Learning Lexical Subspaces in a Distributional Vector Space

Learning Lexical Subspaces in a Distributional Vector Space

Kushal Arora∗

Aishik Chakraborty∗

Jackie C. K. Cheung

School of Computer Science, McGill-Universität
Qu´ebec AI Instuite (Mila)


In diesem Papier, we propose LEXSUB, a novel
approach towards unifying lexical and dis-
tributional semantics. We inject knowledge
about lexical-semantic relations into distribu-
tional word embeddings by defining subspaces
of the distributional vector space in which
a lexical relation should hold. Our frame-
work can handle symmetric attract and repel
Beziehungen (z.B., synonymy and antonymy,
jeweils), as well as asymmetric relations
(z.B., hypernymy and meronomy). In a suite of
intrinsic benchmarks, we show that our model
outperforms previous approaches on related-
ness tasks and on hypernymy classification and
detection, while being competitive on word
similarity tasks. It also outperforms previous
systems on extrinsic classification tasks that
benefit from exploiting lexical relational cues.
We perform a series of analyses to understand
the behaviors of our model.1

1 Einführung

Pre-trained word embeddings are the bedrock of
modern natural language processing architectures.
This success of pre-trained word embeddings
is attributed to their ability to embody the
distributional hypothesis (Harris, 1954; Firth,
1957), which states that ‘‘the words that are used
in the same contexts tend to purport similar
meanings’’ (Harris, 1954).

The biggest strength of the embedding methods—
their ability to cluster distributionally related
words—is also their biggest weakness. Das
contextual clustering of words brings together
words that might be used in a similar context in the

∗Equal contribution.
1C ode
a va i l a bl e

a t https://github.com/


Text, but that might not necessarily be semantically
ähnlich, or worse, might even be antonyms (Lin
et al., 2003).

Several techniques have been proposed in the
literature to modify word vectors to incorporate
lexical-semantic relations into the embedding
Raum (Yu and Dredze, 2014; Xu et al., 2014; Fried
and Duh, 2014; Faruqui et al., 2015; Mrkˇsi´c et al.,
2016; Mrkˇsi´c et al., 2017; Glavaˇs and Vuli´c,
2018). The common theme of these approaches is
that they modify the original distributional vector
space using auxiliary lexical constraints to endow
the vector space with a sense of lexical relations.
Jedoch, a potential limitation of this approach is
that the alteration of the original distributional
space may cause a loss of the distributional
information that made these vectors so useful
in the first place, leading to degraded performance
when used in the downstream tasks.

This problem could be further exacerbated when
multiple relations are incorporated, especially as
different lexical-semantic relations have different
mathematical properties. Zum Beispiel, synonymy
is a symmetric relation, whereas hypernymy and
meronymy are asymmetric relations. It would be
difficult to control the interacting effects that
constraints induced by multiple relations could
have on the distributional space.

The solution that we propose is to enforce a
separation of concerns, in which distributional
information is addressed by a central main vector
Raum, whereas each lexical relation is handled by a
separate subspace of the main distributional space.
The interface between these components is then a
projection operation from the main distributional
space into a lexical subspace. Our framework,
LEXSUB, thus formulates the problem of enforcing
lexical constraints as a problem of learning a

Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Bd. 8, S. 311–329, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1162/tacl a 00316
Action Editor: Katrin Erk. Submission batch: 10/2019; Revision batch: 1/2020; Published 6/2020.
C(cid:13) 2020 Verein für Computerlinguistik. Distributed under a CC-BY 4.0 Lizenz.

































metric, repel-symmetric, and attract-asymmetric.
We demonstrate that our approach outperforms
or is competitive with previous approaches on
intrinsic evaluations, and outperforms them on a
suite of downstream extrinsic tasks that might
benefit from exploiting lexical relational infor-
mation. Endlich, we design a series of experiments
to better understand the behaviors of our model
and provide evidence that the separation of con-
cerns achieved by LEXSUB is responsible for its
improved performance.

2 Related Work

Several approaches have been proposed towards
unifying the lexical and distributional semantics.
These approaches can broadly be classified into
two categories: 1) post-hoc, Und 2) ad-hoc ap-
proaches. Post-hoc approaches finetune pre-trained
embeddings by fitting them with lexical relations.
Andererseits, ad-hoc models add auxiliary
lexical constraints to the distributional similarity
loss. Both post-hoc and ad-hoc approaches rely on
lexical databases such as WordNet (Müller, 1995),
FrameNet (Baker et al., 1998), BabelNet (Navigli
and Ponzetto, 2012), and PPDB (Ganitkevitch
et al., 2013; Pavlick et al., 2015) for symbolically
encoded lexical relations that are translated into
lexical constraints. These lexical constraints en-
dow the embeddings with lexical-semantic rela-
tional information.

Post-hoc Approaches.
In the post-hoc ap-
proach, pre-trained word vectors such as GloVe
(Pennington et al., 2014), Word2Vec (Mikolov
et al., 2013), FastText (Bojanowski et al., 2017),
or Paragram (Wieting et al., 2015) are fine-tuned
to endow them with lexical relational information
(Faruqui et al., 2015; Jauhar et al., 2015; Rothe and
Sch¨utze, 2015; Wieting et al., 2015; Mrkˇsi´c et al.,
2016, 2017; Jo, 2018; Jo and Choi, 2018; Vuli´c
and Mrkˇsi´c, 2017; Glavaˇs and Vuli´c, 2018). In diesem
Papier, we primarily discuss LEXSUB as a post-hoc
Modell. This formulation of LEXSUB is similar to the
other post-hoc approaches mentioned above with
the significant difference that the lexical relations
are enforced in a lexical subspace instead of the
original distributional vector space. Rothe et al.
(2016) explores the idea of learning specialized
subspaces with to reduce the dimensionality
of distributional space such that it maximally
task-specific information at
preserves relevant

Figur 1: A concept diagram contrasting other
post-hoc approaches with our LEXSUB framework.
Our LEXSUB framework enforces the lexical
constraints in lexical relation-specific subspaces,
whereas the other approaches try to learn lexical
relations in the original distributional vector space.

linear subspace for each of the lexical relations
within the distributional vector space. Figur 1
shows a conceptual diagram of the relationship
between the distributional space and the lexical
subspaces in LEXSUB.

