Ida Norheim-Hagtun and Patrick Meier

Ida Norheim-Hagtun and Patrick Meier

Crowdsourcing for
Crisis Mapping in Haiti

Fue 7 p.m. on January 12, 2010, when Ushahidi’s Patrick Meier saw the news on
CNN that a devastating earthquake had struck Haiti. He immediately called David
Kobia, Ushahidi’s tech lead, to set up an Ushahidi platform for Haiti.1 Patrick then
emailed the International Network of Crisis Mappers to launch the group’s response.2
Several partners replied and provided immediate support to Ushahidi’s deployment.
Por 10 p.m. that evening, Ushahidi’s crisis map was being customized for Haiti and
reports from Twitter and Facebook were being mapped on the platform. By January
14th, sin embargo, Ushahidi and its partners could no longer keep up with mapping the
massive amount of information coming out of both mainstream and social media.
Patrick, who is a PhD candidate at Tuft University’s Fletcher School of Law and
Diplomacy, emailed the Fletcher student body to ask for help. An informal network of
student volunteers from the Fletcher School mobilized to take the lead on what quick-
ly became the most comprehensive and up-to-date map of humanitarian needs in

Ushahidi is a free and open-source platform that allows interested individuals and
groups to create live, interactive maps. The platform can be used to combine citi-
zen reporting with mapping and visualization tools to create a crisis map—a real-
tiempo, dynamic, multifaceted snapshot of how a crisis is evolving. Maps created
using the Ushahidi platform need not relate to crises or particular events—

Ida Norheim-Hagtun is a Fulbright fellow at The Fletcher School (Tufts University),
and served as the deputy director of Communication and Outreach for Crisis Mappers
@ Fletcher after the Haiti earthquake. She has a BSc International Relations degree
from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Ida has worked in com-
munications and external relations for Oxfam GB in Oxford, UNHCR in Tehran, y
UNRWA in Beirut.

Patrick Meier is the Director of Crisis Mapping at Ushahidi and the cofounder of the
International Network of Crisis Mappers. He was previously the codirector of the
Harvard Humanitarian Initiative’s Program on Crisis Mapping and Early Warning.
Patrick has an MA in International Affairs from Columbia University and is complet-
ing his PhD at The Fletcher School (Tufts University). Patrick blogs at

© 2010 Ida Norheim-Hagtun and Patrick Meier
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Ida Norheim-Hagtun and Patrick Meier

MapKibera’s use of Ushahidi, Por ejemplo, includes information on housing, edu-
catión, and water facilities.3 In Haiti, sin embargo, the Ushahidi platform was
employed to address a crisis—and one of a daunting scale. A distributed global
network of around 1,000 volunteer translators and 300 students used the platform
to launch an effort that connected Haitian citizens in need of aid with the human-
itarian responders providing that aid. The tool quickly became the go-to place for
up-to-date crisis information, with a range of military, UN, and NGO actors using
the map as part of their needs assessment process. Preliminary feedback from these
responders suggests that the project saved hundreds of lives.


Ushahidi means “testimony” or “witness” in Swahili, and the organization was
originally set up in Kenya in January 2008 to monitor post-election outbreaks of
violence and unrest. The project was initiated by the Harvard-educated Kenyan
lawyer Ory Okolloh, who used her blog to document reports of escalating violence
received through her information network. She was very concerned about the
amount of violence that was going undocumented, and when she opened up the
site so people could submit comments about what they were observing and where,
she was quickly inundated with information. Seeing the need for a website where
people could report directly and where their reports could be located on a map,
Okolloh introduced the idea of a so-called mash-up with Google Maps on her
blog. Erik Hersman read the blog post, contacted another Kenyan friend of his,
David Kobia, and they developed what became the early Ushahidi platform and an
important innovation in the evolving field of crisis mapping.

Using the Ushahidi platform, individuals could go online to report what they
had seen and pinpoint the incident on a map. This early version of Ushahidi also
tied SMS to the map, so that Kenyans could text a short code, a four-digit phone
number, with their report. The project relied on both traditional and social media
to spread information about Ushahidi to Kenyans. In addition to Okolloh’s blog,
which had about 70,000 daily hits, the message was distributed through press con-
tacts, particularly local radio stations. A short-code collaboration with Kenyan
telephone company Safaricom also helped publicize the Ushahidi platform.


