Future Warfare in the Western Paciªc Future Warfare in the Western Paciªc Chinese Antiaccess/Area Denial, A NOSOTROS. AirSea Battle, and Command of the Commons in East Asia Stephen Biddle and Ivan Oelrich The United States has…
Browsing Categoryisec
Deal or No Deal?
Deal or No Deal? Deal or No Deal? The End of the Cold War and the U.S. Offer to Limit NATO Expansion Joshua R. Itzkowitz Shifrinson During the negotia- tions on German reuniªcation in 1990,…
Grandes potencias en el siglo XXI
Great Powers in the 21st Century The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers in the Twenty-ªrst Century China’s Rise and the Fate of America’s Global Position Stephen G. Brooks and William C. Wohlforth Unipolarity…
Strategies of Inhibition
Strategies of Inhibition Strategies of Inhibition Francis J. Gavin U.S. Gran estrategia, the Nuclear Revolution, and Nonproliferation What roles have nu- clear nonproliferation and counterproliferation played in U.S. grand strat- egy since 1945?1 And what…
El mito de las alianzas entrelazadas
The Myth of Entangling Alliances The Myth of Entangling Alliances Reassessing the Security Risks of U.S. Defense Pacts Michael Beckley For the ªrst 165 years of its history, the United States did not form any…
La lógica estratégica de la proliferación nuclear
The Strategic Logic of Nuclear Proliferation The Strategic Logic of Nuclear Proliferation Nuno P. Monteiro and Alexandre Debs What causes nuclear proliferation?1 What role do security threats play in driving states to acquire nuclear weapons?…
Racing toward Tragedy?
Racing toward Tragedy? Racing toward Tragedy? China’s Rise, Military Competition in the Asia Paciªc, and the Security Dilemma Adam P. Liff and G. John Ikenberry Throughout the post– Cold War period, scholars and policymakers have…
Pakistan’s Forgotten Genocide—A Review Essay
Pakistan’s Forgotten Genocide—A Review Essay Pakistan’s Forgotten Genocide— A Review Essay Sumit Ganguly Gary J. Bass, The Blood Telegram: Nixon, Kissinger, and a Forgotten Genocide (Nueva York: Alfredo A.. Knopf, 2013) Gary Bass’s The Blood…
Attacking the Leader, Missing the Mark
Attacking the Leader, Missing the Mark Attacking the Leader, Missing the Mark Why Terrorist Groups Survive Decapitation Strikes Jenna Jordan Does leadership de- capitation lead to the demise of terrorist organizations? Can the United States…
Grounds for War
Grounds for War Grounds for War Dominic D.P. Johnson The Evolution of Territorial Conºict and Monica Duffy Toft The Badme region in the Horn of Africa is claimed by both Ethiopia and Eritrea. It contains…