Resolución de correferencia a través de un sistema basado en transición seq2seq

Resolución de correferencia a través de un sistema basado en transición seq2seq

Bernd Bohnet1, Chris Alberti2, Michael Collins2

1Google Research, Los países bajos

2Google Research, EE.UU


Most recent coreference resolution systems
use search algorithms over possible spans to
identify mentions and resolve coreference. Nosotros
instead present a coreference resolution sys-
tem that uses a text-to-text (seq2seq) paradigma
to predict mentions and links jointly. We im-
plement the coreference system as a transition
system and use multilingual T5 as an underly-
ing language model. We obtain state-of-the-art
accuracy on the CoNLL-2012 datasets with
83.3 F1-score for English (a 2.3 más alto
F1-score than previous work [Dobrovolskii,
2021]) using only CoNLL data for training,
68.5 F1-score for Arabic (+4.1 higher than
previous work), y 74.3 F1-score for Chinese
(+5.3). In addition we use the SemEval-2010
data sets for experiments in the zero-shot set-
ting, a few-shot setting, and supervised setting
using all available training data. Obtenemos
substantially higher zero-shot F1-scores for 3
out of 4 languages than previous approaches
and significantly exceed previous supervised
state-of-the-art results for all five tested lan-
calibres. We provide the code and models as
open source.1



There has been a great deal of recent research
in pretrained language models that employ encoder-
decoder or decoder-only architectures (p.ej., ver
GPT-3, GLAM, Lamda [Brown y cols., 2020; Du
et al., 2021; Thoppilan et al., 2022]), and that can
generate text using autoregressive or text-to-text
(seq2seq) modelos (p.ej., see T5, MT5 [Rafael y col.,
2019; Xue et al., 2021]). These models have led
to remarkable results on a number of problems.

Coreference resolution is the task of finding
referring expressions in text that point to the same
entity in the real world. Coreference resolution is
a core task in NLP, relevant to a wide range of



applications (p.ej., see Jurafsky and Martin [2021]
Chapter 21 for discussion), but somewhat surpris-
ingly, there has been relatively limited work on
coreference resolution using encoder-decoder or
decoder-only architectures.

The state-of-the-art models on coreference
problems are based on encoder-only models, semejante
as BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) or SpanBERT (Joshi
et al., 2020). All recent state-of-the-art coreference
modelos (ver tabla 2), sin embargo, have the disadvan-
tage of a) requiring engineering of a specialized
search or structured prediction step for corefer-
ence resolution, on top of the encoder’s output
representaciones; b) often requiring a pipelined ap-
proach with intermediate stages of prediction (p.ej.,
mention detection followed by coreference predic-
ción); and c) an inability to leverage more recent
work in pretrained seq2seq models.

This paper describes a text-to-text (seq2seq) ap-
proach to coreference resolution that can directly
leverage modern encoder-decoder or decoder-only
modelos. The method takes as input a sentence at
un momento, together with prior context, encoded as
a string, and makes predictions corresponding to
coreference links. The method has the following
advantages over previous approaches:

• Simplicity: We use greedy seq2seq predic-
tion without a separate mention detection step
and do not employ a higher order decoder to
identify links.

• Accuracy: The accuracy of the method

exceeds the previous state of the art.

• Text-to-text (seq2seq) based: The method
can make direct use of modern generation
models that employ the generation of text
strings as the key primitive.

A key question that we address in our work is
how to frame coreference resolution as a seq2seq
problema. We describe three transition systems,
where the seq2seq model takes a single sentence

Transacciones de la Asociación de Lingüística Computacional, volumen. 11, páginas. 212–226, 2023. a 00543
Editor de acciones: Vincent Ng. Lote de envío: 4/2022; Lote de revisión: 10/2022; Publicado 3/2023.
C(cid:2) 2023 Asociación de Lingüística Computacional. Distribuido bajo CC-BY 4.0 licencia.

































put), and mention-based (Mention-Link-Append),
which has a separate mention detection system, en
some sense mirroring prior work (mira la sección 5).
We describe results on the CoNLL-2012 data set
en la sección 4. Además, Sección 5 describes mul-
tilingual results, in two settings: primero, the setting
where we fine-tune on each language of interest;
segundo, zero-shot results, where an MT5 model
fine-tuned on English alone is applied to languages
other than English. Zero-shot experiments show
that for most languages, accuracies are higher
than recent translation-based approaches and early
supervised systems.

2 Trabajo relacionado

Most similar to our approach is the work of Webster
and Curran (2014), who use a shift-reduce
transition-based system for coreference reso-
lution. The transition system uses two data
estructuras, a queue initialized with all mentions
and a list. The SHIFT transition moves from the
queue a mention to top of the list. The REDUCE
transition merges the top mentions with selected
grupos. Webster and Curran (2014) consider
the approach to better reflect human cognitive
Procesando, to be simple and to have small mem-
ory requirements. Xia et al. (2020) use this
transition-based system together with a neural
approach for mention identification and transition
predicción; this neural model (Xia et al., 2020)
gives higher accuracy scores (ver tabla 2) than
Webster and Curran (2014).

Lee y otros. (2017) focus on predicting mentions
and spans using an end-to-end neural model based
on LSTMs (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997),
while Lee et al. (2018) extend this to a differ-
entiable higher-order model considering directed
paths in the antecedent tree.