Behind the Ushahidi concept are important philosophical ideas from the world of
software development, including open source and crowdsourcing. In an open-
source production process, volunteers create the product and can distribute it free
to anyone; users can then modify or change the product to meet their specific
necesidades, and a community emerges to develop and support the product. Openness,
transparencia, colaboración, sharing, and a dynamic decision-making structure are
seen as crucial elements to a successful innovation process. This self-organization
of large and diverse communities of innovators contrasts with the traditional
closed approach, which considers innovation most efficient and successful when it


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Crowdsourcing for Crisis Mapping in Haiti

is protected and tightly managed by a team of experts. Open-source ideas have
been gaining increasing momentum and credibility well beyond the world of soft-
ware development, leading many to concur with Eric Raymond’s assertion that
“the closed-source world cannot win an evolutionary arms race with open-source
communities that can put orders of magnitude and more skilled time into a prob-

Ushahidi is a free and open-source
platform that allows interested
individuals and groups to create
live, interactive maps. El
platform can be used to combine
citizen reporting with mapping
and visualization tools to create a
crisis map—a real-time, dynamic,
multifaceted snapshot of how a
crisis is evolving.

Linked to these advantages of scale, habilidades, and time is “crowdsourcing,” a term
coined by Jeff Howe of Wired magazine in 2006, which illustrates a distributed
problem-solving model where the task of solving a challenge or developing an idea
gets “outsourced” to a
crowd. (It is important to
note that Ushahidi does
not necessarily
crowdsourcing method-
ology—one could use the
tool for more traditional
research methods as well,
yet the emphasis thus far
has been on this particu-
lar approach
to data
gathering.) The crowd-
sourcing approach focus-
es on the time and cost-
related efficiencies of tap-
ping into a larger and
more diverse pool of tal-
ent in a way that alters
the role of passive audi-
ences, recipients, or ben-
eficiaries, and turns them into active participants with greater ownership of the
proceso. For the humanitarian and development sector, Ushahidi is in many ways
a technology-led way of scaling-up existing community-based research methods.
As Internet and mobile access increase, this will have significant implications for
how needs assessments might be conducted in the future. It also indicates an
important shift from scarcity of information toward abundance. De este modo, “crowdfil-
tering” of data, through verification, finding trusted sources, and weighing the
importance of different information, becomes as important as crowdsourcing.

This important shift explains why Ushahidi is developing the Swift River plat-
forma, which is designed to validate information in real time. Swift River allows
users to follow different sources of information, such as Twitter, online news, SMS,
Flickr, etc., to triangulate events being reported and create veracity scores. En otra
palabras, Swift River goes beyond the notion that information is either true or false
and creates probability scores that rate the likelihood that an event being described
in the mainstream and social media has actually taken place.

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Ida Norheim-Hagtun and Patrick Meier

Technical though these concepts may sound, their potential to shift power is
ultimately both human and direct. Capturing good ideas from the people whose
lives and livelihoods may depend on the merit of those ideas obviously makes
sense—the speed and scale at which it can happen now is a game-changer, y esto
provides the backdrop for our discussion of the innovation process behind
Ushahidi in general, and the Ushahidi deployment in Haiti in particular.


The Ushahidi platform is an important product innovation that responded to a
clear demand for better citizen reporting outlets during crisis and non-crisis situ-
ations, as well as reliable and visualized information about how crises evolve, qué
the most urgent needs are, and how humanitarian agencies and others can best

Individuals and groups that deploy Ushahidi platforms often use crowdsourc-
ing to collect crisis information in a manner that amplifies the voices of local citi-
zens in crisis analysis and humanitarian needs assessments. Using both traditional
media, such as TV, radio, and regular phones, and social media tools, such as
Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and mobile phones, citizens become informants, y el
aggregation of all the data submitted can provide a powerful analysis of what their
needs and concerns are. Its mobile-based functionality is especially powerful: con
the proliferation of mobile phone usage internationally—more than 50 por ciento de
the world’s citizens now own or use a mobile phone, and developing countries are
driving that growth—as well as significant increases in access to the Internet, el
barriers to reporting are diminishing in inverse relation to the potential power of
the tool. Since its inception in Kenya, where it had 45,000 users, the Ushahidi plat-
form has been used in over 300 instances all over the globe—by human rights
groups in Democratic Republic of the Congo; election monitors in India,
Afganistán, Sudan, and Mexico; aid professionals in the Philippines and
Colombia; Al Jazeera in Gaza and many more.