We show that LEXSUB outperforms previous
methods in a variety of evaluations, insbesondere
on intrinsic relatedness correlation tasks, und in
extrinsic evaluations in downstream settings. Wir
also show that LEXSUB is competitive with existing
models on intrinsic similarity evaluation tasks.
We run a series of analyses to understand why our
method improves performance in these settings.

Our experimental results suggest that explicitly
separating lexical
into their own
subspaces allows the model to better capture the
structure of each lexical relation without being
polluted by information from the distributional
Raum. Umgekehrt, the main distributional vector
space is not polluted by the need to model
lexical relations in the same space, as is the case
for previous models. Außerdem, the explicit
linear projection that is learned ensures that a
relation-specific subspace exists in the original
distributional vector space, and can thus be
discovered by a downstream model if the extrinsic
task requires knowledge about lexical-semantic

Zusammenfassend, we propose LEXSUB,
a framework for learning lexical linear subspaces
within the distributional vector space. Der Profi-
posed framework can model all major kinds of
lexical-semantic relations, nämlich, attract-sym-


































the expense of distributional information. Unlike
Rothe et al. (2016), our proposed method tries
to retain the distributional
information in the
embeddings so that
they can be used as a
general-purpose initialization in any NLP pipeline.
Embeddings from Rothe et al. (2016)’s method
can only be used for the task on which they were

Ad-hoc Approaches. The ad-hoc class of
approaches add auxiliary lexical constraints to
the distributional similarity loss function, usually,
a language modeling objective like CBOW
(Mikolov et al., 2013) oder
recurrent neural
network language model (Mikolov et al., 2010;
Sundermeyer et al., 2012). These constraints can
either be viewed as a prior or as a regularizer to
the distributional objective (Yu and Dredze, 2014;
Xu et al., 2014; Bian et al., 2014; Kiela et al.,
2015A; Fried and Duh, 2014). In other work, Die
original language modeling objective is modified
to incorporate lexical constraints (Liu et al., 2015;
Osborne et al., 2016; Bollegala et al., 2016;
Ono et al., 2015; Nguyen et al., 2016, 2017; Tifrea
et al., 2018). We discuss the ad-hoc formulation
of LEXSUB in Appendix A.


types of

An alternate axis along which to classify
these approaches is by their ability to model
different types of lexical relations. These types can
be enumerated as symmetric-attract (synonymy),
symmetric-repel (antonymy), and asymmetric-
attract (hypernymy, meronymy). Most approaches
mentioned above can handle symmetric-attract
type relations, but only a few of them can
model other
Beziehungen. Für
(2015) can exclusively
Beispiel, Ono et al.
(2018) Und
model antonymy, Tifrea et al.
Nguyen et al. (2017) can only model hypernymy
whereas Mrkˇsi´c et al. (2016); Mrkˇsi´c et al.
(2017) can model synonymy and antonymy,
and Vuli´c and Mrkˇsi´c (2017) can handle
synonymy, antonymy, and hypernymy relations.
Our proposed framework can model all types
of lexical relations, nämlich, symmetric-attract,
symmetric-repel, and asymmetric-attract, and uses
of all four major lexical relations found in lexical
resources like WordNet, nämlich, synonymy,
antonymy, hypernymy, and meronymy, and could
flexibly include more relations. To our knowledge,
we are the first to use meronymy lexical relations.

Other Approaches. Several approaches do not
fall into either of the categories mentioned above.
A subset of these approaches attempts to learn
lexical relations, especially hypernymy, directly
by embedding a lexical database, Zum Beispiel,
Poincar´e Embeddings (Nickel and Kiela, 2017)
or Order-Embeddings (Vendrov et al., 2015).
Another set of approaches, like DIH (Chang et al.,
2018) or Word2Gauss (Vilnis and McCallum,
2014; Athiwaratkun and Wilson, 2017) attempt
to learn the hypernymy relation directly from the
corpus without relying on any lexical database.
The third set of approaches attempt to learn a scor-
ing function over a sparse bag of words (SBOW)
Merkmale. These approaches are summarized by
Shwartz et al. (2017).

3 Modell

3.1 Task Definition


similarity as well as

Given a vocabulary set V {x1, x2, x3, . . . .xn},
our objective is to create a set of vectors
{x1, x2, x3, . . . , xn} ∈ Rd
respect both
semantic relations. We refer to these vectors as
the main vector space embeddings. Let R be the
relation set corresponding to a lexical-semantic
relation r. The elements of this relation set are
ordered pairs of words (xi, xj) ∈ V × V ; Das
Ist, Wenn (xi, xj) ∈ R, then xi and xj are related by
the lexical relation r. For symmetric relations
like synonymy and antonymy, (xi, xj) ∈ R
impliziert (xj, xi) ∈ R. Ähnlich, for asymmetric
relations like hypernymy and meronymy, xj is
related to xi by relation r if (xi, xj) ∈ R and
(xj, xi) /∈ R.

Our model has two components. Der erste
component helps the model
learn the lexical
subspaces within the distributional vector space.
These subspaces are learned using a loss function
Llex defined in Section 3.2.4. The second com-
ponent helps the model learn the distributional
vector space. The training of this vector space
is aided by a loss function Ldist defined in
Abschnitt 3.3. The total loss that we optimize is
therefore defined as: Ltotal = Ldist +Llex.

Distance Function.
In the subsequent subsec-
tionen, we will build lexical subspace distance
functions using the cosine distance function,
D(X, j) = 1 − x · y/(kxkkyk) where x and y are
embeddings for the word x and y, jeweils.


































