Alpha Oscillations during Incidental Encoding Predict

Alpha Oscillations during Incidental Encoding Predict
Subsequent Memory for New “Foil” Information

David A. Vogelsang1, Matthias Gruber2,3, Zara M. Bergström4,
Charan Ranganath2, and Jon S. Simons1


■ People can employ adaptive strategies to increase the like-
lihood that previously encoded information will be successfully
retrieved. One such strategy is to constrain retrieval toward rel-
evant information by reimplementing the neurocognitive pro-
cesses that were engaged during encoding. Using EEG, Wir
examined the temporal dynamics with which constraining re-
trieval toward semantic versus nonsemantic information affects
the processing of new “foil” information encountered during a
memory test. Time–frequency analysis of EEG data acquired
during an initial study phase revealed that semantic compared
with nonsemantic processing was associated with alpha de-
creases in a left frontal electrode cluster from around 600 ms
after stimulus onset. Successful encoding of semantic versus
nonsemantic foils during a subsequent memory test was related
to decreases in alpha oscillatory activity in the same left frontal

electrode cluster, which emerged relatively late in the trial at
around 1000–1600 msec after stimulus onset. Across partici-
Hose, left frontal alpha power elicited by semantic processing
during the study phase correlated significantly with left frontal
alpha power associated with semantic foil encoding during the
memory test. Außerdem, larger left frontal alpha power de-
creases elicited by semantic foil encoding during the memory
test predicted better subsequent semantic foil recognition in
an additional surprise foil memory test, although this effect did
not reach significance. These findings indicate that constraining
retrieval toward semantic information involves reimplementing
semantic encoding operations that are mediated by alpha oscil-
lations and that such reimplementation occurs at a late stage
of memory retrieval, perhaps reflecting additional monitoring
processes. ■





























Memory retrieval often requires goal-directed control pro-
cesses to optimize retrieval success. One possible strategy
people use to facilitate memory retrieval is to reimplement
the neurocognitive processes that were involved during
encoding (Rugg, Johnson, Park, & Uncapher, 2008). Das
idea has been manifested in the Transfer Appropriate
Processing Framework, which states that the likelihood
of retrieval success is dependent on the overlap between
encoding and retrieval operations (Roediger, Weldon, &
Challis, 1989; Morris, Bransford, & Franks, 1977). Accord-
ingly, the most effective encoding strategy depends on
the specific conditions at retrieval, and conversely, what
constitutes an optimal retrieval strategy depends on the
conditions under which the information was encoded
(Rugg et al., 2008). In line with this principle, previous
behavioral studies have shown that recognition memory
is enhanced when mental operations at encoding are re-
capitulated during a subsequent memory test (Dewhurst
& Brandt, 2007; Morris et al., 1977).

Jacoby, Shimizu, Daniels, and Rhodes (2005) developed
a behavioral “memory for foils” paradigm that enabled

1University of Cambridge, 2University of California at Davis,
3Cardiff University, 4University of Kent

such encoding–retrieval overlap to be investigated more
directly. In an initial study phase (Phase 1 of the para-
digm), participants studied nouns in two separate blocks,
one of which involved a semantic task (pleasant/unpleas-
ant judgment) and the other involved a nonsemantic task
(letter judgment). In a subsequent recognition memory
test (Phase 2), studied and nonstudied words were inter-
mixed, and participants undertook blocks in which they
judged whether they had previously encountered the
words in the pleasantness judgment task or whether they
were new (the memory test for semantically encoded
Wörter), or judged whether they had previously seen the
words in the letter judgment task or whether they were
neu (the memory test for nonsemantically encoded words).
Of special interest were the new words (so called “foils”)
in the semantic and nonsemantic memory test blocks. Der
semantic and nonsemantic foils were subsequently mixed
together with completely new words in a final foil recog-
nition test (Phase 3) in which participants were again in-
structed to make an old/new judgment, this time about
whether the words had been encountered at any time dur-
ing the experiment or were completely novel. Jacoby et al.
found that the “foil” words were differentially memorable
depending on the type of test in which they had been orig-
inally encountered: Recognition memory was significantly

© 2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Published under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 unported (CC BY 4.0) Lizenz.

Zeitschrift für kognitive Neurowissenschaften 30:5, S. 667–679

higher for semantic compared with nonsemantic foils.
Because semantic encoding typically leads to more accu-
rate memory compared with nonsemantic encoding, Das
“foil effect” implies that participants strategically orient
their retrieval toward a semantic processing mode when
attempting to retrieve semantic encoded information and
a nonsemantic processing mode when retrieving non-
semantic information, resulting in better incidental encod-
ing of semantic compared with nonsemantic foils. Jacoby
and colleagues interpreted this foil finding in light of the
transfer appropriate processing principle by emphasiz-
ing the importance of the overlap in study–test opera-
tions for optimizing retrieval success (see also Zawadzka,
Hanczakowski, & Wilding, 2017; Gray & Gallo, 2015; Kantner
& Lindsay, 2013; Alban & Kelley, 2012; Halamish, Goldsmith,
& Jacoby, 2012; Danckert, MacLeod, & Fernandes, 2011;
Marsh et al., 2009).

