Common and Distinct Roles of Frontal Midline Theta and

Common and Distinct Roles of Frontal Midline Theta and
Occipital Alpha Oscillations in Coding Temporal
Intervals and Spatial Distances

Mingli Liang1

, Jingyi Zheng2, Eve Isham1, and Arne Ekstrom1


■ Judging how far away something is and how long it takes to
get there is critical to memory and navigation. Todavía, the neural
codes for spatial and temporal information remain unclear, par-
ticularly the involvement of neural oscillations in maintaining
such codes. To address these issues, we designed an immersive
virtual reality environment containing teleporters that displace
participants to a different location after entry. Upon exiting the
teleporters, participants made judgments from two given
options regarding either the distance they had traveled (spatial
distance condition) or the duration they had spent inside the
teleporters (temporal duration condition). We wirelessly recorded
scalp EEG while participants navigated in the virtual environ-
ment by physically walking on an omnidirectional treadmill and
traveling through teleporters. An exploratory analysis revealed
significantly higher alpha and beta power for short-distance

versus long-distance traversals, whereas the contrast also re-
vealed significantly higher frontal midline delta–theta–alpha
power and global beta power increases for short versus long
temporal duration teleportation. Analyses of occipital alpha in-
stantaneous frequencies revealed their sensitivity for both spa-
tial distances and temporal durations, suggesting a novel and
common mechanism for both spatial and temporal coding. Nosotros
further examined the resolution of distance and temporal cod-
ing by classifying discretized distance bins and 250-msec time
bins based on multivariate patterns of 2- to 30-Hz power spectra,
finding evidence that oscillations code fine-scale time and dis-
tance information. Juntos, these findings support partially
independent coding schemes for spatial and temporal informa-
ción, suggesting that low-frequency oscillations play important
roles in coding both space and time. ■






























Tracking where we are in space and time is important for
both navigation and episodic memory (Ekstrom & Isham,
2017; Eichenbaum & cohen, 2014; Robin & Moscovitch,
2014; Tulving, 2002). Sin embargo, it is not clear what neural
mechanisms are recruited for spatial and temporal coding
in humans and whether they share similar coding principles
(Ekstrom & Isham, 2017; Frassinetti, Magnani, & Oliveri,
2009; Walsh, 2003). Movement, either physical or imagined,
is a core part of both our sense of space and time and
induces robust hippocampal low-frequency oscillations
(3–12 Hz) in both rats ( Vanderwolf, 1969) and humans
(Goyal et al., 2020; Bohbot, Copara, Gotman, & Ekstrom,
2017; Jacobs, 2013; Watrous, Frito, & Ekstrom, 2011;
Ekstrom et al., 2005). Because movement typically involves
changes in both space and time, one possibility is that low-
frequency oscillations play a role in coding both variables.
Past investigations have established an important role
for hippocampal theta oscillations in coding spatial
distance in humans, but evidence is lacking for the role

1University of Arizona, 2Auburn University

© 2021 Instituto de Tecnología de Massachusetts

of neocortical theta oscillations in distance coding. por ejemplo-
amplio, hippocampal theta power increases linearly with
the amount of distance traveled in virtual reality (Arbusto
et al., 2017; Vass et al., 2016), cross-regional theta connec-
tivity plays a critical role in judgments of relative spatial dis-
tance (Kim y cols., 2018), and theta network connectivity
differentiates distance from temporal contextual retrieval
( Watrous, Tandon, Conner, Pieters, & Ekstrom, 2013).
Sin embargo, it is not clear whether neocortical theta oscilla-
tions can code spatial distance in a similar fashion and if
scalp EEG can reveal such a cortical theta distance code.
Además, although past studies have established a role
for low-frequency oscillations in spatial distance coding,
their role in representing temporal durations remains less
clear. The medial temporal lobes of rodents are capable
of internally generating representations that track time pas-
sage (Wang, Romani, Lustig, Leonardo, & Pastalkova, 2015;
Itskov, Curto, Pastalkova, & Buzsáki, 2011; macdonald,
Lepage, Eden, & Eichenbaum, 2011; Pastalkova, Itskov,
Amarasingham, & Buzsáki, 2008). Given the strong pres-
ence of delta and theta oscillations in medial temporal
lobes, it is possible that low-frequency oscillations contrib-
ute to temporal duration coding and that such a time code
can manifest in neocortical low-frequency oscillations as
Bueno. Past studies have also revealed a role for cortical beta

Revista de neurociencia cognitiva 33:11, páginas. 2311–2327

oscillations in supporting duration reproduction in
humanos, such as the finding that increased alpha–beta cou-
pling strengths yield better time reproduction precision
(Grabot et al., 2019), and higher beta power recorded
with scalp EEG predicts longer reproduced durations
(Kononowicz & van Rijn, 2015). Por lo tanto, both delta–
theta and beta band oscillations are strong potential
candidates specifically dedicated to temporal duration
codificación, or both spatio-temporal coding, an issue we
seek to resolve here. Beside low-frequency power
cambios, another possible oscillatory timing mechanism
is alpha frequency modulation. Alpha frequency varia-
tions manifest independently of changes in alpha power
(Samuel, Wang, Hu, & Ding, 2018), and alpha frequency
modulation has been implicated in the temporal resolu-
tion of visual perception (Cecere, rees, & Romei, 2015;
Samaha & Postle, 2015). Sin embargo, how alpha
frequency fluctuations relate to duration timing remains
unclear and unresolved.


In this current study, we aim at experimentally dissociating
the spatial distance and temporal duration information

available to participants. Entonces, we examine whether and
how low-frequency oscillations support spatial distance
and temporal duration coding as well as whether such
spatio-temporal processing shares similar coding
schemes. To address these research questions, we devel-
oped a teleportation task in an immersive and ecologically
enriched virtual environment (Cifra 1), largely similar to
the experimental design in Vass et al. (2016) and capable
of disentangling spatial and temporal information. En esto
tarea, participants entered a virtual teleporter, were pre-
sented with a black screen for a couple of seconds, y
then exited at a different location in the virtual environ-
mento. After exiting, participants were prompted to make
a binary-choice judgment regarding the distance they
were transported inside the teleporter (the spatial dis-
tance task) or how long the duration was they spent inside
the teleporter. By manipulating the distance and duration
information independently, we disentangled participants’
memory for spatial distance from that of temporal dura-
ción. This in turn allowed us to examine their neural cor-
relates separately. Además, participants navigated
around the virtual reality by physically walking on an
omnidirectional treadmill while wearing a head-mounted
display, allowing us to study the relationship between

Cifra 1. Spatial and temporal
teleportation tasks as well as
virtual reality ( VR) setup. (A)
Layout of the VR and the
possible entry locations of
teleporters. (B) A view of the
virtual environment and the
VR-scalp EEG setup. (C) Tarea
flow in the spatial task.
Participants were teleported
either a short or long distance
inside teleporters while
standing still. (D) Tarea
flow in the temporal task.
Participants either experienced
a short (4 segundo) or long (8 segundo)
duration inside teleporters
while standing still.


Revista de neurociencia cognitiva

Volumen 33, Número 11




























cortical oscillations and spatio-temporal processing under
more ecologically enriched conditions.


We tested two primary hypotheses. Primero, for the within-
task difference hypothesis, we tested whether cortical
oscillatory power (2–30 Hz) and occipital alpha frequen-
cies responded differently within tasks, eso es, judging
short versus long spatial distance, or short versus long
temporal durations. Segundo, for the between-task differ-
ence hypothesis, we tested whether such oscillatory codes
differed between tasks, eso es, for spatial distance versus
temporal duration judgments, which might further
support the ideas of independent codes ( Watrous et al.,
2013) versus a common magnitude estimation mechanism
(Walsh, 2003) for spatio-temporal coding. Juntos, estos
analyses allowed us to address to what extent the coding
for spatial distance and temporal durations involves
common versus distinct neural mechanisms.