Another important method to gain higher accu-
racy is to use stronger pretrained language models,
which we follow in this paper as well. A num-
ber of recent coreference resolution systems kept
the essential architecture fixed while they replace
the pretrained models with increasingly stronger
modelos. Lee y otros. (2018) used Elmo (Peters
et al., 2018) including feature tuning and show
an impressive improvement of 5.1 F1 on the
English CoNLL 2012 test set over the baseline
score of Lee et al. (2017). The extension from
an end-to-end to the differentiable higher-order
inference provides an additional 0.7 F1-score on

Cifra 1: Example of one of our transition-based coref-
erence systems, the Link-Append system. El sistema
processes a single sentence at a time, using an input
encoding of the prior sentences annotated with corefer-
ence clusters, followed by the new sentence. As output,
the system makes predictions that link mentions in the
new sentence to either previously created coreference
grupos (p.ej., ‘‘You → [1'') or when a new cluster
is created, to previous mentions (p.ej., ‘‘the apartment
→ your house’’). The system predicts ‘‘SHIFT’’ when
processing of the sentence is complete. Note in the
figure we use the word indices 2 y 17 to distinguish
the two incidences of ‘‘I’’ in the text.

as input, and outputs an action corresponding
to a set of coreference links involving that sen-
tence as its output. Cifra 1 gives an overview of
the highest performing system, ‘‘Link-Append’’
which encodes prior coreference decisions in the
input to the seq2seq model, and predicts new
conference links (either to existing clusters, o
creating a new cluster) as its output. We provide
the code and models as open source.2 Section 4 de-
scribes ablations considering other systems, semejante
as a ‘‘Link-only’’ system (which does not en-
code previous coreference decisions in the in-



































el conjunto de prueba, which leads to a final F1-score of 73.0
for this approach. Joshi et al. (2019) use the same
inference model and explore how to best use and
gain another significant improvement of 3.9 puntos
absolute and reach a score of 76.9 F1-score on the
test set (ver tabla 2). Finalmente, Joshi et al. (2020)
use SpanBERT, which leads to a even higher ac-
curacy score of 79.6. SpanBERT performs well
for coreference resolution due to its span-based
pretraining objective.


(2021) considers coreference
links between words instead of spans, which re-
duces the complexity to O(n2) of the coreference
models and uses RoBERTa as language model,
which provides better results than SpanBERT for
many tasks.

Similarmente, Kirstain et al. (2021) reduce the high
memory footprint of mention detection by using
the start- and end-points of mention spans to iden-
tify mentions with a bilinear scoring function.
The top λn scored mentions are used to restrict
the search space for coreferences prediction us-
ing again a bilinear function for scoring. El
algorithm has a quadratic complexity since each
possible coreference pair has to be scored.

Wu et al. (2020) cast coreference resolution as
question answering and report gains originating
from pretraining on Quoref and SQuAD 2.0 de 1
F1-score on the development set. The approach
first predicts mentions with a recall-oriented ob-
jective, then creates queries for these potential
mentions for the cluster prediction. This proce-
dure requires the application of the model for each
mention candidate multiple times per document,
which leads to high execution time.

Our work makes direct use of T5-based mod-
los (Rafael y col., 2019). T5 adopts the idea of
treating tasks in Natural Language Processing uni-
formly as ‘‘text-to-text’’ problems, which means
to only have text as input and generate text as
producción. This idea simplifies and unifies the ap-
proach for a large number of tasks by applying
the same model, objetivo, training procedure, y
decoding process.

clusters that have been built up over the first
(i − 1) oraciones. Como ejemplo, the input for
i = 3 for the example in Figure 1 is the following:

Input: Speaker-A [1 I ] still have n’t gone to
that fresh French restaurant by your house #
Speaker-A [1 I ] ’m like dying to go there | #
Speaker-B You mean the one right next to the
apartment **

Here the # symbol is used to delimit sentences,
and the start of the focus sentence is marked using
the pipe-symbol | and the end of a sentence with
two asterisk symbols **.

We have three sentences (i = 3). There is a
single coreference cluster in the first i − 1 = 2
oraciones, marked using the [1 . . . ] bracketings.
The output from the seq2seq model is also a
text string. The text string encodes a sequence of
0 or more actions, terminated by the SHIFT token.
Each action links some mention (a span) in the ith
sentence to some mention in the previous context
(often in the first i − 1 oraciones, but sometimes
also in the ith sentence). An example prediction
given the above input is the following:

Prediction You → [1 ; the apartment → your
house; the one right next to the apartment → that
fresh French restaurant by your house ; SHIFT

Más precisamente, the first action would actually
be ‘‘You ## mean the one → [1’’ where the sub-
string ‘‘mean the one’’ is the 3-gram in the original
text immediately after the mention ‘‘You’’. El
3-gram helps to disambiguate the mention fully, en
the case where the same string might appear mul-
tiple times in the sentence of interest. Para ser breve
we omit these 3-grams in the following discussion,
but they are used throughout the models output to
specify mentions.3

In this case there are three actions, separated by
the ‘‘;’’ symbol, followed by the terminating SHIFT
acción. The first action is

3 Three seq2seq Transition Systems

3.1 The Link-Append System

The Link-Append system processes the document
a single sentence at a time. At each point the input
to the seq2seq model is a text string that encodes
the first i sentences together with coreference

3Note that no explicit constraints are placed on the model’s
producción, so there is the potential for the model to generate
mention references that do not correspond to substrings within
the input; however this happens very rarely in practice, ver
sección 6.2 for discussion. There is also the potential for
the 3-gram to be insufficient context to disambiguate the
exact location of a mention; de nuevo, this happens rarely, ver
sección 6.2.


