Kürzlich, we collected fMRI data in a “memory for
foils” paradigm and applied subsequent memory analysis
(also known as “difference due to memory” or “DM effect”)
to study the neural mechanisms underlying the enhanced
encoding of foils in a semantic compared with nonsemantic
recognition test. The results revealed that the left inferior
frontaler Gyrus (LIFG) exhibited significantly greater sub-
sequent memory effects for semantic compared with non-
semantic foils (Vogelsang, Bonnici, Bergström, Ranganath,
& Simons, 2016). A conjunction analysis revealed signifi-
cant overlap in activity between semantic processing in
the initial study phase and semantic foil encoding during
the first memory retrieval test in the LIFG; Jedoch, Das
overlap in activation was not observed for the nonsemantic
condition. The LIFG has previously been associated with
semantic processing and semantic encoding strategies
across many studies (Kim, 2011; Fletcher, Stephenson,
Carpenter, Donovan, & Bullmorel, 2003; Poldrack et al.,
1999; Wagner et al., 1998). Together with the behavioral
result that semantic foils were recognized more accurately
than nonsemantic foils on the final surprise foil recogni-
tion test, these neuroimaging data support the hypothesis
that directing retrieval toward new semantic versus non-
semantic information leads to the recruitment of distinct
neural mechanisms that are predictive of subsequent
Erinnerung (Vogelsang et al., 2016).

A key element of the foil paradigm is the proposal that
retrieval is strategically oriented toward the relevant pro-
cessing mode to facilitate memory search before informa-
tion is retrieved. It has been hypothesized that there are
two ways that control can be exerted over retrieval: “front-
end” and “back-end” processes. Front-end control processes
are engaged shortly after a memory cue is encountered to
guide retrieval attempts ( Jacoby, Shimizu, Velanova, &
Rhodes, 2005). Alternativ, strategic control processes
can also be recruited later on in the trial when retrieval
attempts have failed or have produced ambiguous infor-
mation and additional monitoring or verification is re-
quired, which has been referred to as back-end control
(Halamish et al., 2012) or “late correction strategy” (Jacoby,

Kelley, & McElree, 1999). Front-end control processes are
similar to the concept of retrieval orientation, which refers
to the type of processing participants engage in when they
are prompted with a retrieval cue to increase the likelihood
of retrieval success (Rugg & Wilding, 2000). Jedoch,
when such early control processes result in retrieved in-
formation that is vague or ambiguous, participants may
engage back-end control processes, correcting their strat-
eins, to increase the likelihood of recollecting accurately
more contextual details about the encoded event ( Jacoby
et al., 1999). Previous fMRI research was unable to distin-
guish “front-end” and “back-end” accounts ( Vogelsang
et al., 2016) because the low temporal resolution of the
BOLD precludes investigation of at which stage of retrieval
(early vs. spät) LIFG activity is reinstated for semantic com-
pared with nonsemantic foils. daher, in the current
Studie, we recorded EEG oscillations during performance
of the “memory for foils” paradigm. The fine-grained tem-
poral resolution of neural oscillations can provide more
information with regard to the question of “when” the
neural activity associated with initial encoding operations
during a study phase reoccur during the incidental encod-
ing of foils in a subsequent recognition test.

Neural oscillations and their relationship with memory
functions have gained considerable interest in recent years
(Fell & Axmacher, 2011). In the memory encoding litera-
tur, there is evidence that a decrease in alpha power
might be related to semantic processing (Hanslmayr &
Staudigl, 2014; Zion-Golumbic, Kutas, & Bentin, 2010;
Hanslmayr, Spitzer, & Bäuml, 2009; Bastiaansen, van der
Linden, ter Keurs, Dijkstra, & Hagoort, 2005; für eine Rezension,
see Klimesch, 1999). Zum Beispiel, Hanslmayr and col-
leagues (2009) contrasted deep semantic encoding with
shallow nonsemantic encoding and found power de-
creases in alpha (and beta) frequency bands that were
related to successful semantic encoding. Fellner, Bäuml,
and Hanslmayr (2013) showed that alpha and beta de-
creases predicted subsequent memory in a semantic
condition, but not in a nonsemantic but still highly effi-
cient encoding condition (in diesem Fall, a survival process-
ing-Aufgabe), thereby suggesting that alpha decreases are
likely a reflection of semantic processing in particular,
rather than of efficient encoding strategies in general.
Außerdem, alpha decreases have been observed over
left frontal electrodes in tasks requiring high semantic pro-
cessing demands (Hanslmayr & Staudigl, 2014; Klimesch,
1999) but have also been associated with subsequent
memory effects (Klimesch, Doppelmayr, Schimke, &
Ripper, 1997), consistent with the idea that the left prefron-
tal cortex is important for successful encoding (Vogelsang
et al., 2016; Wagner et al., 1998).

The main aim of the present experiment was to inves-
tigate the temporal dynamics of EEG oscillations asso-
ciated with encoding of new “foil” words during a memory
retrieval test. We focused our analysis on alpha EEG fre-
quencies (8–10 Hz) because previous research has shown
that alpha plays a role in both semantic processing (Bakker,


Zeitschrift für kognitive Neurowissenschaften

Volumen 30, Nummer 5




























Takashima, van Hell, Janzen, & McQueen, 2015) and sub-
sequent memory effects (Hanslmayr et al., 2009). We first
examined alpha power associated with semantic versus
nonsemantic processing during the initial study phase.
We then investigated whether alpha power differences
were again observed during successful encoding of seman-
tic versus nonsemantic foils in the first memory test, welche
would support the hypothesis that the incidental encod-
ing of foils in a memory test involves the reimplemen-
tation of the neurocognitive processes that were involved
during initial encoding (Vogelsang et al., 2016; Bergström,
Vogelsang, Benoit, & Simons, 2015; Jacoby, Shimizu,
Daniels, et al., 2005; Jacoby, Shimizu, Velanova, et al., 2005).
Most importantly, the high temporal resolution of EEG
oscillations allowed us to examine whether alpha re-
instatement during foil encoding occurred early or late in
the trial, which we hypothesized would indicate that par-
ticipants used “front-end” or “back-end” control strategies,
jeweils. We also tested whether those individuals
who showed the largest alpha power differences during
semantic versus nonsemantic processing in the study
phase also showed the largest alpha power differences
during semantic encoding of foils in the retrieval test,
which would support the hypothesis that the alpha effects
during study and test were functionally related. Endlich, Wir
tested the hypothesis that if alpha frequencies mediate
semantic foil encoding during the first recognition test,
then individuals who showed larger alpha differences for
successfully encoded foils during the first test should also
exhibit better foil recognition performance in the final foil
recognition test.