The first major use of Ushahidi as a humanitarian needs assessment tool in the
immediate aftermath of a sudden emergency came after the 2010 earthquake in
Haiti. Using the product and process innovations built into the Ushahidi platform,
a group of student volunteers based at the Fletcher School near Boston set up, a crisis-mapping tool specifically for post-earthquake
respuesta. Initially a contained volunteer effort based in the living room of Patrick
Meier, who launched the Haiti platform, the project quickly scaled-up to include
alrededor 1,000 Haitian American translators based all over the U.S. y 300 volun-
teers, including members of the Haitian Diaspora, coordinated out of the Boston
situation room, with satellite teams in Washington, CORRIENTE CONTINUA., Geneva, Londres, Nuevo
york, and Portland. Becoming known for having the most exact GPS coordinates
for incident reports, the student-run project became the go-to location for up-to-


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Crowdsourcing for Crisis Mapping in Haiti

date crisis information post-earthquake for several of the humanitarian respon-
ders in Haiti.

While initially focused on monitoring traditional and social media outlets for
reports, the initiative gained significant momentum upon the creation of a short
código, 4636, which Ushahidi set up in conjunction with the U.S. State Department,
the Emergency Information Service, FrontlineSMS, inSTEDD, Energy for
Opportunity, and the Thomson Reuters Foundation, and distributed through
partnerships with Haitian telephone companies, Digicel and Comcel. This SMS
initiative, called Mission 4636, was spearheaded by Robert Munro, a PhD candi-
date in linguistics at Stanford University.4 The short code allowed Haitians to send
free text messages specifying their needs and location to help guide the humanitar-
ian response on the ground. Significant process innovations followed, drawing on
the principles of crowdsourcing and crowdfiltering, which illustrated the afore-
mentioned shift from a scarcity to an abundance of information: the challenge
does not become lack of data, it becomes making sense of a vast amount of data.
En el momento de escribir, encima 40,000 SMS have come into the sys-


The crisis-mapping process worked as follows: The SMS reports arrived into the
Ushahidi system in Haitian Creole.6 The nationwide U.S. network of translators
recruited and managed by Samasource—a social enterprise that recruits women,
youth, and refugees for IT-oriented jobs—and Crowdflower—an initiative that
connects companies with thousands of workers, 24/7—would translate the mes-
sages immediately, with a lead time of five to ten minutes. If the information con-
tained in the message was not sufficient, translators could use the “reply” function
to get more specific information. The global network of crisis-mapping volunteers,
including members of the Haitian Diaspora, would then use the location informa-
tion in the report to find the exact GPS coordinates. This was a manual, and often
complicado, proceso, due to the lack of reliable maps of Haiti. De hecho, the team
relied heavily on Lonely Planet maps for the first few days post-earthquake.
Sin embargo, software programmers working on open-source mapping tools, como
Hypercube and Open Street Maps, quickly enhanced the maps to the point where
these tools were literally improving by the hour. Google Earth also released a
“KML” with post-earthquake imagery of Haiti, which meant that mappers could
zoom down to street level to get a sense of the level of destruction in any given
área, and to verify information coming from alleged camps for internally displaced
persons (IDP)—the images allowed users to count the number of IDP shelters in
the area to get an idea whether the self-reported number of individuals at each
location seemed correct.

Once the GPS coordinates had been found, the crisis mappers would create a
report on Ushahidi. The report contained a title to alert the humanitarian respon-
ders to the incident, specifying factors such as urgency or size of population; el

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Ida Norheim-Hagtun and Patrick Meier

original text message and its translation; the GPS coordinates and location details;
categories such as medical emergency, alimento, agua, collapsed structure, dead bod-
ies management, etcétera; approve and verify functionality; y, for accountabil-
ity purposes, information about the person creating the report, as well as 5-by-5
indicators as an attempt to estimate the trustworthiness of the information and/or
the source. En tono rimbombante, the report would indicate whether or not the information
was actionable, eso es, whether a humanitarian responders could act based on the
available data in the SMS.

