Anustup Nayak, with Shweta Arora and Himanshu Joshi
A Million Children Now!
Transforming School Education in India
through the iDiscoveri XSEED Living
Knowledge System
Fallbeispiel „Innovationen“.:
In India, 220 million children are going to school. A majority of them end up with-
out mastering core concepts, miss the opportunity to apply knowledge to real life
problems, and fail to develop the confidence they need to succeed in careers. Also
only a small fraction of India’s students gain access to higher education and end up
in viable careers. A host of problems may contribute to this situation: unter-
resourced schools, poorly trained teachers, constricting government policies, Und
poorly implemented programs. There is plenty of literature on the scale of this
problem and a history of unsuccessful attempts at reform.
Also, while many in our country tend to criticize the quality of teachers or the
failings of policymakers, we at iDiscoveri decided to create a clear alternative that
actually works in the classroom, in the form of our XSEED Living Knowledge
System. To make this happen, we addressed three challenges.
Anustup Nayak is a Partner at iDiscoveri and leads its office in Chennai, Indien. Er
has led iDiscoveri’s work in advocacy, teacher education, and leadership development.
He holds an EdM from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and MS in Public
Policy from Georgia Tech.
Shweta Anand Arora is a Partner at iDiscoveri and leads its Content Development
and Research team. She has led the design of curriculum, training and assessment pro-
grams at iDiscoveri. She holds an EdM from the Harvard Graduate School of
Education and an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management.
Himanshu Joshi is a Partner at iDiscoveri Education and leads its office in
Hyderabad, Indien. He has played roles in advocacy, brand building, and teacher edu-
cation programs at iDiscoveri. He holds an MBA from the Indian Institute of
This article borrows from the thinking and writing of many at iDiscoveri over the past
Jahrzehnt, particularly Ashish Rajpal, iDiscoveri’s founder and thought leader.
© 2010 Anustup Nayak
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Anustup Nayak, with Shweta Arora and Himanshu Joshi
• First, we wanted to alter what actually happens inside a classroom between a
teacher and her students, in the “last mile” of education delivery. Currently
“teaching” is a two-step process where a teacher “tells” and the student “listens
and memorizes.” We replaced this with a more effective process that gets chil-
dren to understand and apply what they learn.
• Second, we developed a practical toolkit that all teachers can use in the class-
Zimmer. Teachers in India come into the classroom without quality pre-service
Ausbildung; they are also are underpaid and are often overworked, managing
classrooms of thirty to fifty children. We gave the same teachers daily how-to
teaching plans and application-oriented worksheets and manipulatives, Und
trained them to teach and assess children more effectively.
• Third, we wanted to ensure that our solutions worked at scale. There are many
examples of “progressive schools” that educate a small number of children very
well,.but are unlikely to impact the broader domain. We have been able to
implement this solution in hundreds of mainstream schools by empowering
schools with robust instructional processes, in-house master trainers, and year-
round academic support.
Heute, as this article is being written, XSEED is being implemented in over 400
schools across the country, schools that enroll close to 140,000 learners. Der
impact of the program is visible in the learning of children: improved understand-
ing of core concepts and better reasoning and communication skills. This case
study documents our process of creating and scaling this practical innovation in
teaching and learning. It is also the tale of a decade-long journey taken by a group
of social entrepreneurs, including many who came from outside of education, Zu
renew a domain that can be resistant to change. It provides evidence to show how
social impact can be facilitated by for-profit business and quality can coincide with
GENESIS (2001-2002)
We grew up in the 1980s and 1990s in middle-class homes in India, where we saw
economic and social hardships around us. By our late twenties and early thirties,
we had managed to fulfill our dreams of gaining admission to a good college,
securing a well-paying corporate job, and living comfortably in North America or
As Ashish Rajpal (current CEO and coauthor) notes, “I grew up in Delhi and
spent my teenage years trekking in the mountains, and that was my first contact
with the ‘other’ India. That led to some kind of desire to do socially relevant work.
During college, I hung around NGOs, doing internships in Uttarakhand (a north-
ern state). But I came from a background where I needed to get a job quickly, Also
this NGO romance didn’t last long. After earning an MBA from XLRI (a manage-
ment institute), I worked for Proctor & Gamble in India, Sun Interbrew in Russia,
and then finally as the worldwide marketing director for Groupe Danone in Paris.”
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A Million Children Now!