Fifty-three right-handed healthy English native speakers
with normal or corrected-to-normal vision participated
in this experiment. Written informed consent was ob-
tained before commencement of the experiment, Und
all participants received £15 for their participation. Data
aus 17 participants were excluded because they did not
produce enough trials of each type for the subsequent
memory analysis (see “Time–Frequency Analysis” section
for details). Zusätzlich, data from two participants were
excluded because of excessively noisy EEG data. The final
data set thus consisted of 34 Teilnehmer (21 Frauen, mean
age = 21.9 Jahre, range 18–33 years). The study was
approved by the University of Cambridge psychology
research ethics committee.

The stimuli consisted of 552 nouns (z.B., “book”) derived
from the MRC psycholinguistic database ( Wilson, 1988;
also used in Vogelsang et al., 2016). Der 552 words were
split into six lists that were matched for concreteness,

Vertrautheit, Kucera–Francis frequency, word length, Und
number of syllables, and we counterbalanced the as-
signment of lists to the experimental conditions across


Participants were fitted with an EEG cap and were seated
in a sound- and light-attenuated room. Participants com-
pleted three phases: (1) a study phase (henceforth re-
ferred to as “Phase 1”), (2) an initial memory test
(henceforth referred to as “Phase 2”), Und (3) a final sur-
prise memory test that assessed foil recognition (somit-
forth referred to as “Phase 3”). Throughout all phases,
participants provided their responses on a button box
with either their left or right hand (counterbalanced
across participants).

Phase 1 consisted of two separate incidental encoding
blocks during which participants were instructed to make
a simple judgment. In a semantic judgment study block,
participants made a pleasantness judgment (“Is this word
pleasant?”). In a nonsemantic study block, Teilnehmer
made a letter judgment (“Is there a letter O or U in the
word?”). Each trial in the study phase started with a 500-msec
fixation cross followed by the stimulus that was presented
in the center of the screen for 2000 ms. Both the seman-
tic and nonsemantic judgment blocks consisted of 92 Versuche
jede. The order of semantic and nonsemantic judgment
blocks was counterbalanced across participants. Partici-
pants were instructed to respond while the words were
on the screen.

In Phase 2, participants’ memory for the stimuli en-
countered during Phase 1 was assessed in an old/new
recognition test, which aimed to manipulate whether
participants oriented retrieval toward semantic or non-
semantic information. In the semantic test phase, 92 alt
words from the semantic study phase were intermixed with
92 new words (semantic foils). In the nonsemantic test
Phase, 92 old words from the nonsemantic study phase
were intermixed with 92 new words (nonsemantic foils).
For both blocks, participants were told in which specific
Phase 1 task any old words had been shown to encourage
them to engage different retrieval orientations for the two
blocks. The order of test block (semantic and nonseman-
tic) was counterbalanced across participants. Each test
trial began with a 500-msec fixation cross, followed by
the presentation of the stimulus centrally on the screen
für 2000 ms. Participants were instructed to provide
their response as to whether each word was old or new
while the stimulus was still on the screen.

In the final phase, a surprise old/new foil recognition
test (Phase 3) was administered in which participants
were asked to distinguish between the semantic and non-
semantic foils and completely new words. Teilnehmer
were instructed that they were “going to be presented
with a word that is either old or new. ‘Old’ in this case
means that you saw the word at some point earlier in

Vogelsang et al.





























the experiment in any study or test phase. ‘New’ words
are words you have not seen at all in today’s experiment.”
This foil recognition test consisted of 368 Wörter (92 seman-
tic foils, 92 nonsemantic foils, Und 184 completely new
Wörter, which were randomly intermixed). Each trial in
the final foil recognition test began with a 500-msec fixa-
tion cross followed by the stimulus presented centrally for
2000 ms.

EEG Recording and Preprocessing

EEG data were acquired during all phases of the experi-
ment and were recorded with an Electrical Geodesic
(Eugene, OR) Netamps 200 system with a 128-channel
HydroCel Geodesic Sensor Net (GSN 200; Tucker, 1993).
The recorded EEG data were referenced to Cz and were
filtered with a bandwidth of 0.01–70 Hz (250 Hz sampling
rate). The EEG data were analyzed in EEGLab 13 (Delorme
& Makeig, 2004). The continuous EEG data from the study
phase and first retrieval test were rereferenced to an aver-
age mastoid reference and high-pass filtered with a cutoff
von 0.5 Hz (two-way least-squares finite impulse response fil-
ter), and the continuous data were divided into epochs
ranging from −500 msec before cue onset until 2000 ms
thereafter. Artifact correction was applied using extended
info-max independent component analysis (Glocke &
Sejnowski, 1995, in Delorme & Makeig, 2004) using Runica
from the EEGLab toolbox, with default mode training pa-
rameters (Delorme & Makeig, 2004). Independent compo-
nents reflecting eye movements and other sources of noise
were identified by visual inspection of component scalp
topographies, time courses, and activation spectra and
were discarded from the data by back-projecting all but
these components to the data space. Trials that still con-
tained artifacts after running independent component anal-
ysis correction were removed after visual inspection,
resulting in only 5–10% of the trials being excluded.