This model of distributed,
web-based humanitarian
acción, where most of the
voluntary translators, crisis
mappers, and open-source
developers had never met each
otro, seems to have worked
well in these two instances, y
could offer an interesting
model for future deployments.

The reports would then be
published on the map at, and also
submitted to humanitarian
agencies via RSS-feed. If the
information contained in the
SMS was particularly urgent—
Por ejemplo, related to people
trapped beneath the rubble or
severe medical emergencies—
the Boston situation room
established direct phone lines
to certain responders in Haiti
to act on the information as it
came in. The agencies using the
Haiti Ushahidi crisis map
Red Cross,
Management Agency, A NOSOTROS.
Agency for International Development, Office for Foreign Disaster Assistance, A NOSOTROS.
Marine Corps, A NOSOTROS. Coast Guard, SOUTHCOM, UN Development Programme,
World Food Programme, International Medical Corps, Appropriate Infrastructure
Development Group, and numerous other nongovernmental organizations.

the U.S.


In addition to the technology-related innovations and developments, several inter-
esting approaches to “virtual volunteer” management were developed in parallel.
The volunteer teams relied heavily on Wikis, Skype group chats, and shared Google
documents to give people access to information about the rapidly changing proj-
ect and its constantly developing technology tools. The Wiki was used as a shared
documento, which all volunteers would sign into once they started the day to have
access to volunteer guides and updates. The Skype chats were used for discussions
on process—for instance, in attempting to find particularly difficult locations.
Experienced mappers who had become very apt at finding Haitian neighborhoods


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Crowdsourcing for Crisis Mapping in Haiti

and streets would offer advice to newer volunteers on how to use the mapping
herramientas, how to change the spelling of addresses to yield more results, and so on.
Shared Google documents were utilized to build open-access databases of impor-
tant locations, such as IDP camps, escuelas, churches, orphanages, and other
addresses that were coming up regularly, so that volunteers did not duplicate
efforts. The shared technologies, in particular Skype, became important ways of
connecting volunteers who had never met each other and were not physically in
the same place, and facilitated some sense of team-building within the dispersed
network of volunteer mappers. Twitter was used actively by the crisis-mapping
equipo, not just for monitoring Haiti-related tweets, but also to ask questions relat-
ed to locations in Haiti. An example of this was an incident where a person was
trapped beneath a shop in Port-au-Prince: people on Twitter helped the team find
that the supermarket was close to a hotel, and even shared contact details for a per-
son in Brooklyn who had previously worked at the hotel and could confirm its
exact location. This model of distributed, web-based humanitarian action, dónde
most of the voluntary translators, crisis mappers, and open-source developers had
never met each other, seems to have worked well in these two instances, and could
offer an interesting model for future deployments. Strategic partnerships with
humanitarian and development agencies, as well as diaspora organizations, son
also being cultivated to ensure the scaleability, replicability, and sustainability of
the Ushahidi Haiti model.


There are of course a number of risks, as well as wider ethics and accountability
preguntas, related to using SMS or other social media tools to crowdsource
humanitarian needs assessments. The most fundamental is the potential risk of
raising expectations. Could access to a short code, with an implied or perceived
promise of help, do more harm than good? Haitians were being asked to text needs
and location into 4636, yet the short code was set up without any formal guaran-
tee of action by any local responder. Closer partnerships with the humanitarian
responders on the ground is an obvious way to address this. Best practice guide-
lines in terms of how NGOs use SMS both to disseminate information and gather
data do exist, and they need to be implemented and expanded. Verification of
information is another major challenge, although it is important to emphasize that
any attempt to improve “ground truth” exists as part of a much larger information-
al ecosystem from which local populations and responders draw data and make
decisiones. Still, improving the many manual and technical ways that data verifica-
tion can be tightened is obviously a major area to focus on going forward.
Managing a distributed network of volunteers, who in many cases have never met
entre sí, involved its own sets of risks and challenges, especially in terms of deal-
ing with sensitive SMS reports. Getting such direct access to painful and difficult
information requires very good HR guidelines. The medium also potentially leaves
significant responsibility for managing valuable and sensitive data in the hands of

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Ida Norheim-Hagtun and Patrick Meier

volunteers. This of course happens against a larger backdrop of accountability
issues related to volunteers who are not physically present in the country and who
are not bound by the sector’s existing codes of conduct, which certainly requires
more attention.