3.2 Learning Lexical Subspaces in the

Distributional Space

In diesem Abschnitt, we discuss three types of abstract
lexical losses—attract symmetric, attract asym-
metric, and repel symmetric—that are commonly
found in lexical databases like WordNet. We then
discuss a negative sampling loss that prevents the
model from finding trivial solutions to the lexical

3.2.1 Abstract Lexical Relation Loss

Let xi and xj be a pair of words related by a lexical
relation r. We project their embeddings xi, xj ∈
Rd to an h-dimensional lexical subspace (H < d) using a learned relation-specific projection matrix W proj with dimensions h × d. The distance r between any two words xi and xj in the lexical subspace is defined as a distance between their projected embeddings. We define this lexico- relational subspace specific distance function dproj r as dproj r (xi, xj) = d(W proj r xi, W proj r xj) (1) The lexical subspaces can be categorized into three types: attract symmetric, attract asymmetric, and repel symmetric. In an attract symmetric subspace, the objective is to minimize the distance between the lexically related word pair xi and xj. The corresponding loss function is: Latt-sym r = 1 |R| X xi,xj ∈R dproj r (xi, xj) (2) Similarly, for repel symmetric lexical relations such as antonymy, the goal is to maximize the distance (up to a margin γ) between the two projected embeddings. We define a repel loss for r, Lrep r , as: Lrep r = 1 |R| X xi,xj ∈R max (cid:0) 0, γ − dproj r (xi, xj) (cid:1) (3) In the case of attract asymmetric relations, we encode the asymmetry of the relationship between xi and xj by defining an asymmetric distance function dasym in terms of this affine transformation of embeddings of xi and xj as: r dasym r (xi, xj) = dproj r (W asym r xi + basym r , xj) (4) 314 r (an h × d matrix) and basym where W asym (an h-dimensional vector) are the parameters of the affine function. r The attract asymmetric loss function is then defined in terms of dasym r as: Latt-asym r = 1 |R| X xi,xj ∈R  dasym r (xi, xj) +  max (cid:16)0, γ − dasym r  (xj, xi)(cid:17)  (5) r The first term of the Latt-asym brings xi’s projected embedding closer to the embedding of xj. The second term avoids the trivial solution of parameterized affine function collapsing to a identity function. This is achieved by maximizing the distance between xi and the affine projection of xj. 3.2.2 Negative Sampling We supplement our lexical loss functions with a negative sampling loss. This helps avoid the trivial solutions such as all words embeddings collapsing to a single point for attract relations and words being maximally distant in the repel subspace. We generate negative samples by uniformly sampling n words from the vocabulary V . For attract subspaces (both attract symmetric and attract asymmetric), we ensure that negatively sampled words in the subspace are at a minimum distance δmin for repel subspaces, we ensure that negative samples are at a distance of at-most δmax from xi. The attract and repel negative sampling losses are: from xi. Similarly, r r Lattr-neg r Lrep-neg r n X l=1 n X l=1 = X xi,xj = X xi,xj max(cid:16)0, δmin r − dproj r (xi, xl)(cid:17) max(cid:16)0, dproj r (xi, xl) − δmax r (cid:17) where xl indicates the negative sample drawn from a uniform distribution over vocabulary. 3.2.3 Relation-Specific Losses Synonymy Relations. As synonymy is an attract symmetric relation, we use Lattr-sym as our syn lexical loss and Lattr-neg as our negative sampling loss, with the negative sampling loss weighted by a negative sampling ratio hyperparameter µ. syn l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / t a c l / l a r t i c e - p d f / d o i / . 1 0 1 1 6 2 / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 3 1 6 1 9 2 3 0 8 9 / / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 3 1 6 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 7 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 Lsyn = Lattr-sym syn + µLattr-neg syn (6) Antonymy Relations. Antonymy relation is the mirror image of the synonymy relation; hence, we use the same subspace for both the relations; ant = W proj (i.e., W proj syn ). As antonymy is a repel lexical relation, we use Lrep syn as our lexical loss and Lrep-neg syn as our negative loss. Lexical Relation Synonyms Antonyms Hypernyms/Hyponyms Meronyms/Holonyms Num Pairs 239,100 12,236 20,887 31,181 Table 1: Statistics for lexical relation pairs ex- tracted from WordNet. Lant = Lrep syn + µLrep-neg syn (7) 4 Training Setup Hypernymy Relations. Hypernymy an attract asymmetric relation, hence, we use Lattr-asym as negative sampling loss. as the lexical loss and Lattr-neg hyp hyp is Lhyp = Lattr-asym hyp + µLattr-neg hyp (8) Meronymy Relations. Meronymy is also an attract-asymmetric relation. Therefore, in a similar manner, the lexical loss will be Lattr-asym and mer negative sampling loss will be Lattr-neg : mer Lmer = Lattr-asym mer + µLattr-neg mer (9) 3.2.4 Total Lexical Subspace Loss Based on the individual lexical losses defined above, the total lexical subspace loss defined as follows: Llex = νsynLsyn+νantLant+νhypLhyp+νmerLmer (10) where νsyn, νant, νhyp, νmer ∈ [0, 1] are lexical relation ratio hyperparameters weighing the im- portance of each of the lexical relation. 3.3 Preserving the Distributional Space 1, x′ 2, . . . , x′ from pre- In the post-hoc setting, we start trained embeddings X = [x1, x2, . . . , xn]T ∈ Rn×d to learn retrofitted embeddings X′ = n]T ∈ Rn×d. The Ldist component [x′ aims to minimize the change in L2 distance between the word embeddings in order to preserve the distributional information in the pre-trained embeddings: Ldist = 1 n kX − X ′k2 2 (11) 3.4 Overall Loss Function The overall loss of LEXSUB is Ltotal = Ldist+Llex. 315 In this section, we describe the datasets and models that we use in our experiments. The output of our model is the main vector space embedding that is endowed with the specialized lexical subspaces. All our evaluations are done on the main vector space embeddings unless stated otherwise. 4.1 Training Dataset Our experiments were conducted using GloVe embeddings (Pennington et al., 2014) of 300- dimension trained on 6 billion tokens from the Wikipedia 2014 and Gigaword 5 corpus. The vo- cabulary size for GloVe embeddings is 400,000. 4.2 Lexical Resource We use WordNet (Miller, 1995) as the lexical database for all experiments. We consider all four types of lexical relations: synonymy, antonymy, hypernymy, and meronymy. Only those relation triples where both words occur in the vocabulary are considered. We consider both instance and concept hypernyms for hypernymy relations, and for meronomy relations, part, substance, as well as member meronyms were included as constraints. Table 1 shows the relation-wise split used in the experiments. 