This study was approved by the institutional review board
at the University of Arizona, and all participants provided
informed consent. The data analyzed in this study are
available at


probamos 19 adultos (7 women, 12 hombres) from the Tucson
comunidad. Because this is the first investigation of its type
(scalp-recorded oscillatory correlates of spatio-temporal
Procesando), it is difficult to estimate exact effect sizes
needed to determine the sample size. Por lo tanto, nosotros
based our sample size on a previous study in which we
observed movement-related changes in low-frequency
oscillations during navigation (Liang, Starrett, & Ekstrom,
2018). Participants received monetary ($20/hr) and/or
class credit for compensation. Before testing, Participantes
received a virtual reality training session, which involved
30 min of walking on the omnidirectional treadmill with
a head-mounted display on. We implemented the train-
ing to screen out participants with potential susceptibility
to cybersickness.

Estímulos, Apparatus, and Virtual Reality

The virtual environment was constructed with the Unity
Engine and rendered with an HTC Vive headset. Immersive
walking experiences were simulated with an omnidirec-
tional treadmill (KAT VR Gaming Pro, KAT VR). Físico
walking motions on the omnidirectional treadmill were
translated into movements in the virtual reality.

The size of the virtual environment was 560 × 560 vir-
tual square meters. The layout of the virtual environment
was a plus (+) sign (Figura 1A), with four arms extending

desde el centro. Four target stores were placed at the end
of each arm (Cookie Shop, Dream Laundry, Antique Store,
and Travel Shop). Identical filler buildings were placed
along each arm.

The entry point to the teleporters was rendered as a
purple circle. When participants “collided” with teleporters
in the virtual reality, they initiated a teleportation event.
During teleportation, they stood still for a few seconds
while viewing a black screen on the head-mounted display
and eventually exited at the center of the plus maze.

Behavioral Tasks

Participants completed two tasks: a spatial distance task
and a temporal duration task. In the spatial task, the tele-
porters displaced the participants with one of the two
possible spatial distances while the teleportation duration
was kept constant. In the temporal task, the teleportation
process could last a short (4 segundo) or long (8 segundo) duración,
while the teleporters transported the participants a fixed
distancia. Each task involved 48 ensayos. Both tasks involved
a navigation phase, a teleportation phase, and a judg-
ment phase.

Navigation Phase

At the beginning of a trial, participants started at the center
of the plus maze and navigated to a target store. The target
store was either specified for the first trial, or it needed to
be determined for the following trials. When arriving at the
target store, participants entered a dummy teleporter in
front of the target store. This involved showing a black
screen for 4 sec and rotating participant’s camera angle
by 180°. This dummy teleporter was set up to timestamp
participants’ arrival times on the EEG and was not used in
any subsequent analyses. If participants arrived at the
wrong store, the dummy teleporters sent participants back
to the center of the plus maze and they searched for the
store again. During the navigation phase, no teleporters
were visible except for four dummy teleporters in front
of four target stores to detect arrivals at the correct store.

Teleportation Phase

After navigating to the target store, participants then
walked up to and entered a new teleporter spawned in
front of the target store. In the spatial distance task, para
long-distance trials, the teleporters spawned 200 virtual
meters away from the center of the plus maze, and for
short-distance trials, the teleporters spawned 100 virtual
meters away from the center. In the temporal duration
tarea, the teleporters spawned 144 meters away from the
center. Upon entering the teleporter, participants stood
still, with the camera fading to a completely black screen
en 200 mseg. They viewed the black screen for a specific
duración (spatial task: 5.656 segundo, temporal task: 4 o
8 segundo). Entonces, participants reemerged at the center of the

Liang et al..





























plus maze, with their camera fading from pure black to
the view standing at the center of plus maze, en 200 mseg.

Judgment Phase

After exiting the teleporter, written instructions were pro-
vided to the participants by showing a billboard message
overlaid on top of the virtual reality view. The instructions
were used to decide which target store to visit for the
current trial. For the spatial task, instructions were as
follows: “If far distance, go find store A. If short distance,
go find store B.” For the temporal task, instructions were
como sigue: “If long time, go find store A. If short time, go
find store B.” The instructions in the virtual reality disap-
peared when participants walked further than 55 m away
from the center of the plus maze. By asking participants to
judge spatial distance and temporal durations, we ensured
that they maintained these two task-relevant variables.

Parameters for the Behavioral Tasks

For the spatial task, the duration of viewing the black
screen was 5.656 sec for both long-distance and short-
distance trials. Short distance was defined as teleporting
100 metro, and long distance was defined as teleporting
200 metro (Figura 1C). For the temporal task, the distance tel-
eported was kept constant, en 141.4 metro. For short-duration
ensayos, participants viewed 4 sec of a black screen during
teleportation, whereas for long-duration trials, ellos
viewed 8 sec of a black screen (Figure 1D). We selected
these parameters for our spatial and temporal tasks to
ensure the average teleportation speeds were the same
between spatial and temporal tasks: The average telepor-
tation speed for the spatial task was 1
2× (200 m/5.656 sec +
100 m/5.656 sec) ≈ 26.52 m/sec, and the average speed for
2 × (141.4 m/8 sec + 141.4 m/4 sec) ≈
the temporal task was 1
26.51 m/sec. This is because movement speed has been
shown to affect low-frequency oscillations (Caplan et al.,
2003), y por lo tanto, we attempted to control for movement
speed during teleportation.

The order of short/long trials was pseudorandomized
a través del 48 ensayos. Short and long teleportation each
had 24 ensayos, with each target store visited 12 veces. Two
sets of short/long orders were generated so that spatial
and temporal tasks did not use the same set of short/long
sequences. The order of task types, and the short/long
sequence sets, was counterbalanced across participants.
Before starting the main experiment, participants were
shown three examples each: short-distance teleportation,
long-distance teleportation, short temporal duration
teleportation, and long temporal duration teleportation.
Some participants repeated this practice procedure until
they reported understanding the differences between
short/long trials.

After each block of 12 ensayos, participants had the option
to take a short break of 3 mín.. When participants took a

break, we first asked participants to stand still and relax
para 90 sec on the omnidirectional treadmill while wearing
the head-mounted display and viewing a black screen.
Entonces, we recorded the 90-sec EEG data as the baseline.
Pooling across the spatial and temporal tasks, nosotros
grabado, on average, 364.74 segundo (DE = 183.64 segundo) de
EEG baseline data.

EEG Acquisition and Preprocessing

The continuous EEG was recorded with a 64-channel
BrainVision ActiCAP system, which included a wireless
transmission MOVE module and two BrainAmp amplifiers
(BrainVision LLC). We recorded from 64 active electrodes,
placed on the scalp according to the International 10–20
sistema. The reference electrode was located at FCz, y
no online filter was applied to the recordings. Before the
experimenter proceeded to start the recordings, imped-
ances of all 64 electrodes were confirmed below 5 kΩ.

Preprocessing and analyses were performed with
EEGLAB (Makeig, Debener, Onton, & Delorme, 2004)
and customized codes in MATLAB (The MathWorks). No
offline rereferencing or interpolation of electrodes was
performed on the continuous data. A 1650th-order
Hamming windowed sinc finite impulse response filter
was performed for 1- to 50-Hz bandpass filtering on the
continuous data using the EEGLAB pop_newfilt() func-
ción, with a transition bandwidth of 1 Hz, the passband
edges of 1 y 50 Hz, and cutoff frequencies (−6 dB) de
0.5 y 50.5 Hz. Artifact subspace reconstruction was then
applied to the filtered continuous data, with the EEGLAB
clean_asr() función, to repair large amplitude spikes that
eran 5 SDs away from the clean segments of the continuous

EEG Epoching and Segmentation

The continuous EEG data were segmented using a time
window aligned with the start and end of teleportation
(not including the fade-to-black or fade-to-clear 200-msec
windows). This segmentation procedure yielded 48
epochs with a length of 5.656 sec for the spatial task and
48 epochs with a length of either 4 o 8 sec for the tempo-
ral task. No baseline correction was applied. To keep the
number of trials constant across participants, we did not
reject trials based on incorrect behavioral responses. Nosotros
did not reject trials based on a voltage threshold because
we mainly used independent component analysis (ICA) a
correct artifacts, as described below.

