Trust without Shared Belief: Pluralist Realism and Polar Bear Conservation Jennifer Jill Fellows Douglas College Trust-building has implicitly been characterized in epistemology as necessitat- ing the adoption of shared belief. If this is so, semejante…
Browsing Categoryposc
Coordinación Social en
Social Coordination in Scientific Communities David Eck Cañada College Kuhnian philosophy of science has established the existence of a social dimension within epistemology, but neo-Kuhnian accounts remain limited by linguis- tically centered conceptions of rationality…
Estudio estandarizado
Standardized Study Designs, Value Judgments, and Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research Kevin C. Elliott Michigan State University The potential for financial conflicts of interest (COIs) to influence scientific research has become a significant concern….
Inconmensurabilidad de la “ubicación”
“Location” Incommensurability and “Replication” Indeterminacy: Clarifying an Entrenched Conflation by Using an Involved Approach Ayelet Shavit Tel Hai College Reproducible results and repeatable measurements at the same location are funda- mental to science, yet of…
William Harvey sobre anatomía
William Harvey on Anatomy and Experience Benjamin Goldberg University of South Florida The goal of this essay is to explore the meaning of experience in William Harvey’s work. I begin by expanding on Andrew Cunningham’s…
Inductive Risk, Epistemic
Inductive Risk, Epistemic Risk, and Overdiagnosis of Disease Justin B. Biddle Georgia Institute of Technology Recent philosophers of science have not only revived the classical argument from inductive risk but extended it. I argue that…
The Physics of Forgetting:
The Physics of Forgetting: Thermodynamics of Information at IBM 1959–1982 Aaron Sidney Wright Harvard University The origin and history of Landauer’s principle is traced through the develop- ment of the thermodynamics of computation at IBM…
Brittleness and
Brittleness and Bureaucracy: Software as a Material for Science Matt Spencer Oxford University Through examining a case study of a major fluids modelling code, this paper charts two key properties of software as a material…
Contribuciones epistémicas
Epistemic Contributions of Models: Conditions for Propositional Learning François Claveau Université du Québec à Montréal Melissa Vergara Fernández Erasmus University Rotterdam This article analyzes the epistemic contributions of models by distinguishing three roles that they…
Contested Boundaries:
Contested Boundaries: The String Theory Debates and Ideologies of Science Sophie Ritson University of Sydney Kristian Camilleri University of Melbourne Over the last three decades, physicists have engaged in, sometimes heated, debates about relative merits…