Time–Frequency Analysis
Time–frequency analysis in EEGLab was applied using
Morlet wavelets (Percival & Walden, 1993) with six cycles
in a frequency range of 4–30 Hz, with steps of 1 Hz be-
tween each wavelet center frequency. These wavelets
were applied in a sliding window with 20-msec increments
in the 0–2000 msec interval. To minimize edge effects (dis-
tortions that occur at the edge of the time window of
Analyse), we concatenated mirrored (d.h., time inverted)
segments at the left and right edge of the original epochs.
We then performed the wavelet transform on these ex-
tended epochs and discarded the concatenated segments
from the final analysis (for detailed explanation of this
“reflection approach,” see Cohen, 2014; see Fell et al.,
2011, for example of a paper using this approach). Der
results reported here were not corrected for baseline in
the frequency domain because we were interested in oscil-
latory differences between the semantic and nonsemantic

Bedingungen, and therefore, baseline correction is not nec-
Essar (sehen, for similar approaches, Gruber, Watrous,
Ekstrom, Ranganath, & Otten, 2013).

To identify the neural oscillations associated with se-
matic and nonsemantic processing, we first examined
the power spectra of epoched data from Phase 1. Für
each of the 34 Teilnehmer, EEG data during the study
phase were binned according to the type of processing
(semantic vs. nonsemantic). In this way, we could isolate
the EEG frequencies that were elicited by semantic and
nonsemantic processing to later examine whether these
frequencies were reinstated during the encoding of foils
in the first test phase (Phase 2). Mean trial numbers were
the following: semantic study mean = 90, range 46–92;
nonsemantic study mean = 92, range 88–92.

To analyze the neural oscillations during Phase 2, Wir
binned the EEG data for each participant according to
condition (semantic vs. nonsemantic) and subsequent
Erinnerung (remembered vs. forgotten). Mean trial numbers
for each condition were as follows: semantic foils remem-
bered mean = 65, range 25–81; semantic foils forgotten
mean = 25, range 12–67; nonsemantic foils remembered
mean = 55, range 15–79; and nonsemantic foils forgot-
ten mean = 35, range 13–77.

Time–frequency analysis was conducted on EEG that
was averaged within nine electrode clusters (frontal vs.
central vs. hintere; left vs. middle vs. Rechts; siehe Abbildung 1)
based on a previous study by Hsieh, Ekstrom, and Ranganath
(2011). These clusters included the following: left frontal
cluster (Channels 33, 24, 26; equivalent to F3, F7, AF7),
mid frontal cluster (Channels 19, 11, 4; equivalent to Fz,
F1, F2), right frontal cluster (Channels 124, 2, 122; equivalent

Figur 1. Locations of the electrode clusters, which included left
frontal (LF), mid frontal (MF), right frontal (RF), left central (LC), mid
zentral (MC), right central (RC), left posterior (LP), mid posterior (Abgeordneter),
and right posterior (RP).


Zeitschrift für kognitive Neurowissenschaften

Volumen 30, Nummer 5




























Tisch 1. Accuracy (Hits and FAs) and RT (for Hits and Correct Rejections) for Phase 2



RT (ms)





Hits (Mean) Hits (SD)

Correct Rejections (Mean)

Correct Rejections (SD)



















to F4, F8, AF8), left central cluster (Channels 35, 36, 41;
equivalent to C5, C3, T7), mid central cluster (Channels
31, 55, 80; equivalent to Cz, C1, C2), right central cluster
(Channels 109, 104, 110; equivalent to C4, C6, T8), links
posterior cluster (Channels 52, 53, 60; equivalent to P3,
P1, PO3), mid posterior cluster (Channels 61, 62, 78;
equivalent to CP1, Pz, CP2), and right posterior cluster
(Channels 85, 86, 92; equivalent to P2, P4, PO4).

Statistical Analysis

Across-trial permutation tests were conducted to test for
significant effects in alpha power related to the semantic
versus nonsemantic processing in Phase 1 and successful
encoding of semantic versus nonsemantic foils in Phase 2.
For both phases, the 2000-msec epoch was split into time
windows of 200 msec each.

The permutation testing procedure consisted of three
Schritte. Erste, for Phase 1, permutation testing was con-
ducted on the mean power alpha (8–10 Hz) frequencies
per condition for each time window and electrode cluster
(see Gruber et al., 2013, for similar procedure). We first
conducted two-tailed paired t tests on the relevant elec-
trode clusters comparing the two conditions. Zweite, Die
two conditions were then interchanged randomly for
each participant and each randomization run, so that
pseudoconditions were created in which systematic dif-
ferences between the conditions were eliminated. Für
each permutation, we selected the largest negative and
positive t value across all nine electrode clusters. Das
step was repeated 1000 times so that a null distribution
of largest negative and positive t values across all clusters
was created and the two tails of the null t distribution
were used as critical t values. Using an alpha level of .05
mit 1000 permutations, we used the 25th and 975th
values to represent the critical t values, and values below
or higher than these values were considered to be signifi-
cant effects. This stringent permutation method corrects
for multiple comparisons and was based on Blair and
Karniski (1993; for similar approaches, see Gruber et al.,
2013; Addante, Watrous, Yonelinas, Ekstrom, & Ranganath,
2011; Staudigl, Hanslmayr, & Bäuml, 2010; Hanslmayr
et al., 2009).

For Phase 2, we conducted the permutation testing
only in those electrode clusters that showed a significant
alpha effect in Phase 1. Daher, the electrode clusters that
showed a significant effect in Phase 1 were taken as “elec-

trode clusters of interest” for the analysis for Phase 2
Daten, to examine alpha activity reimplementation during
encoding of foils in the same electrode clusters that
showed significant alpha effects in Phase 1. Um unsere zu testen
hypothesis that reimplementation of semantic processes
facilitate successful encoding of foils, we focused the
Phase 2 analysis on the interaction between condition
(semantic vs. nonsemantic) and subsequent memory in
Phase 2 (remembered vs. forgotten) by comparing the
difference between remembered and forgotten semantic
foils versus the difference between remembered and
forgotten nonsemantic foils. We also tested the simple
effects of subsequent memory for semantic versus non-
semantic conditions separately. The rest of the permuta-
tion procedure was the same as for the Phase 1 Daten.