Artifact Correction with ICA

ICA with the infomax algorithm was performed in EEGLAB
to correct artifacts. Note that we ran ICA on the artificial
“continuous data structure” by concatenating all the data
in the distance task, time task, and resting baseline task.
Our motivation was data in those three tasks should


Revista de neurociencia cognitiva

Volumen 33, Número 11




























receive identical ICA correction procedure. We used an
automatic component selection procedure, ICLabel
(Pion-Tonachini, Kreutz-Delgado, & Makeig, 2019), a
avoid experimenter bias in identifying noisy components.
Components were rejected automatically if they had
labels of “Muscle,” “Eye,” “Heart,” “Line Noise,” or
“Channel Noise” if their probability was higher than 90%
for being one of those labels. De término medio, 8.84 (13.81%
of all components, DE = 3.91) components were rejected.

Time–Frequency Analysis

Power Measures for Delta, Theta, Alpha, y
Beta Bands

We estimated the instantaneous power during the telepor-
tation windows with 6-cycle Morlet wavelets using code
from Hughes, Whitten, Caplan, and Dickson (2012). Nosotros
sampled frequencies from 2 a 30 Hz in 20 logarithmic fre-
quency steps, eso es, 2, 2.31, 2.66, 3.07, y 3.54 Hz para
delta band; 4.08, 4.70, 5.42, 6.25, y 7.21 Hz for theta
banda; 8.32, 9.59, y 11.06 Hz for alpha band; y 12.76,
14.71, 16.96, 19.56, 22.56, 26.01, y 30 Hz for beta band.
Zero paddings were added to both ends of the signal. No
baseline correction was applied to the power estimates.
Logarithmic transform with a base of 10 was applied to
the obtained power values before averaging. Mean power
for each band was measured as log power averaged across
time points within the teleportation window, across fre-
quencies within a band, and across trials of interest.

Cluster-based Permutation Tests for Multiple
Comparison Correction

Cluster-based permutation tests (Maris & Oostenveld,
2007) were used to determine the statistical significance
between the mean power values for short versus long
ensayos. Correction for multiple comparisons was imple-
mented in Fieldtrip. Primero, to identify uncorrected signifi-
cant power contrasts, 64 (electrodes) × 4 (frequency
bands) = 256 Wilcoxon signed rank two-tailed tests were
performed, alfa = .05. Clusters were found by connect-
ing significant sample pairs (Electrode × Frequency
Bands) with spatiospectral adjacency (minimum neigh-
bor of channels was set to 0), and cluster-level statistics
were computed using a weighted sum (Hayasaka &
Nichols, 2004) of all the z values returned by Wilcoxon
signed rank tests within a cluster. Segundo, a surrogate dis-
tribution of cluster-level statistics was generated by ran-
domly shuffling condition labels 1000 times on the
subject level and retrieving the maximum cluster-level
test statistic for each permutation. Tercero, p values of
the observed cluster statistics were obtained by bench-
marking to the surrogate distribution. Empirical clusters
with a p value smaller than .025 (either left tail or right
tail) were reported.

We chose the nonparametric Wilcoxon signed rank tests
over the parametric paired t tests because the normality

