The Cost of Being Under the Weather: Droughts, Floods, and Health-Care Costs in Sri Lanka Diana De Alwis and Ilan Noy∗ We measure the impact of extreme weather events—droughts and floods—on health-care utilization and expenditures…
Improving Public Infrastructure
Improving Public Infrastructure in the Philippines Takuji Komatsuzaki∗ the macroeconomic effects of the analysis uses a dynamic general equilibrium model This paper explores improving public infrastructure in the Philippines, modeling the infrastructure scale-up plan being…
Wages Over the Course of Structural
Wages Over the Course of Structural Transformation: Evidence from India Rana Hasan and Rhea Molato∗ This paper uses labor force survey data from India for 2000 Und 2012 to examine how wages behave over the…
Global Value Chains and Employment
Global Value Chains and Employment Growth in Asia Neil Foster-Mcgregor∗ This paper considers the sources of employment demand in Asian economies. Using data from the World–Input Output Database, I examine the relative importance of domestic…
From Import Substitution to Integration into
From Import Substitution to Integration into Global Production Networks: The Case of the Indian Automobile Industry Prema-chandra Athukorala and C. Veeramani∗ This paper examines the growth trajectory and the current state of the Indian automobile…
Structural Transformation to Manufacturing
Structural Transformation to Manufacturing and Services: What Role for Trade? Kym Anderson and Sundar Ponnusamy∗ Understanding how and why economies structurally transform as they grow is crucial for making sound national policy decisions. Typically, analysts…
Structural Transformation around the World:
Structural Transformation around the World: Patterns and Drivers Kunal Sen∗ The conventional view of structural transformation is informed by three stylized facts of economic development: (ich) all economies exhibit declining employment in agriculture, (ii) alle…
The Long-Run Determinants of Indian
The Long-Run Determinants of Indian Government Bond Yields Tanweer Akram and Anupam Das∗ This paper investigates the long-term determinants of the nominal yields of Indian government bonds (IGBs). It examines whether John Maynard Keynes’ supposition…
The Labor Productivity Gap between the
The Labor Productivity Gap between the Agricultural and Nonagricultural Sectors, and Poverty and Inequality Reduction in Asia Katsushi Imai, Raghav Gaiha, and Fabrizio Bresciani∗ The objective of this paper is to examine how agricultural and…
Labor Market Returns to Education and English
Labor Market Returns to Education and English Language Skills in the People’s Republic of China: An Update M Niaz Asadullah and Saizi Xiao∗ We reexamine the economic returns to education in the People’s Republic of…