You → [1

This is an append action: específicamente, it appends
the mention ‘‘You’’ in the third sentence to the
existing coreference cluster labeled [1 . . . ]. El
second action is
the apartment → your house

This is a link action. It links the mention ‘‘the
apartment’’ in the third sentence to ‘‘your house’’
in the previous context. Similarly the third action,
the one right next to the apartment → that fresh
French restaurant by your house

is a also a link action, in this case linking the
mention ‘‘the one right next to the apartment’’ to
a previous mention in the discourse.

The sequence of actions is terminated by the
SHIFT symbol. At this point the ith sentence has
been processed, and the model moves to the next
step where the (i+1)th sentence will be processed.
Assuming the next sentence is ‘‘Speaker-B yeah
yeah yeah’’, the input at the (i + 1)th step will be

Input: Speaker-A [1 I ] still have n’t gone to [3
that fresh French restaurant by [2 your house ] ]
# Speaker-A [1 I ] ’m like dying to go there #
Speaker-B [1 You ] significar [3 the one right next to
[2 the apartment ] ] | # Speaker-B yeah yeah yeah

Note that the three actions in the previous predic-
tion have been reflected in the new input, cual
now includes three coreference clusters, labeled
[1 . . . ], [2 . . . ] y [3 . . . ].

En resumen, the method processes a sentence
at a time, and uses append and link actions to
build up links between mentions in the current
sentence under focus and previous mentions in the

A critical question is how to map training data
examples (which contain coreference clusters for
entire documents) to sequences of actions for each
oración. Clearly there is some redundancy in the
sistema, in that in many cases either link or append
actions could be used to build up the same set of
coreference clusters. We use the following method
for creation of training examples:

• Process mentions in the order in which they
appear in the sentence. Específicamente, menciona
are processed in order of their end-point (ear-
lier end-points are earlier in the ordering).

Ties are broken by their start-point (más tarde
start-points are earlier in the ordering). It can
be seen that the order in the previous exam-
por ejemplo, You, the apartment, the one right next to
the apartment, follows this procedure.

• For each mention, if there is another mention
in the same coreference cluster earlier in the
documento, either:

1. Create an append action if there are at
least two members of the cluster in the
previous i − 1 oraciones.

2. Otherwise create a link action to the
most recent member of the coreference
grupo (this may be either in the first
i − 1 oraciones, or in the ith sentence).

The basic idea then will be to always use append
actions where possible, but to use link actions
where a suitable append action is not available.

3.2 The Link-only System

The Link-only system is a simple variant of the
Link-Append system. There are two changes:
Primero, the only actions in the Link-only system
are link and SHIFT, as described in the previous
sección. Segundo, when encoding the input in the
Link-only system, the first i sentences are taken
again with the # separator, but no information
about coreference clusters over the first i − 1
sentences is included.

The Link-only system can therefore be viewed
as a simplification of the Link-Append system.
We will compare the two systems in experi-
mentos, in general seeing that the Link-Append
system provides significant
improvements in

3.3 The Mention-Link-Append System

The Mention-Link-Append system is a modifica-
tion of the Link-Append system, que incluye
an additional class of actions, the mention actions.
A mention action selects a single sub-string from
the sentence under focus, and creates a single-
ton coreference cluster. The algorithm that creates
training examples is modified to have an addi-
tional step for the creation of mention actions, como

• Process mentions in the order in which they

appear in the sentence.


































• For each mention, if it is the first mention in
a coreference structure, introduce a mention
action for that mention.

hence M is the set of all potential mentions in
the document, and M≤i is the set of potential
mentions in sentences 1 . . . i.

• For each mention, if there is another mention
in the same coreference cluster earlier in the
documento, either:

1. Create an append action if there is at
least two members of the cluster in the
previous i − 1 oraciones.

2. Otherwise create a link action to the
most recent member of the coreference
grupo (this may be either in the first
i − 1 oraciones, or in the ith sentence).

Note that the Mention-Link-Append system can
create singleton coreference structures, unlike the
LINK-APPEND or Link-only systems. This is its
primary motivation.

3.4 A Formal Description

We now give a formal definition of the three
sistemas. This section can be safely skipped on a
first reading of the paper.