assumption for t tests was violated. For all the power spectra
contrast we conducted, all the power spectra differences
showed a distribution different from normal distributions
(one-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, alfa = .05, todo
ps < .01). In the results reported in which we employed the Wilcoxon signed rank tests, medians instead of means were reported. Effect Size Calculation Cohen’s d was used as an estimate for effect sizes. For a within-participant paired comparisons between Condition 1 and Condition 2, we estimated the effect sizes using the following formula: ð d ¼ mean Condition 1 Þ std Condition 1 − Condition 2 ð Þ Þ − mean Condition 2 ð Frequency Measures for Alpha (8–12 Hz) Band To estimate alpha frequency, we used a frequency sliding technique (Cohen, 2014) to estimate the alpha frequency fluctuations. We first used a 125th-order finite impulse re- sponse 8- to 12-Hz bandpass filter (using MATLAB firls() function) on the segmented EEG data, with a transition bandwidth of 1.2 and 1.8 Hz, the passband edges of 8 and 12 Hz, and cutoff frequencies (−6 dB) of 7.12 and 12.98 Hz. We then employed the Hilbert transform on the filtered segmented EEG data to obtain the instanta- neous phase estimates of alpha oscillations during tele- portation windows. Instantaneous frequencies at time point t were estimated as φ t − φ 2π where f is the estimated instantaneous alpha frequency, φ is the estimated phase, and s is the EEG sampling rate. Here, we defined and estimated the instantaneous frequencies based on how many cycles the phase of alpha oscillations could go through in 1 sec. Then, to smooth the frequency estimates, we applied a 10th-order median filter. We dropped the frequency estimates for the first 100 msec and last 100 msec for every trial because of potential inaccurate estimates of frequencies at the edges of signal. ft ¼ (cid:2) s (1) t−1 We selected the following occipital electrodes to ana- lyze their alpha frequency based on two criteria: visible alpha prevalence in the raw traces and an identical cluster of occipital electrodes to what we used in our past study (Liang et al., 2018). These 18 electrodes corresponded to Pz, P3, P7, O1, Oz, O2, P4, P8, P1, P5, PO7, PO3, POz, PO4, PO8, P6, P2, and Iz. Alpha frequency for each behavioral task is measured as alpha frequency estimates averaged across time points during the windows of interest, averaged across elec- trodes of interest, and averaged across trials of interest. To compare the alpha frequency variations between Liang et al. 2315 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / j / o c n a r t i c e - p d l f / / / 3 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 9 6 5 6 8 2 / / j o c n _ a _ 0 1 7 6 5 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 8 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 two conditions, we submitted the averaged alpha fre- quencies of 19 participants to two-tailed Wilcoxon signed rank tests (alpha = .05). Six Wilcoxon signed rank tests were conducted, and the p values reported in the Results section were false discovery rate (FDR) corrected (Groppe, 2021; Benjamini & Yekutieli, 2001), with the FDR set to 0.05. Classification Analyses Binary Classification of the Duration/Distance Types To further confirm the role of frontal midline delta–theta oscillations in spatial and temporal judgments, a binary support vector machine (SVM) classifier was used to de- code the types of teleportation using power of delta, theta, alpha, and beta bands, averaged at specific elec- trodes. For delta power, theta power, and alpha power, four electrodes around the frontal midline region were se- lected (Fz, FC1, Cz, and FC2). For beta power, all available electrodes (64 electrodes) were chosen. Binary SVM clas- sifiers were implemented in MATLAB, with the function fitcsvm(), with the kernel function set up as linear. Three decoding tasks on a within-participant level were implemented: (1) decoding whether the trial was from teleportation trials involving short or long distance, (2) de- coding whether the trial was from short-duration trials or the 4- to 8-sec portions of long-duration trials in the time task, and (3) decoding whether the trial was from short- duration trials or the 0- to 4-sec portions of long-duration trials. The ratio of train–test split for each iteration was 67– 33%. The training–testing sampling procedure was reiter- ated 1000 times for each participant and for each decoding task. An accuracy percentage score was calculated using the predicted and actual labels of the testing data. The final decoding accuracy scores for 19 participants were submit- ted to two-tailed Wilcoxon signed rank tests, against the null hypothesis that the decoding accuracy was 50%. In to- tal, 12 tests were conducted in the binary classification analysis, and the p values were FDR corrected (Groppe, 2021; Benjamini & Yekutieli, 2001), with the FDR set to 0.05. In addition, we implemented a between-task classifier (space vs. time tasks) on a between-subject level. We com- bined trials from the space task and the time task across 19 participants, resulting in a data set of 19 × 2 × 48 = 1824 trials. Then, we tested whether we could successfully decode the task labels using the 912-trial data set. By per- forming the classification on an between-subject level (with the task orders counterbalanced), we avoided the possible confound of systematic drift over the course of experiment, which could have affected our decoding ac- curacy because of the blocked nature of the spatial versus temporal judgments in our design (Benwell et al., 2019). For features used for training classifiers, we employed the 2- to 30-Hz power spectra from 64 electrodes averaged within each trial, resulting in 20 × 64 = 1280 features. The ratio of train–test split for each iteration was 67–33%. The train–test split was repeated 100 times. To determine the statistical significance of decoding accuracy, we submit- ted the accuracies from 100 iterations to a two-tailed Wilcoxon signed rank test against the null hypothesis of 50%. Fine-Scale Time Decoding Analyses To examine whether continuous time codes were pres- ent in the scalp EEG signal, SVM classifier was trained to decode times beginning at the onset of teleportation using the 2- to 30-Hz power spectra from 64 electrodes. The SVM algorithm was implemented in MATLAB using the fitcecoc() function, with coding style as onevsall and other parameters as default. Time bins of 250 msec were extracted by discretizing 2- to 30-Hz power estimates. The size of time bins was cho- sen as the same one used by Bright et al.(2020). Therefore, short/long-distance teleportation trials (5.656 sec) yielded 22 bins (22 × 250 msec = 5.5 sec, the last 156 msec of data were dropped), short temporal duration trials (4 sec) yielded 16 bins, and long temporal duration trials (8 sec) yielded 32 bins. For the resting baseline data (90 sec long for each resting session), we broke 90 sec into continuous segments of 4 sec, and from there, each 4 sec of baseline data were segmented into 16 bins. Power estimates within each time bin were averaged over time, and the resulting power spectra within each bin were used to trained classifiers. The number of fea- tures was 20 frequencies × 64 electrodes = 1280 fea- tures. For each classification iteration, train–test split ratio was 75–25%. To increase the independence be- tween training sets and testing sets, a consecutive block of trials was reserved as the testing data, and the rest of data was used for training. Given our way of splitting the data, we were able to reiterate the classification proce- dure for a limited number of times: For the distance task, the procedure was repeated 37 times; for the short- interval and long-interval trials, 19 times; and for the baseline task, 16 times. We calculated the accuracy score by summing how many correct predictions were made in 100 iterations for each time-bin label. The accuracy scores were then averaged across all iterations, yielding a final accuracy score for each participant. Given that number of time bins was different across the distance task, time task, and baseline task, comparisons between them would be difficult. We stan- dardized the accuracy scores as the accuracy ratios by divid- ing them against the chance-level performance (ratios = classification accuracy ). For the distance task time decoder, chance level the chance level was 1/22 = ∼4.55%; for decoding time in short temporal duration trials, the chancel level was 1/16 = 6.25%; for decoding time in long-duration trials, the chance level was 1/32 = 3.125%; and for decoding time in the baseline data, the chance level was 1/16 = 6.25%. To test whether we successfully decoded fine-scale temporal information above chance, we submitted the 2316 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 33, Number 11 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / j / o c n a r t i c e - p d l f / / / 3 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 9 6 5 6 8 2 / / j o c n _ a _ 0 1 7 6 5 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 8 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 standardized accuracy ratios for 19 participants to a two- tailed Wilcoxon signed rank test against the null hypoth- esis that the accuracy ratios were different from 1. Ten signed rank tests were performed for this hypothesis, and the p values were FDR corrected (Groppe, 2021; Benjamini & Yekutieli, 2001), with the FDR set to 0.05. To visualize the time decoder performance and the posterior probability distribution, we calculated a n × n (n = the number of time bins) matrix to summarize the time decoder prediction outputs. For element (i, j) in the matrix, the value represented the probability of a Time Bin #i was predicted as Time Bin #j. Calculation