Despite having achieved what we always wished for, something was missing in
our work lives—especially a chance to make a difference to others. School educa-
tion presented us with a challenge and an opportunity to contribute—almost like
“a nail in search of a hammer.” This interest in education was sparked by transi-
tions in our personal lives. For Ashish, experiencing his own children brought the
realization that while children are born different, the way they are taught is the
same. Having suffered through years of cramming textbooks in India, I felt liber-
ated in graduate school in America, where students were free to ask questions, col-
laborate with each other, and work on practical projects to master their subjects. ICH
started asking, what would it take
for this kind of education to be
made available to every child in
Convinced that we had found
our true calling in education, Wir
resigned from our corporate jobs in
2001 and enrolled in a master’s
program at the Harvard Graduate
School of Education. Our paths
crossed in the dorm where we lived
as graduate students. A few conver-
sations later, we were clear that we
would go back to India and work
together on something important.
Our work needed the best
and brightest professionals
and significant investments
in research and advocacy.
This could only be achieved
through a commercially
viable model.
The first blueprint for this plan was drawn on a paper napkin at a cheap
Vietnamese restaurant we frequented in Harvard Square. On it we scribbled a hub-
and-spoke model on a map of India that represented the spread of know-how for
a “new education” that would go into schools in every district in our country and
create visible change in the way children learn. The basic principles of this educa-
tion would be built around the ideas of differences in children and learning based
on doing. Our ideas were undoubtedly influenced by our teachers: Howard
Gardner, the father of the multiple intelligences theory; Eleanor Duckworth, ihr-
self a student of the legendary Jean Piaget, who emphasized discovery in the learn-
ing process; and Ronald Heifetz, the charismatic proponent of a more personal
and “difficult” leadership.
Ashish was very clear that a for-profit economic model would be our means,
one that would go to scale and sustain itself over a long period. Our work needed
the best and brightest professionals and significant investments in research and
advocacy. This could only be achieved through a commercially viable model. Indien
is littered with well-meaning but unsuccessful initiatives that have dried up due to
insufficient donor funds or the disinterest of nonpaying consumers. Around this
Zeit, in the early 2000s, the idea of social enterprise was gaining acceptance. Iqbal
Quadir’s Grameen Phone, right next door in rural Bangladesh, was a living exam-
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Anustup Nayak, with Shweta Arora and Himanshu Joshi
Teacher Training Programs Using Experience and Reflection.
ple that the poor are willing to pay for and can benefit from cutting-edge technol-
Ogy. We thought it should be tried out in education.
So iDiscoveri was conceived as a “social enterprise with a mission to renew
education in India.” With this vision in our heads and graduate diplomas in our
hands, we returned to India in the summer of 2002.
The platform from which iDiscoveri initially launched its work in schools was a
summer camping company (now called Youreka) set up in 1996 by Ashish and a
few business school classmates. We saw the connections between our “construc-
tivist” classroom discussions at Harvard and the learning experiences of children
in camp where they did things with their own hands without being constantly fed
information by adults. We felt that we could take this kind of learning into the way
schools teach every day.
Once we started visiting schools, we figured out that the mindsets and capaci-
ties of existing teachers were the biggest obstacles to change. Teaching is not a well-
paid profession in India and does not attract the best talent. In India, teachers gain
pre-service certification through the Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) Programm, A
highly theoretical course that does not equip teachers to teach in the classroom.
Once inside the classroom, teachers are left to struggle on their own with a large
number of children, with the textbook as their only support. Re-educating existing
teachers therefore seemed to be the logical place to start.
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A Million Children Now!
Jedoch, we found it difficult going to convince schools to retrain their teach-
ers and, more importantly, to pay for such a service. We set up meetings with prin-
cipals of all the leading schools in North India to speak about how we could train
their teachers to bring thinking and doing into their classrooms. Many kept us
waiting outside their offices for hours before dismissing us as “young people with
ideas that would not work in a real school, especially with teachers who were set in
their ways.”
Once we started visiting
Schulen, we figured out
that the mindsets and
capacities of existing
teachers were the biggest
obstacles to change.
One of our noticeable break-
throughs came when Kanti Bajpai, Die
former headmaster of the Doon School,
one of the best-known schools in India,
gave us a chance to run a weeklong
teacher-training workshop for his teach-
ers. These were some of the most expe-
rienced teachers in the country. Over ten
Tage, we put them through learning
activities and simulations and got them
to engage with ideas around child devel-
opment, multiple intelligences, Erfahrung-
ential learning, and personal growth. Wir
received a very enthusiastic response from the teachers, many of whom had never
attended such a program before. Herr. Bajpai noted, “Even the most hardboiled
amongst us admitted that it was the best teachers’ workshop we had ever attend-
Over the next three years, we put our energy into in-service teacher training.