Recognition accuracy for Phase 2 was calculated using the
discrimination measure p(Hits) − p(False alarms [FA])
(Snodgrass & Corwin, 1988) and the results are presented
in Table 1. Recognition memory for semantic trials was
significantly more accurate compared with nonsemantic
Versuche (T(33)= 25.4, P < .001, 95% CI [0.47, 0.56], Cohen’s Dz = 4.4). Furthermore, RTs were faster for old semantic items compared with old nonsemantic items (t(33) = 4.39, p < .001, 95% CI [49, 134], Cohen’s Dz = 0.75). Foils presented in the semantic condition were also endorsed as new significantly more quickly than foils presented in the nonsemantic condition (t(33) = 2.23, p = .033, 95% CI [4, 84], Cohen’s Dz = 0.38). The behavioral results of Phase 3 are presented in Table 2. Note that we conducted the Phase 3 analysis on accuracy scores (proportion correct) rather than Hits–FAs because in the final foil recognition test completely new Table 2. Accuracy (Proportion Correct) and RT for Phase 3 Accuracy RT (msec) Mean 0.72 0.61 0.77 SD 0.16 0.16 0.12 Mean 887 910 921 SD 122 118 127 Semantic foils Nonsemantic foils New items Vogelsang et al. 671 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / j / o c n a r t i c e - p d l f / / / / 3 0 5 6 6 7 1 7 8 7 5 0 7 / j o c n _ a _ 0 1 2 3 4 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 8 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / j / o c n a r t i c e - p d l f / / / / 3 0 5 6 6 7 1 7 8 7 5 0 7 / j o c n _ a _ 0 1 2 3 4 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 8 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 Figure 2. Time–frequency plots for semantic versus nonsemantic processing in the study phase. Significant decreases in alpha frequencies were observed in left frontal and mid and right posterior electrode sites. The dotted boxes represent the significant alpha time window. items were intermixed with semantic and nonsemantic foils, so a proper Hits–FAs analysis cannot be conducted here. In line with our main prediction, semantic foils were recognized significantly more accurately than nonsemantic foils (t(35) = 5.18, p < .001, 95% CI [0.066, 0.15], Cohen’s Dz = 0.89) and significantly faster (t(33) = 3.42, p = .002, 95% CI [9, 37], Cohen’s Dz = 0.59). There was no signifi- cant difference in RT between nonsemantic foils and new items (t(33) = 1.5, p = .15); however, RT was faster for rec- ognizing semantic foils compared with new items (t(33) = 4.03, p < .001, 95% CI [17, 52], Cohen’s Dz = 0.69). These results replicate earlier findings of the “foil effect” obtained in previous studies ( Vogelsang et al., 2016; Bergström et al., 2015; Jacoby, Shimizu, Daniels, et al., 2005; Jacoby, Shimizu, Velanova, et al., 2005). Time–Frequency Results Phase 1: Semantic versus Nonsemantic Processing The time–frequency analysis of Phase 1 focused on a direct comparison between all semantic and all nonsemantic trials. The results are presented in Figure 2. Significant decreases in alpha power were observed over the left frontal elec- trode cluster between 800 and 1000 msec after word onset (t(33) = −3.13, p = .004, 95% CI [−1.4, −0.3], Cohen’s Dz = 0.54). No other significant effects were ob- served in any of the other electrode clusters. The time course of the alpha power changes in the left frontal elec- trode cluster is presented in Figure 3, and the t values in the alpha band across all electrode clusters is presented in Figure 4. Subsequent Memory Effect for Foils in Phase 2 The second part of the time–frequency analysis focused on the temporal dynamics of subsequent memory effects (DM effect) for foils during Phase 2 to investigate when alpha activity was reinstated in a way that facilitated Figure 3. Average alpha (8–10 Hz) frequency–time courses (in decibel) for semantic and nonsemantic processing in the left frontal cluster. Red line on x axis represents significant time window. 672 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 30, Number 5 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / j / o c n a r t i c e - p d l f / / / / 3 0 5 6 6 7 1 7 8 7 5 0 7 / j o c n _ a _ 0 1 2 3 4 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 8 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 Figure 4. t values for semantic versus nonsemantic processing in all electrode clusters. encoding of semantic foils. The time–frequency plot of the interaction term (DM effect for semantic foils − DM effect for nonsemantic foils) for all electrode clusters is presented in Figure 5. Because significant alpha effects in Phase 1 were only observed in the left frontal electrode cluster, only this cluster was used to conduct the permuta- tion analysis in Phase 2, which allowed us to directly test the reimplementation hypothesis. The left frontal electrode cluster showed a significant interaction in the alpha band between 1000 and 1200 msec after word onset (t(33) = −3.57, p = .001, 95% CI [−1.54, −0.42], Cohen’s Dz = 0.61; see dashed box in Figure 5). Time–frequency plots comparing EEG oscillations asso- ciated with successful encoding of each type of foils sepa- rately are presented in Figure 6, and the time courses for alpha frequencies in the left frontal cluster for the seman- tic and nonsemantic subsequent memory effect as well as the t values for the left frontal electrode cluster are pre- sented in Figure 7. These comparisons indicated that the significant interaction arose because power differences between remembered and forgotten items were observed in the semantic but not in the nonsemantic condition. For successful encoding of semantic foils, alpha in the 1000– 1200 msec time window (t(33) = −4.19, p = .0001, 95% CI [−1.30, −0.45], Cohen’s Dz = 0.72) power was sig- nificant depending on whether a word was later remem- bered or forgotten. However, no significant differences between remembered and forgotten words were observed for nonsemantic foils (1000–1200 msec alpha: t(33) = 0.72, p = .47, 95% CI [−0.19, 0.40], Cohen’s Dz = 0.12). Thus, the subsequent memory effects observed here became apparent over left frontal electrodes around 1000 msec after stimulus presentation, which is at a relatively late stage in the trial. Relationship between Phase 1 and Phase 2 Alpha Frequencies The third part of the analysis assessed the relationship between alpha decreases in Phase 1 during semantic versus nonsemantic processing and alpha decreases in Phase 2 during semantic (subsequently remembered vs. forgotten) foil encoding to test whether these effects were func- tionally related, which would support the hypothesis that the neurocognitive processes engaged during initial en- coding are reimplemented