of Absolute Decoding Errors in the Fine-scale Time Analysis n P 1 pi (cid:2) i−j j After retrieving the posterior probability distribution of decoding responses (the n × n matrix, where n is the number of bins), we calculated the absolute decoding errors for each time bin, using the following equation: j (cid:2) binSize, where n is the number errors ¼ of bins, i are the possible decoder responses, pi is the posterior probability for response i, the ground-truth bin index is j, and binSize is the size of time bin. After obtaining the decoding error curve (as a function of the ground-truth bin labels), we fitted the error curve with linear regression. The p values of the slope were re- ported in the Results section. Fine-Scale Distance Decoding Analyses To examine whether continuous distance codes were also present in the scalp EEG power, we discretized data from spatial distance teleportation trials into multiple small “distance” bins and trained SVM classifiers with 2- to 30-Hz power spectra averaged within each distance bin. To avoid the confounded decoding of fine-scale distance and time, we selected data with only maximal overlap in conceptual distance updating but with zero overlap in the temporal dimension. We selected the 0- to 2.828-sec portions of short-distance trials and the 2.828- to 4.242-sec portions of long-distance trials. Although they did not overlap in time ranges, they conceptually cov- ered the same range of spatial distance (see Figure 6A). After the data selection, the 2- to 30-Hz power series of both short- and long-distance trials were discretized into 11 dis- tance bins, with each distance bin covering 4.42 m of dis- tance. For short-distance trials, each distance bin occupied 248 msec (with a sample rate of 500 Hz, 248 msec = 124 sampling points), and for long-distance trials, each distance bin occupied 248/2 = 124 msec (124 msec = 62 sampling points). Power estimates within each time bin were averaged. We trained multiclass SVM classifiers with 1280 power spectra features (64 electrodes × 20 frequency). For each classification iteration, 75% of the trials were selected as the training data and 25% of the trials were reserved as the testing data. To increase the independence between training sets and testing sets, a consecutive block of trials was reserved as the testing data, and the rest of data was used for training. We were able to reiterate the classification procedure 37 times. The resulting classifica- tion accuracy ratios were averaged across the 37 iterations for each participant, and the 19 participant scores were submitted to two-tailed Wilcoxon signed rank tests, testing whether they were significantly different than 1. RESULTS Participants Correctly Judged Spatial and Temporal Teleportation Durations with High Accuracy Participants performed well above chance in both the spatial and temporal teleportation tasks. For the spatial task, of 48 trials, participants on average made 0.68 errors (SD = 0.89) in judging how far the distance they traveled at the first attempt. For the temporal task, of 48 trials, participants on average made 1.79 errors (SD = 2.51) in judging how long they spent inside teleporters. On av- erage, participants finished the spatial task within 53.46 (SD = 12.73) min and the temporal teleportation task within 52.35 (SD = 9.24) min. Within-Task Comparisons: Longer Distances Traveled Associated with Decreases in Alpha and Beta Power Compared to Shorter Distance Traversals We first tested the within-task difference hypothesis in the spatial distance task. We compared delta, theta, alpha, and beta power between short-distance and long- distance teleportation trials and used a cluster-based per- mutation test for multiple comparison correction. When comparing short-distance versus long-distance trials, the permutation test returned a cluster with a p value of .015. For short-distance trials, we found higher alpha power at central electrodes (Pz, CP2, Cz, and CPz; Figure 2A; Cohen’s d = 0.55; averaged log10 alpha power for short distance: median ± SD = 4.99 ± 0.34, averaged log10 alpha power for long distance: median ± SD = 4.91 ± 0.32) and higher beta power over central–posterior elec- trodes (Cohen’s d = 0.91; averaged beta power for short distance: median ± SD = 4.51 ± 0.26, averaged beta power for long distance: median ± SD = 4.50 ± 0.26). These findings support a possible role for alpha and beta power changes in spatial distance coding. Within-Task Comparisons: Longer Temporal Durations Were Associated with Frontal Delta–Theta–Alpha Power and Global Beta Power Decreases Compared to Shorter Temporal Durations We then tested the within-task difference hypothesis for temporal duration teleportation by comparing the power Liang et al. 2317 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / j / o c n a r t i c e - p d l f / / / 3 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 9 6 5 6 8 2 / / j o c n _ a _ 0 1 7 6 5 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 8 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 Figure 2. Oscillatory fluctuations present during spatial distance and temporal duration teleportation. (A) Short-distance teleportation trials resulted in increased alpha and beta power compared to long-distance trials. (B) Short-duration teleportation trials resulted in increased frontal midline delta–theta– alpha power increases and global beta power increases compared to long-duration trials. (C, D) Spatio-temporal coding was associated with frontal delta–theta, frontal and posterior alpha, and global beta power increases compared to resting baseline. (E) No power differences were observed within the canonical frequency bands between the distance task and the time task. Black dots are electrodes considered significant after multiple comparison correction. Colors represent the Wilcoxon signed rank tests’ z statistics. spectra between short-duration and long-duration trials (Figure 2B). The cluster-based permutation test returned a positive cluster ( p < .001). This effect was most pro- nounced over frontal midline electrodes for delta power (Cohen’s d = 1.03; short duration: median ± SD = 4.47 ± 0.22, long duration: median ± SD = 4.42 ± 0.23), over frontal electrodes for theta power (Cohen’s d = 0.97; short duration: median ± SD = 4.86 ± 0.19, long dura- tion: median ± SD = 4.83 ± 0.20), and over frontal elec- trodes for alpha power (Cohen’s d = 0.98; short duration: median ± SD = 4.35 ± 0.24, long duration: median ± SD = 4.32 ± 0.25). We also found global beta power changes (Cohen’s d = 1.63; short duration: median ± SD = 4.59 ± 0.25, long duration: median ± SD = 4.55 ± 0.26). To further confirm the role of frontal midline theta os- cillations in duration timing, we trained a binary classifier to decode types of temporal durations in the teleporter (Figure 3). We successfully decoded whether a trial was a short duration trial or the 4- to 8-sec portion of a long- duration trial (Figure 3A; classifiers trained with frontal midline delta power: median ± SD = 64.40 ± 9.89%, frontal midline theta: median ± SD = 65.42 ± 11.68%, frontal midline alpha: median ± SD = 69.34 ± 10.89%, global beta: median ± SD = 88.76 ± 7.51%; all pcorrected = .002). However, we could not decode the distance traveled in the teleporter significantly above chance (Figure 3B; classifiers trained with frontal midline delta power: median ± SD = 52.93 ± 5.09%, pcorrected = .06; theta: Figure 3. Within-task (A–C) and between-task (D) decoding using power as features. (A) Different durations (short vs. long) could be decoded from frontal delta, theta, alpha, and global beta power separately. (B) Different distances (short vs. long) could not be decoded from frontal midline delta–theta, alpha, or global beta power. (C) As a control analysis, decoders were not able to differentiate whether a trial was from short-duration trials or from the 0- to 4-sec segments of long-duration trials. (D) When aggregating trials across participants, we were able to decode whether a trial was in the space or time condition based on the single-trial multivariate patterns of power. The histogram of classification accuracies based on 100 iterations is shown. **All pFDR = .002. Each circle represents a participant in A–C. 2318 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 33, Number 11 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / j / o c n a r t i c e - p d l f / / / 3 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 9 6 5 6 8 2 / / j o c n _ a _ 0 1 7 6 5 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 8 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 median ± SD = 52.26 ± 6.77%, pcorrected = 1; alpha: median ± SD = 50.88 ± 4.47%, pcorrected = 1; beta: median ± SD = 52.94 ± 5.95%, pcorrected = 1), suggesting frontal midline delta–theta–alpha power and global beta power alone contained sufficient information regarding the tem- poral duration being coded but not the distance traveled. As an additional control analysis, we trained the same classifier with frontal midline delta–theta–alpha power and global beta power to discriminate the 0- to 4-sec portion of the long-duration trials from the short-duration trials. This served as a control because participants could not have known what types of durations they experienced until they crossed the 4-sec threshold within the telepor- ter. Indeed, the classifier was not able to decode whether the trials were short-duration trials (4 sec) or the 0- to 4-sec portion of long-duration trials (Figure 3C; delta: 50.33 ± 5.88%, theta: 49.16 ± 5.33%, alpha: 50.34 ± 7.25%, beta: 48.04 ± 5.94%; all pcorrected > .05). Juntos, these find-
ings support a general role for global beta power changes
in spatio-temporal processing, and a unique role of frontal
midline delta–theta–alpha oscillations, in coding temporal