4.3 Models and Hyperparameters We learn 300-dimensional embeddings during training. We use Adagrad (Duchi et al., 2011) as our optimizer with learning rate 0.5. We train the models for 100 epochs. For the lexical losses, we take n = 10, µ = 10, γ = 2, δsyn max = 1.5, δsyn min = 1, δhyp min = 0.5, δmer min = 1.0, and νsyn = 0.01, νhyp = 0.01, νmer = 0.001. We rely on the validation sets corresponding to our extrinsic tasks (Section 6.2) for choosing these hyperparameter values. We ran a grid search on the hyperparameter space and selected the final set of hyperparameters by first ranking validation l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / t a c l / l a r t i c e - p d f / d o i / . 1 0 1 1 6 2 / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 3 1 6 1 9 2 3 0 8 9 / / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 3 1 6 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 7 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 results for each task in descending order, then calculating the mean rank across the tasks. We selected the hyperparameters that achieved the best (i.e., lowest) mean rank. 5 Baselines Vanilla. The Vanilla baselines refer to the original GloVe word embeddings without any lexical constraints. Retrofitting. Retrofitting (Faruqui et al., 2015) uses similarity constraints from lexical resources to pull similar words together. The objective function that retrofitting optimizes consists of a reconstruction loss Ldist and a symmetric-attract loss Lsyn syn = Ih, and d = k · k2. att-sym with d = h, W proj Counterfitting. Counterfitting (Mrkˇsi´c et al., 2016) builds up on retrofitting but also support repel symmetric relations. Their objective func- tion consists of three parts: Synonym Attract, Antonym Repel, and a Vector Space Preservation att-sym, Lsyn loss, similar to Lsyn rep-sym, and Ldist, respectively. LEAR. LEAR (Vuli´c and Mrkˇsi´c, 2017) expands the counterfitting framework by adding a Lexical Entailment (LE) loss. This LE loss encodes a hierarchical ordering between con- cepts (hyponym-hypernym relationships) and can handle attract asymmetric relations. We train each of the baseline models using the lexical resources described in Section 4.2. LEAR, LEXSUB, and Counterfitting were trained on all four lexical relations whereas the Retrofitting was trained only on attract relations, namely, synonymy, hypernymy, and meronymy. This is due to Retofitting’s inability to handle repel type relations. We also report the results of our experiments with LEXSUB and the baselines trained on the lexical resource from LEAR in Appendix B. 6 Evaluations 6.1 Intrinsic Tasks WordSim353 dataset (Agirre et al., 2009) to measure the ability of the embedding’s to retain the distributional information. We use the SimLex- 999 dataset (Hill et al., 2015) and SimVerb 3500 (Gerz et al., 2016) to evaluate the embedding’s ability to detect graded synonymy and antonymy relations. Both the relatedness and similarity tasks were evaluated in the main vector space for LEXSUB. Hypernymy Tasks. Following Roller et al. (2018), we consider three tasks involving hyper- nymy: graded hypernymy evaluation, hypernymy classification, and directionality detection. We use the hypernymy subspace embeddings for LEXSUB for these experiments. For graded hypernymy evaluation, we use the Hyperlex dataset (Vuli´c et al., 2017) and report the results on the complete hyperlex dataset. We measure Spearman’s ρ between the cosine similarity of embeddings of the word pairs and the human evaluations. The hypernymy classification task is an unsupervised task to classify whether a pair of words are hypernym/hyponym of each other. We consider four of the five benchmark datasets considered in Roller et al. (2018); namely, BLESS (Baroni and Lenci, 2011), LEDS (Baroni et al., 2012), EVAL (Santus et al., 2014), and WBLESS (Weeds et al., 2014). We do not consider the SHWARTZ dataset (Shwartz et al., 2016), as the number of OOV was high (38% for LEXSUB, Retrofitting, and LEAR and 60% for Counter- fitting for GloVe). The evaluation is done by ranking the word pairs by cosine similarity and computing the mean average precision over the ranked list. The hypernymy directionality detection task is designed to detect which of the two terms is the hypernym of the other; that is, given two words w1 and w2, is w1 the hypernym of w2 or vice versa. We consider two of the three datasets from Roller et al., (2018); namely, WBLESS and BIBLESS (Kiela et al., 2015b). The classification setup is similar to Roller et al. (2018) and is done using the open source package provided by the authors.2 6.2 Extrinsic Tasks Word Similarity Task. We use four popular to evaluate word word similarity test similarity. We use the men3k dataset by (Bruni et al., 2014) and the relatedness section of the sets We evaluate our embeddings on five extrinsic tasks that could benefit from the lexical relational 2https://github.com/facebookresearch/ hypernymysuite. 316 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / t a c l / l a r t i c e - p d f / d o i / . 1 0 1 1 6 2 / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 3 1 6 1 9 2 3 0 8 9 / / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 3 1 6 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 7 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 cues. We do so by injecting our embeddings into recent high-performing models for those tasks. The tasks and models are: NER Classification. We use the CoNLL 2003 NER task (Tjong Kim Sang and De Meulder, 2003) for the Named Entity Recognition (NER) Task. The dataset consists of news stories from Reuters where the entities have been labeled into four classes (PER, LOC, ORG, MISC). We use the model proposed by Peters et al. (2018) for the NER task. Sentiment Classification. We use the Bi- Attentive Classification Network (BTN) by McCann et al. (2017) to train a sentiment classifier. We train all models for sentiment classification on the Stanford Sentiment Treebank (SST) (Socher et al., 2013). We use a two-class granularity where we remove the ‘‘neutral’’ class following McCann et al. (2017) and just use the ‘‘positive’’ and ‘‘negative’’ classes for classification. Textual Entailment. For textual entailment experiments, we use the Decomposable Attention model by Parikh et al. (2016) for our experiments. We train and evaluate the models on the Stanford Natural Language Inference (SNLI) dataset (Bowman et al., 2015) using the standard train, test and validation split. Question Answering. We