3.4.1 Initial Definitions and Problem


We introduce some key initial definitions—of
documentos, potential mentions, and clusterings—
before giving a problem statement:

Definición 1 (Documents). A document is a pair
(w1 . . . wn, s1 . . . sm), where wi is the ith word
in the document, and s1, s2, . . . , sm is a sequence
of integers specifying a segmentation of w1 . . . wn
into m sentences. Each si is the endpoint for
sentence i in the document. Por eso 1 ≤ s1 < s2 . . . sm−1 < sm, and sm = n. The ith sentence spans words (si−1 + 1) . . . si inclusive (where for convenience we define s0 = 0). Definition 2 (Potential Mentions). Assume an input document (w1 . . . wn, s1 . . . sm). For each i ∈ 1 . . . m we define Mi to be the set of potential mentions in the ith sentence; specifically, Mi = {(a, b) : si−1 < a ≤ b ≤ si} Hence each member of Mi is a pair (a, b) speci- fying a subspan of the ith sentence. We define M = ∪m i=1 Mi, M≤i = ∪i j=1 Mj Definition 3 (Clusterings). A clustering K is a sequence of sets K1, K2, . . . K|K|, where each Ki ⊆ M, and for any i, j such that i (cid:8)= j, we have Ki ∩ Kj = ∅. We in addition assume that for all i, |Ki| ≥ 2 (although see Section 3.5 for discussion of the case where |Ki| ≥ 1). We define K to be the set of all possible clusterings. Definition 4 (Problem Statement). The corefer- ence problem is to take a document x as input, and to predict a clustering K as the output. We assume a training set of N examples, {(x(i), K (i))}N i=1, consisting of documents paired with clusterings. 3.5 The Three Transition Systems The transition systems considered in this paper take a document x as input, and produce a coref- erence clustering K as the output. We assume a definition of transition systems that is closely related to work on deterministic dependency pars- ing (Nivre, 2003, 2008), and which is very similar to the conventional definition of deterministic finite-state machines. Specifically, a transition system consists of: 1) A set of states C. 2) An initial state c0 ∈ C. 3) A set of actions A. 4) A transition function δ : C × A → C. This will usually be a partial function: That is, for a par- ticular state c, there will be some actions a such that δ(c, a) is undefined. For convenience, for any state c we define A(c) ⊆ A to be the set of actions such that for all a ∈ A(c), δ(c, a) is defined. 5) A set of final states F ⊆ C. A path is then a sequence c0, a0, c1, a1, . . . cN where for i = 1 . . . N , ci+1 = δ(ci, ai), and where cN ∈ F. All transition systems in this paper use the following definition of states: Definition 5 (States). A state is a pair (i, K) such that 1 ≤ i ≤ (m + 1) and K ∈ K is a clustering such that for k ∈ 1 . . . |K|, for j ∈ (i + 1) . . . m, Kk ∩ Mj = ∅ (i.e,. K is a clustering over the mentions in the first i sentences). In addition we define the following: • C is the set of all possible states. • c0 = (1, (cid:4)) is the initial state, where (cid:4) is the empty sequence. 216 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / t a c l / l a r t i c e - p d f / d o i / . 1 0 1 1 6 2 / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 5 4 3 2 0 7 4 8 8 8 / / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 5 4 3 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 9 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 • F = {(i, K) : (i, k) ∈ C, i = (m + 1)} is the set of final states. Mention Actions. Given a state (i, K), we define the set of possible mention actions as Intuitively, the state (i, K) keeps track of which sentence is being worked on, through the index i, and also keeps track of a clustering of the partial mentions up to and including sentence i. We now describe the actions used by the var- ious transition systems. The actions will either augment the clustering K, or increment the index i. The actions fall into four classes—link actions, append actions, mention actions, and the shift action—defined as follows: Link Actions. Given a state (i, K), we define the set of possible link actions as Mention(i, K) = {Add(m) : m ∈ Mi}} A mention action Add(m) augments K by either creating a new singleton cluster containing m alone, assuming that m does not currently appear in K; otherwise it leaves K unchanged. We define K ⊕ Add(m) to be the result of this action, and δ((i, K), Add(m)) = (i, K ⊕ Add(m)). The SHIFT Action. The final action in the system is the SHIFT action. This can be applied in any state, and simply advances the index i, leaving the clustering K unchanged: L(i, K) = {m → m(cid:12) : m ∈ Mi, m(cid:12) ∈ M≤i} δ((i, K), SHIFT) = ((i + 1), K) A link action (m → m(cid:12)) augments K by adding a link between mentions m and m(cid:12). We de- fine K ⊕ (m → m(cid:12)) to be the result of adding link m → m(cid:12) to clustering K.4 We can then define the transition function associated with a link action: δ((i, K), m → m(cid:12)) = (i, K ⊕ (m → m(cid:12))) Append Actions. Given a state (i, K), we define the set of possible append actions as App(i, K) = {m → k : m ∈Mi, k ∈ {1 . . . |K|}} An append action (m → k) augments K by adding mention m to the cluster Kk withing the sequence K. We define K ⊕ (m → k) to be the result of this action (thereby overloading the ⊕ operator); the transition function associated with an append action is then δ((i, K), m → k) = (i, K ⊕ (m → k)) 4Specifically, the addition of the link m → m(cid:12) can either: 1) create a new cluster within K, if neither m or m(cid:12) are in an existing cluster within K; 2) add m to an existing cluster within K, if m(cid:12) is already in some cluster in K, and m is not in an existing clustering; 3) add m(cid:12) to an existing cluster within K, if m