Between-Task Comparisons: Spatial and Temporal
Teleportation Did Not Induce Focal Differences in
Delta, Theta, Alpha, or Beta Power

To test our between-task hypothesis regarding differ-
ences in oscillatory codes between spatial and temporal
tareas, we compared the power spectra among spatial,
temporal, and baseline tasks (Figure 2C and D).

For both contrasts (distance task > baseline, time task >
base), the cluster-based permutation tests returned sig-
nificant positive cluster with p values < .001. The effect was most pronounced over frontal midline electrodes for delta power (Cohen’s d for distance vs. baseline: 0.60, distance– baseline: median ± SD = 0.12 ± 0.27; Cohen’s d for time vs. baseline: 0.77, time–baseline: median ± SD = 0.12 ± 0.15), over frontal electrodes for theta power (Cohen’s d for distance vs. baseline: 1.04, distance–baseline: medi- an ± SD = 0.07 ± 0.07; Cohen’s d for time vs. baseline: 1.01, time–baseline: median ± SD = 0.05 ± 0.08), and over frontal and occipital electrodes for alpha power (Cohen’s d for distance vs. baseline: 0.82, distance– baseline: median ± SD = 0.20 ± 0.18; Cohen’s d for time vs. baseline: 0.76, time–baseline: median ± SD = 0.10 ± 0.21). We also found widespread increases in beta power (Cohen’s d for distance vs. baseline: 1.81, distance– baseline: median ± SD = 0.16 ± 0.08; Cohen’s d for time vs. baseline: 1.80, time–baseline: median ± SD = 0.14 ± 0.07). These findings suggest that, compared to a passive baseline, participants showed distinct oscillatory profiles while maintaining spatio-temporal information during the teleportation tasks, which was consistent with their high performance in the behavioral tasks. task (Figure 2E). The cluster-based permutation test did not reveal any clusters with a p value lower than threshold. This suggests that the spatial and temporal teleportation tasks did not differ in overall power when compared within each of the canonical frequency bands (delta, theta, alpha, and beta bands). Between-Task Comparison: Successful Decoding of Spatial and Temporal Trials Based on Single-Trial Multivariate Patterns of Power It could be possible that spatial and temporal coding did not differ in terms of power changes in focal frequency bands; instead, spatio-temporal coding might differ in the multivariate patterns across electrodes and frequen- cies in a manner that generalized across participants. To test this possibility, we used multivariate power fea- tures to classify whether trials were from the spatial or temporal task. The classifier revealed above-chance clas- sification of task labels (Figure 3D; median = 61.46%, SD over 100 iterations = 1.97%; Wilcoxon signed-rank test, z = 8.68, p < .001). These findings suggest the single- trial multivariate patterns significantly differed between spatial and temporal tasks in a manner that generalized across participants. The findings together support the no- tion of a partially independent space–time code. Alpha Frequency Modulation: A Common Mechanism for Spatial and Temporal Judgments We hypothesized that occipital alpha frequency modula- tion could be an additional form of distance and duration coding in our teleportation task, as suggested by Cao and Händel (2019) and Samaha and Postle (2015). To test this idea, we first assayed whether there were differences in occipital alpha frequencies during the teleportation tasks compared to the task-irrelevant resting baseline. Both spatial and temporal teleportation tasks showed faster oc- cipital alpha frequencies than the baseline (Figure 4A; spatial task: median ± SD = 10.23 ± 0.30 Hz, temporal task: 10.13 ± 0.25 Hz, baseline: 10.00 ± 0.26 Hz; spatial task vs. baseline: Wilcoxon signed rank test, z = 3.74, pcorrected = .001; temporal task vs. baseline: z = 3.78, pcorrected = .001). These findings suggest that occipital alpha frequencies were significantly altered during spatio-temporal coding compared to a resting baseline. Second, we asked whether occipital alpha frequency differed between the spatial and temporal tasks. Comparing across all participants, the spatial distance task showed significantly faster occipital alpha compared to the temporal teleportation task (Figure 4A; z = 2.62, pcorrected = .026). The findings of differences in alpha fre- quencies between spatial and temporal teleportation tasks might reflect another distinction in oscillatory codes for spatio-temporal information. Next, we asked whether the power spectra profiles dif- fered between the spatial distance and temporal duration Therefore, we asked whether the observed occipital alpha frequencies were sensitive to distance and duration Liang et al. 2319 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / j / o c n a r t i c e - p d l f / / / 3 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 9 6 5 6 8 2 / / j o c n _ a _ 0 1 7 6 5 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 8 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 Figure 4. Occipital alpha frequency modulation as a shared mechanism for both spatial and temporal coding. Medians across participants are shown under the box plots. (A) The spatial and temporal tasks showed faster alpha frequency than baseline, and the distance task showed faster alpha frequency than the time task. (B) In the distance task, traveling a short distance resulted in faster alpha than traveling a long distance. (C) In the time task, short-duration trials resulted in faster alpha than long-duration trials. (D) No differences were found between short-duration trials and the 0- to 4-sec portion of long-duration trials. (E) Histograms of alpha frequencies at 18 occipital electrodes during the distance task. Data from three example participants were shown. **pFDR < .01, *pFDR < .05. ns = not significant. information. We first compared the averaged alpha fre- quency at occipital electrode sites for short- versus long-distance trials. When comparing across participants, results revealed that occipital alpha oscillations were of higher frequency for short-distance trials compared to long-distance trials (Figure 4B; short distance: median ± SD = 10.26 ± 0.29 Hz, long distance: 10.20 ± 0.30 Hz; z = 3.38, pcorrected = .003). Occipital alpha frequency also varied between short and long temporal duration trials. Occipital alpha frequency was faster for short-duration trials than the 4- to 8-sec portion of long-duration trials (Figure 4C; short temporal duration: median ± SD = 10.28 ± 0.24 Hz, long temporal duration (4–8 sec): 10.00 ± 0.31 Hz; z = 3.58, pcorrected = .002). As a control analysis, we tested whether there were dif- ferences in occipital alpha frequencies for short-duration trials versus the 0- to 4-sec portion of long-duration trials. The alpha frequencies did not differ (Figure 4D; short temporal duration: median ± SD = 10.28 ± 0.24 Hz, long temporal duration (0–4 sec): 10.24 ± 0.23 Hz; z = 0.76, pcorrected = .1). Together, these findings support alpha frequency modulation as a shared mechanism for coding spatial distance and temporal durations. Fine-Scale Temporal Information Was Decoded From Multivariate Patterns of 2- to 30-Hz Power Spectra We next tested whether temporal duration codes might be present in the EEG data at a finer scale, inspired by Bright et al. (2020), for example, at the level of 250 msec. Therefore, we trained classifiers on 2- to 30-Hz power to decode times since onset of teleportation. We were able to decode fine-scale temporal information from the dis- tance teleportation trials significantly above chance (Figure 5A; accuracy: median ± SD = 10.34 ± 1.32%, ac- curacy ratios: median ± SD = 2.27 ± 0.29; Wilcoxon signed rank test, z = 3.82, pcorrected < .001), from the short-duration trials (Figure 5B; accuracy: median ± SD = 13.87 ± 1.67%, accuracy ratios: median ± SD = 2.22 ± 0.27; z = 3.82, pcorrected < .001), and from the long-duration trials as well (Figure 5C; accuracy: median ± SD = 6.99 ± 0.95%, accuracy ratios: median ± SD = 2.24 ± 0.30; z = 3.82, pcorrected < .001). As a control analysis, we applied the fine-scale time decoder for data obtained in the baseline task. The decoder was able to decode time from the baseline data marginally better than chance after multiple comparison correction (accuracy: median ± SD = 7.50 ± 1.87%, accuracy ratios: median ± SD = 1.20 ± 0.30; z = 2.37, pcorrected = .052). However, time decoding performance for the baseline task was significantly worse than those in the temporal and distance tasks (baseline < distance task, baseline < short duration trials, baseline < long duration trials: all zs = −3.82, ps < .001). These findings suggest the intriguing possibility that fine- scaled temporal codes are embedded in low-frequency oscillations. We note that, after entry into the teleporter, partici- pants exhibited a P300-like ERP response (Polich, 2007) at the Cz electrode. Therefore, we repeated the fine- scaled time classification analyses, with the grand- averaged EEG traces subtracted from every trial. After removing the grand ERP responses, we were still able to successfully decode fine-scale temporal information from the distance teleportation trials (accuracy: median ± SD = 11.08 ± 1.29%, accuracy ratios: median ± SD = 2.44 ± 0.28; Wilcoxon signed rank test, z = 3.82, pcorrected < .001), from the short-duration trials (accuracy: median ± SD = 15.52 ± 1.93%, accuracy ratios: median ± SD = 2.48 ± 0.31; z = 3.82, pcorrected < .001), and from 2320 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 33, Number 11 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / j / o c n a r t i c e - p d l f / / / 3 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 9 6 5 6 8 2 / / j o c n _ a _ 0 1 7 6 5 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 8 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 the long-duration trials (accuracy: median ± SD = 8.22 ± 1.08%, accuracy ratios: median ± SD = 2.63 ± 0.35; z = 3.82, pcorrected < .001). Furthermore, to exclude the possible contribution of movement-related artifact in early onsets of a trial, we removed the first second of teleportation epochs and repeated the fine-scale time decoding analyses. We were again able to successfully decode fine-scale time informa- tion from the distance teleportation trials above chance (accuracy: median ± SD = 8.80 ± 1.05%, accuracy ratios: median ± SD = 1.58 ± 0.19; z = 3.82, pcorrected < .001), from the short-duration trials (accuracy: median ± SD = 12.65 ± 1.97%, accuracy ratios: median ± SD = 1.52 ± 0.24; z = 3.82, pcorrected < .001), and from the long-duration trials above chance as well (accuracy: median ± SD = 5.67 ± 0.89%, accuracy ratios: median ± SD = 1.59 ± 0.25; z = 3.82, pcorrected < .001). absolute decoding errors for each time bin and fitted the error curves with a linear regression model (Figure 5F). Results of the linear regression fitting indicated that the decoding errors were significantly larger for later time bins; this effect was found in the distance trials, short-duration trials, and long-duration trials, but not in the baseline task (for distance trials: slope [estimate, standard error (SE)] = [0.06, 0.02], t = 3.03, p = .007; for short-duration trials: slope [estimate, SE] = [0.05, 0.02], t = 2.70, p = .017; for long-duration trials: slope [estimate, SE] = [0.05, 0.02], t = 2.56, p = .016; for the baseline task: slope [estimate, SE] = [−0.003, 0.07], t = −0.04, p = .97). The results suggest that the fine-scale temporal information revealed by the decoders are aligned with the human behavioral findings of increased variability for longer reproduced durations (Rakitin et al., 1998; Ivry & Hazeltine, 1995). We discuss the implications in the Discussion section. Decoding Errors Linearly Increased as Time Progressed Forward Fine-Scale Distance Information Was Also Present in Multivariate Patterns of 2- to 30-Hz Power We noticed a qualitative pattern that the decoding re- sponses were less precise as time progressed forward in the posterior probability distribution of time decoding responses. To quantitatively test this, we calculated the Given our findings with fine-scale temporal information, we also tested whether fine-scale distances could be de- coded using the same approach. Indeed, we found that the classifiers were able to decode fine-scale distance l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / j / o c n a r t i c e - p d l f / Figure 5. Fine-scale temporal information during the teleportation can be decoded from scalp EEG 2- to 30-Hz power spectra. Heat maps visualize the posterior probability distributions of the decoder responses. High classification accuracy is indicated by dark colors on the diagonal. (A–D) Fine-scale timing information can be decoded from 2- to 30-Hz power in the distance task and time task, with accuracies significantly higher than chance level and higher than the baseline task. Medians of accuracy ratios across 19 participants were reported. Units of the color bar are accuracy ratios. Red dots mark the highest posterior probability in decoder responses. (E) Decoder response probability distributions from 19 participants. Each subsquare displays the time decoding heat map from one participant. (F) Decoding errors linearly increased as time progressed in the spatial and temporal tasks, but not in the baseline task. Dashed lines indicate the linear regression fitting models of the decoding errors. / / 3 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 9 6 5 6 8 2 / / j o c n _ a _ 0 1 7 6 5 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 8 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 Liang et al. 2321 Figure 6. Fine-scale distance information during teleportation (tele.) can be decoded from multivariate power patterns. (A) Decoding fine-scale distance information while taking care of the temporal confound. To minimize the dependence between temporal and distance information, we selected data (the shaded portions) from both short-distance trials and long-distance trials that had zero overlaps in the temporal dimension. Red dots mark the highest posterior probability in decoder responses. (B) Fine-scale distance information could be decoded in the distance task. Heat maps visualize the posterior probability distribution of the decoder responses. (C) Posterior probability distributions plotted for each participant. Each subsquare displays the distance decoding heat map from a participant. information from the spatial task (Figure 6A; accuracy: median ± SD = 11.45 ± 1.60%, accuracy ratios: median ± SD = 1.26 ± 0.18; Wilcoxon signed rank test, z = 3.70, p < .001). The findings of the fine-scale distance code support the possibility that participants linearly updated their spatial position inside teleporters. The demonstrations of both fine-scale distance and temporal codes in the multi- variate power spectra patterns reveal another common aspect that exists in spatio-temporal coding. DISCUSSION In the current study, we tested whether neural oscilla- tions recorded at the scalp supported maintenance of spatial distance and temporal duration information. Decades of research support a role for low-frequency oscillations, in both cortex and hippocampus, in coding spa- tial information during navigation (Kropff, Carmichael, Moser, & Moser, 2021; McFarland, Teitelbaum, & Hedges, 1975; Vanderwolf, 1969; for reviews, see Jacobs, 2013; Watrous et al., 2011). To attempt to disentangle space and time, whose changes are strongly intertwined in movement speed, participants experienced teleportation of different spatial distance and temporal durations in the absence of any optic flow or other sensory input to provide cues about speed, similar to the design in Vass et al. (2016). Results from power spectra analyses suggested the sensi- tivity of central–posterior alpha power and global beta power for spatial distances as well as a role of frontal theta and global beta power changes for temporal duration. Furthermore, the analysis of instantaneous alpha frequencies revealed a robust association between alpha frequency and magnitudes of distances and durations, suggesting alpha frequency modulation as a potential common mechanism for spatial and temporal coding. Classifiers trained on power spectra further support the hypothesis that both distance and temporal information could be decoded from scalp EEG signals at a fine-scale resolution. Given that hippocampal delta–theta power displays a distance code (Bush et al., 2017; Vass et al., 2016), as well as a connectivity between rodent’s prefrontal and hippo- campal theta during mobility ( Young & McNaughton, 2009; Siapas, Lubenov, & Wilson, 2005), we were sur- prised to find that the cortical delta–theta power did not exhibit significant differences between short-distance and long-distance trials. This null finding cannot be ex- plained by the failure of task design or the absence of spatial coding during the teleportation period. This is be- cause participants demonstrated high accuracy in identi- fying distances traveled upon exiting the teleporters, and power spectra analyses revealed significantly different os- cillatory profiles for the distance task compared to base- line (Figure 2C). What could lead to such a disconnect? Here, we offer three speculations on the null findings linking cortical theta and spatial distance coding. One possibility is that prefrontal theta oscillations are phase locked but not amplitude locked to hippocampal theta ( Young & McNaughton, 2009), and therefore, phase in- formation in frontal theta but not power changes code spatial distance duration (see Watrous et al., 2013, for an example of this). This is an issue we cannot address in the current study because scalp EEG does not give re- liable access to hippocampal signals. A second possibility is that frontal midline theta may be locked to the temporal-processing or memory-related components, but not the movement-related components, of hippo- campal theta oscillations (Goyal et al., 2020; Watrous 2322 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 33, Number 11 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / j / o c n a r t i c e - p d l f / / / 3 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 9 6 5 6 8 2 / / j o c n _ a _ 0 1 7 6 5 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 8 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 et al., 2013). A third possibility is that hippocampal movement-related theta oscillations manifest in the cor- tex within the traditional alpha band (8–12 Hz) consistent with the alpha frequency modulation we observed for both spatial and temporal judgments. The third interpre- tation is consistent with recent reports (Goyal et al., 2020; Aghajan et al., 2017; Bohbot et al., 2017) that hip- pocampal movement-related theta oscillations, particularly during real-world movements, manifest most prominently above 8 Hz, which would align with the frequency range of traditional alpha band (8–12 Hz) rather than theta band (4–8 Hz). Our results supporting a role for frontal delta–theta power but not distance coding have important implica- tions. In the power spectra analysis, we found frontal midline delta–theta and frontal alpha power sensitive to the temporal durations, whereas central–posterior alpha power was sensitive to the distance information. The re- sults provide further evidence for partially independent codes for space and time in the human brain. Our findings demonstrating cortical beta oscillations sensitive to tem- poral duration align with previous reports of timing- related beta power in the time production domain (Grabot et al., 2019; Kononowicz & van Rijn, 2015) and movement-related frontal midline delta–theta increases (Liang et al., 2018). On the other hand, our findings re- garding central–occipital alpha oscillations related to dis- tance are consistent with notions that human navigation is enriched with regarding to visual input (Ekstrom, 2015), with occipital alpha oscillations particularly sensi- tive to visual-related changes (such as optic flow; Cao & Händel, 2019). As proposed by Goyal et al. (2020), a theo- retical link might therefore exist between hippocampal movement-related theta and occipital alpha oscillations. For example, eye closure induces alpha power increases both at occipital sites and in the hippocampus (Geller et al., 2014). Our current results would suggest differing roles in navigation for frontal midline theta (4–8 Hz) and occipital alpha (8–12 Hz), which were both found relevant to movement (Liang et al., 2018), and frontal midline theta and occipital alpha oscillations could possibly cooperate to support task-dependent spatial or temporal processing. Therefore, a helpful next step would be to determine how these signals coordinate between the hippocampus and cortex in our task using human intracranial recordings. We note that, when we compared the power spectra of the spatial and temporal teleportation task, we did not find significant differences. Yet, we were able to classify whether a trial was from the spatial or temporal task with an accuracy better than chance in a manner that was generalizable across participants. This suggests the classifiers captured higher-order differences (perhaps the underlying connec- tivity patterns) between the oscillatory coding of space and time, other than the mean of power fluctuations. One future direction is to examine the affinity of connectivity patterns for spatial coding and temporal coding, using a similar behavioral task used in this study. We predict that the networks for spatio-temporal coding should diverge, both measured using scalp EEG data and using intracranial EEG data (as suggested by Watrous et al., 2013). In addition to our findings that spatial distance and tem- poral duration involve differences in oscillatory codes, both for short versus long teleportation durations and in their multivariate patterns, we also found a common role for alpha frequency modulation in supporting spatio- temporal coding. Specifically, we found faster occipital alpha for smaller magnitudes of durations/distances. What roles could endogenous alpha frequency modulation possibly play here? One explanation is the processing-speed theory, whereby occipital alpha frequency indexes the processing speed of incoming sensory information (Klimesch, Doppelmayr, Schimke, & Pachinger, 1996). We speculate that the sensory processing speed differed between short- and long-duration trials because of their different cognitive demands. To complete the temporal task, participants only needed to track time passage in the teleporter up to 4 sec, and not beyond 4 sec, and therefore, the cognitive demands differed between the 0- to 4-sec and 4- to 8-sec portions of the temporal task. In contrast to the processing-speed account, another possibility, however, relates to a perceptual resolution account. For example, it could be that occipital alpha frequency is linked to the perceptual resolution of duration timing. For example, individuals with 10-Hz resting occipital alpha oscillations might discriminate two temporal durations with a minimum of 100-msec (1/10) differences, and those with 12-Hz resting alpha could discriminate two durations with 83.33-msec