Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xxxix:1 (Verano, 2008), 37–64. NATIONAL SECURITY AND U.S. IMMIGRATION POLICY Robbie Totten National Security and U.S. Immigration Policy, 1776–1790 Why did the U.S. federal government do so little to restrict immigration…
Browsing Categoryjinh
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xxxviii:3 (Invierno, 2008), 377–399.
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xxxviii:3 (Invierno, 2008), 377–399. BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT Larry M. Logue and Peter Blanck “Beneªt of the Doubt”: African-American Civil War Veterans and Pensions A reading of Civil War pen- sión…
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xxxviii:2 (Otoño, 2007), 233–254.
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xxxviii:2 (Otoño, 2007), 233–254. SHOOT TO KILL Jeffrey S. Adler Shoot to Kill: The Use of Deadly Force by the Chicago Police, 1875–1920 The American police have a long history of…
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xxxviii:2 (Otoño, 2007), 207–232.
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xxxviii:2 (Otoño, 2007), 207–232. WIDOWHOOD STRATEGIES Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh, and Paul Nystedt Widowhood Strategies in Preindustrial Society The household was of utmost importance for the daily lives of the rural…
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xxxviii:2 (Otoño, 2007), 177–205.
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xxxviii:2 (Otoño, 2007), 177–205. HOUSEHOLDS AND PLAGUE Samuel K. Cohn, Jr., and Guido Alfani Households and Plague in Early Modern Italy The past decade has seen the debate about the Black…
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xxxviii:1 (Verano, 2007), 33–64.
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xxxviii:1 (Verano, 2007), 33–64. SINGLE PARENTHOOD AND CHILDHOOD OUTCOMES Howard Bodenhorn Single Parenthood and Childhood Outcomes in the Mid-Nineteenth-Century Urban South An in- creasing volume of research documents the rising incidence…
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xxxvii:4 (Primavera, 2007), 513–542.
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xxxvii:4 (Primavera, 2007), 513–542. THE COLONIAL ORIGINS OF AMERICAN SPEECH Paul K. Longmore “Good English without Idiom or Tone”: The Colonial Origins of American Speech Questions about shared language have played…
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xxxvii:1 (Verano, 2006), 35–58.
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xxxvii:1 (Verano, 2006), 35–58. ROCKING THE CRADLE Gloria L. Main Rocking the Cradle: Downsizing the New England Family Sometime around the year 1800, if not be- delantero, couples throughout New England…
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xxxv:3 (Invierno, 2005), 481–500.
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xxxv:3 (Invierno, 2005), 481–500. THE OTTOMAN PUBLIC KITCHEN Amy Singer Serving Up Charity: The Ottoman Public Kitchen Ottoman public kitchens, known as ‘imaret, aqhane, darü’l-it(am, or darü’z-ziyafe, handed out food, gratis…
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xxxiv:1 (Verano, 2003), 1–25.
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xxxiv:1 (Verano, 2003), 1–25. RATS, COMMUNICATIONS, AND PLAGUE Michael McCormick Rats, Comunicaciones, and Plague: Toward an Ecological History Until recently, there were no Roman rats. As disease, ecological change, and their…