The method involved first challenging teachers’ mindsets to create openness to
ändern (“boil”) and then introducing them to new educational practices that
could make their classrooms different (“simmer”). We began with short work-
shops of a few days, then started conducting longer interventions where teachers
spent a few weeks learning with us. In a few years, we had touched close to 2,000
teachers through various training programs. We also experimented with pre-serv-
ice training by trying to launch a program that would attract and train the bright-
est talent into teaching. While we designed and delivered a powerful learning expe-
Rience, we had difficulty attracting a large number of students and getting govern-
ment affiliation. Using teacher training as our core strength, we started tapping
into other opportunities that came our way. Training school principals and own-
ers in leadership skills was a natural next step. We could get some of these leaders
to understand the need to change and drive the rest of the organization.
Some of the more enterprising school owners got us to work on longer-term
Projekte, such as setting up new schools, for which they needed help on everything:
facility design, recruiting, Ausbildung, branding, and project management. We started
In 2004 with a school in Chandigarh, in the state of Punjab in Northern India, Und
von 2006 we had collaborated on setting up several new schools across the country.
We saw these projects as a way to learn the workings of a school from the inside
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Anustup Nayak, with Shweta Arora and Himanshu Joshi
out, and they were certainly more financially rewarding than doing a short work-
shop. Jedoch, these projects consumed us. Ronny Gulati (one of the cofounders)
virtually stayed inside one of the schools through the initial months to get it going.
One of the most fortunate outcomes of this phase of our journey was that we
started to attract a team with a remarkable combination of passion and pedigree.
Young men and many women with degrees from leading institutes, like the Indian
Institute of Management, Harvard, and Cambridge University, quit high-paying
corporate jobs and came to work for
us, often at a fraction of their previ-
ous salaries. Our specialized work in
schools also started attracting former
Lehrer, principals, and child devel-
opment experts, who brought insider
knowledge from the world of educa-
tion. A common thread among many
of these people was a desire to con-
tribute and a willingness to persist
against tough odds.
One teacher’s remark was
particularly striking: "ICH
liked the things you talked
about in your training
Programm. But can you
actually teach my class
better than I do today?”
Endlich, after four years, we found
the going better than when we start-
Hrsg. With some very encouraging
feedback from the schools where we
had done trained training, we felt we were beginning to make a difference. The rev-
enues from teacher training finally started to break even with our costs. Our team
of committed people ensured that the organization would finally sustain itself
beyond the initial founding group.
The initial taste of success notwithstanding, we also felt a continuing sense of dis-
comfort. Every year we would ask the same few questions at our annual planning
retreat, where we revisited our vision and the strategy: Are we making a visible dif-
ference in the classroom? Will our training scale up to hundreds of schools and
thousands of children? Is there one thing we could focus all our energies on that
could make us a successful enterprise instead of trying our hand with many small
We first tasted our own pudding when we went to seek honest feedback from
our customers: school principals whose teachers we had been trained. Nach
exchanging pleasantries, we heard a common story:
Your training programs gave a momentary high for our teachers. Sie
came back charged and excited and felt that the experience was one of the
best in their lives. Noch, little changed in their classrooms. The more moti-
vated ones started a few new activities with the children that got con-
sumed later in the daily routine of completing the textbooks, tests, Und
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A Million Children Now!
Figur 1. The Short-Lived Impact of Teacher Training.
dealing with parents. For the less capable ones, the training made almost
no difference at all.
One teacher’s remark was particularly striking: “I liked the things you talked
about in your training program. But can you actually teach my class better than I
do today?”
We had to confront the fact that stand-alone teacher training was not chang-
ing what actually happens inside classrooms, nor could it reach thousands of
schools in a sustainable manner (Siehe Abbildung 1.) Something was just not right in the
way we were working. For many of us it was hard news to swallow and led to
debates and heartburn. A few among us lamented, “Are we giving up on the grand
vision of creating an ideal teacher?”
The clue to the solution lay in the question from that young teacher: “But can you
show me how to teach this class better than I do?” Her innocent question kept
coming back to us. If we could actually provide her the tools to teach her class bet-
ter than she was doing, we could perhaps reach out to all the country’s one million
schools and the five million teachers—a market size one could only dream of. Als
simple as it may sound, this was a big insight.
We put together a small team of old-timers and new hires to push our think-
ing on “cracking the code” of how to marry quality with scale. In the winter of
2006, we locked ourselves up in a small room in our Delhi headquarters to cook
up the future of our company. The group threw out many ideas and debated them
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Anustup Nayak, with Shweta Arora and Himanshu Joshi
until we were tired. We also called our customers in schools to test whether the
ideas would work—and if they were willing to pay for them.
One idea was to establish our own network of innovative schools that had
hand-picked teachers, small classes, and good facilities. Another option was to cre-
ate our own teacher-training university that would attract and train passionate
young people before they went into schools. Someone suggested that we only focus
on supplementary education programs that reach out to homes. Setting up our
own school network seemed exciting, but required a huge amount of capital infu-
sion and operations management that was not our forte. Our own teacher-train-
ing university was idealistic but not viable, given strict government regulations,
and it would be difficult to generate sustainable revenues from student fees. If we
only focused on a supplementary program for children, we could create a good
market but fail to change how children are taught in school, effectively leading us
away from the fundamental problem we were trying to solve.