is already in some cluster in K, and m(cid:12) is not in an existing clustering; 4) merge two clusters, if m and m(cid:12) are both in clusters within K, and the two clusters are different; 5) leave K unchanged, if m and m(cid:12) are both within the same existing cluster within K. In practice cases (2), (3), (4), and (5) are never seen in oracle sequences of actions, but for completeness we include them. We are now in a position to define the transition systems: Definition 6 (The Three Transition Systems). The link-append transition system is defined as follows: • C, c0, and F are as defined in definition 5. • For any state (i, K), the set of possible ac- tions is A(i, K) = L(i, K) ∪ App(i, K) ∪ {SHIFT}. The full set of actions is A = ∪(i,K)∈CA(i, K) • The transition function δ is as defined above. The Link-only system is identical to the above, but with A(i, K) = L(i, K) ∪ {SHIFT}. The Mention-Link-Append system is identical to the above, but with A(i, K) = L(i, K) ∪ App(i, K) ∪ Mention(i, k) ∪ {SHIFT}. All that remains in defining the seq2seq method for each transition system is to: a) define an encoding of the state (i, K) as a string input to the seq2seq model; b) define an encoding of each type of action, and of a sequence of actions corresponding to single sentence; c) defining a mapping from a training example consisting of an (x, K) pair to a sequence of input-output texts corresponding to training examples. 4 Experimental Setup We train a mT5 model to predict from an input a target text. We use the provided training, devel- opment, and test splits as described in section 4.1. 217 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / t a c l / l a r t i c e - p d f / d o i / . 1 0 1 1 6 2 / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 5 4 3 2 0 7 4 8 8 8 / / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 5 4 3 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 9 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 Training Development Language docs tokens docs tokens docs tokens Test OntoNotes / CoNLL-2012 datasets 348 218 44 1940 1.3M 343 254 1729 750k 44 359 300k 160k 110k 30k SemEval 2010 data 42k 142 9k 23 73k 199 16k 18 44k 140 829 253k 145 46k 900 331k 80 81k 875 284k 167 72 136 46 168 English Chinese Arabic Catalan Dutch German Italian Spanish 170k 90k 30k 49k 48k 50k 41k 51k Table 1: Sizes of the SemEval Shared Task data sets and OntoNotes (CoNLL-2012). For the preparation of the input text, we follow previous work and include the speaker in the input text before each sentence (Wu et al., 2020) as well as the text genre at the document start if this information is available in the corpus. We apply as described in Section 3 the corresponding tran- sitions as an oracle to obtain the input and target texts. We shorten the text at the front if the input text is larger as the sentence piece token input size of the language model and add further con- text beyond the sentence i when the input space is not filled up (note that as described in Section 3, we use the pipe symbol | to mark the start of the focus sentence and the end with two asterisk symbols **). 4.1 Data We use the English coreference resolution dataset from the CoNLL-2012 Shared Task (Pradhan et al., 2012) and SemEval-2010 Shared Task set (Recasens et al., 2010) for multilingual corefer- ence resolution experiments. The SemEval-2010 datasets include six languages and is therefore a good test bed for multilingual coreference reso- lution. We excluded English as the data overlaps with our training data. The statistics on the dataset sizes are summa- rized in Table 1. The table shows that the English CoNLL-2012 Shared Task is substantially larger than any of the other data sets. 4.2 Experiments or xxl checkpoints.5 For fine-tuning, we use the hyperparameters suggested by Raffel et al. (2019): a batch-size of 128 sequences and a constant learning rate of 0.001. We use micro-batches of 8 to reduce the memory requirements. We save checkpoints every 2k steps. From these models, we select the model with the best development results. We train for 100k steps. We use inputs with 2048 sentence piece tokens and 384 output tokens for training. All our models have been tested with 3k sentence piece tokens input length if not stated otherwise. The training of the xxl- model takes about 2 days on 128 TPUs-v4. On the development set, inference takes about 30 minutes on 8 TPUs. Setup for Other Languages. We used the En- glish model in this work to continue training with the above settings on other languages than En- glish (Arabic, Chinese, and the SemEval-2010 datasets). For few-shot learning, we use the first 10 documents for each language and we train only for 200 steps since the evaluation then shows 100% fit to the training set. The experimental evaluation changed in recent publication for the SemEval-2010 by reporting F1-scores as an average of MUC, B3, and CEAFΦ4 following the CoNLL-2012 evaluation schema (Roesiger and Kuhn, 2016; Schr¨oder et al., 2021; Xue et al., 2021). We follow this schema in this pa- per as well. Another important difference between the SemEval-2010 and the CoNLL-2012 datasets is the annotation of singletons (mentions without antecedents) in the SemEval datasets. Most recent systems predict only coreference chains. This has lead also to different evaluation methods for the SemEval-2010 datasets. The first method keeps the singletons for the evaluation purposes (e.g., Xia and Durme, 2021) and the second excludes the singletons from evaluation set (e.g., Roesiger and Kuhn, 2016; Schr¨oder et al., 2021; Bitew et al., 2021). The exclusion of singletons seems better suited to compare recent systems but makes direct comparison with previous work difficult. We report numbers for both setups. In Section 5, we present our work on mul- tilingual coreference resolution and Section 6 discusses the results for all languages. Setup for English. For our experiments, we use mT5 and initialize our model with either the xl 5 /multilingual-t5. 