mini- mal differences (1/12). This perceptual resolution ac- count is also supported by Samaha and Postle (2015), showing that occipital alpha frequency reflects the “refresh rate” of visual perception and occipital alpha represents the perceptual unit of temporal processing (Cecere et al., 2015). Future studies should investigate the potential causal links between occipital alpha frequency and spatio-temporal processing, given recent findings that transcranial alternating current stimulation–induced alpha frequency shifts led to shifts in subjective time ex- periences (Mioni et al., 2020) and that clinical popula- tions with Alzheimer’s show irregularities in parietal alpha oscillations (Montez et al., 2009). Given that we found alpha frequency modulation and beta power fluctuations related to both spatial and tem- poral judgments, our results also provide evidence for a common mechanism for spatial and temporal coding in- volving magnitude estimation. Although distance-related beta power has rarely been studied in a scalp EEG setting, the timing-related beta power we observed has been noted in predicting the accuracy and precision of time production (Grabot et al., 2019; Kononowicz & van Rijn, 2015). Our findings suggest that beta oscillations may reflect a common magnitude representation under- lying both spatial and temporal processing and that such Liang et al. 2323 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / j / o c n a r t i c e - p d l f / / / 3 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 9 6 5 6 8 2 / / j o c n _ a _ 0 1 7 6 5 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 8 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 distance and fine-scale temporal information could be widely accessible in neocortical regions, including early sensory and motor cortices. Future studies can bridge the gap of research between spatial and temporal pro- cessing and further elaborate the roles of beta oscillations in spatial coding versus temporal coding, with a variety of tasks such as estimating and reproducing spatial distance with a path integration task (Harootonian, Wilson, Hejtmánek, Ziskin, & Ekstrom, 2020). Another important finding from our study is the ability to decode fine-scale distance and temporal information from cortical low-frequency power spectra. Interestingly, when attempting to decode temporal information, we showed that the decoding error linearly increased as the time bins progressed forward. These findings are closely aligned with the behavioral findings in which humans show larger variability in time reproduction responses for longer intervals (Rakitin et al., 1998; Ivry & Hazeltine, 1995). One intriguing possibility is that the cortical low- frequency oscillations support a fine-scale representation of temporal intervals. Future studies can test this possi- bility by linking the decodability of fine-scale time infor- mation and the accuracy/precision of time reproduction in human participants. Notably, our findings of decodable fine-scale temporal information are qualitatively similar to the findings based on recordings from entorhinal temporal context cells (Bright et al., 2020). The tenet of a unified math model of space and time (Howard et al., 2014) is that the neural representations are the Laplace transform of space and time, coded through the exponentially decayed firing rates of neurons. However, the theory does not directly predict or rule out the involvement of neural oscillations in coding space and time. Here, we demonstrated that neural oscillations could yield a similar time representa- tion possibly with scale invariance, and we suggest that neural oscillations could be a synergistic component on top of single neuron firing rates for spatio-temporal cod- ing. Another question that should be clarified through fu- ture studies is whether the neural representations of spatial distance also possess scale invariance like the rep- resentations of time (i.e., reproducing longer distances is associated with greater variability in responses). Behavioral findings suggest path integration errors sys- tematically scaled with path lengths (Harootonian et al., 2020), which will predict linearly increases in decoding errors as distances increase. Future studies should fur- ther test the links between oscillatory representations of fine-scale space and time, and the behavioral phenom- ena of spatio-temporal reproduction, using a reproduc- tion paradigm, such as reproducing space and time in virtual reality (Robinson & Wiener, 2021). Limitations It is worth considering some potential limitations with our paradigm, which we nonetheless believe do not undermine or challenge our findings. One concern could be that, because participants knew how far they would travel before entering the teleporter, distance coding was therefore transient and completed before entering the teleporters, thus nullifying the existence of distance coding during the teleportation. We note, however, that maintenance of distance information during the telepor- tation was still necessary for accurate performance in the spatial teleportation task. When participants entered the teleporter, although they knew beforehand whether it was a short or long distance, they had to maintain this information during teleportation to make the correct de- cision upon exiting the teleporter. Our interpretation of perceiving spatial distance before decisions about move- ment is consistent with a rich literature in human spatial navigation, suggesting that humans first estimate dis- tance based on perceptual cues and then attempt to maintain this in working memory as they actively navigate to different goals (Knapp & Loomis, 2004; Philbeck & Loomis, 1997; Philbeck, Loomis, & Beall, 1997). Using a similar spatial distance teleportation design, Vass et al. (2016) showed that the spatial distance teleportation task resulted in different oscillatory profiles from those during the resting state (viewing a black screen outside the ex- perimental context). We similarly found a clear difference between teleportation and a resting baseline task. These findings suggest that the spatial teleportation task trig- gered distance information processing absent in a resting state condition. Another concern could be that movement-related noise from the navigation phase permeated into the EEG data during the teleportation, thus confounding the findings we presented here. Note that the amount of noise, if any, should be identical between short and long trials, and between the spatial and temporal tasks, given that participants stood still after they entered the teleporter. Therefore, noise should not confound the findings regard- ing the contrasts of EEG responses between short and long trials or between the spatial and temporal tasks. Conclusions Our study addressed an important issue regarding whether spatial and temporal processing share common or distinct mechanisms (Gauthier, Prabhu, Kotegar, & van Wassenhove, 2020; Gauthier, Pestke, & Van Wassenhove, 2019; Eichenbaum & Cohen, 2014; Watrous et al., 2013; Ekstrom, Copara, Isham, Wang, & Yonelinas, 2011; Frassinetti et al., 2009). Our findings suggest that spatial and temporal judgments during navigation differ as a func- tion of power changes within specific frequency bands: Whereas spatial judgments resulted in changes in cortical alpha and beta power, different temporal durations were linked to changes in frontal midline delta–theta, frontal and posterior alpha, and global beta power. Consistent with the idea of separable representations for space and time, spatial and temporal discounting are behaviorally distinctive 2324 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 33, Number 11 l D o w n o a d e d f r o m h t t p : / / d i r e c t . m i t . e d u / j / o c n a r t i c e - p d l f / / / 3 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 9 6 5 6 8 2 / / j o c n _ a _ 0 1 7 6 5 p d . f b y g u e s t t o n 0 8 S e p e m b e r 2 0 2 3 from each other (Robinson, Michaelis, Thompson, & Wiener, 2019), estimating spatial distance is subject to large errors (Zhao, 2018) while estimating suprasecond durations can be performed with high accuracy (Grabot et al., 2019), and spatial and temporal estimation errors distort in oppos- ing manners (Brunec, Javadi, Zisch, & Spiers, 2017). Previous reports have also hinted at a dissociation between space and time at the neural level, although using different paradigms in which temporal information, in particular, in- volved order and not duration ( Watrous et al., 2013; Ekstrom et al., 2011). More generally, evidence exists for and against the notion that space and time processing are of the same nature, and we also found evidence for alpha frequency modulation as a common mechanism for spatial and temporal coding. Thus, one implication of our study is that there are both distinct and common mechanisms related to how we process spatial distance and temporal durations. Acknowledgments This research was supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF BCS-1630296, A. D. E.). We thank Stephanie Doner for the assistance in scalp EEG data collection, Eva Robinson for feedback on the article, and the participants for being part of this study. Reprint requests should be sent to Arne Ekstrom, Department of Psychology, University of Arizona, 1503 E. University Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85721, or via e-mail: Funding Information Arne Ekstrom: National Science Foundation (https://dx.doi .org/10.13039/100000001), grant number: NSF BCS- 1630296. Diversity in Citation Practices A retrospective analysis of the citations in every article pub- lished in this journal from 2010 to 2020 has revealed a per- sistent pattern of gender imbalance: Although the proportions of authorship teams (categorized by estimated gender identification of first author/last author) publishing in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience ( JoCN) during this period were M(an)/M = .408, W(oman)/M = .335, M/ W = .108, and W/ W = .149, the comparable proportions for the articles that these authorship teams cited were M/M = .579, W/M = .243, M/ W = .102, and W/ W = .076 (Fulvio et al., JoCN, 33:1, pp. 3–7). Consequently, JoCN en- courages all authors to consider gender balance explicitly when selecting which articles to cite and gives them the op- portunity to report their article’s gender citation balance. REFERENCES Aghajan, Z. M., Schuette, P., Fields, T. A., Tran, M. E., Siddiqui, S. M., Hasulak, N. R., et al. (2017). Theta oscillations in the human medial temporal lobe during real-world ambulatory movement. Current Biology, 27, 3743–3751. /10.1016/j.cub.2017.10.062, PubMed: 29199073 Benjamini, Y., & Yekutieli, D. (2001). The control of the false discovery rate in multiple testing under dependency. Annals of Statistics, 29, 1165–1188. Benwell, C. S. Y., London, R. E., Tagliabue, C. F., Veniero, D., Gross, J., Keitel, C., et al. (2019). Frequency and power of human alpha oscillations drift systematically with time-on-task. Neuroimage, 192, 101–114. .neuroimage.2019.02.067, PubMed: 30844505 Bohbot, V. D., Copara, M. S., Gotman, J., & Ekstrom, A. D. (2017). 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Common and Distinct Roles of Frontal Midline Theta and image
Common and Distinct Roles of Frontal Midline Theta and image
Common and Distinct Roles of Frontal Midline Theta and image
Common and Distinct Roles of Frontal Midline Theta and image
Common and Distinct Roles of Frontal Midline Theta and image

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