CORRIGENDUM: MEASURING UNCERTAINTY AND ITS IMPACT ON THE ECONOMY Andrea Carriero, Todd E. Clark, and Massimiliano Marcellino* Original article: Carriero, Andrea, Todd E. Clark, and Massimiliano Marcellino, “Measuring Uncertainty and Its Impact on the Economy,”…
UNRAVELING AMBIGUITY AVERSION∗ Ilke Aydogan† Lo¨ıc Berger‡ Valentina Bosetti§ Abstract We report the results of two experiments designed to better understand the mechanisms driving decision-making under ambiguity. We elicit individual prefer- ences over different sources…
MEASURING “GROUP COHESION” TO REVEAL THE POWER OF SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS IN TEAM PRODUCTION SIMON GÄCHTER, CHRIS STARMER AND FABIO TUFANO* University of Nottingham and University of Leicester** 30 November 2022 We introduce “group cohesion” to…
Alcohol, violence and injury-induced mortality:
Alcohol, violence and injury-induced mortality: Evidence from a modern-day prohibition* Kai Barron1, Charles D.H. Parry2,4, Debbie Bradshaw2,3, Rob Dorrington3, Pam Groenewald2, Ria Laubscher2, and Richard Matzopoulos2,3 1WZB Berlin 2South African Medical Research Council 3University of…
Assortative Matching of Exporters and Importers*
Assortative Matching of Exporters and Importers* Yoichi Sugita† Kensuke Teshima‡ Enrique Seira§ July 2021 Abstract This paper studies how exporting and importing firms match based on their ca- pability by investigating the change in such…
Impulse Purchases, Gun Ownership, and Homicides: Evidence from a Firearm Demand
Impulse Purchases, Gun Ownership, and Homicides: Evidence from a Firearm Demand Shock1 Christoph Koenig2 David Schindler3 July 23, 2021 Abstrakt: Do firearm purchase delay laws reduce aggregate homicide levels? Using variation from a 6-month countrywide…
THE DYNAMIC EFFECTS OF TAX AUDITS Arun Advani, William Elming, and Jonathan Shaw* Abstract—We study the effects of audits on long run compliance behavior using a random audit program covering more than 53,000 tax returns….
The Review of Economics and Statistics
The Review of Economics and Statistics VOL. CV JULY 2023 NUMBER 4 LONG-TERM CARE HOSPITALS: A CASE STUDY IN WASTE Liran Einav, Amy Finkelstein, and Neale Mahoney* Abstract—There is substantial waste in U.S. healthcare but…
DISCRIMINATION, NARRATIVES, AND FAMILY HISTORY: AN EXPERIMENT WITH JORDANIAN HOST AND SYRIAN REFUGEE CHILDREN Kai Barron, Heike Harmgart, Steffen Huck, Sebastian O. Schneider, and Matthias Sutter* Abstract—We measure the prevalence of discrimination between Jordanian host…
The Review of Economics and Statistics
The Review of Economics and Statistics VOL. CV MARCH 2023 NUMBER 2 THE TWO-MARGIN PROBLEM IN INSURANCE MARKETS Michael Geruso, Timothy J. Layton, Grace McCormack, and Mark Shepard* Abstract—Insurance markets often feature consumer sorting along…