use the SQUAD1.1 question answering dataset (Rajpurkar et al., 2016). The dataset contains 100k+ crowd-sourced question answer pairs. We use the BiDAF model (Seo et al., 2016) for the question answering task. We report the accuracy on the development set for SQuAD. Paraphrase Detection. For the paraphrase detection task, we use the BIMPM model by Wang et al. (2017) for our experiments. We train and evaluate the models on the Quora Question Pairs (QQP) dataset3 using the standard splits. Method For the above models, we use the reference implementations of the models provided by the AllenNLP toolkit (Gardner et al., 2018). We replace the input layer of these models with the embeddings we want to evaluate. We use two different setups for our extrinsic experiments and report results for both. 3https://www.kaggle.com/c/quora-question- pairs. Setup 1: In our first setup, we standardize several representational and training decisions to remove potential confounding effects. This ensures that performance differences in the extrinsic tasks are reflective of the quality of the embeddings under evaluation. We achieve this by making the following changes to all extrinsic task models. First, for the Vanilla models, we use pretrained GloVe embeddings of 300 dimensions, trained on 6 billion tokens. Similarly, we train all post-hoc embeddings using the 6 billion token 300-dimensional pretrained GloVe embeddings and plug these post-hoc embeddings into the extrinsic task model. Second, we remove character embeddings from the input layer. Finally, we do not fine-tune the pretrained embeddings. Setup 2: In order to demonstrate that we are not unfairly penalizing the base models, we also conduct a second set of experiments where models for all the extrinsic tasks are trained in the original settings (i.e., without the changes mentioned above). In these experiments, we do not remove character embeddings from any model, nor do we put any restrictions on fine-tuning of the pretrained word embeddings. These results for both the experiments are reported in Table 4. 7 Results We now report on the results of our comparisons of LEXSUB to Vanilla embeddings and baselines trained on the same lexical resource as LEXSUB. We use the main vector space embeddings in all our experiments except for hypernymy experiments, for which we use the hypernymy space embeddings. Intrinsic Evaluations. Table 2 shows that our model outperforms the Vanilla baseline on both relatedness and similarity tasks, outperforms all the other baselines on relatedness, and is competitive with the other baselines on all the word similarity tasks. Table 3 demonstrates that we considerably outperform Vanilla as well as other baseline post-hoc methods on hypernymy tasks. Thus, our subspace-based approach can learn lexical-semantic relations and can perform as well or better than the approaches that enforce lexical constraints directly on the distributional space. Another important result from Table 2 is the poor performance of LEAR and Counterfitting 317 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / t a c l / l a r t i c e - p d f / d o i / . 1 0 1 1 6 2 / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 3 1 6 1 9 2 3 0 8 9 / / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 3 1 6 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 7 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 Models Vanilla Retrofitting Counterfitting LEAR LEXSUB Relatedness Tasks Similarity Tasks men3k(ρ) 0.7375 0.7437 0.6487 0.6850 0.7493 WS-353R(ρ) 0.4770 0.4701 0.2497 0.3385 0.4956 Simlex(ρ) 0.3705 0.4435 0.4870 0.5998 0.5044 Simverb(ρ) 0.2275 0.2976 0.4119 0.5637 0.3983 Table 2: Similarity and relatedness results for baselines and LEXSUB. The results indicate that LEXSUB outperforms all the baselines on relatedness tasks and is competitive on the similarity tasks. This indicates that our model retains the distributional information better than the other models while also learning synonymy and antonymy relations. Models Similarity (ρ) Directionality (Acc) Classification (Acc) Vanilla Retrofitting Counterfitting LEAR LEXSUB Hyperlex 0.1352 0.1055 0.1128 0.1384 0.2615 wbless 0.5101 0.5145 0.5279 0.5362 0.6040 bibless 0.4894 0.4909 0.4934 0.5024 0.4952 bless 0.1115 0.1232 0.1372 0.1453 0.2072 leds 0.7164 0.7279 0.7246 0.7399 0.8525 eval 0.2404 0.2639 0.2900 0.2852 0.3946 weeds 0.5335 0.5547 0.5734 0.5872 0.7012 Table 3: Hypernymy evaluation results for baselines and LEXSUB. LEXSUB considerably outperforms all the other methods and the Vanilla on nearly all hypernymy tasks. We attribute this performance to our novel loss function formulation for asymmetric relations and the separation of concerns imposed by the LEXSUB. tasks on relatedness like men3k and WS- 353R. We hypothesize that enforcing symmetric- (Counterfitting) and asymmetric-attract repel (Counterfitting and LEAR) constraints directly on the distributional space leads to distortion of the distributional vector space, resulting in poor performance on relatedness tasks. LEXSUB performs competitively on similarity tasks without sacrificing its performance in relatedness tasks, sacrifice that unlike contemporary methods relatedness by optimizing for similarity. first setup—that the results Extrinsic Evaluations. Table 4 presents the results of the extrinsic evaluations. Rows 3–7 present is, for experiments without confounds (Setup 1) such as character embeddings and further fine-tuning of the input embeddings. The results for the models trained with the original setting (Setup 2) are presented in rows 9–14. In the original setting, the model for QQP, SQuAD, and NER contains additional trainable character embeddings in the layer. The original NER model further input fine-tunes the input embeddings. In our first set of experiments, we find that the LEXSUB model outperforms the baseline methods on every extrinsic task and Vanilla on every extrinsic task except SNLI. In the case of our second experiment, LEXSUB outperforms previous post-hoc methods in all extrinsic tasks but does worse than GloVe in NER. We hypothesize the relatively poor performance of LEXSUB with respect to GloVe on NER might be due to the task-specific fine-tuning of the embeddings. In fact, we find that the baseline approaches, with a few exceptions, do worse than Vanilla across the whole suite of extrinsic tasks in both the settings. Taken together, this indicates that our subspace-based approach is superior if the objective is to use these modified embeddings in downstream tasks. We hypothesize that these results are indicative of the fact that the preservation of distributional information is crucial to the downstream perfor- mance of the embeddings. The baseline approaches, 318 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / t a c l / l a r t i c e - p d f / d o i / . 