REPORT Coordination and Consonance Between Interacting, Improvising Musicians Matthew Setzler 1 and Robert Goldstone1,2 1Program in Cognitive Science, Indiana University 2Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana University a n o p e n a…
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PERSPECTIVE What Does Dorsal Cortex Contribute to Perception? Erez Freud 1, Marlene Behrmann 2, and Jacqueline C. Snow 3 1Department of Psychology and the Centre for Vision Research, York University 2Department of Psychology and the…
REPORT Consistency and Variability in Children’s Word Learning Across Languages Mika Braginsky1, Daniel Yurovsky2, Virginia A. Marchman3, and Michael C. Frank3 1Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2Department of Psychology, Universidad…