as their native

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Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, XLIX:1 (Verano, 2018), 1–8.

Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, XLIX:1 (Verano, 2018), 1–8. Jordi Martí-Henneberg and Daniel A. Tirado-Fabregat Introduction: A New Look at the Origins of Economic Growth and Regional Inequality The articles that comprise this special issue pursue two complementary objectives. Por un lado, they seek to determine the extent to which adopting a regional approach is relevant for explaining the process of long-term economic growth and,

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Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, XLV:3 (Invierno, 2015), 267–275.

Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, XLV:3 (Invierno, 2015), 267–275. Mari-Tere Álvarez and Charlene Villaseñor Black Introduction: Art and Trade in the Age of Global Encounters, 1492–1800 The focus of this special issue is on the new materials that became available as a result of early modern global trade—pigments in particular. Pigments may seem an inconsequential topic of study, but recent research is revealing how new-found artists’

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Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, LIV:1 (Verano, 2023), 67–81.

Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, LIV:1 (Verano, 2023), 67–81. Riccardo Rosolino Preserving Trust: Strength of Contracts and Abuses of the Spanish Inquisition The impacts of the presence of the Tribunal of the Spanish Inquisition in the Kingdom of Sicily were manifold, affecting politics, negocio, and society. In addition to monitoring and supressing political and religious dissent, the tribunal played a central role as a civil and

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Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, LIV:1 (Verano, 2023), 1–42.

Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, LIV:1 (Verano, 2023), 1–42. Seth Bernardo, Joseph McConnell, Federico Di Rita, Fabrizio Miguel Ángel, Donatella Magri, Laura Sadori, Alessia Masi, Giovanni Zanchetta, Mónica Bini, Alessandra Celant, Angela Trentacoste, Lisa Lodwick, j. Troy Samuels, Marta Mariotti Lippi, Cristina Bellini, Claudia Paparella, Dan-el Padilla Peralta, James Tan, Peter van Dommelen, Andrea U.. De Jorge, and Caroline Cheung An Environmental and Climate History of the

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Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, LIII:4 (Primavera, 2023), 599–623.

Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, LIII:4 (Primavera, 2023), 599–623. Carlos Domper Lasús and Julio Ponce Alberca Political Science, Historia, and Dictatorships: Linz’ Limited Pluralism Theory and the Late Francoist Regime in Spain Although authoritarianism has been one of the most successful conceptual categories devel- oped by political science in the twentieth century, it has not been free of criticism, which in many cases has been directed

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Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, LIII:3 (Invierno, 2023), 439–469.

Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, LIII:3 (Invierno, 2023), 439–469. Asher Colombo and Rocco Molinari Displacement of Death from Home to Hospital in Historical Perspective: The Case of Italy, 1883–2013 THE RESEARCH PROBLEM The progressive displacement of the site of death from home to hospital settings, far from both public and domestic eyes, has been one of the most important changes in the experience of death throughout

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Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, LIII:2 (Otoño, 2022), 267–288.

Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, LIII:2 (Otoño, 2022), 267–288. Andrew Otis “Guilty of Publishing Only”: Jury Nullification as a Legal Defense in the Eighteenth Century This article contends that printers and journalists operating under British com- mon law through the eighteenth century tended to be successful when they encouraged jury nullification as a primary defence against state libel lawsuits. Jury nullification, as it is called in

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Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, LIII:2 (Otoño, 2022), 225–265.

Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, LIII:2 (Otoño, 2022), 225–265. Marco H. D. van Leeuwen and Ineke Maas Social Mobility through Migration to the Colonies: The Case of Algeria Many Europeans left their homeland during the age of mass migration to try their luck in the Americas or in the colonies. Most of them intended to improve their eco- nomic and social position, especially those who recently

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