1 0 1 1 6 2 / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 3 1 6 1 9 2 3 0 8 9 / / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 3 1 6 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 7 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 Models NER(F1) SST-2(Acc) SNLI(Acc) SQuAD(EM) QQP(Acc) Vanilla Retrofitting Counterfitting LEAR LEXSUB Vanilla Retrofitting Counterfitting LEAR LEXSUB State of the Art 87.88 86.16 80.09 83.20 88.06 89.83 85.56 84.44 85.47 89.76 93.50 Experiments with Setup 1 87.31 88.58 86.77 88.08 88.91 85.00 84.68 84.99 83.74 85.00 Experiments with Setup 2 87.31 88.58 86.77 88.08 88.91 95.60 85.00 84.68 84.99 83.74 85.00 91.60 64.23 64.01 62.86 63.10 64.65 66.62 66.21 66.51 65.71 66.94 88.95 87.08 87.01 87.10 86.06 87.31 88.45 88.54 88.44 87.67 88.69 90.10 Table 4: Extrinsic evaluation results for baselines and LEXSUB. Setup 1 refers to the experiments without extrinsic model confounds such as character embeddings and further fine-tuning of the input embeddings. Setup 2 refers to the experiments in the original AllenNLP setting where the model for QQP, SQuAD, and, NER contains additional trainable character embeddings in the input layer, and the original NER model further fine-tunes the input embeddings. In both the setups, we see that LEXSUB outperforms the baselines on most of the extrinsic tasks. We hypothesize the relatively poor performance of LEXSUB compared to Vanilla on NER might be due to the task-specific fine-tuning of the embeddings. which learn the lexical-semantic relations in the the original distributional space, disrupt poor information, distributional extrinsic task performance. We expand on this point in Section 8.3. leading to State-of-the-Art Results in Extrinsic Tasks. We have also added the current state-of-the- art results for the respective extrinsic tasks in Table 4 (last row). The current state of the art for NER is Baevski et al. (2019). The authors also use the model proposed by Peters et al. (2018) but initialize the model with contextualized transformer. embeddings from a bi-directional Similarly, the current state of the art for SST-2 and QQP (ERNIE 2.0; Sun et al., 2019), SNLI (MT- DNN; Liu et al., 2019), and SQuAD (XLNet; Yang et al., 2019) are all initialized with contextualized embeddings from a bidirectional transformer- based model trained on a data that is orders of magnitude larger than the GloVe variant used in our experiments. The contextualized embeddings, because of their ability to represent the word in the context of its usage, are considerably more powerful than GloVe, hence the models relying on them are not directly comparable to our model or the other baselines. 319 8 Analysis In this section, we perform several analyses to understand the behaviors of our model and the baselines better, focusing on the following questions: Q1: How well do LEXSUB’s lexical subspaces capture the specific lexical relations for which they were optimized, as opposed to the other relations? Q2: Can the lexical subspaces and the manifolds in the main distributional space be exploited by a downstream neural network model? Q3: How well do the models preserve relatedness in the main distributional space? 8.1 LEXSUB Subspace Neighborhoods (Q1) Table 5 lists the top five neighbors for selected query words for each of the lexical subspaces of the LEXSUB, as well as the main vector space. The distance metric used for computing the neighbors for main vector space, synonymy, hypernymy, and meronymy subspaces are d, dproj , and dasym , respectively. We see that most of the closest r neighbors in the learned subspace are words that are in the specified lexical relation with the query words. , dasym r r l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / t a c l / l a r t i c e - p d f / d o i / . 1 0 1 1 6 2 / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 3 1 6 1 9 2 3 0 8 9 / / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 3 1 6 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 7 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 Neighbors Syn Sub. Hyp Sub. Mer Sub. Main V.S. poem poems, frameworks, artist, poetry, letters elegy, sonnet, aria, epic, ditty canto, verses, cantos, rime, prosody poems, verse, poetry, verses, prose automobile motorcar, auto, car, automobiles, cars minivan, suv, coupe, two-seater, phaeton gas, highs, throttles, pod, accelerator auto, automobiles, car, cars, automotives church churches, churchs, infirmary, microstates, prelims duomo, cathedral, abbey, kirk, jamestown apsis, chancel, christian, bema, transept churches, episcopal, cathedral, catholic, chapel Table 5: Neighborhoods for the query words for the main vector space, as well as each of the lexical subspaces. Words in bold letters indicate that the given word is related to the query word by the said lexical relation. The distance metric used for computing the neighbors for main vector space, synonymy, hypernymy, and meronymy subspaces are d, dproj , respectively. , and dasym r , dasym r r Models Vanilla Retrofitting Counterfitting LEAR LEXSUB Syn Subspace. Hyp Subspace. Mer Subspace. syn 0.1512 0.2639 0.3099 0.4338 0.2108 0.4574 0.0162 0.0125 hyp . 0.0842 0.1999 0.3194 0.3443 0.0794 0.0392 0.4180 0.0102 mer 0.1191 0.1896 0.2641 0.2713 0.1307 0.0977 0.0048 0.4908 Table 6: MAP@100 scores for query words taken from Hyperlex and Simlex999. To systematically quantify these results, we compute the mean average precision (MAP) over the top 100 neighbors for a list of query words. We use the words from the Hyperlex (Vuli´c et al., 2017) and Simlex (Hill et al., 2015) datasets as the query words for this experiment. For each query word and for each lexical relation, we obtain a list of words from WordNet which are related to the query word through that particular lexical relation. These words form the gold-standard labels for computing the average precision for the query word. Table 6 shows the MAP scores for the top 100 neighborhood words for the baselines, for LEXSUB, and for its lexical subspaces. The main vector space subspace does worse than all the baselines, which is expected because the baselines learn to fit their lexical relations in the original distributional space. However, if we look at the individual lexical subspaces, we can see that the synonymy, hypernymy, and meronymy subspaces have the best MAP score for their respective relation, demonstrating the separation of concerns property that motivated our approach. 