218 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / t a c l / l a r t i c e - p d f / d o i / . 1 0 1 1 6 2 / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 5 4 3 2 0 7 4 8 8 8 / / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 5 4 3 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 9 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 LM Decoder MUC R P English F1 P B3 R CEAFΦ4 R F1 Avg. F1 F1 P Lee et al. (2017) Lee et al. (2018) Joshi et al. (2019) Yu et al. (2020) Joshi et al. (2020) Xia et al. (2020) Wu et al. (2020) Xu and Choi (2020) Kirstain et al. (2021) Dobrovolskii (2021) Link-Append – neural e2e 78.4 73.4 75.8 68.6 61.8 65.0 62.7 59.0 60.8 81.4 79.5 80.4 72.2 69.5 70.8 68.2 67.1 67.6 c2f Elmo 84.7 82.4 83.5 76.5 74.0 75.3 74.1 69.8 71.9 c2f BERT 82.7 83.3 83.0 73.8 75.6 74.7 72.2 71.0 71.6 Ranking BERT SpanBERT c2f 85.8 84.8 85.3 78.3 77.9 78.1 76.4 74.2 75.3 SpanBERT transitions 85.7 84.8 85.3 78.1 77.5 77.8 76.3 74.1 75.2 88.6 87.4 88.0 82.4 82.0 82.2 79.9 78.3 79.1 SpanBERT QA 85.9 85.5 85.7 79.0 78.9 79.0 76.7 75.2 75.9 SpanBERT hoi 86.5 85.1 85.8 80.3 77.9 79.1 76.8 75.4 76.1 LongFormer bilinear 84.9 87.9 86.3 77.4 82.6 79.9 76.1 77.1 76.6 RoBERTa 87.4 88.3 87.8 81.8 83.4 82.6 79.1 79.9 79.5 mT5 c2f transition Aloraini et al. (2020) AraBERT Min (2021) GigaBERT Link-Append mT5 c2f c2f transition 63.2 70.9 66.8 57.1 66.3 61.3 61.6 65.5 63.5 73.6 61.8 67.2 70.7 55.9 62.5 66.1 62.0 64.0 71.0 70.9 70.9 66.5 66.7 66.6 68.3 68.6 68.4 Arabic Xia and Durme (2021) XLM-R Link-Append mT5 transition transition Chinese – – – 81.5 76.8 79.1 76.1 69.9 72.9 74.1 67.9 70.9 – – – – – – 67.2 73.0 76.9 76.4 79.6 79.4 83.1∗ 80.2 80.3 81.0 83.3 63.9 64.6 68.7 69.0 74.3 Table 2: English, Arabic, and Chinese test set results and comparison with previous work on the CoNLL-2012 Shared Task test data set. The average F1 score of MUC, B3, and CEAFΦ4 is the main evaluation criterion. *Wu et al. (2020) use additional training data. 5 Multilingual Coreference Resolution Results 5.1 Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Since mT5 is pretrained on 100+ languages (Xue et al., 2021), we evaluate Zero-Shot transfer ability from English to other languages. We apply our sys- tem trained on the English CoNLL-2012 Shared Task dataset to the non-English SemEval-2010 test sets. Table 3 shows evaluation scores for our transition-based systems and reference systems. In our results overview (Table 3), we report in the column sing. whether singletons are included (Y) or excluded (N), in the P-column for pre- diction and in the E-column for evaluation. We use for training the same setting as the reference systems (Kobdani and Sch¨utze, 2010; Roesiger and Kuhn, 2016; Schr¨oder et al., 2021). In the Zero-shot experiments, the transition-based sys- tems are trained only on English CoNLL-2012 datasets and applied without modification to the multilingual SemEval-2010 test sets. Bitew et al. (2021) use machine translation for the coreferences prediction of the SemEval-2010 datasets. The authors found they obtained the best accuracy when they first translated the test sets to English, then predicted the English corefer- ences with the system of Joshi et al. (2020) and finally projected back the predictions. They ap- ply this method to four out of the six languages for the SemEval-2010 datasets. We include in Table 3 their results as a comparison to our Zero-Shot results. The two methods are directly comparable as they do not use the target language annotations for training. Our Zero-Shot F1-scores are substantially higher compared with the ma- chine translation approach for Dutch, Italian, and Spanish and a bit lower for Catalan, cf. Table 3. Xia and Durme (2021) explored for a large number of settings few-shot learning using the continued training approach. We use the same ap- proach with a single setting that uses the first 10 documents for each language. For details about the experimental setup see Section 4.2. Table 3 presents the results for the Link-Append system. This shows that already with a few additional train- ing documents a high accuracy can be reached. This could be useful either to adapt to a spe- cific coreference annotations schema or to specific language (see examples in Figure 2 and 3). 5.2 Supervised We also carried out experiments in a fully su- pervised setup in which we use all available 219 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / t a c l / l a r t i c e - p d f / d o i / . 