After throwing all these unfeasible ideas out the door, we clearly realized that
the need of the hour was a practical solution for good teaching that worked with-
in the realities of the existing schools and the teachers who work in them. The con-
straints within which we had to make our solution work were a state-prescribed
syllabus, 45-minute teaching periods, the varying skills and subject knowledge of
Lehrer, and a group of 30-40 children with varying learning levels.
We realized that the core problem was not with the children, the teachers, oder
the system. We also saw three main reasons the children were not learning:
Learning is a multi-step process that we reduce to a single step: memorizing. Der
typical class forces children to listen to a one-time “broadcast” on every topic and
expects them to memorize large amounts of information for exams. All research
shows that long-lasting learning occurs when children go through critical phases
von Erfahrung, reflection, Analyse, and action. If we deploy all the steps, then learn-
ing will happen more easily and naturally.
Children are different, but we expect them all to learn in the same way. Es gibt
many kinds of children in the classroom, each with an individual learning prefer-
ence or style. When their specific learning needs are met, children begin to learn
and blossom. Each concept must be presented in various ways so that each child
can grasp it, which will result in a much better performance from all children.
There is no practical model of good teaching that all teachers can follow. Während
everyone criticizes the quality and motivation of teachers, there is no clear alterna-
tive they can adopt that will improve their work. While a few exceptionally moti-
vated teachers may try new things or use innovative practices, these are not replic-
able. Training programs may provide momentary support or excitement, but they
do not help teachers improve their everyday performance. Somit, im Laufe der Zeit, most
teachers are left helpless and frustrated.
Once we are clear about what “good teaching” is (2 Und 3 über), we can train
and equip all teachers uniformly to practice it (3).
Before we closed for the new year, we had developed the recipe for our scale-
hoch: a complete tool kit for good teaching that could significantly alter how children
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A Million Children Now!
Figur 2. Theory of Change = Process (curriculum) + Skills (Ausbildung)
learn, and one that could work in hundreds of schools. Ashish summarized our
plan in an internal memo:
THE MISSION: An education for nurturing confident, characterful, life-
long learners, who have clarity on concepts and concern for community.
PRESENT VISION: Take this education to one million children across
India by 2010.
IDEA: An iDiscoveri Program consisting of a class-wise innovative cur-
ein Bach, a certified “to use” training program in innovative teaching, Und
a positive parenting support kit which shows visible change in child’s
learning in 100 Tage. Total cost not exceeding Rs 10 per day/ per child.
Thus the new iDiscoveri Program was conceived. The fundamental innovation
we wanted to inject into our work was a structured curriculum that provided a
step-by-step teaching process, supported by practical training that provided teach-
ers with the pedagogical skills to manage their classrooms. An easy way for us to
explain this idea is with the metaphor of music, where a musician learns the skills
of playing an instrument by practicing with the master and has a score that pro-
vides the detailed process of making music. What we had been missing was the
equivalent of a musical score for good teaching: a detailed, systematic process for
how to teach every concept in a way that all children understand (Siehe Abbildung 2.)
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Anustup Nayak, with Shweta Arora and Himanshu Joshi
Figur 3 . The 5-Step Learning Process.
Im Januar 2007, we got down to work on actually building the new product. Erste
we had to choose a name, and we decided on XSEED, which symbolized the Living
Knowledge System we were to create. “X” stood for the real-world experience we
were bringing to the learning of academic concepts. “SEED” stood for the forma-
tive years of the children we wanted to reach, those in grades K-8.
The program was designed so that each child would learn each concept
through the 5-Step Learning Method: aim, Aktion, analyze, apply, assess. XSEED
would provide a school with a learning-teaching tool kit for the 5-step process, Und
each tool was designed to lead teachers and students through one step of the learn-
ing process (Siehe Abbildung 3.)
• Academic Plan clarifies the aim and objective of every topic to be taught in
each subject (English, math, Wissenschaft, social science) and across all grades (nurs-
ery through Class VII).
• Detailed Curriculum Manuals for teachers on every concept, totaling over
3,000 lesson plans that lay out in great detail the teaching process for every
• Student Workbooks and Content Books give children the opportunity to apply
their skills to real-life situations and demonstrate their understanding of the
• Practice-based Training includes a 40-hour Certificate in Innovative Teaching
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A Million Children Now!
teacher-training program, and a 100-hour Certificate in Instructional Leadership
program for the academic head to prepare the teachers with the teaching
Methoden, classroom management techniques, and curriculum.
The Learnometer student assessment program is a skill-based test adminis-
tered to children every quarter to measure their progress in learning the critical
skills taught in the curriculum; the results are given to them and their parents.