One cannot refer to risks without considering the issue of access to mobile
phones, and the risk that a technology-based tool can exclude the most vulnerable
poblaciones. In Haiti, we noticed that people were using the same phone to report
different incidents—phones were obviously being shared among several people
within neighborhoods and camps. In any given context, it is certainly of para-
mount importance to control for mobile phone usage stats, connectivity issues,
and the more basic challenge of battery life during times of crisis in order to ensure
that the response does not favor those with access to technology. It is, sin embargo,
important to acknowledge that this kind of tool complements, rather than
replaces, agencies’ own needs assessment tools.


The 40,000-plus SMS messages received thus far are not merely cries for help—
they also contain advice about how to distribute aid more effectively; contact
details for local volunteer groups who want help their fellow citizens, such as
groups of psychiatrists offering free psychosocial help; and input for the long-term
reconstruction effort. As needs assessments indicators offering insights into the
local population, the tool can potentially answer some of the pressing questions
around how the sector can involve local voices in all phases of the relief and devel-
opment effort.

Part of the power of Ushahidi is its independence—there is no vested interest
in “siloeing” information. The opportunity for coordination and collaboration on
a neutral platform that exists to get information that is as accurate as possible,
rather than getting sufficient information in order to achieve specific program-
matic goals, is significant. On a related note, interesting functionalities for the sec-
tor as a whole include an “alert” function, which allows agencies to structure the
information feed depending on the kind of data they need, either by topic or by
región. Como consecuencia, UNHCR could sign up for alerts pertaining to shelter only,
UNICEF could be alerted only in child protection cases, a local NGO operating in
one specific region could sign up for regional data, etcétera. This degree of cus-
tomization is one of Ushahidi’s most significant innovations, because it allows for
a demand-driven situational awareness in near real time. Another important fea-
ture is “action taken,” which is intended to prevent overlap of activities by agencies
tagging a specific region or incident report they are already handling.

Por último, Ushahidi attempts to provide a common language for beneficiary
populations and the humanitarian agencies tasked with responding to their needs.
By efficiently aggregating qualitative data or stories told by local citizens, Ushahidi
can quickly create the quantitative data needed by responders—from stories to
spreadsheets—sometimes in a matter of hours. That is not to say that the informa-


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Crowdsourcing for Crisis Mapping in Haiti

tion is necessarily statistically representative, but that Ushahidi can have an impor-
tant role in empowering local communities and amplifying their voices in the relief
and development process. And if agencies want to use the Ushahidi tool for more
conventional statistical methods using the web or mobile phones, they can certain-
ly do that as well. As access to mobile phones and Internet technology grows across
the developing world, we believe humanitarian work is becoming more of a con-
versation and that local citizens will expect to be a part of that conversation. Nosotros
hope Ushahidi, and the Haiti case in particular, can be a game-changer that enables
local populations to use everyday technology to take greater control of the report-
ing and analysis of what affects them. We certainly believe it is an important indi-
cator of the type of open innovation approaches and processes that humanitarian
and development agencies will need to embrace in order to solve problems faster,
more creatively, and more collaboratively.

1. See
2. See
3. See
4. See
5. Acerca de 5 percent of these text messages were mapped. Fletcher School volunteers triaged incom-

ing text messages and mapped the most urgent life-and-death messages.

6. Initially, the text messages arrived to, a new platform built from scratch by the
Ushahidi team to crowdsource the translation of the text messages. Once translated, el original
message and translation would appear on the back end of the Ushahidi platform. The translation
process was later relocated to Haiti, where a Crowdflower platform was used by Haitians to trans-
late the text messages and derive a source of income in the process.

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