1 0 1 1 6 2 / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 5 4 3 2 0 7 4 8 8 8 / / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 5 4 3 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 9 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 Systems Attardi et al. (2010) Mention-Link-Append Xia and Durme (2021) Mention-Link-Append Bitew et al. (2021) Link-Append Link-Append Sing. # training Avg. P E docs./method F1 Catalan 48.2 all Y Y 83.5 all Y Y 51.0 all N Y 59.2 N Y all N N ∅/Translation 48.0 N N ∅/Zero-shot 47.7 N N 10/Few-shot 68.9 Dutch Kobdani and Sch¨utze (2010) Y Y all 19.1 66.6 Y Y all Mention-Link-Append N Y Xia and Durme (2021) all 55.4 59.9 all N Y Mention-Link-Append N N ∅/Translation 37.5 Bitew et al. (2021) N N ∅/Zero-shot 57.6 Link-Append N N 10/Few-shot 65.7 Link-Append German Kobdani and Sch¨utze (2010) Y Y 59.8 all 86.4 all Mention-Link-Append Y Y 48.6 all Roesiger and Kuhn (2016) N N Schr¨oder et al. (2021) 74.5 all N N 77.8 N N all Link-Append N N ∅/Zero-shot 55.0 Link-Append N N 10/Few-shot 69.8 Link-Append Italian Kobdani and Sch¨utze (2010) Y Y 60.7 all 65.9 all Y Y Mention-Link-Append N N Mention-Link-Append 59.4 all N N ∅/Translation 36.2 Bitew et al. (2021) N N ∅/Zero-shot 39.4 Link-Append N N 10/Few-shot 61.2 Link-Append Spanish Attardi et al. (2010) Mention-Link-Append Xia and Durme (2021) Mention-Link-Append Link-Append Bitew et al. (2021) Link-Append Link-Append 49.0 all Y Y 83.9 all Y Y 51.3 all N Y 59.3 all N Y 83.1 all N N N N ∅/Translation 46.1 N N ∅/Zero-shot 49.4 N N 10/Few-shot 72.5 Table 3: Test set results for SemEval-2010 datasets. The Sing. column shows whether the singletons are included (Y) or removed (N) in the Prediction and the Evaluation set. The last column shows average F1 score of MUC, B3, and CEAFΦ4. the Arabic OntoNotes dataset for the later we use data and splits of the CoNLL-2012 Shared Task. To verify the finding of Xia and Durme (2021), we compared the results when we continue the training from a finetuned model and from the ini- tial mT5 model. We conducted this exploratory experiment using 1k training steps for the German dataset. The results are in favor of the exper- iment with continued training using an already fine-tuned model with a score of 84.5 F1 vs 81.0 F1 for fresh mT5 model. This model also achieves 77.3 F1 when evaluated without singletons (cf. Table 3), surpassing previous SotA of 74.5 F1 (Schr¨oder et al., 2021). We did not explore train- ing longer due to the computational cost of training from a fresh mT5 model to reach a potentially bet- ter performance. We adopted the approach for all datasets of the SemEval-2010 Shared Task as this model provides competitive coreference models with low training cost. Table 3 includes the accuracy scores for the cluster/mentions-based transition systems which reaches SotA for all languages when the predic- tion and evaluation includes the singletons (P=Y, E=Y). In order to compare the results with Xia and Durme (2021), we removed from the results for the cluster/mentions-based transition system the singletons in the prediction but still include them in the evaluation (P=N, E=Y). Table 2 compares the results for Arabic and Chinese of our model with the recent work. The Link-Append system is 4.1 points better than Min (2021) and 5.3 points better than Xia and Durme (2021), which present previous SotA for Arabic and Chinese, respectively. 6 Discussion In this section, we analyze performance factors with an ablation study, analyze errors, and re- flect on design choices that are important for the model’s performance. Table 2 shows the re- sults for our systems on the English, Arabic, and Chinese CoNLL-2012 Shared Task and compares with previous work. 6.1 Ablation Study training data of the SemEval-2010 Shared Task. We adopted the method of continued training of Xia and Durme (2021). In our experiments, we start from our finetuned English model and con- tinue training on the SemEval-2010 datasets and Our best-performing transition system is Link- Append, which predicts links and clusters it- eratively for sentences of a document without predicting mentions before-hand. Table 4 shows an ablation study. The results at the top of the 220 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / t a c l / l a r t i c e - p d f / d o i / . 1 0 1 1 6 2 / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 5 4 3 2 0 7 4 8 8 8 / / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 5 4 3 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 9 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 System Link-Append Link-Append Link-Append Link-Append Link-Append Link-Append Mention-Link-Append Mention-Link-Append Link-only Ablation 100k steps/3k pieces 2k sentence pieces 50k steps no context beyond i xxl-T5.1.1 xl-mT5 3k pieces 2k pieces link transitions only F1 83.2 83.1 82.9 82.8 82.7 78.0 82.6 82.2 81.4 Table 4: Development set results for an ablation study using English CoNLL-2012 data sets and reporting Avg. F1-scores. The models have been trained with 100k training steps and tested with 2k sentence pieces filling up remaining space in the input beyond the focus sentence i with further sentences of the document as context. In inference mode, the model uses input length of 3k sentences pieces if not stated otherwise. table show the development set results for the Link-Append system when, with each SHIFT, the already identified coreference clusters are an- notated in the input. This information is then available in the next step and the clusters can be extended by the APPEND transition. The models are trained with an input size of 2048 tokens using mT5. We use a larger input size of 3000 (3k) tokens for decoding to accommo- date for long documents and very long distances between mentions of coreferences. When we use 2k sentence pieces, the accuracy is 83.1 instead of 83.2 averaged F1-score on the development set using the model trained for 100k steps. At the bottom of Table 4, the performance of a system is shown that does not annotate the identified clusters in the input. In this system the Append transition cannot be applied and hence only the Link and Shift transition are used. The accuracy of this system is substantially lower, by 1.8 F1-score. We observe drops in accuracy when we do not use context beyond the sentence i or when we train for only 50k steps. We observe 0.5 lower F1-score, when we use xxl-T5.1.16 in- stead of the xxl-mT5 model. An analysis shows that the English OntoNotes corpus contains