when attempting to retrieve information. To examine the relationship between Phase 1 and Phase 2 alpha activity, we extracted the mean alpha signal that showed a significant effect in the Phase 1 (800– 1000 msec) and Phase 2 (1000–1200 msec) time windows for each participant and conducted an across-participant Pearson correlation. A Pearson correlation is appropriate here because the time–frequency data were normally distributed. There was a significant correlation (r = 0.37, p = .03; two-tailed) between Phase 1 alpha activity associated Vogelsang et al. 673 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / j / o c n a r t i c e - p d l f / / / / 3 0 5 6 6 7 1 7 8 7 5 0 7 / j o c n _ a _ 0 1 2 3 4 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 8 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 Figure 5. Time–frequency plots from the left frontal cluster illustrating EEG oscillation differences associated with successful encoding (DM effect) of semantic versus nonsemantic foils during the first memory test (Phase 2). The plot represents the difference of semantic foils later remembered–forgotten versus nonsemantic foils later remembered–forgotten. Permutation testing conducted on the left frontal electrode cluster (indicated by black squares) revealed a significant alpha decrease for subsequently remembered versus forgotten semantic versus nonsemantic foils in the left frontal cluster. The dotted box represents the significant alpha time window that survived correction for multiple comparisons. with semantic versus nonsemantic processing and Phase 2 alpha activity associated with semantic subsequent memory effect, indicating that those participants who showed a large alpha effect in Phase 1 also showed an alpha effect for semantic foil encoding in Phase 2. The results of the correlation analysis are presented in Figure 8. Relationship between Alpha Frequencies and Subsequent Foil Recognition Finally, we examined whether individual differences in Phase 2 alpha activity associated with semantic foil encod- ing correlated with individual differences in behavioral se- mantic foil recognition in Phase 3, which would provide additional evidence that alpha power is functionally related to semantic encoding success. We used the Phase 2 alpha power from the 1000–1200 msec time window associated with semantic foils that were later remembered versus forgotten and correlated this with Phase 3 semantic foil rec- ognition accuracy (proportion of correct responses). A negative correlation was observed between Phase 2 alpha power associated with later remembered semantic foils and Phase 3 semantic foil recognition accuracy; however, this correlation was not significant (r = −0.26, p = .13; two-tailed). This correlation is displayed in Figure 9. Figure 6. Time–frequency plots from the left frontal cluster illustrating semantic and nonsemantic foil subsequent memory (DM) EEG oscillation effects (remembered–forgotten). Successful encoding of semantic foils was uniquely associated with a left frontal alpha power decrease. The dotted box represents the significant alpha time window. DISCUSSION The aim of the current experiment was to investigate the neural oscillations involved in the successful encoding of new “foil” information presented during a recognition test 674 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 30, Number 5 Figure 7. (A) Time courses of left frontal alpha (average of 8–10 Hz) differences associated with successful encoding of semantic versus nonsemantic foils. Red line on x axis represents significant time window that survived correction for multiple comparisons. (B) t Values for semantic versus nonsemantic subsequent memory effect in the left frontal electrode cluster. when participants engage a semantic versus nonsemantic processing mode. We tested the hypothesis that attempt- ing to retrieve information from memory involves the reimplementation of the neurocognitive processes that were engaged during initial encoding ( Vogelsang et al., 2016; Bergström et al., 2015; Jacoby, Shimizu, Daniels, et al., 2005; Jacoby, Shimizu, Velanova, et al., 2005). More specifically, we used the excellent temporal resolution of EEG to examine the temporal dynamics of the encoding of foils to obtain a better understanding of when reimple- mentation processes occur. It has previously been sug- gested that the foil effect can be explained by source constrained retrieval processes that reimplement encod- ing processes in the early stage of a memory test trial to guide memory search as a form of “front-end control” (Kantner & Lindsay, 2013; Jacoby, Shimizu, Daniels, et al., 2005), predicting that the neural activity associated with such reimplementation should be apparent shortly after a recognition cue is presented. An alternative, though not mutually exclusive, proposal is that control processes may be engaged at a later stage of processing, for example, to monitor whether retrieved information is correct (Halamish et al., 2012; Jacoby et al., 1999) or to elicit rec- ollection if initial unconstrained retrieval attempts are unsuccessful as a “late correction” or “back-end control” strategy ( Jacoby et al., 1999). Our behavioral findings replicated earlier studies in demonstrating the typical foil effect: Semantic foils were remembered significantly more accurately than non- semantic foils, supporting the idea that participants imple- mented a semantic processing mode during the semantic memory test ( Vogelsang et al., 2016; Kantner & Lindsay, 2013; Alban & Kelley, 2012; Halamish et al., 2012; Danckert et al., 2011; Marsh et al., 2009; Jacoby, Shimizu, Daniels, et al., 2005; Jacoby, Shimizu, Velanova, et al., 2005). Time–frequency analysis of EEG data collected during the initial study phase revealed a power decrease in alpha frequencies over left frontal electrodes between 800 and 1000 msec during the semantic as opposed to nonsemantic task, consistent with prior literature highlighting a role for alpha oscillations in semantic processing (e.g., Bastiaansen et al., 2005; for a review, see Klimesch, 1999). Importantly, the EEG data from the first recognition test revealed decreases in alpha oscillatory activity in the left frontal elec- trode cluster between 1000 and 1200 msec that predicted subsequent recognition of semantic, but not nonsemantic, Figure 8. Correlations between Phase 1 (800–1000 msec) and Phase 2 (1000–1200 msec) alpha activity. Figure 9. Correlations between Phase 2 alpha related activity for remembered versus forgotten semantic foils (1000–1200 msec) and subsequent semantic foil recognition accuracy (proportion correct responses). Vogelsang