We jumped into action to create the first prototype so we could pilot it in
schools in a few months. Our first challenge was to build a team to develop the
Programm. Our trainer-heavy bench lacked the subject-matter expertise we needed,
so we hunted around for teachers with hands-on experience teaching mathemat-
ics, Wissenschaft, social science, and English to primary school children using innovative
Methoden; they also needed the patience to translate this “art” of teaching into a
detailed curriculum.
Ashish personally led the creation process, to set an example of embracing
ändern. He started teaching fourth grade at a local school in order to experience
and understand what really happens to a teacher when he enters his classroom. Er
had to make difficult decisions, to rip apart some of our existing practices that did
not contribute directly to children’s learning, and he challenged existing mindsets
in the team. He traveled across the world to learn from similar efforts and recruit
people from across the spectrum. When we piloted the first training programs and
lesson plans, he ran the first sessions himself to demonstrate the newer methods.
Later, when someone asked how he did eight years of work in two, he would
Antwort, “I was in the kitchen just like everyone else—that’s why.”
Making the academic plan compatible across boards. One of the first design
challenges we solved was to create an academic plan compatible with the various
education systems in our country. India has two national boards (CBSE and ICSE)
and numerous regional boards for every state, which mandate the syllabus for var-
ious subjects. The challenge was to create a “how-to-teach” method to go along
with these various syllabi. A team led by Shweta (one of the coauthors) first took
apart these syllabi topic by topic, then looked at India’s National Curriculum
Framework and various other standards and collated a set of topical areas that
were common to various systems. This commonality of curricular goals in pri-
mary education made our work simpler.
Creating 4,000 experiential lesson plans. Then came the core task of translating
our aims into detailed lesson plans that would go into the teachers’ curriculum
Anleitungen. As we would later find out, the lesson plans became the single most use-
ful component of the entire program—and the most difficult to develop. Teachers
in India teach 3-5 lessons of 40-45 minutes every week to complete 10-15 topics
per subject. Our goal was to provide a well-researched teaching plan for each of
these lessons so that teachers could walk into their classes every day with a recipe
for success. The fundamental principle of each lesson plan was the experiential
learning cycle proposed by David Kolb that included experience, reflection, analy-
Schwester, and application. Each lesson plan was reviewed by experts and tested in class-
rooms before it went into production. (See figure 4, next page.)
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Anustup Nayak, with Shweta Arora and Himanshu Joshi
Figur 4. Curriculum Manuals with 4,000 Detailed Experiential Lesson Plans.
The guiding principle of our curriculum was to ignite a child’s natural curios-
ity to learn and to build understanding by doing. Each subject followed a slightly
different approach, keeping the basic principle of experiential learning in mind.
• In science, children would form a hypothesis about a natural phenomenon,
conduct an experiment, observe results, and derive conclusions.
• In mathematics, children learned mathematical concepts in relation to real-life
Erfahrungen, used manipulatives to bring abstractions to life, and practiced
analytical applications.
• In social science, children collected information about their community and
came to understand the historical patterns that influence today’s world.
• In English, children were immersed in ways to apply the language in real life:
doing creative writing, conducting conversations, and participating in role-
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A Million Children Now!
Application-oriented student workbooks. The last part of developing the pro-
gram was to tie the student work and assessment together. This issue arose when
we went back to a few schools midway through the development process. Der
schools appreciated the value of teacher tools and training, but asked for more help
on student work and assessment. Infolge, we added detailed student workbooks
that provided a selection of activities for children. They also provided assessment
tools to help parents and children learn how the child was doing, which also helped
guide teachers and parents in creating extra supports for children who needed
Training programs that have practical utility in minimum contact time. Eine Sekunde
working group was entrusted to design a training program to support use of the
curriculum. Though training was the traditional strength of iDiscoveri, we had set
up a tough task for design:
• Training had to focus on getting the teacher ready for delivery in the classroom
rather than on introducing theoretical constructs.
• The training modules had to get the teacher familiar with various parts of
XSEED: the academic plan, lesson plans, and workbooks.
• The training program had to be presented in hundreds of locations with con-
sistent quality.
The training team came up with some breakthrough solutions, made possible
by technology. We planned a series of videos for teachers, shot in actual classroom
situations, that would demonstrate in “cookbook fashion” how to teach using the
XSEED methods. To shoot the demo videos, we ran XSEED workshops with chil-
dren. We obtained 4,200 minutes of footage from these workshops. 100 minutes of
instruction was distilled from this—to guide XSEED teachers, and help our train-
ers communicate the essence of XSEED. The training program was broken into
modules, each intended to give teachers a tangible tool they could use in the class-
Zimmer. The emphasis was on demonstration and practice, rather than theory.
