FUNCIÓN DE ENFOQUE: New Trends in Connectomics Putting the “dynamic” back into dynamic functional connectivity Stewart Heitmann 1 and Michael Breakspear 1,2 1QIMR Berghofer, Brisbane, Australia 2Metro North Mental Health Service, Brisbane, Australia Keywords: Dynamic functional…
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FUNCIÓN DE ENFOQUE: New Trends in Connectomics Estimating the impact of structural directionality: How reliable are undirected connectomes? Penelope Kale 1,2 3 , Andrew Zalesky , and Leonardo L. Perdido 1,2 1QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute,…
RESEARCH Dynamic large-scale network synchronization from perception to action Jonni Hirvonen 1,2 , Simo Monto 1,† 1 , Sheng H. Wang 1 , j. Matias Palva 1 , and Satu Palva 1Helsinki Institute for Life…
FUNCIÓN DE ENFOQUE: New Trends in Connectomics ADHD and attentional control: Impaired segregation of task positive and task negative brain networks 1 Brian D. Mills 1 , Oscar Miranda-Dominguez , Sarah L. Karalunas 1 Julia Painter…
RESEARCH Frequency-based brain networks: From a multiplex framework to a full multilayer description Javier M. Buldú1,2 and Mason A. Porter3,4,5 1Laboratory of Biological Networks, Center for Biomedical Technology (UPM), Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, Spain 2Complex…
RESEARCH Ensemble stacking mitigates biases in inference of synaptic connectivity Brendan Chambers1, Maayan Levy1, Joseph B. Dechery1, and Jason N. MacLean1,2 1Committee on Computational Neuroscience, University of Chicago, chicago, IL, USA 2Department of Neurobiology, Universidad…
RESEARCH Local connectome phenotypes predict social, salud, and cognitive factors Michael A. Powell 1 , Javier O. Garcia , Fang-Cheng Yeh 2,3 Jean M. Vettel , and Timothy Verstynen 2,3,6 4,5 , 7 1Department of…
RESEARCH Cognition and connectomes in nondementia idiopathic Parkinson’s disease 1 Luis M. Colon-Perez 2 , Jared J. Tanner 5 Thomas H. Mareci , Michelle Couret 2 , and Catherine C. Precio 3 4 , Shelby…
METHODS Network dynamics in the healthy and epileptic developing brain Richard Rosch1,2, Torsten Baldeweg2, Friederike Moeller3, and Gerold Baier4 1Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, University College London, United Kingdom 2Developmental Neurosciences Programme, UCL Great Ormond…
RESEARCH Sensitivity analysis of human brain structural network construction Kuang Wei 1,2 3 , Matthew Cieslak 4 , Clint Greene , Scott T. Grafton 3 , and Jean M. Carlson 2 1Department of Physics, Universidad…