8.2 Lexical Relation Prediction Task (Q2) One of the motivations behind enforcing explicit lexical constraints on the distributional space is to learn lexico-relational manifolds within the distributional vector space. On any such lexico- relational manifold, the respective lexical relation will hold. For example, on a synonymy manifold, all the synonyms of a word would be clustered together and the antonyms would be maximally distant. The deep learning based models then will be able to exploit these lexico-relational manifolds to improve generalization on the downstream tasks. To evaluate this hypothesis, we propose a simplified classification setup of predicting the lexical relation between a given word pair. If a downstream model is able to detect these manifolds, it should be able to generalize beyond the word pairs seen in the training set. Lexical Relation Prediction Dataset. The lexical relation prediction dataset is composed of word pairs as input and their lexical relation as the target. The problem is posed as a four-way classification problem between the relations synonymy, antonymy, hypernymy, and meronomy. The dataset is collected from WordNet and has a total of 606,160 word pairs and labels split in 80/20 ratio into training and validation. The training set contains 192,045 synonyms, 9,733 antonyms, 257,844 hypernyms, and 25,308 meronyms. Similarly, the validation set by relation split is 96,022 synonyms, 4,866 antonyms, 128,920 hypernyms, and 12,652 meronyms. We use the word pairs with lexical relation labels from the Hyperlex (Vuli´c et al., 2017) as our test set. We only consider synonymy, 320 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / t a c l / l a r t i c e - p d f / d o i / . 1 0 1 1 6 2 / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 3 1 6 1 9 2 3 0 8 9 / / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 3 1 6 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 7 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 Models Vanilla Retrofitting Counterfitting LEAR LEXSUB Val(F1) 0.5905 0.6546 0.6366 0.6578 0.7962 Test(F1) 0.2936 0.2899 0.3275 0.3211 0.4050 Table 7: Macro-averaged F1 across four lexical relation classes, namely, synonymy, antonymy, hypernymy, and meronymy, for lexical relation prediction task. antonymy, meronomy, and degree-1 hypernymy relations from the Hyperlex as these directly map to our training labels. We remove all the word pairs that occur in the training set. This leads to 917 examples with 194 synonym, 98 antonym, 384 hypernym, and 241 meronym pairs.4 Lexical Relation Prediction Model. We use a Siamese Network for the relation classification task. The input to the model is a one-hot encoded word pair, which is fed into the embedding layer. This embedding layer is initialized with the embedding that is to be evaluated and is not fine-tuned during training. This is followed by a 1,500-dimensional affine hidden layer with a ReLU activation function that is shared by both word embeddings. This shared non-linear layer is expected to learn a mapping from the distributional vector space to lexico-relational manifolds within the distributional vector space. The shared layer is followed by two different sets of two-dimensional 125 × 4 affine layers, one for each word. These linear layers are put in place to capture the various idiosyncrasies of lexical relations such as asymmetry and attract and repel nature. Finally, the cosine similarity of the hidden representation corresponding to two words is fed into the softmax layer to map the output to probabilities. The models are trained for 30 epochs using the Adagrad (Duchi et al., 2011) optimizer with an initial learning rate of 0.01 and a gradient clipping ratio of 5.0. Table 7 shows the results of our lexical relation prediction experiments. All the post-hoc the models except for retrofitting can exploit Models Retrofitting Counterfitting LEAR LEXSUB mean shift 32.12 32.97 32.09 1.13 Table 8: Mean shift comparison between baselines and LEXSUB models. lexical relation manifold to classify word pairs by their lexical relation. The LEXSUB model again outperforms all the baseline models in the task. We hypothesize that this is because LEXSUB learns the lexical relations in a linear subspace which happens to be the simplest possible manifold. Hence, it might be easier for downstream models to exploit it for better generalization. 8.3 Preserving the Distributional Space (Q3) As previously discussed, one of the main motivations of LEXSUB is to separate the learning of lexical relations into subspaces, so that the main distributional vector space is not deformed to as great a degree. We directly measure this deformation by computing the mean shift in the learned embedding space. We define the mean shift as the average L2-distance between the learned and the Vanilla embeddings. We find that the mean shift for LEXSUB is about 30 times lower than the baselines (Table 8). This shows that LEXSUB better preserves the original distributional space, which may explain its better performance in intrinsic relatedness evaluations and extrinsic evaluations. 9 Conclusion various We presented LEXSUB, a novel framework for learning lexical subspaces in a distributional vector space. The proposed approach properly separates from the main distributional space, which leads to improved downstream task performance, interpretable learned subspaces, and preservation of distributional information in the distributional space. relations lexical 4The Lexical Relation Prediction Dataset can be downloaded from https://github.com/aishikchakraborty/ LexSub. In future work, we plan to extend our framework to contextualized embeddings and expand the framework to support hyperbolic distances, which 321 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / t a c l / l a r t i c e - p d f / d o i / . 