Several hundred hours of training content was distilled into 40 hours of distilled
The biggest of all challenges was limited development timelines. To keep every-
one on the same page, we created a series of meetings to align various teams: Die
project management, advocacy, Forschung, curriculum, and training team leaders
met daily and weekly to measure their progress. Ronny, one of our co-Founders,
stepped in to manage a complex design and delivery project that included acquir-
ing many new capabilities: Bearbeitung, desktop publishing, printing, and material
shipment. The full program was developed between December 2006 and July 2008.
From July 2007 onwards we provided it, module by module, to our initial two or
three beta customers.
The business model was simple. The school would pay a one-time fee to license the
curriculum and receive the training, and we would conduct training and provide
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Anustup Nayak, with Shweta Arora and Himanshu Joshi
Figur 5. Focus on Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, the South India education
ongoing user support. Parents would buy the student workbooks and content
books. If the school was satisfied, it would renew the contract for a nominal fee,
and parents would order new student packs.
Even before the first set of curriculum manuals rolled out, our advocacy and
sales teams started hitting the road, eager to sign up our first customers in schools.
Every spare person who was not writing curriculum was recruited to the team. Unser
first task was to get some early adopters. We had some existing relationships with
schools that had previously experienced our work in teacher training and school
setup projects. We called on them to seek a venue to pilot our new program. Wir
found one school in New Delhi and another in Mangalore in South India that were
willing to try out the new program, based on our past record of accomplishment.
XSEED had its first paying customer in the summer of 2007.
The going was much more difficult when we started pitching the concept to
schools that did not know us. We targeted up-market schools in the New Delhi
area where our headquarters are located. We went from school to school making
PowerPoint presentations about the depth of research behind our program and
explaining how experiential learning could impact their children’s education. Wir
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encountered a pattern of resistance to our proposition that was quite dishearten-
We got feedback from people who had heard our pitch and it took us a while
to figure out what was going wrong. Many felt we were presenting an abstract idea
when what they really needed was to touch and feel the product. We also spoke too
much about the sophistication of the product and failed to communicate the ben-
efits that schools cared about. Another important problem was that we were ask-
ing for an up-front investment of up to 600,000 rupees (mehr als $13,000 USD)
that school principals did not have the authority to spend. Over the next 18
months, we kept refining our basic selling strategy to overcome these barriers.
In diesen frühen Jahren, we gathered some key market insights that proved useful
later on. We also made several adjustments to our product: we made it more tan-
gible by providing hands-on demonstration kits; we made a documentary of class-
rooms where XSEED was running, which showed that children were more
engaged; and we communicated a competitive edge to private schools that were
looking for a product to make their school stand out in a cluttered market.
By the summer of 2008, we had signed up 32 schools for the XSEED program,
up from three the first year, and we were ready for a big push to scale up our pres-
ence in the market. By then we had a senior management team in place, hatte
resources to invest in marketing, and had the confidence to endure a long, drawn-
out struggle. Now we needed to make some critical choices, and in hindsight, Die
choices we made in 2007-2010 were critical to how we grew to our present scale.
Here are four of them.
Focus on Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, the South India education hub (Sehen
Figur 5.) India is a diverse country; its 28 states have vastly different cultures and
customs, and hence different economic and social norms. Many of the schools that
signed up with us early on were located in two big states in Southern India: Andhra
Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Both states had many private English schools, estimated
at close to 15,000 just between the two states. Appreciation for progressive think-
ing was evident both in the way the school owners invested in their schools and in
the parents’ obvious interest in their children’s learning. We sensed an opportuni-
ty. We established offices in these states and started reaching out to hundreds of
schools in every district. We found a warmer reception in mainstream schools in
smaller towns, where the gap between poor quality schooling and rising parental
aspirations was the highest. After two years of determined effort, more than 50
percent of our user base is in these two states—where we have reached over 200
Build a persistent sales and academic support team. Our education officers led
the effort to generate business, and education coaches supported implementation
in the schools, which resulted in a potent distribution network built around peo-
ple who embody the XSEED values of intellect and conviction. They traveled to
schools in small towns by overnight trains and on rickety government buses. Es
sometimes took dozens of meetings with owners, principals, Lehrer, and parents
before a school decided to sign up; we managed to sign one out of ten schools we
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Anustup Nayak, with Shweta Arora and Himanshu Joshi
Figur 6. Number of Schools Using XSEED.
Figur 7. Number of Childeren Enrolled.
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A Million Children Now!
visited. Over time we recruited young people in their mid-twenties with MBAs and
teaching backgrounds who increased our reach into every district. They joined our
seasoned industry professionals who were leading the business and providing a
much-needed commercial edge to our pitch.
Spread awareness and change mindsets through advocacy seminars, or “clinics.”