some 6The xxl-T5.1.1 model refers to a model provided by Xue et al. (2021) trained for 1.1 million steps on English data. Subset 1 – 128 129 – 256 257 – 512 513 – 768 769 – 1152 1153+ all #Docs 57 73 78 71 52 12 343 JS-L 84.6 83.7 82.9 80.1 79.1 71.3 80.1 CM 84.5 83.6 83.4 79.3 78.6 69.6 79.5 LA 85.8 85.2 86.0 83.2 83.3 74.9 83.2 Table 5: Average F1-score on the development set for buckets of document length incremented by 128 tokens. The column JS-L shows average F1-scores for the SpanBert-Large model (Joshi et al., 2020), CM for the Constant Memory model (Xia et al., 2020), and LA for the Link-Append system. The entries for JS-L and CM are taken from the paper of Xia et al. (2020). non-English text, speaker names, and special sym- bols. For instance, there are Arabic names that are mapped to OOV, but also the curly brackets {}. There are also other cases where T5 trans- lated non-English words to English (e.g., German ‘nicht’ to ‘not’). With the Mention-Link-Append system, we introduced a system that is capable of introducing mentions, which is useful for data sets that include single mentions, such as the SemEval-2010 data set. This transition system has an 82.6 F1-score on the development set with an input context of 3k sentences pieces, which is 0.6 F1-score lower than the Link-Append transition system. We added examples in the Appendix to illustrate mistakes in a Zero-shot setting (Figure 2) and supervised English example (Appendix). 6.2 Error Analysis We observe two problems originating from the sequence-to-sequence models: first, hallucina- tions (words not found in the input) and second, ambiguous matches of mentions to the input. In order to evaluate the frequency of hallucinations, we counted cases where the predicted mentions and their context could not be matched to a word sequence in the input. We found only 11 cases (0.07%) in all 14.5k Link and Append predictions for the development set. The second problem are mentions with their n-gram context which are found more than once in the input. This consti- tutes 84 cases (0.6%) of all 14.5k Link and Append predictions. 221 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / t a c l / l a r t i c e - p d f / d o i / . 1 0 1 1 6 2 / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 5 4 3 2 0 7 4 8 8 8 / / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 5 4 3 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 9 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 Table 5 shows average F1-scores for buckets of documents within a length range incremented by 128 tokens, analogous to the analysis of Xia et al. (2020). All systems’ F1-scores drop after the segment length 257–512 substantially by about 3-4 points. The Link-Append (LA) system seems to have two more stable F1-score regions 1–512 and 513–1152 tokens divided by the mentioned larger drop while we see for the other system slightly lower accuracy in each segment. 6.3 Design Choice With this paper, we follow the paradigm of a text-to-text approach. Our goal was to use only the text output from a seq2seq model, and poten- tially the score associated with the output. Crucial for the high accuracy of the Link-Append systems are the design choices that seem to fit a text-to- text approach well. (1) Initial experiments, not presented in the paper, showed lower perfor- mance for a standard two-stage approach using mention prediction followed by mention-linking. The Link-only transition system, which we in- cluded as a baseline in the paper, was the first system that we implemented that only predicted conference links, avoiding mention-detection. Hence this crucial first design choice is the prediction of links and not to predict mentions first. (2) The prediction of links in a state-full fashion, where the prior input records previous coreference decisions, finally leads to the superior accuracy for the text-to-text model. (3) The larger model enables us to use the simpler paradigm of a text-to-text model successfully. The smaller mod- els provide substantially lower performance. We speculate in line with the arguments of Kaplan et al. (2020) that distinct capabilities of a model become strong or even emerge with model size. (4) The strong multilingual results originate from the multilingual T5 model, which was initially surprising to us. For English, the mT5 model per- formed better as well which we attribute to larger vocab of the sentence piece encoding model of mT5. 7 Conclusions In this paper, we combine a text-to-text (seq2seq) language model with a transition-based systems to perform coreference resolution. We reach 83.3 F1-score on the English CoNLL-2012 data set surpassing previous SotA. In the text-to-text framework, the Link-Append transition system has been superior to hybrid Mention-Link-Append transition system with mixed prediction of men- tions, links and clusters. Our trained models are useful for future work as they could be used to ini- tialize models for continuous training or zero-shot transfer to new languages. Acknowledgments We would like to thank the action editor and three anonymous reviewers for their thoughtful and insightful comments, which were very helpful in improving the paper. l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / t a c l / l a r t i c e - p d f / d o i / . 1 0 1 1 6 2 / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 5 4 3 2 0 7 4 8 8 8 / / t l a c _ a _ 0 0 5 4 3 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 9 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 222 Figure 2: German Zero-shot predictions. The red bold marked text are wrong predictions. 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