Greg Van Kirk The MicroConsignment Model Bridging the “Last Mile” of Access to Products and Services for the Rural Poor Innovations Case Narrative: The MicroConsignment Model Until recently, Carolina Amesquita, the principal at La Escuela…
José Goldemberg
José Goldemberg The Brazilian Experience with Biofuels Innovations Case Narrative From a technical perspective, there is nothing new in the renewed interest in using biofuels in the internal combustion engines on our roads. Im…
Ralph Cavanagh
Ralph Cavanagh Graphs, Words, and Deeds Reflections on Commissioner Rosenfeld and California’s Energy Efficiency Leadership Innovations Case Discussion: The California Effect Late in 2006, soon after Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law California’s path-breaking curbs…
Arthur H. Rosenfeld with Deborah Poskanzer
Arthur H. Rosenfeld with Deborah Poskanzer A Graph Is Worth a Thousand Gigawatt-Hours How California Came to Lead the United States in Energy Efficiency Innovations Case Narrative: The California Effect Humans burn fossil fuels to…
Bill Drayton
Bill Drayton Engage People, Retire Things When we think about fighting climate change, we naturally focus first on its direct causes. If it is caused by carbon build-up, our first thought is to cut or…
Eileen Claussen
Eileen Claussen Deploying Our Clean Energy Future As for the future, your task is not to foresee, but to enable it. — Antoine de Saint-Exupery The United States and the rest of the world face…
Felix S. Creutzig and Daniel M. Kammen
Felix S. Creutzig and Daniel M. Kammen The Post-Copenhagen Roadmap Towards Sustainability Differentiated Geographic Approaches, Integrated Over Goals Climate change will bring economic, sozial, and environmental costs at scales beyond any other human experience (IARU,…
John P. McCarthy. Holdren
John P. McCarthy. Holdren Energy for Change Introduction to the Special Issue on Energy & Climate Without energy, there is no economy. Without climate, there is no environment. Without economy and environment, there is no material…
William B. Bonvillian and Charles Weiss
William B. Bonvillian and Charles Weiss Taking Covered Wagons East A New Innovation Theory for Energy and Other Established Technology Sectors Frederick Jackson Turner, historian of the American frontier, argued that the always-beckoning frontier was…
L. Hunter Lovins
L. Hunter Lovins The Economic Case for Climate Protection Climate change represents a unique challenge for economics: it is the greatest and widest-ranging market failure ever seen. —Sir Nicholas Stern1 Creating the low-carbon economy will…