We realized early on that we were not just selling an educational product but also
trying to create a demand for change in the way schools have been working for
many decades. We experimented with various ways to promote our product, sogar-
tually finding it most effective to invite school owners and principals to discuss the
changes happening in education and to witness how XSEED works in the class-
Zimmer. In that informal setting, we got to know what schools really needed from us.
Have early adopters play evangelist. Within few months of implementing the
program in schools, we had started getting positive reviews from the schools about
the visible impact we were creating in their classrooms. For many school owners,
this was something they had looked forward to for years but could not accomplish
without an able knowledge partner. A few of them stepped forward to help us in
our efforts to reach the large mass of schools. They came to speak at our seminars,
giving stirring testimonials about the changes that happened at their schools. Sie
graciously offered to host other schools that were interested in our program, Also
they could see XSEED actually implemented in their classrooms. They also went
out of their way to allay others’ concerns about successfully implementing the pro-
Gramm. For a prospect school, nothing could be more reassuring than to hear from
a fellow school that our program had made a difference. This word of mouth
pushed us along.
As of April 2010, über 400 schools have adopted the XSEED program; zusammen-
er they enroll over 120,000 Kinder. This number grows weekly, primarily in the
smallest towns of India. We recently launched an Adopt-a-School program that
enables corporations to invest in schools serving the poorest children. One of our
most fortunate partnerships is with the Royal Government of Bhutan, which has
realized the importance of education in transitioning from a traditional monarchy
to a modern democracy. XSEED is being successfully implemented in several gov-
ernment schools in that country. It has also reached select schools in Singapore and
the United Arab Emirates (See Figures 6 Und 7.)
Getting teachers to accept our teaching methodology and adopt it in their class-
rooms was our next big hurdle. We encountered many problems in the beginning.
A teacher in Hari Shree Vidyalayam, an early adopter in the state of Chennai, can-
didly noted:
The teachers took some time to understand the entire mechanism of the
Programm. With a whole set of teacher manuals, student workbooks, con-
tent books, and resource materials and assessment techniques, the teach-
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Anustup Nayak, with Shweta Arora and Himanshu Joshi
ers felt it was information explosion. Becoming familiar with the mate-
rial was definitely a challenge. There were plenty of doubts such as,
“Should we strictly adhere to the manual?” “Should we complete all the
workbook exercises?” “Can we club a few lesson plans since we are short
of time?” “Why aren’t we able to complete a 40-minute lesson in the stip-
ulated time?” “Assessment reporting is repetitive work. Can we simplify
the process?”
Two things helped teachers overcome these obstacles: training and ongoing coach-
ing, and the role the instructional leaders played in the schools, essentially holding
teachers’ hands on a daily basis. The same teachers who had earlier struggled with
the “information explosion” began to settle down with the support they received
from their instructional leader and coaches.
Within six months of implementing the program, we started getting feedback
on the impact it was having on children. Many of the letters and emails we got had
a common thread: XSEED had gotten children to understand what they were
learning, to experience it through real-world situations, and to express it their own
Wörter. We visited classrooms and found a refreshing change in the way teachers
were teaching and children were learning. It was very different from the tradition-
al methods used in most classrooms. Students were more engaged, teachers attend-
ed to individual children, and there were group activities and experiments that
enabled children to connect the concepts they were learning to real life.
Encouraged by the qualitative change we saw in classroom practices, we want-
ed to explore whether XSEED children in fact performed better academically than
their peers in other schools. We set up a pilot study using a randomized experi-
ment design, with the experimental and control groups matched on certain
Parameter. The experimental group was exposed to the XSEED program, while
the control group was not.
We selected ten schools where the XSEED Curriculum Program had been
implemented, and selected nine similar schools in the same regions for the control
Gruppe. One section of grades 3, 4, Und 5 was selected from each school, and each
student was administered a test in English, Mathematik, and science, according to
their grade level. The tests assessed students’ understanding of key concepts and
skills in these subject areas. They included only multiple-choice items, so as to
maintain test objectivity and standardized test grading and analysis. All the tests
were conducted by independent evaluators trained for the purpose.
The findings from this pilot study are encouraging:
• In a positive and strong trend, students in XSEED schools consistently show
better performance than those in the non-XSEED schools. On average, across
all subject areas and grades, XSEED students score higher than non-XSEED
• XSEED students show better performance in application and reasoning-related
tasks, as compared to non-XSEED students.
• There are more “achievers” in the XSEED group; das ist, a higher percentage of
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A Million Children Now!
Figur 8. The XSEED classroom.
XSEED students got scores in the upper ranges than non-XSEED students. Für
Beispiel, in math, 34 percent of the students in XSEED schools were classified
im 61-100 percent range, compared to 18 percent of students from non-
XSEED schools.