et al. 675 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / j / o c n a r t i c e - p d l f / / / / 3 0 5 6 6 7 1 7 8 7 5 0 7 / j o c n _ a _ 0 1 2 3 4 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 8 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 foils during the final surprise recognition test. Thus, similar oscillatory activity was associated with semantic processing during initial study and during foil encoding while partici- pants were trying to retrieve semantic information. Further- more, individual differences in alpha activity during the semantic study phase (Phase 1) were significantly cor- related with individual differences in alpha activity for suc- cessfully encoded foils during the semantic recognition test (Phase 2), suggesting that the semantic neurocognitive processes that were engaged during initial study were reimplemented during the encoding of foils during the Phase 2 recognition test. Finally, we tested whether alpha decreases in phase semantic foil encoding during Phase 2 were negatively correlated with behavioral semantic foil recognition during Phase 3; however, this analysis did not reach significance, leaving the question open as to whether alpha power is functionally related to semantic foil encod- ing success. Interestingly, alpha power decreases associated with semantic foil encoding became apparent after the aver- age time when participants provided their response, at about 900 msec after stimulus presentation, suggesting that alpha oscillations may reflect an implementation of encoding operations at a relatively late processing stage, contrary to what would be predicted if such reinstate- ment was conducted as part of a front-end control strat- egy (Gray & Gallo, 2015; Jacoby, Shimizu, Daniels, et al., 2005; Jacoby, Shimizu, Velanova, et al., 2005). In a recent fMRI study, we found that the LIFG was significantly more active during successful encoding of semantic as opposed to nonsemantic foils ( Vogelsang et al., 2016). The LIFG has been widely associated with semantic pro- cessing (Poldrack et al., 1999; Wagner et al., 1998), but the low temporal resolution of fMRI precluded us from determining whether LIFG activation reflected mentally reenacting a semantic processing mode early or later in the trial. The timing of the current EEG results suggest that the left frontal alpha decreases, which we tentatively interpret as possibly generated by the LIFG ( Vogelsang et al., 2016), may reflect strategic processes that are en- gaged during a later decision stage of retrieval, which facilitates the incidental semantic encoding of foils. The main underlying finding of the “foil effect” is that “deep” semantic foils are recognized significantly better than “shallow” nonsemantic foils despite the only differ- ence between the foils being the type of information that was oriented toward when they were first encountered. There is nothing intrinsically “semantic” or “nonsemantic” about the foils themselves. Instead, the instructions at the start of the memory test determines which type of encoding context (semantic vs. nonsemantic) participants need to retrieve, appears in some manner to initiate “deeper” retrieval for the semantic test and “shallower” retrieval for the nonsemantic test ( Jacoby, Shimizu, Velanova, et al., 2005), resulting in better incidental encod- ing of semantic compared with nonsemantic foils. Further- more, this encoding difference occurs spontaneously, because participants are not explicitly asked to use differ- ent retrieval strategies. The “foil effect” can be interpreted as evidence for the source constrained retrieval hypothesis as put forth by Jacoby, Shimizu, Daniels, et al. (2005) and indicates that sought after information can be used to guide information processing during recognition memory. In this way, memory retrieval can be considered an encod- ing event, determining whether information will be remem- bered in the future (Dudukovic, Dubrow, & Wagner, 2009). Why did the neural markers of semantic encoding of foils occur so late? Because reinstating encoding opera- tions is an effortful, self-initiated process (Alban & Kelley, 2012), it is possible that participants chose to engage such a strategy to elicit recollection only if an initial un- constrained retrieval attempt was unsuccessful. A related account suggests that participants may reinstate encod- ing operations to verify and possibly correct their initial more automatic retrieval assessments, and such a moni- toring strategy may contribute to enhanced encoding of semantic foils together with earlier “front-end” control processes (Halamish et al., 2012). According to Jacoby et al. (1999), participants engage in such late correction strategies primarily when the retrieved information is vague or ambiguous (perhaps eliciting a sense of famil- iarity without recollection of decisive contextual informa- tion). The current oscillatory findings are consistent with reinstatement of encoding operations occurring at a late retrieval stage but do not rule out the possibility that encoding operations were also reinstated to constrain retrieval at the front-end without being reflected in our EEG results (EEG oscillations of course only capture cer- tain aspects of neural activity). Our oscillatory findings are consistent with prior litera- ture highlighting a role for alpha frequencies in successful semantic encoding (Hanslmayr & Staudigl, 2014; Zion- Golumbic et al., 2010; Hanslmayr et al., 2009) and semantic processing (Long, Burke, & Kahana, 2014; Klimesch, Doppelmayr, & Hanslmayr, 2006). In the oscillations litera- ture, alpha frequencies have been linked with a wide variety of cognitive functions ranging from inhibitory processes during memory suppression (Park et al., 2014), to fine- grained resolution of visual processing (Samaha & Postle, 2015), working memory (Myers, Stokes, Walther, & Nobre, 2014; Sauseng et al., 2009), and active inhibition of a not- to-be applied rule (Buschman, Denovellis, Diogo, Bullock, & Miller, 2012). One of the first studies that found a rela- tionship between decreases in alpha and later memory performance was conducted by Klimesch (1997), who ob- served that decreases in alpha frequencies over parietal electrodes during semantic encoding were positively cor- related with later memory retrieval. Hanslmayr et al. (2009) contrasted deep semantic encoding with shallow nonsemantic encoding and found power decreases in alpha (and beta) frequency bands that were related to suc- cessful semantic encoding only, and Fellner et al. (2013) showed that alpha likely reflects semantic processing