Understanding and Detecting Hallucinations in Neural Machine Translation via Model Introspection Weijia Xu Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA weijiaxu@microsoft.com Sweta Agrawal University of Maryland, USA sweagraw@cs.umd.edu Eleftheria Briakou University of Maryland, USA ebriakou@cs.umd.edu Marianna J. Martindale…
Browsing Categorytacl
La compensación del paralelismo: Limitaciones de los transformadores de precisión logarítmica
La compensación del paralelismo: Limitations of Log-Precision Transformers William Merrill Center for Data Science New York University, Nueva York, Nueva York, USA willm@nyu.edu Ashish Sabharwal Allen Institute for AI Seattle, Washington, USA ashishs@allenai.org Abstract Despite their omnipresence…
Borrado de atributos no alineados de representaciones neuronales
Erasure of Unaligned Attributes from Neural Representations Shun Shao∗ Yftah Ziser∗ Shay B. Cohen Institute for Language, Cognition and Computation School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh 10 Crichton Street, Edimburgo, EH8 9AB, UK s.shao-11@inf.ed.ac.uk yftah.ziser@inf.ed.ac.uk…
Unleashing the True Potential of Sequence-to-Sequence Models
Unleashing the True Potential of Sequence-to-Sequence Models for Sequence Tagging and Structure Parsing Han He Department of Computer Science Emory University Atlanta, Georgia 30322 USA han.he@emory.edu Jinho D. Choi Department of Computer Science Emory University…
Tracking Brand-Associated Polarity-Bearing Topics in User Reviews
Tracking Brand-Associated Polarity-Bearing Topics in User Reviews Runcong Zhao1,2, Lin Gui1, Hanqi Yan2, Yulan He1,2,3 1King’s College London, Reino Unido, 2University of Warwick, Reino Unido, 3The Alan Turing Institute, United Kingdom runcong.zhao@warwick.ac.uk, yulan.he@kcl.ac.uk Abstract Monitoring…
Naturalistic Causal Probing for Morpho-Syntax
Naturalistic Causal Probing for Morpho-Syntax Afra Amini1,2 Tiago Pimentel3 Clara Meister1 Ryan Cotterell1,2 1ETH Z¨urich, Switzerland 2ETH AI Center, Suiza 3Universidad de Cambridge, UK afra.amini@inf.ethz.ch tp472@cam.ac.uk ryan.cotterell@inf.ethz.ch clara.meister@inf.ethz.ch Abstract Probing has become a go-to methodology…
Visual Writing Prompts:
Visual Writing Prompts: Character-Grounded Story Generation with Curated Image Sequences Xudong Hong1,2,4, Asad Sayeed3, Khushboo Mehra2,4, Vera Demberg2,4 and Bernt Schiele1,4 1Dept. of Computer Vision and Machine Learning, MPI Informatics, Germany 2Dept. of Language Science…
Hate Speech Classifiers Learn Normative Social Stereotypes
Hate Speech Classifiers Learn Normative Social Stereotypes Aida Mostafazadeh Davani, Mohammad Atari, Brendan Kennedy, Morteza Dehghani University of Southern California, EE.UU {mostafaz,atari,btkenned,mdehghan}@usc.edu Abstract Social stereotypes negatively impact individ- uals’ judgments about different groups and may…
On the Robustness of Dialogue History Representation in
On the Robustness of Dialogue History Representation in Conversational Question Answering: A Comprehensive Study and a New Prompt-based Method Zorik GekhmanT∗ Nadav OvedT ∗ Orgad KellerG Idan SzpektorG Roi ReichartT T Technion – Israel Institute…
¿Por qué surge la sorpresa de los modelos de lenguaje más grandes basados en transformadores?
Why Does Surprisal From Larger Transformer-Based Language Models Provide a Poorer Fit to Human Reading Times? Byung-Doh Oh Department of Linguistics The Ohio State University, USA oh.531@osu.edu William Schuler Department of Linguistics The Ohio State…