• The improvement in student learning seems to be attributable to improved
teaching practices in the XSEED schools. Classroom observers reported consid-
erably higher percentages of teachers demonstrating good listening skills, giv-
ing children opportunities to discuss their ideas, and using positive language
for feedback
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Anustup Nayak, with Shweta Arora and Himanshu Joshi
Our results and interactions with instructional leaders, Lehrer, students, Und
parents indicate that the outcomes of the XSEED program are in the direction we
anticipated. It is encouraging to see statistically significant results in such a short
Zeitraum. Jedoch, we need to make sure that these changes are sustained and built
on by providing teachers continued support to improve their practice.
As this article goes to print, we are regrouping for our annual planning meeting to
chart the future course of iDiscoveri. As I look back on our journey over the last
Jahrzehnt, I can see that the first two stages of our journey are almost over and a third
one is about to begin. In the first four years we created a boutique education serv-
ices company that experimented with different approaches to improving school
Ausbildung, most notably through teacher training. In the next four years, we dis-
covered a solution that consisted of detailed classroom support to supplement
training that worked in the classroom and a scaled enterprise that could reach
many mainstream schools. In these periods of experimentation and discovery, Wir
have learned several lessons that can help us better implement educational change.
• Staying true to a simple yet powerful vision—to better educate a million chil-
dren—was the force that compelled our work to move forward. The fact that we
were able to get the entire team to believe in this vision created a huge reser-
voir of energy to overcome many obstacles along the way. Ashish made this
simple articulation the center of all internal communication. We constantly
reinforced our belief in this goal by experiencing and sharing the impact of
actual differences we were making. When I asked our customer schools why
they finally decided to work with us, they would invariably reply, “The convic-
tion in your people that this would work in my school infected me.”
• Listening to our customers and being flexible to reconsider our beliefs in light of
their feedback steered us in the right direction. We met hundreds of teachers and
sat in their classrooms. It was not always easy to digest their feedback about the
problems they were having implementing our programs. Many of their views,
like the fact that training alone did not work, were contrary to what so-called
experts believed at the time. Yet some of our biggest breakthroughs came when
we truly understood our users and incorporated these changes into our prod-
uct: ready-made worksheets for children, content books for home support, Und
the quarterly learnometer test.
• Attending to detail and specificity enabled us to bridge the world of theory and
üben. When searching for solutions we did not just stop at asking “what is
the solution?” but pushed ourselves to address how exactly to make it work
inside the classroom. Teachers needed very specific answers to questions like
diese: What topics and sub-topics do I teach and for how long? How exactly do
I begin and end my class? How do I know that children have actually learned a
concept? The engineering of XSEED addressed these questions at a sufficient
degree of detail so that even a beginner could teach using the toolkit. Single-
mindedly attending to what children and teachers actually need helped bridge
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A Million Children Now!
the disciplines of curriculum, training and assessment—whose practitioners
often work in isolation in the outside world.
• Constantly demonstrating through our own example how to make something work
was the best way to change the mindsets of others. The resistance to change what
has been practiced over decades in schools is sometimes extreme. Our new
ideas were often ahead of their time and were dismissed quickly. At first, es war
difficult for our own team to believe that we could actually deconstruct eight
years of primary school curricula into a minute-by-minute teaching process.
When Ashish himself got into the classroom and worked alongside everyone
on the design table, then we felt we could get it done. Teachers challenged our
notion that a syllabus can be completed in time even when children are learn-
ing through experience and reflection, not chalk and talk. What dispelled their
fears were the demonstration videos of teachers teaching the XSEED way to a
real 45-minute class.
Very often we find that policymakers are caught in debates about quality ver-
sus scale and social impact versus economic profit. The impact and spread of
XSEED is evidence that these are not separate issues, but rather that they comple-
ment each other. For us, and for the entire developing world, this is good news:
• Good quality school education can be made available at scale. The choices we
made to improve the quality of learning, such as standardized learning objec-
tives, detailed curriculum design, and tangible assessment, ended up enabling
us to implement at scale in hundreds of different kinds of schools. The meas-
ures we established to sustain the scale of our work, such as the compact prac-
tice-based teacher training and on-site instructional leader program, Genau genommen
improved the quality of our delivery.
• Good work (social impact) and good rewards (economic value) can go together.
Social entrepreneurship is perhaps the best vehicle for making a scaled impact
in education. Having an educational product that schools need and are willing
to pay for not only makes good economic sense—it is essential if quality edu-
cation to spread everywhere. We have been able to create a business model in
which parents and schools pay an affordable price for quality improvement
and the revenues are channeled to create a thriving social enterprise.
As Margaret Mead once said: “Never underestimate the power of a small group of
committed people to change the world. Tatsächlich, it is the only thing that ever has.”
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