1 0 1 1 6 2 / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 3 1 6 1 9 2 3 0 8 9 / / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 3 1 6 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 7 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 Models Vanilla ad-hoc LEXSUB Relatedness Tasks Similarity Tasks men3k(ρ) WS-353R(ρ) Simlex(ρ) Simverb(ρ) 0.5488 0.5497 0.3917 0.3943 0.3252 0.3489 0.2870 0.3215 (a) Intrinsic evaluation results for ad-hoc models in word similarity and relatedness tasks. Models Similarity (ρ) Directionality (Acc) Classification (Acc) Vanilla adhoc LEXSUB Hyperlex 0.1354 0.1639 wbless 0.5309 0.5362 bibless 0.5129 0.5220 bless 0.1202 0.1237 leds 0.6987 0.7029 eval 0.2402 0.2456 weeds 0.5473 0.5476 (b) Intrinsic evaluation results for ad-hoc models in hypernymy classification tasks. Models Vanilla ad-hoc LEXSUB NER(F1) SST(Acc) SNLI(Acc) 85.78 86.00 86.67 86.73 83.99 84.00 SQuAD(EM) QQP(Acc) 68.22 68.50 87.83 88.33 (c) Extrinsic Evaluation results (Setup 1) for ad-hoc models. Table 9: Intrinsic and extrinsic experiment results for the ad-hoc LEXSUB. The Vanilla model here refers to language model embeddings trained on Wikitext-103 without the lexical constraints. Ad-hoc LEXSUB outperforms the Vanilla embeddings on both intrinsic and extrinsic tasks indicating the gains from post-hoc LEXSUB can be extended to the ad-hoc formulation. can better model hierarchical hypernymy. relations like Acknowledgments We would like to thank the reviewers for their valuable comments. This work is supported by funding from Samsung Electronics. The last author is supported by the Canada CIFAR AI Chair program. This research was enabled in part by support provided by Calcul Qu´ebec,5 and Compute Canada.6 We would also like to thank Prof. Timothy O’Donnell, Ali Emami, and Jad Kabbara for their valuable input. Appendix A: Ad-hoc LEXSUB In this section, we show how LEXSUB can be extended to the ad-hoc setting. We achieve this by substituting the GloVe reconstruction loss from Section 3.3 with a language modeling objective that enables us to learn the embedding matrix X′ from scratch. 5https://www.calculquebec.ca. 6https://www.computecanada.ca. The Ad-hoc Distributional Space. Given a set of tokens in a corpus C = (w1, w2, . . . , wt), we minimize the negative log likelihood function: Ladhoc dist = − k X i=1 log P (wi|wi−k, · · · , wi−1; θ) where k is the size of the sequence under con- sideration, and the conditional probability P is modeled using a neural language model with θ parameters which includes the embedding matrix X′ = [x′ 1, · · · , x′ n]T . Ad-hoc LEXSUB Loss. The total loss in case of ad-hoc LEXSUB is thus: Ltotal = Ladhoc dist + Llex, where Llex is defined by equation 10. Training Dataset. The ad-hoc model is trained on the Wikitext-103 dataset (Merity et al., 2016). We preprocess the data by lowercasing all the tokens in the dataset across the splits, and limiting the vocabulary to top 100k words. Ad-Hoc LEXSUB Model. The distributional component of our ad-hoc model is a two-layer QRNN-based language model (Bradbury et al., 2016) with a 300-dimensional embedding layer and a 1,200-dimensional hidden layer. The batch- size, BPTT length, and dropout ratio values for 322 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / t a c l / l a r t i c e - p d f / d o i / . 1 0 1 1 6 2 / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 3 1 6 1 9 2 3 0 8 9 / / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 3 1 6 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 7 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 Models Vanilla Retrofitting Counterfitting LEAR LEXSUB Relatedness Tasks Similarity Tasks men3k(ρ) WS-353R(ρ) Simlex(ρ) Simverb(ρ) 0.7375 0.7451 0.6034 0.5024 0.7562 0.4770 0.4662 0.2820 0.2300 0.4787 0.3705 0.4561 0.5605 0.7273 0.4838 0.2275 0.2884 0.4260 0.7050 0.3371 (a) Intrinsic evaluation results for for baselines and LEXSUB trained with lexical resource from LEAR. Models Similarity (ρ) Directionality (Acc) Classification (Acc) Vanilla Retrofitting Counterfitting LEAR LEXSUB Hyperlex 0.1352 0.1718 0.3440 0.4346 0.5327 wbless 0.5101 0.5603 0.6196 0.6779 0.8228 bibless 0.4894 0.5469 0.6071 0.6683 0.7252 bless 0.1115 0.1440 0.1851 0.2815 0.5884 leds 0.7164 0.7337 0.7344 0.7413 0.9290 eval 0.2404 0.2648 0.3296 0.3623 0.4359 weeds 0.5335 0.5846 0.6342 0.6926 0.9101 (b) Hypernymy evaluation results for baselines and LEXSUB trained with lexical resource from LEAR. Models Vanilla retrofitting Counterfitting LEAR LEXSUB NER(F1) SST-2(Acc) SNLI(Acc) 87.31 87.26 87.53 88.08 88.69 87.88 85.88 80.00 80.23 88.02 85.00 84.61 84.93 83.70 85.03 SQuAD(EM) QQP(Acc) 64.23 64.91 63.70 62.96 64.95 87.08 86.98 86.82 86.01 87.65 (c) Extrinsic evaluation results (Setup 1) for baselines and LEXSUB trained with lexical resource from LEAR. Table 10: Intrinsic and extrinsic experiment results for baselines and LEXSUB trained with lexical resource from LEAR. We observe a similar trend in the intrinsic and the extrinsic evaluation as to when the models were trained on lexical resources from Section 4.2. This indicates that the LEXSUB stronger performance is due to our novel subspace-based formulation rather than its ability to better exploit a specific lexical resource. our model are 30, 140, and 0.1 respectively. We train our model for 10 epochs using the Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2014) optimizer with an initial learning rate of 0.001, which is reduced during training by a factor of 10 in epochs 3, 6, and 7. We use the same set of hyperparameters that were used for the post-hoc experiments. 9c the presents Results Table extrinsic evaluations of the ad-hoc LEXSUB model. Vanilla, in this case, refers to embeddings from the language model trained on Wikitext-103 without any lexical constraints. We observe that ad-hoc LEXSUB outperforms Vanilla on all extrinsic tasks, demonstrating that learning lexical relations in subspaces is also helpful in the ad-hoc setting. We observe similar gains for ad-hoc LEXSUB on intrinsic evaluation in Table 9a and 9b. Appendix B: Experiments with Lexical Resource from Vuli´c and Mrkˇsi´c (2017) In Section 7, we discussed the performance of LEXSUB and the baselines trained on the lexical resource presented in Section 4.2. In this section, we repeat the same set of experiments but with the LEXSUB and the baselines trained on lexical resource from LEAR, our strongest competitor. The objective of these experiments is to ascertain that the LEXSUB’s competitive advantage is due to our novel subspace-based 323 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / t a c l / l a r t i c e - p d f / d o i / . 1 0 1 1 6 2 / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 3 1 6 1 9 2 3 0 8 9 / / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 3 1 6 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 7 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 formulation rather than its ability to better exploit the lexical resource discussed in Section 4.2. The hyperparameters used to train the models is the same as Section 4.3. For baselines, we use the hyperparameters reported in the respective papers. We observe a similar trend in intrinsic and extrinsic evaluation. LEXSUB outperforms all the baselines on relatedness (Table 10a), hypernymy intrinsic tasks (Table 10b), and all the extrinsic tasks (Table 10c). We again observe that LEAR and Counterfitting perform poorly in the relatedness tasks. 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