Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xli:2 (Otoño, 2010), 227–242. THE MAKING OF A REVOLUTION? Hamish Scott The Making of a Revolution? 1688: The First Modern Revolution. By Steve Pincus (nuevo refugio, Prensa de la Universidad de Yale, 2009) 647…
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Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xli:1 (Verano, 2010), 79–95.
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xli:1 (Verano, 2010), 79–95. NEGOTIATIONS BEYOND BORDERS Riva Kastoryano Negotiations beyond Borders: States and Immigrants in Postcolonial Europe Since the 1990s, studies of immigration in Europe have focused extensively on comparative…
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xli:1 (Verano, 2010), 7–25.
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xli:1 (Verano, 2010), 7–25. LIBERALISM AND THE LIMITS OF INCLUSION David Cook-Martín and David FitzGerald Liberalism and the Limits of Inclusion: Race and Immigration Law in the Americas, 1850–2000 The relationship…
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, SG:4 (Primavera, 2010), 551–578.
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, SG:4 (Primavera, 2010), 551–578. TRADITIONAL BASQUE FISHING BROTHERHOODS Andreas Hess “Working the Waves”: The Plebeian Culture and Moral Economy of Traditional Basque Fishing Brotherhoods The Basque ªshing fraternity (cofradía de mareantes)…
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, SG:3 (Invierno, 2010), 399–412.
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, SG:3 (Invierno, 2010), 399–412. BIOGRAPHY AS HISTORY Stanley Wolpert Biography as History: Una Reflexión Personal Suya- tory has illuminated every ªeld of human endeavor—science as well as the arts—embracing countless modern…
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, SG:2 (Otoño, 2009), 215–238.
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, SG:2 (Otoño, 2009), 215–238. ACCOUNTING FOR GOVERNMENT Jacob Soll Accounting for Government: Holland and the Rise of Political Economy in Seventeenth-Century Europe The Dutch may ascribe their present grandeur to the…
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, SG:1 (Verano, 2009), 33–56.
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, SG:1 (Verano, 2009), 33–56. PLANNING THE PEACE Melissa Willard-Foster Planning the Peace and Enforcing the Surrender: Deterrence in the Allied Occupations of Germany and Japan “A well behaved occupied country,” writes…
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xxxix:4 (Primavera, 2009), 471–495.
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xxxix:4 (Primavera, 2009), 471–495. CREATING SOCIAL CAPITAL Johann N. Neem Creating Social Capital in the Early American Republic: The View from Connecticut To Connec- ticut’s Congregational ministers, something had gone wrong….
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xxxix:3 (Invierno, 2009), 323–348.
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xxxix:3 (Invierno, 2009), 323–348. THE GASTRODYNAMICS OF DISPLACEMENT Knut Oyangen The Gastrodynamics of Displacement: Place- Making and Gustatory Identity in the Immigrants’ Midwest Between 1830 y 1920, millions of Europeans ar-…
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xxxix:2 (Otoño, 2008), 211–232.
Revista de Historia Interdisciplinaria, xxxix:2 (Otoño, 2008), 211–232. THE STATURE AND BMI OF MEXICANS IN THE U.S. Scott Alan Carson The Stature and Body Mass of Mexicans in the Nineteenth-Century United States Nineteenth- century Mexico…