spe- cifically, rather than elaborative and efficient encoding 676 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 30, Number 5 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / j / o c n a r t i c e - p d l f / / / / 3 0 5 6 6 7 1 7 8 7 5 0 7 / j o c n _ a _ 0 1 2 3 4 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 8 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 strategies in general. In our experiment, individual differ- ences in alpha power decreases during the semantic rec- ognition test for foils that were later remembered did not correlate significantly with individual differences in seman- tic foil recognition accuracy during the final surprise mem- ory test. Therefore, we were not able to obtain additional converging evidence that alpha power decreases reflect successful semantic encoding. Jacoby and colleagues ( Jacoby, Shimizu, Daniels, et al., 2005; Jacoby, Shimizu, Velanova, et al., 2005) have hypoth- esized that a possible explanation for the enhanced encod- ing of semantic versus nonsemantic foils in the memory for foils paradigm might lie in the Transfer Appropriate Pro- cessing Framework and the related Encoding Specificity Principle, both of which predict that retrieval success depends on the amount of overlap between encoding and retrieval processes (Roediger, 1990; Morris et al., 1977; Tulving & Thomson, 1973). While attempting to retrieve words that had either been semantically or nonseman- tically encoded, participants may mentally reenact the orig- inal study task, resulting in all recognition probes (both old items and foils) being processed semantically during the semantic test block and nonsemantically during the non- semantic test block. Semantic retrieval attempts might involve thinking about the meaning of a foil word (e.g., “do I think a strawberry is pleasant?”), whereas nonseman- tic retrieval attempts might involve examining the letters of the word in the hope that such a strategy will help to decide whether the word is old or new. Such reenactment may be a relatively late strategy that participants engage in after an initial heuristic familiarity assessment and may therefore be expressed in neural activity around the time or even after participants have made their memory judgment. The current time–frequency results in combination with previous research indicate that neural oscillations are a use- ful tool for studying the temporal dynamics of encoding– retrieval overlap (Staresina et al., 2016; Waldhauser, Braun, & Hanslmayr, 2016; Staudigl, Vollmar, Noachtar, & Hanslmayr, 2015; Jafarpour, Fuentemilla, Horner, Penny, & Duzel, 2014; Staudigl & Hanslmayr, 2013; Waldhauser, Johansson, & Hanslmayr, 2012). Burke et al. (2013), for example, found that high gamma activity (44–100 Hz) during successful encoding of information is also observed in similar brain areas during the memory test phase in which previously studied items need to be recalled. Waldhauser and col- leagues (2012) observed that decreases in alpha/beta fre- quencies during retrieval were associated with reactivation of encoded target information, whereas increases in alpha/ beta power were associated with the inhibition of encoded distracter information. Cortical reinstatement has also been identified in an entrainment study in which participants studied words presented on flickering backgrounds of either 6 or 10 Hz (Wimber, Maaß, Staudigl, Richardson- Klavehn, & Hanslmayr, 2012). EEG measurements during successful retrieval of studied words exhibited 6- and 10-Hz frequency oscillations similar to the background flicker rates in which the words had been studied and the strength of this reactivation was related to whether a word was remem- bered or forgotten (Wimber et al., 2012). More work needs to be done, however, to examine what mechanisms under- lie the principle of encoding reimplementation and how that facilitates retrieval. One prominent view is that, dur- ing retrieval, a cue reactivates only a part of the encoded memory and that activity of a fraction of the original pat- tern triggers the reactivation of the entire trace (Rugg et al., 2008). This “pattern completion” process has been linked with the hippocampus, and a role for gamma power increases and alpha power decreases has been proposed as a neural mechanism underlying pattern com- pletion (Staresina et al., 2016). However, there is also evi- dence that suggests that alpha and beta frequency bands in the cortex are important for content-specific processing (Hanslmayr, Staresina, & Bowman, 2016), which is in line with our current findings of alpha frequencies represent- ing semantic processing. To conclude, we investigated the neural oscillations in- volved in the encoding of new “foil” information presented during a retrieval test as a function of whether the test re- quired participants to retrieve semantic versus nonseman- tic information. Our findings show that semantic encoding during retrieval attempts was associated with power de- creases in left frontal alpha oscillations, which may origi- nate from the LIFG ( Vogelsang et al., 2016). Consistent with previous findings, our results support the view that participants reimplement the distinct neurocognitive oper- ations that were engaged during initial encoding, and we extend previous research by identifying that the time course of this reimplementation may be at a relatively late processing stage. Thus, retrieving memories does not only involve recollecting events from the past but may also determine what type of information will be remembered in the future. Acknowledgments This study was supported by a James S. McDonnell Foundation Scholar Award to J. S. S. and was carried out within the University of Cambridge Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute, funded by a joint award from the Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust. Reprint requests should be sent to Jon S. Simons, Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EB, United Kingdom, or via e-mail: REFERENCES Addante, R. J., Watrous, A. J., Yonelinas, A. 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Alpha Oscillations during Incidental Encoding Predict image
Alpha Oscillations during Incidental Encoding Predict image
Alpha Oscillations during Incidental Encoding Predict image
Alpha Oscillations during Incidental Encoding Predict image
Alpha Oscillations during Incidental Encoding Predict image
Alpha Oscillations during Incidental Encoding Predict image
Alpha Oscillations during Incidental Encoding Predict image
Alpha Oscillations during Incidental Encoding Predict image

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